社区首页 >专栏 >MeanShift算法C++解析(四)


发布2019-01-29 09:59:07
发布2019-01-29 09:59:07

之前的MeanShift算法只是一个大致的算法,没有任何附加的功能哦。现在还是从程序本身理解算法吧,等真的理解透了理论在来扯一下整个MeanShift 的无参概率算法的思想吧。


m_wei[i * t_w + j] = 1 - dist / h;//Epanechnikov核函数

                m_wei[i * t_w + j] = exp(- dist / h/2);//Gaussian核函数

                m_wei[i * t_w + j] = 1- sqrt(dist / bandNorm);//uniform核函数




    int num = 0, i = 0, j = 0;

    int num_adj_smlr = 0,num_adj_bg = 0;

    double normCofKeep= 0.0,normCofSml = 0.0,normCofBg = 0.0;

    double bandNorm = 0.0,bandSml = 0.0,bandBg = 0.0;

    double dist = 0.0;

    double Bhattacharyya1 = 0,Bhattacharyya2 = 0,Bhattacharyya3 = 0;

    int t_w = 0, t_h = 0, t_x = 0, t_y = 0;

    int t_w_adj_smlr = 0,t_h_adj_smlr = 0,t_x_adj_smlr = 0,t_y_adj_smlr = 0;

    int t_w_adj_bg = 0,t_h_adj_bg = 0,t_x_adj_bg = 0,t_y_adj_bg = 0;

    double sum_w = 0, x1 = 0, x2 = 0,y1 = 2.0, y2 = 2.0;

    double sum_w_adj_smlr = 0, x1_adj_smlr = 0, x2_adj_smlr = 0,y1_adj_smlr = 2.0, y2_adj_smlr = 2.0;

    double sum_w_adj_bg = 0, x1_adj_bg = 0, x2_adj_bg = 0,y1_adj_bg = 2.0, y2_adj_bg = 2.0;

    int q_r, q_g, q_b;

    int *q_temp;

    double *m_weiNorm;

    double *m_weiSml;

    double *m_weiBg;


    t_w = drawing_box.width;

    t_h = drawing_box.height;

    t_x = drawing_box.x;

    t_y = drawing_box.y;


   if(iniWidth  < 2*0.9*drawing_box.width)


        t_w_adj_smlr = 0.9*drawing_box.width;

        t_x_adj_smlr = drawing_box.x+0.05*drawing_box.width;




       t_w_adj_smlr = t_w;

       t_x_adj_smlr = t_x;


   if(iniHigh < 2*0.9* drawing_box.height)


        t_h_adj_smlr  =0.9* drawing_box.height;

        t_y_adj_smlr = drawing_box.y+0.05* drawing_box.height;




        t_h_adj_smlr = t_h;

        t_y_adj_smlr = t_y;


   if(2*iniWidth > 1.1*drawing_box.width)


       t_w_adj_bg = 1.1*drawing_box.width;

       t_x_adj_bg = drawing_box.x-0.05*drawing_box.width;




       t_w_adj_bg = t_w;

       t_x_adj_bg = t_x;


   if(2*iniHigh > 1.1* drawing_box.height)


       t_h_adj_bg  =1.1* drawing_box.height;

       t_y_adj_bg = drawing_box.y-0.05* drawing_box.height;




       t_h_adj_bg  =t_h;

       t_y_adj_bg = t_y;



    //=====band width generation=====

     bandNorm = pow(((double)t_w)/2,2) + pow(((double)t_h)/2,2); //带宽,(不明白原来的注释为什么是带宽,感觉就是用来归一化的,最大的离中心点的距离)

    bandSml = pow(((double)t_w_adj_smlr)/2,2) + pow(((double)t_h_adj_smlr)/2,2); //带宽,(不明白原来的注释为什么是带宽,感觉就是用来归一化的,最大的离中心点的距离)

    bandBg = pow(((double)t_w_adj_bg)/2,2) + pow(((double)t_h_adj_bg)/2,2); //带宽,(不明白原来的注释为什么是带宽,感觉就是用来归一化的,最大的离中心点的距离)

    //============bandwith generation over========



    //normal uodate

    for (i = 0;i < t_h; i++)


        for (j = 0;j < t_w; j++)


            dist = pow(i - (double)t_h/2,2) + pow(j - (double)t_w/2,2);//d= x^2+y^2

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = 1 - dist / h;//Epanechnikov核函数

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = exp(- dist / h/2);//高斯核函数

            m_weiNorm[i * t_w + j] = 1- sqrt(dist / bandNorm);//uniform核函数

            normCofKeep += m_weiNorm[i * t_w + j] ;//统计权值矩阵的总和?



