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如何在Linux上安装SHOUTcast DNAS服务器

发布2018-09-20 10:48:04
发布2018-09-20 10:48:04

SHOUTcast是专为通过互联网传输流媒体而设计的软件。SHOUTcast系统使用经典的客户端 - 服务器配置。您可以在服务器上安装SHOUTcast,并使用它向连接到服务器的客户端广播音乐流。Shoutcast媒体服务器可以从大量磁盘空间中受益,因此请考虑使用我们的Block Storage服务进行此设置。



SHOUTcast DNAS(分布式网络音频服务器)软件是该软件的服务器版本,允许您向听众广播。要使用SHOUTcast,您需要在Linode上下载并安装SHOUTcast DNAS。



  1. 创建用于运行SHOUTcast的用户,因此您不以root身份运行它。输入以下命令: adduser shoutcast
  2. 输入以下命令切换到新用户的主目录: cd /home/shoutcast
  3. 为SHOUTcast创建一个目录: mkdir sc
  4. 现在我们可以下载DNAS包。在这个例子中,我们将下载32位版本: wget http://download.nullsoft.com/shoutcast/tools/sc_serv2_linux_07_31_2011.tar.gz
  5. 通过输入以下命令将SHOUTcast文件解压缩到新目录: tar -xzf sc_serv2_linux_07_31_2011.tar.gz -C sc
  6. 将所有权更改为rootSHOUTcast用户: chown -R shoutcast.shoutcast /home/shoutcast/sc

SHOUTcast DNAS软件现已安装在您的Linode上。



  1. 打开SHOUTcast配置文件: nano sc/sc_serv_basic.conf
  2. 这将打开配置文件进行编辑,如下所示。 /home/shoutcast/sc/sc_serv_basic.conf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ; NOTE: for any relative paths specified are relative to ; sc_serv and not to where the conf file is being stored ; here we will setup where the log and other related files ; will be stored. make sure that these folders exist else ; sc_serv will throw an error and will close itself down. ; we will make the logs save to the sc_serv2 directory logfile=logs/sc_serv.log w3clog=logs/sc_w3c.log banfile=control/sc_serv.ban ripfile=control/sc_serv.rip ; for testing we will make the server only work locally ; (i.e. localhost / though if this is left out ; or set to publicserver=always then we attempt to make a ; connection to the YP for listing - do not forget to add ; in a 'streamauthhash' value for any public streams made ;publicserver=never ; if you're wanting to use a different port to use for any ; connections then you can use this option e.g. to use 80 ; otherwise port 8000 is used as the default to listen on. ;portbase=80 ; password used by sc_trans or the Winamp dsp plug-in ; NOTE: remember to change this to something else password=testing ; password used for accessing the administation pages ; NOTE: remember to change this to something else adminpassword=changeme ; now we will specify the details of the stream we're going ; to serve which can be done as follows streamid=1 streampath=/test.aac ; or ; it can be done like this which is how it needs to be done ; if you are going to provide multiple streams from sc_serv ;streamid_1=1 ;streampath_1=/test.aac ;streamid_2=2 ;streampath_2=/test2.aac
  3. passwordadminpassword变量设置为您想要的任何值。
  4. portbase变量应设置为使用您不使用的端口。SHOUTcast的默认端口是8000。 注意如果将portbase变量设置为8000以外的任何值,请务必通过删除变量前面的分号来取消注释。
  5. 按Control-X,然后按Y,将更改保存到SHOUTcast配置文件。




  1. 你想在屏幕会话中运行你的shoutcast 。让我们输入以下命令跳转到屏幕会话: screen
  2. 输入以下命令启动SHOUTcast服务器: ./sc_serv sc_serv_simple.conf
  3. 发出start命令后,您应该看到以以下结尾的启动输出: 2011-11-02 14:50:03 I msg:[MICROSERVER] Listening for connection on port 8000 2011-11-02 14:50:03 I msg:[MICROSERVER] Listening for connection on port 8001
  4. 此时您可以从屏幕会话中分离。为此,请按住Control键并按A,放开,然后按D.
  5. 您应该在屏幕会话之外的命令提示符处返回。如果您需要稍后重新连接,只需键入: screen -raAd


SHOUTcast Transcoder

SHOUTcast Transcoder允许您安排DJ播放时间,在特定时段播放自动播放列表,为中继广播安排时隙等。

注意要以MP3格式对流进行编码,您必须 从WinAmp购买许可证密钥,费用为5美元

下载并安装SHOUTcast Transcoder


  1. 输入以下命令更改目录: cd /home/shoutcast
  2. 通过输入以下命令为代码转换器创建新目录: mkdir sct
  3. 输入以下命令下载SHOUTcast转码器归档: wget http://download.nullsoft.com/shoutcast/tools/sc_trans_linux_10_07_2011.tar.gz
  4. 输入以下命令提取SHOUTcast转码器文件: tar -xzf sc_trans_linux_10_07_2011.tar.gz -C sct
  5. 将所有权更改root为SHOUTcast用户: chown -R shoutcast.shoutcast /home/shoutcast/sct
  6. 输入以下命令更改目录: cd sct
  7. 输入以下命令更改权限: chmod a+x sc_trans




