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身份认证系统 JOSSO Single Sign-On 1.2 简介

发布2019-02-14 11:39:43
发布2019-02-14 11:39:43

JOSSO Single Sign-On 1.2 简介

背景知识:身份认证系统包括:目录服务,验证和授权服务,证书服务,单点登陆服务,系统管理等模块。          JOSSO 是一个纯Java基于J2EE的单点登陆验证框架,主要用来提供集中式的平台无关的用户验证。         JOSSO 主要特色: 1 100% Java,使用了 JAAS,WEB Services/SOAP,EJB, Struts, Servlet/JSP 标准技术; 2 基于JAAS的横跨多个应用程序和主机的单点登陆; 3 可插拔的设计框架允许实现多种验证规则和存储方案 ; 4 可以使用servlet和ejb Security API 提供针对web应用,ejb 的身份认证服务; 5 支持X.509 客户端证书的强验证模式; 6 使用反向代理模块可以创建多层的单点登陆认证,并且使用多种策略可在每层配置不同的验证模式; 7 支持数据库,LDAP ,XML等多种方式的存储用户信息和证书服务; 8 客户端提供php,asp 的API; 9 目前 JBoss 3.2.6 和 Jakarta Tomcat 5.0.27 以上版本支持。 10 基于BSD License。 JOSSO 主页     点评:          1、目前还没有提供.NET的客户端API,可能因为.net框架本身就有了很好的验证机制吧,但是单点登陆还是很有必要的特别是对于大型网站来说,更需要统一的用户登录管理。          2、不知道是否以后的版本会支持 活动目录 AD。     相关名词:          SAML:Security Assertion Markup Language

相关连接:相关产品列表 作者:田春峰 时间:20050206  转载地址:http://blog.csdn.net/accesine960/archive/2005/02/06/282574.aspx 使用java的开放源代码的身份认证系统:

  • Sun Interoperability Prototype for Liberty - Interoperability Prototype for Liberty is the first open-source implementation of the Liberty Alliance Version 1.0 specification based on Java technology. IPL consists of sample Java source code libraries, implementing the Liberty version 1.0 specification, and is not designed for commercial deployment. IPL is licensed as open source under the Sun Microsystems Open Source License.
  • SourceID - Open Source Federated Identity Management - Liberty Alliance, SAML, and WS-Federation. Royalty free commercial use if used on fewer than 100 computers per company.
  • Shibboleth - Shibboleth is developing architectures, policy structures, practical technologies, and an open source implementation to support inter-institutional sharing of web resources subject to access controls. Key concepts within Shibboleth include: Federated Administration, Access Control Based On Attributes, Active Management of Privacy and used OpenSAML.
  • OpenSAML - OpenSAML is a set of open source Java and C++ libraries that are fully consistent with the SAML 1.0 and 1.1 CR specifications.
  • Yale CAS - The Central Authentication Server (CAS) is designed as a standalone web application. It is currently implemented as several Java servlets and runs through a HTTPS server.
  • Atlassian Seraph - Seraph is a very simple, pluggable J2EE web application security framework.
  • OpenSPML - The toolkit offers an easy-to-use interface for configuring, issuing and interpreting standards-compliant provisioning requests across diverse identity infrastructures.
  • Novell Nsure UDDI Server - Nsure is a UDDI 2.0 registry built on Directory Services technology. It offers a secure access to the registry contents (authentication and authorization), unified account management, and distribution of the registry by leveraging Directory Services. It works with any LDAP(V3) based directory backend.
  • OpenPrivacy - A reference implementation of the Reputation Management Framework (RMF). OpenPrivacy's core project is designed to ease the process of creating community with reputation enhanced pseudonymous entities. The RMF is primarily a set of four interfaces: Nym Manager, Communications Manager, Storage Manager and Reputation Calculation Engine (RCE).
  • NSF Middleware Initiative - NMI-EDIT: Identity and Access Management for Collaborative Applications.
  • jSai - jSai (pronounced "Jay-Say") is iPOV's home grown Servlet Authentication Implementation. jSai is implemented completely using J2SE + Servlet technology; no J2EE "Application Server" needed. jSai supports basic JDBC and XML backed user stores, as well as an LDAP user store. jSai provides developers with the application level security they want and need for small and medium size web applications; avoiding the complex setup in other security implementations that are aimed at large "enterprise" applications.
  • Acegi Security System for Spring - Comprehensive security services for The Spring Framework.
  • Gabriel - Gabriel is a security framework for Java. By using access control lists and permissions, Gabriel enables components to check access to actions. On top of that Gabriel protects methods like EJB does but without the overhead. It distinguishes itself from other frameworks by the ease of use with a small API and by mapping method access to permissions instead of persons. This way the same permissions can be used to protect method access and to check which GUI elements to show based on user permissions.
  • JOSSO - JOSSO, or Java Open Single Sign-On, is an open source J2EE-based SSO infrastructure aimed to provide a solution for centralized platform neutral user authentication. The Pluggable framework allows to implement and combine multiple authentication schemes with credential stores.
  • Kasai - The goal of Kasai is to provide a simple-to-use-yet-powerful security environment for multi-user applications. Unlike JAAS, Kasai provides a much higher security abstraction. Additionally, Kasai includes a very powerful and performing auditing system that records all users activity on a relational database.
  • JPAM - JPAM is a Java-PAM bridge. PAM, or Pluggable Authentication Modules, is a standard security architecture used on Unix, Linux and Mac OS X systems. JPAM permits the use of PAM authentication facilities by Java applications running on those platforms.
  • CAS Generic Handler - CAS Generic Handler is a plugin giving CAS (Central Authentication Service) the ability to authenticate users with different methods (LDAP, database, files, NIS, ...).
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原始发表:2005年02月06日,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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  • JOSSO Single Sign-On 1.2 简介
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