    //smaller update

    for (i = 0;i < t_h_adj_smlr; i++)


        for (j = 0;j < t_w_adj_smlr; j++)


            dist = pow(i - (double)t_h_adj_smlr/2,2) + pow(j - (double)t_w_adj_smlr/2,2);//d= x^2+y^2

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = 1 - dist / h;//Epanechnikov核函数

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = exp(- dist / h/2);//高斯核函数

            m_weiSml[i * t_w_adj_smlr + j] = 1- sqrt(dist / bandSml);//uniform核函数

            normCofSml += m_weiSml[i * t_w_adj_smlr + j] ;//统计权值矩阵的总和?



    //bigger uodate

    for (i = 0;i < t_h_adj_bg; i++)


        for (j = 0;j < t_w_adj_bg; j++)


            dist = pow(i - (double)t_h_adj_bg/2,2) + pow(j - (double)t_w_adj_bg/2,2);//d= x^2+y^2

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = 1 - dist / h;//Epanechnikov核函数

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = exp(- dist / h/2);//高斯核函数

            m_weiBg[i * t_w_adj_bg + j] = 1- sqrt(dist / bandBg);//uniform核函数

            normCofBg += m_weiBg[i * t_w_adj_bg + j] ;//统计权值矩阵的总和?



//=======update over=============



    for (i=0;i<4096;i++)


        Bhattacharyya1 = Bhattacharyya1 +sqrt(hist1[i]*hist2[i]) ;

        Bhattacharyya2 = Bhattacharyya2 +sqrt(hist1[i]*hist3[i]) ;

        Bhattacharyya3 = Bhattacharyya3 +sqrt(hist1[i]*hist4[i]) ;





void MeanShift_Tracking(IplImage *current)


    int num = 0, i = 0, j = 0;

    int num_adj_smlr = 0,num_adj_bg = 0;

    double normCofKeep= 0.0,normCofSml = 0.0,normCofBg = 0.0;

    double bandNorm = 0.0,bandSml = 0.0,bandBg = 0.0;

    double dist = 0.0;

    double Bhattacharyya1 = 0,Bhattacharyya2 = 0,Bhattacharyya3 = 0;

    int t_w = 0, t_h = 0, t_x = 0, t_y = 0;

    int t_w_adj_smlr = 0,t_h_adj_smlr = 0,t_x_adj_smlr = 0,t_y_adj_smlr = 0;

    int t_w_adj_bg = 0,t_h_adj_bg = 0,t_x_adj_bg = 0,t_y_adj_bg = 0;

    double sum_w = 0, x1 = 0, x2 = 0,y1 = 2.0, y2 = 2.0;

    double sum_w_adj_smlr = 0, x1_adj_smlr = 0, x2_adj_smlr = 0,y1_adj_smlr = 2.0, y2_adj_smlr = 2.0;

    double sum_w_adj_bg = 0, x1_adj_bg = 0, x2_adj_bg = 0,y1_adj_bg = 2.0, y2_adj_bg = 2.0;

    int q_r, q_g, q_b;

    int *q_temp;

    double *m_weiNorm;

    double *m_weiSml;

    double *m_weiBg;

    t_w = drawing_box.width;

    t_h = drawing_box.height;

    t_x = drawing_box.x;

    t_y = drawing_box.y;


   if(iniWidth  < 2*0.9*drawing_box.width)


        t_w_adj_smlr = 0.9*drawing_box.width;

        t_x_adj_smlr = drawing_box.x+0.05*drawing_box.width;




       t_w_adj_smlr = t_w;

       t_x_adj_smlr = t_x;


   if(iniHigh < 2*0.9* drawing_box.height)


        t_h_adj_smlr  =0.9* drawing_box.height;

        t_y_adj_smlr = drawing_box.y+0.05* drawing_box.height;