  1. 输入以下命令打开配置文件: nano /home/shoutcast/sct/sc_trans_basic.conf
  2. 您可以修改比特率以更改音乐的音质并限制消耗的带宽量。如果您购买MP3许可,您可以修改编码器部分以添加MP3编码和解锁数据: /home/shoutcast/sct/sc_trans_basic.conf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ; for testing we will only setup a single encoder though it ; is easy to add in additional encoder configurations and ; we are using an aac plus encoder as the default due to ; the licensing requirements for mp3 encoding as detailed ; in sc_trans.txt - section 2.5). encoder_1=aacp encoder_2=mp3 bitrate_1=56000 bitrate_2=56000 unlockkeyname=YourUnlockName unlockkeycode=YourUnlockCode
  3. 接下来,将sc_trans修改为sc_serv连接详细信息: /home/shoutcast/sct/sc_trans_basic.conf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ; this is where we define the details required for sc_trans ; to connect to the sc_serv instance being used where the ; details must match those specified in sc_serv_basic.conf outprotocol_1=3 serverip_1= ; default is 8000, if not change to sc_serv's 'portbase' serverport_1=8000 ; this is the same as 'password' in sc_serv_basic.conf password_1=testing ; this is the same as 'streamid' in sc_serv_basic.conf for ; the stream we are acting as the source for streamid_1=1 ; this is a name for the source we're creating and is used ; with the AJAX control api or can be left blank to get a ; generic name created in the form of 'endpointX' where 'X' ; is the index of the created source from sc_trans lists. endpointname_1=/Bob
  4. 此步骤是可选的,但您也可以更新流信息: /home/shoutcast/sct/sc_trans_basic.conf1 2 3 4 5 6 ; here you would provide any information to fill in details ; provided to clients about the stream. it us up to you what ; is entered though do not do anything which will annoy, etc streamtitle=My Test Server streamurl=http://www.shoutcast.com genre=Misc
  5. 为自动流设置播放列表文件: /home/shoutcast/sct/sc_trans_basic.conf1 2 3 ; here we specify a playlist to use as the master list from ; which to play files from. playlistfile=playlists/main.lst
  6. 现在设置代码转换器管理面板访问的端口,用户名和密码: /home/shoutcast/sct/sc_trans_basic.conf1 2 3 4 5 6 ; these options will allow you access the admin interfaces ; of sc_trans though also allows the 'testui' example to be ; accessed. remember to change the password, etc as needed adminport=7999 adminuser=admin adminpassword=goaway
  7. 按Control-X,然后按Y,将更改保存到SHOUTcast配置文件。
  8. 如果您使用的是自动播放列表,请将音乐文件上传到/home/shoutcast/sct/music目录。
  9. 如果您使用的是自动播放列表,则还需要创建播放列表文件。这是一个例子: /home/shoutcast/sct/playlists/playlist.lst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 # This example playlist is used as the main playlist sc_trans will use to pick # out the files it will use to create its output for the source we generate. # # Also remember to use the correct path format for the OS you are using and to # ensure that the files you want to play are present in the location you choose # e.g. ../music/shoutcast.mp3 # # In this example we will just assume that all of the files associated to the # playlist are in one folder and all have an mp3 extension though there is no # reason why you cannot explicitly specify files to use or to reference a tool. # See sc_trans.txt - section 7.1 for more information on how playlists work. # Remember to change this to reference the files you want to use when trying # the sc_trans_playlist.conf example which is best tried with full length files

启动SHOUTcast Transcoder


./sc_trans daemon ./sc_trans_basic.conf


sc_trans going daemon with PID [XXXX]


kill -15 PID


SHOUTcast的Source DSP插件是为与WinAmp 5.5及更高版本一起使用而开发的。此插件使您能够使用WinAmp作为sc_serv(DNAS)或sc_trans(Transcoder)的源。它还允许您从声卡及其输入或麦克风输入中捕获音频输入。在使用DSP WinAmp插件之前,您需要自己安装DNAS,或者将Transcoder输入到DNAS安装中。DSP插件的下载位于广播工具页面的底部附近。

安装和配置说明位于WinAmp wiki中



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  • SHOUTcast DNAS软件
    • 下载并安装SHOUTcast
      • 配置SHOUTcast
        • 启动SHOUTcast
        • SHOUTcast Transcoder
          • 下载并安装SHOUTcast Transcoder
            • 配置SHOUTcast代码转换器
              • 启动SHOUTcast Transcoder
              • SHOUTcast源DSP
              • 更多信息
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