社区首页 >专栏 >原创译文 | 区块链技术将引入游戏中!期待吗?

原创译文 | 区块链技术将引入游戏中!期待吗?

发布2018-04-03 15:27:07
发布2018-04-03 15:27:07


在以往游戏过程中,购买游戏内物品的概念已经存在了足够长的时间,游戏玩家经常使用这个功能。 但是,只要你有机会用真钱购买实际物品,骗子,欺诈和物品复制商的大门就会被打开。 但区块链技术提供了一个很好的方法来证明物品所有权,并提供了一个交易透明,记录和验证的强大环境。

上周,由游戏和虚拟货币行业资深人士Jared Psigoda领导的区块链游戏平台BitGuild,宣布与Tron建立新的合作伙伴关系,旨在构建一个全球免费内容娱乐系统。

从合作伙伴关系中我们将看到BitGuild为Tron社区提供了一套独特的限量版游戏内资产,它将代表Tron品牌和相关的TRX令牌。 这些资产可以使用TRX购买,但该公司表示可能会在稍后的比特币虚拟物品交换中使用这些资产。

BitGuild首席执行官Jared Psigoda告诉我:“区块链和智能合同技术允许玩家拥有自己的物品。”“游戏开发者的服务器上不是将某个项目标记为‘属于’某个玩家,而是将该项目通过区块链发送到该玩家的数字钱包。玩家将拥有该游戏,并且可以随意使用它,无论是将其出售、交易还是导入到另一个游戏中。此外,智能合同是开源的,允许玩家验证物品丢弃率等内容。"





Psigoda说:“传统的真实货币交易( RMT )网站参与电子游戏货币、物品和力量均衡服务的销售。”“在这些网站上出售的任何物品在区块链上都没有标记,买方或卖方在任何时候都不会实际拥有这些物品。作为交换,玩家拥有购买“使用物品的权利”,但须遵守游戏服务条款和最终用户许可协议的开发者。"



BitGuild创始人Jared Psigoda于1999年开始买卖游戏产品,并且是RMT行业的先驱。

Psigoda说:“像DMarket和WAX这样的区块链虚拟物品交换解决方案是一家很棒的公司,它允许跨游戏交易一些顶级游戏的物品。”“他们主要致力于与现有游戏开发商合作,允许其产品的权利通过区块链以无摩擦的方式传输。不幸的是,大部分被转移的资产都不是区块链资产。 BitGuild认为区块链游戏将是一种全新的游戏类别,游戏角色和物品本身被标记并存在于玩家的数字钱包中。“





BitGuild and Tron partner to bring blockchain technology to in-game item ownership

The concept of buying in-game items has been around for long enough for it to be ubiquitous to gamers. But any time you open up the opportunity to purchase objects with real money, you also open up the door to scammers, fraud, and item duplicators. But blockchain technology offers a great way to prove item ownership and provide a robust environment where transactions are transparent, recorded, and verified.

BitGuild — a blockchain gaming platform led by gaming and virtual currency industry veteran Jared Psigoda — announced in the last week a new partnership with Tron, a blockchain-based protocol that aims to construct a worldwide free content entertainment system.

The partnership will see BitGuild provide a unique set of limited-edition in-game assets for the Tron community, which will represent the Tron brand and the associated TRX token. These assets will be purchasable using TRX, although the company is stating that it may make them available later on the BitGuild virtual item exchange.

“Blockchain and smart contract technology allows for gamers to own their items,” Jared Psigoda, CEO at BitGuild, told me. “Instead of an item being flagged on a game developer’s server as ‘belonging to’ a certain player, that item will be sent to that player’s digital wallet over the blockchain. The gamer will own it and be free to do with it whatever she or he pleases, whether that be to sell, trade, or import it into another game. In addition, smart contracts are open source and allow for player verification of things like item drop rates.”

Plainly put, before BitGuild, an epic sword was just an intangible piece of data on a private server. Through blockchain technology and the exchange, that weapon belongs to the gamer in the form of a token on the blockchain. They own it, can keep it, trade it, and do whatever they like with it. The choice is theirs.

The system aims to remove the restrictions on what players can and can’t do with virtual items.

So how does this differ from traditional exchanges like G2G and other blockchain solutions like DMarket?

“Traditional real money trade (RMT) websites engage in the sale of video game currencies, items, and power leveling services,” Psigoda said. “None of the items sold on these websites are tokenized on the blockchain, nor does the buyer or seller at any point in time actually ‘own’ the items. In exchange for their money, gamers are purchasing the ‘right to use an item’ subject to the developer of the game’s Terms of Service and End User License Agreement.”

That makes in-game items a volatile resource at present, according to Psigoda.

“At any point in time, the game developer could ban the user’s account, and they would lose all of the game items they owned,” Psigoda said. “This happens all of the time, especially in games where developers have specifically stated it is against the ToS to engage in the trade of in-game items for cold hard cash. In addition, these platforms are subject to rampant fraud, with players getting scammed by shady sellers and sellers getting scammed by fraudulent buyers.”

BitGuild founder Jared Psigoda started buying and selling game items in 1999 and was a pioneer in the RMT industry.

“Blockchain virtual item exchange solutions like DMarket and WAX are great companies which allow for the cross-game trading of items from some of the top games out there,” Psigoda said. “They primarily focus on working with existing game developers to allow for the rights to their items to be transferred in a frictionless manner over the blockchain. Unfortunately, most of the assets being transferred are not blockchain assets.

BitGuild believes that blockchain games will be an entirely new class of games where the game characters and items themselves are tokenized and exist within the players’ digital wallets.”

BitGuild recently announced its upcoming ICO, which starts at 7 p.m. Pacific on March 15, during which users will be able to purchase tokens to be used on the BitGuild platform. The BitGuild token is called PLAT, of which 10 billion total tokens will be created.

So what’s next for BitGuild and Tron?

“We have been following the Tron project for quite a while and realize that they have one of the most active, engaging communities in this industry,”

Psigoda said. “We believe that in the current market environment, the era of ‘white papers and grand visions’ may be coming to an end, and the time has come to develop real applications on top of this amazing technology for end-users to interact with. Gamers have always been on the forefront of picking up new technologies, and a truly fun game, if it is able to educate new users on blockchain and cryptocurrencies, could be beneficial for the whole industry. The Tron community is young and tech-savvy, making them perfect partners for us to cooperate with on gaming projects.”


本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2018-03-14,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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腾讯云区块链服务平台 TBaaS
腾讯云区块链服务平台(Tencent Blockchain as a Service,简称TBaaS)致力于打造全球领先的企业级区块链技术平台,帮助客户、开发者及合作伙伴轻松创建和管理可托管、可扩展的区块链网络,助力产业协同发展。TBaaS 支持长安链·ChainMaker、Hyperledger Fabric等区块链底层平台,简化部署、运维及开发流程,实现业务快速上链,提升链上治理效率。
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