        t_h_adj_smlr = t_h;

        t_y_adj_smlr = t_y;


   if(2*iniWidth > 1.1*drawing_box.width)


       t_w_adj_bg = 1.1*drawing_box.width;

       t_x_adj_bg = drawing_box.x-0.05*drawing_box.width;




       t_w_adj_bg = t_w;

       t_x_adj_bg = t_x;


   if(2*iniHigh > 1.1* drawing_box.height)


       t_h_adj_bg  =1.1* drawing_box.height;

       t_y_adj_bg = drawing_box.y-0.05* drawing_box.height;




       t_h_adj_bg  =t_h;

       t_y_adj_bg = t_y;


    m_weiNorm =  (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(current->width)*(current->height));

    m_weiSml =  (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(current->width)*(current->height));

    m_weiBg =  (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(current->width)*(current->height));

    q_temp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(current->width)*(current->height));

    //=====band width generation=====

     bandNorm = pow(((double)t_w)/2,2) + pow(((double)t_h)/2,2); //带宽,(不明白原来的注释为什么是带宽,感觉就是用来归一化的,最大的离中心点的距离)

    bandSml = pow(((double)t_w_adj_smlr)/2,2) + pow(((double)t_h_adj_smlr)/2,2); //带宽,(不明白原来的注释为什么是带宽,感觉就是用来归一化的,最大的离中心点的距离)

    bandBg = pow(((double)t_w_adj_bg)/2,2) + pow(((double)t_h_adj_bg)/2,2); //带宽,(不明白原来的注释为什么是带宽,感觉就是用来归一化的,最大的离中心点的距离)

    //============bandwith generation over========


    //normal uodate

    for (i = 0;i < t_h; i++)


        for (j = 0;j < t_w; j++)


            dist = pow(i - (double)t_h/2,2) + pow(j - (double)t_w/2,2);//d= x^2+y^2

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = 1 - dist / h;//Epanechnikov核函数

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = exp(- dist / h/2);//高斯核函数

            m_weiNorm[i * t_w + j] = 1- sqrt(dist / bandNorm);//uniform核函数

            normCofKeep += m_weiNorm[i * t_w + j] ;//统计权值矩阵的总和?



    //smaller update

    for (i = 0;i < t_h_adj_smlr; i++)


        for (j = 0;j < t_w_adj_smlr; j++)


            dist = pow(i - (double)t_h_adj_smlr/2,2) + pow(j - (double)t_w_adj_smlr/2,2);//d= x^2+y^2

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = 1 - dist / h;//Epanechnikov核函数

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = exp(- dist / h/2);//高斯核函数

            m_weiSml[i * t_w_adj_smlr + j] = 1- sqrt(dist / bandSml);//uniform核函数

            normCofSml += m_weiSml[i * t_w_adj_smlr + j] ;//统计权值矩阵的总和?



    //bigger uodate

    for (i = 0;i < t_h_adj_bg; i++)


        for (j = 0;j < t_w_adj_bg; j++)


            dist = pow(i - (double)t_h_adj_bg/2,2) + pow(j - (double)t_w_adj_bg/2,2);//d= x^2+y^2

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = 1 - dist / h;//Epanechnikov核函数

           // m_wei[i * t_w + j] = exp(- dist / h/2);//高斯核函数

            m_weiBg[i * t_w_adj_bg + j] = 1- sqrt(dist / bandBg);//uniform核函数

            normCofBg += m_weiBg[i * t_w_adj_bg + j] ;//统计权值矩阵的总和?



//=======update over=============


    while ((pow(y2,2) + pow(y1,2) > 0.5)&& (num < NUM))





        for (i = 0;i<4096;i++)


            w[i] = 0.0;

            hist2[i] = 0.0;



        for (i = t_y;i < t_h + t_y;i++)


            for (j = t_x;j < t_w + t_x;j++)


