社区首页 >专栏 >大数据有助于预防自杀


发布2018-04-19 13:46:25
发布2018-04-19 13:46:25

作者:Gil Allouche

翻译:coco 校对:孙强

关键词:大数据 自杀


大数据不只是帮助我们寻找更有效的营销和广告方式 它也使这个世界变得更加美好。

Big data isn't just about finding more effective ways to market and advertise it's

also about making the world a better place.

医疗保健行业是受到大数据影响最大的行业之一。 在世界各地,医院和医疗保健设施的改善都有很好的大数据应用成果。然而,有这样一个领域,对医疗保健行业以及其他行业来说,都十分困难,那就是是预防自杀。

One of the industries in which big data is having its greatest impact is health care. So many improvements are being made with better results in hospitals and healthcare facilities across the world. One area,however, that continues to prove extremely difficult for the healthcare industry, and other industries, is suicide prevention.

积极的一面是,提供Hadoop和其他大数据应用程序在云端的服务,对任何规模的任何企业,都是现成的。 大数据不再需要大资金。

The positive side is that services that offer Hadoop in the cloud and other big data applications in the cloud,are readily available for any business and any size. Big data no longer requires big money.


Because of the complicated and sensitive nature of suicide, it's been extremely difficult to successfully discover and prevent it without people specifically revealing that they're contemplating suicide.

当然,也有警示信号和症状让人们有迹可循,但远远不足以下结论。 如果有一个方法,可以成功地不断准确预测患者的自杀倾向,那将会怎样? 毋庸置疑, 这是天大的好事。

Sure, there are warning signs and symptoms that people can look for, but they are far from definitive.What if there were a successful way to constantly and accurately predict patients with suicidal intentions? An untold amount of good could come from that.

数据分析人员,医疗保健专业人士和来自全国各地的科学家们正在寻求做到这一点,而大数据可以使这一切成为可能。 目前还没有真正的科学来预防自杀。

Data analysts, health care professionals and scientists from across the country are seeking to do this, and big data is making it all possible. Currently there is no real science to suicide prevention.


It's hard to combat such a devastating problem without something definitive to identify, beyond mere outside observation, who is really at risk and who just happens to have some of the common symptoms.This type of information would be invaluable to not only health care professionals, but also schools and families among other entities.

人们正在做什么?人口统计数字表明,退伍军人中被自杀夺去生命的人数最多。 据最近的一项研究,每天有22名退伍军人自杀——几乎是每小时一位。 这真是令人难以置信的悲剧! 轻生的人当中,44%的人在轻生之前去看过他们的医生。 正因如此,退伍军人是 Durkheim 项目的重点关注对象,在无可挽回之前,已经有很多工作旨在努力从看医生和社交媒体信息中来查找蛛丝马迹,发现自杀倾向。

What is being done? One of the demographics that is most ravaged by suicide is military veterans. According to a recent study,22 veterans commit suicide every day almost

one an hour. What an incredible tragedy! Of those who do commit suicide, 44 percent percent see their physician before committing the act. Because of that, military veterans are the focus demographic for the Durkheim Project, an effort looking to use information from both doctors visits and social media to find clues that indicate the potential of suicide before it's too late.

这套系统不只是去看孤立的关键字,要比这复杂得多。 自杀通常不是源于单单一件事。 因此,该项目希望能找到可以指向问题的有内在联系的谈话,而不仅仅是单词和短语。 大数据汇集了所有的医生和社交媒体的数据,然后从中挖掘信息,得出明确的结果。

The system isn't just looking for isolated keywords, it's much more complicated than that. Suicide generally isn't the cause of just one thing. So, the project is hoping to find interlinked dialog, beyond just words and phrases, that can pinpoint the problem. Big data brings together all of this data from doctors and socialmedia and then makes sense of it to produce the definitive results.

该项目的重要性不言而喻。因为这不仅是关于寻找防止自杀的办法,同时研究的结果可能从根本上改变我们做事的方式。它不仅干预自杀,同时将寻找导致自杀的原因摆在首位——无论是在部队,学校, 还是在家里。

The importance of the project cannot be overstated. Not only is this about finding ways to prevent suicide,but the findings could fundamentally change the way we do things. It's about not only intervening before suicide is committed, but it's also about preventing the contributors to suicide in the first place whether that's in the military, in school or at home.

有了大数据的帮助,这些研究结果就有了无穷无尽的可能性。显而易见,它的影响不仅减少了退伍军人的自杀,同时也制止了青少年自杀上涨的浪潮。 该研究带来的好处及社会效益是不言而喻的。

The possibility of these findings are endless with the help of big data. It's easy to see how this holds implications for not only reducing military veteran suicides, but also for stemming the tide of rising teen suicides. The benefits of the findings and potential outcomes are endless.

有哪些其它影响?大数据正在改变世 界。 对自杀的影响就是一个例子。 随着医疗保健的诸多好处,大数据也在很多其他行业产生作用。它以不同的方式提高了我们的生活质量。了解大数据的重要性至关重要,也可以您的企业创造很多。 无论是挽救生命,减少伤害,减少开支或研发新产品,对于每一个市场它都有用武之地。

What other implications are there?Big data is changing the world. Its impact on suicides is just one example. Along with the numerous benefits for healthcare, big data is also making a difference in many other sectors. It's improving our quality of life in so many different ways. It's important to know that big data is important and can make a difference for your business too. Whether it's saving lives, reducing injuries, reducing expenses or creating new products, there's an application for every market

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2014-06-22,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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