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发布2018-07-25 10:43:43
发布2018-07-25 10:43:43


一 官方介绍

Plug and Play Generative Networks

This repository contains source code necessary to reproduce some of the main results in the paper:

Nguyen A, Yosinski J, Bengio Y, Dosovitskiy A, Clune J. (2016). "Plug & Play Generative Networks: Conditional Iterative Generation of Images in Latent Space". arXiv:1612.00005v1.

If you use this software in an academic article, please consider citing:

  title={Plug & Play Generative Networks: Conditional Iterative Generation of Images in Latent Space},
  author={Nguyen, Anh and Yosinski, Jason and Bengio, Yoshua and Dosovitskiy, Alexey and Clune, Jeff},
  journal={arXiv preprint 1612.00005},

For more information regarding the paper, please visit www.evolvingai.org/ppgn

1. Setup

Installing software

This code is built on top of Caffe. You'll need to install the following:

  • Install Caffe; follow the official installation instructions.
  • Build the Python bindings for Caffe
    • If you want to try example 5 (image captioning) You would need instead to use the recurrent branch of the Caffe provided here
  • You can optionally build Caffe with the GPU option to make it run faster (recommended)
  • Make sure the path to your caffe/python folder in settings.py is correct
  • Install ImageMagick command-line interface on your system.

Downloading models

You will need to download a few models to run the examples below. There are download.sh scripts provided for your convenience.


  • Paths to the downloaded models are in settings.py. They are relative and should work if the download.sh scripts run correctly.

2. Usage

The main sampling algorithm is in sampler.py. We provide two Python scripts for sampling conditioned on classes and sampling conditioned on captions to which you can pass various command-line arguments to run different experiments. The basic idea is to sample from the joint model p(x,y) which decomposes into a prior p(x) model (given by the G and E) and a condition p(y|x) model. Here, we provide the pre-trained networks for the Noiseless Joint PPGN-h model (Sec 3.5 in the paper). We show examples conditioning on classes, hidden neurons, and captions by using different condition networks.


We provide here 5 different examples as a starting point. Feel free to fork away to produce even cooler results!

1_class_conditional_sampling.sh: Sampling conditioning on the class "junco" (output unit #13 of the CaffeNet DNNtrained on ImageNet dataset). This script produces a sampling chain for a single given class.

  • Running ./1_class_conditional_sampling.sh 13 produces this result:

A sampling chain conditioning on class "junco" starting from a random code (top left)

2_class_conditional_sampling_many.sh: We can also run a long sampling chain between different classes.

  • Running ./2_class_conditional_sampling_many.sh <epsilon1> with different epsilon1 (multiplier for the image prior component) produces a chain with different styles of samples:

1e-5 1e-3 1e-1


More abstract style

Ignoring class gradient

以上三张图片应该是动图,微信5M图片大小限制,可以阅读原文https://github.com/Evolving-AI-Lab/ppgn/查看,或访问 http://weibo.com/3164120327/ElSXbfVHK

3_hidden_conditional_sampling.sh: Instead of conditioning on a class, it is possible to condition on a hidden neuron i.e. performing Multifaceted Feature Visualization or synthesizing a set of inputs that highly activate a given neuron to understand what features it has learned to detect.

  • Running ./3_hidden_conditional_sampling.sh 196 produces a set of images for a conv5 neuron #196 previously identified as a "face detector" in DeepVis toolbox:

30 samples generated by conditioning on a "face detector" conv5 neuron. It is interesting that the face detector neuron even fires for things that do not look like a face at all (e.g. the yellow house in the center)

Running the above longer could can produce many other types of faces.

4_hidden_conditional_sampling_placesCNN.sh: One can repeat the example above but with an arbitrary neuron in a different condition network. Here, we visualize the conv5 neuron #182 in the AlexNet DNN trained on MIT Places205dataset. This neuron has been previously identified as a "food detector" in Zhou et al [2].

  • Running ./4_hidden_conditional_sampling_placesCNN.sh 182 produces this result:

30 random samples that highly activate a "food detector" conv5 neuron.

5_caption_conditional_sampling.sh: We can also replace the image classifier network in previous examples with a pre-trained image captioning network to form a text-to-image model without even re-training anything. The image captioning model in this example is the LRCN model in Donahue et al (2015) [1].

  • You would need to use the recurrent branch of the Caffe provided here and update the path to Caffe accordingly in settings.py
  • The list of words supported are here
  • Running ./5_caption_conditional_sampling.sh a_church_steeple_that_has_a_clock_on_it produces this result:

Note that we often obtain mixed results with this particular text-to-image model. For some words, it works pretty well, but for others it struggles to produce reasonable images. While the language space in this model still needs further exploration, as a starting point, here are some sentences that produce reasonable images.

Using your own condition models

  • If using your own condition network, you should search for the parameters that produces the best images for your model (epsilon1, epsilon2, epsilon3 or learning rates). One simple way to do this is sweeping across different parameters.
  • Note that this script should work with Tensorflow models as well because they all talk Python

3. Ideas

Here are a few (crazy?) ideas that one could play with PPGNs:

  1. One can generate objects in a specific region of the image, similar to Learning What and Where to Draw Reed et al. (2016), by conditioning on a region of the last heatmap of a fully convolutional classification network or a semantic segmentation network.
  2. Plugin a better image captioning model e.g. the Show and Tell
  3. Synthesize a Music Video by sampling images conditioned on lyrics.

4. Licenses

Note that the code in this repository is licensed under MIT License, but, the pre-trained condition models used by the code have their own licenses. Please carefully check them before use.

5. Questions?

If you have questions/suggestions, please feel free to email, tweet to @anh_ng8 or create github issues.


[1] Donahue et al. "Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition and Description". CVPR 2015

[2] Zhou B, Khosla A, Lapedriza A, Oliva A, Torralba A. "Object detectors emerge in deep scene cnns". ICLR 2015.

二 代码:


class Sampler(object): 核心类

def get_code(self, encoder, path, layer):


Push the given image through an encoder (here, AlexNet) to get a code. 图片通过神经网络编码为特征隐变量


# set up the inputs for the net: 读入图片并处理

# initialize the encoder 编码网络初始化

# extract the features 前向计算获取计算后特征

def backward_from_x_to_h(self, generator, diff, start, end):


Backpropagate the gradient from the image (start) back to the latent space (end) of the generator network. 生成网络将隐变量输出为图片,这里进行图片到隐变量的BP计算



def h_autoencoder_grad(self, h, encoder, decoder, gen_out_layer, topleft):


Compute the gradient of the energy of P(input) wrt input, which is given by decode(encode(input))-input {see Alain & Bengio, 2014}.自编码网络隐变量误差计算

Specifically, we compute E(G(h)) - h.

Note: this is an "upside down" auto-encoder for h that goes h -> x -> h with G modeling h -> x and E modeling x -> h.





PPGN关键是根据condition网络来生成相应图片,下面是condition网络处理相关代码in sampling_class.py 神经网络中图片的前向计算和BP计算。



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原始发表:2016-12-13,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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0 条评论
  • Plug and Play Generative Networks
  • 1. Setup
    • Installing software
      • Downloading models
      • 2. Usage
        • Examples
          • Using your own condition models
          • 3. Ideas
          • 4. Licenses
          • 5. Questions?
          • References
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