                //rgb颜色空间量化为16*16*16 bins//int widthStep;

                q_r = ((u_char)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 2]) / 16;

                q_g = ((u_char)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 1]) / 16;

                q_b = ((u_char)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 0]) / 16;

                q_temp[(i - t_y) *t_w + j - t_x] = q_r * 256 + q_g * 16 + q_b;

                hist2[q_temp[(i - t_y) *t_w + j - t_x]] =  hist2[q_temp[(i - t_y) *t_w + j - t_x]] +  m_weiNorm[(i - t_y) * t_w + j - t_x] ;




        for (i=0;i<4096;i++)


            hist2[i] = hist2[i] / normCofKeep;



            for (i = 0;i < 4096;i++)


                if (hist2[i] != 0)//有这样的色彩


                    w[i] = sqrt(hist1[i]/hist2[i]);//其实是比较了两个都有的情况。只要有一个没有这种色彩,那么w的值就是零



                    w[i] = 0;



        sum_w = 0.0;

        x1 = 0.0;

        x2 = 0.0;


        for (i = 0;i < t_h; i++)


            for (j = 0;j < t_w; j++)


                sum_w = sum_w + w[q_temp[i * t_w + j]];//q_temp[i * t_w + j]色彩状况的一个表征,具体还没有弄清楚

                x1 = x1 + w[q_temp[i * t_w + j]] * (i - t_h/2);//y direction

                x2 = x2 + w[q_temp[i * t_w + j]] * (j - t_w/2);



        y1 = x1 / sum_w;

        y2 = x2 / sum_w;


        t_x += y2;//y2为x方向偏移量

        t_y += y1;//y1为y方向偏移量

        //===========Output the offset value

       //qDebug( "x axis offset = %f", y2);

       //qDebug( "y axis offset = %f", y1);



    while ((pow(y2_adj_smlr,2) + pow(y1_adj_smlr,2) > 0.5)&& (num_adj_smlr < NUM))




        //  权值矩阵初始化

        for (i = 0;i<4096;i++)


            w_adj_smlr[i] = 0.0;

            hist3[i] = 0.0;



        for (i = t_y_adj_smlr;i < t_h_adj_smlr + t_y_adj_smlr;i++)


            for (j = t_x_adj_smlr;j < t_w_adj_smlr + t_x_adj_smlr;j++)


                //rgb颜色空间量化为16*16*16 bins//int widthStep;

                q_r = ((u_char)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 2]) / 16;

                q_g = ((u_char)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 1]) / 16;

                q_b = ((u_char)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 0]) / 16;

                q_temp[(i - t_y_adj_smlr) *t_w_adj_smlr + j - t_x_adj_smlr] = q_r * 256 + q_g * 16 + q_b;

                hist3[q_temp[(i - t_y_adj_smlr) *t_w_adj_smlr + j - t_x_adj_smlr]] =  hist3[q_temp[(i - t_y_adj_smlr) *t_w_adj_smlr + j - t_x_adj_smlr]] +  m_weiSml[(i - t_y_adj_smlr) * t_w_adj_smlr + j - t_x_adj_smlr] ;





        for (i=0;i<4096;i++)


            hist3[i] = hist3[i] / normCofSml;



            for (i = 0;i < 4096;i++)


                if (hist3[i] != 0)//有这样的色彩


                    w_adj_smlr[i] = sqrt(hist1[i]/hist3[i]);//其实是比较了两个都有的情况。只要有一个没有这种色彩,那么w的值就是零



                    w_adj_smlr[i] = 0;



        sum_w = 0.0;

        x1 = 0.0;

        x2 = 0.0;

        for (i = 0;i < t_h_adj_smlr; i++)


            for (j = 0;j < t_w_adj_smlr; j++)


                sum_w = sum_w + w_adj_smlr[q_temp[i * t_w_adj_smlr + j]];//q_temp[i * t_w + j]色彩状况的一个表征,具体还没有弄清楚

                x1 = x1 + w_adj_smlr[q_temp[i * t_w_adj_smlr + j]] * (i - t_h_adj_smlr/2);//y direction

                x2 = x2 + w_adj_smlr[q_temp[i * t_w_adj_smlr + j]] * (j - t_w_adj_smlr/2);



        y1_adj_smlr = x1_adj_smlr / sum_w;

        y2_adj_smlr = x2_adj_smlr / sum_w;


        t_x_adj_smlr += y2_adj_smlr;//y2为x方向偏移量

        t_y_adj_smlr += y1_adj_smlr;//y1为y方向偏移量

        //===========Output the offset value

     //  qDebug( "x axis offset = %f", y2);

      // qDebug( "y axis offset = %f", y1);



    while ((pow(y2_adj_bg,2) + pow(y1_adj_bg,2) > 0.5)&& (num_adj_bg < NUM))




        //  权值矩阵初始化

        for (i = 0;i<4096;i++)


            w_adj_bg[i] = 0.0;

            hist4[i] = 0.0;



        for (i = t_y_adj_bg;i < t_h_adj_bg + t_y_adj_bg;i++)


            for (j = t_x_adj_bg;j < t_w_adj_bg + t_x_adj_bg;j++)


                //rgb颜色空间量化为16*16*16 bins//int widthStep;

                q_r = ((u_char)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 2]) / 16;

                q_g = ((u_char)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 1]) / 16;

                q_b = ((u_char)current->imageData[i * current->widthStep + j * 3 + 0]) / 16;

                q_temp[(i - t_y_adj_bg) *t_w_adj_bg + j - t_x_adj_bg] = q_r * 256 + q_g * 16 + q_b;

                hist4[q_temp[(i - t_y_adj_bg) *t_w_adj_bg + j - t_x_adj_bg]] =  hist4[q_temp[(i - t_y_adj_bg) *t_w_adj_bg + j - t_x_adj_bg]] +  m_weiBg[(i - t_y_adj_bg) * t_w_adj_bg + j - t_x_adj_bg] ;





        for (i=0;i<4096;i++)


            hist4[i] = hist4[i] / normCofBg;



            for (i = 0;i < 4096;i++)


                if (hist4[i] != 0)//有这样的色彩


                    w_adj_bg[i] = sqrt(hist1[i]/hist4[i]);//其实是比较了两个都有的情况。只要有一个没有这种色彩,那么w的值就是零



                    w_adj_bg[i] = 0;



        sum_w = 0.0;

        x1 = 0.0;

        x2 = 0.0;

        for (i = 0;i < t_h_adj_bg; i++)


            for (j = 0;j < t_w_adj_bg; j++)


                sum_w = sum_w + w_adj_bg[q_temp[i * t_w_adj_bg + j]];//q_temp[i * t_w + j]色彩状况的一个表征,具体还没有弄清楚

                x1 = x1 + w_adj_bg[q_temp[i * t_w_adj_bg + j]] * (i - t_h_adj_bg/2);//y direction

                x2 = x2 + w_adj_bg[q_temp[i * t_w_adj_bg + j]] * (j - t_w_adj_bg/2);



        y1_adj_bg = x1_adj_bg / sum_w;

        y2_adj_bg = x2_adj_bg / sum_w;


        t_x_adj_bg += y2_adj_bg;//y2为x方向偏移量

        t_y_adj_bg += y1_adj_bg;//y1为y方向偏移量

        //===========Output the offset value

     //  qDebug( "x axis offset = %f", y2);

      // qDebug( "y axis offset = %f", y1);



//     qDebug( "x axis offset = %d", current->width);

//   qDebug( "y axis offset = %d", current->height);

    for (i=0;i<4096;i++)


        Bhattacharyya1 = Bhattacharyya1 +sqrt(hist1[i]*hist2[i]) ;

        Bhattacharyya2 = Bhattacharyya2 +sqrt(hist1[i]*hist3[i]) ;

        Bhattacharyya3 = Bhattacharyya3 +sqrt(hist1[i]*hist4[i]) ;


    if(Bhattacharyya1 >= Bhattacharyya2 && Bhattacharyya1 >= Bhattacharyya3)//不用调节核函数窗口


       drawing_box.x = t_x;

       drawing_box.y = t_y;




        if( Bhattacharyya2 >= Bhattacharyya1 && Bhattacharyya2 >= Bhattacharyya3 )


            drawing_box.x = t_x_adj_smlr;

            drawing_box.y = t_y_adj_smlr;

            drawing_box.height = t_h_adj_smlr;

            drawing_box.width = t_w_adj_smlr;

            qDebug( "smaller");

        } else


            drawing_box.x = t_x_adj_bg;

            drawing_box.y = t_y_adj_bg;

            drawing_box.height = t_h_adj_bg;

            drawing_box.width = t_w_adj_bg;

            qDebug( "bigger");










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原始发表:2015年11月03日,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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