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ISUX 2019实习生招聘专属通道

发布2019-03-04 23:23:03
发布2019-03-04 23:23:03





ISUX 2019年实习生招聘正式启动,爱设计的你,一腔热血的你,想要改变世界的你,我们在这里等你!

ISUX,腾讯社交用户体验设计部,负责腾讯社交平台、社交应用及社交娱乐等产品的体验、服务、创意设计。旗下包含用户研究、交互、视觉、品牌、多媒体、UI开发、产品策划等专业,团队分布于深圳、上海及韩国首尔。我们以“It iS Ultra eXperience 这就是极致体验” 作为设计信念,力争成为国际化艺术与设计的最热潮流IP,并打造YCG原创馆设计平台,构建设计生态,致力于推动扩大设计行业价值与影响力。








♧ 岗位描述 ♧


♧ 岗位要求

1. 美术、设计相关专业本科或研究生,综合素质扎实,热爱设计行业;

2. 有一定的设计理论知识和对流行趋势敏锐的洞察力;

3. 富于创新、思维灵活,并对先进的设计理念和技术有较强的理解学习能力;

4. 能够熟练使用Sketch、Photoshop、Illustrator等设计软件;

5. 掌握基础的Flinto,Principle等原型制作软件,具备3D或动画基础能力;

6. 良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神,能承受高强度的工作压力。

♧ 招聘人数 5人

Visual Designer Intern x5 Position Description ISUX is a multi-disciplinary team that plays an integral role in gathering the most outstanding visual designers and experts in the fields of products, websites, and branding in China and around the world. As a visual designer in ISUX, you will have the chance to collaborate with the most professional team to refine the products that people love while creating the leading-edge trends for the global Internet industry. The most effective methods and valued experience will be offered to push your career forward. Join us, your creation will be perceived by users all over China and your design will impact the world. Qualification 1. BA/MA degree in Design (Visual Communications, Products, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, etc.). Strive to achieve excellence in the design industry with strong aesthetic and practical skills. 2. Demonstrate sufficient design knowledge and innovative insights. Ability to understand and transform the latest trends into visual communication. 3. Show an initiative and flexible ideation of creativity. Possess a strong understanding of advanced design concepts and technologies. 4. Proficient with Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator and other tools in Adobe Creative Suite. 5. Basic skills in industry standard prototyping tools (Flinto, Principle, etc.) and 2D/3D animation. 6.Excellent collaboration and communication skills. Dealsconstructively with frustration and stress.


♧ 岗位描述


♧ 岗位要求 ♧

1. 工业设计、交互设计、计算机、人机交互、视觉传达等相关专业本科及以上学历,有相关实习经验的优先;

2. 精通Sketch、Flinto、Principle等软件,有动效设计能力的优先;

3. 熟悉体验设计的基本流程和方法论,并能结合高质量的原型清晰地表达设计理念;

4. 具备大局观,逻辑思维能力强,善于理解、沟通与协调项目,主动性高,抗压能力强,有一定的文字表达能力;

5. 富有创造力和激情,对互联网有敏锐的洞察力,对设计前沿理念和技术保持好奇心,喜爱动手实践,并乐于尝试不同的产品。

♧ 招聘人数 4人

UX Designer Intern x4 Position Description  At Tencent, the UX design team creates innovative and elegant products for millions of users with precise logic and exceptional creativity. Thus, the main responsibility of a qualified UX designer is to understand users’ needs, behaviors, emotions while identifying the user scenarios, business goals and the barriers of feasibility through the prototyping process of product planning. The ultimate goal of user experience is to deliver a solution that perfectly addresses the pain points and touches the users’ mind. Qualification 1. BA/MA degree in Design (Industrial design, Interaction, HCI, Computer Science, Visual Communications, etc.). Relevant internship experience will be valued. 2. Demonstrate a high proficiency in Sketch, Flinto, Principle. Motion design skills will also be preferred. 3. General workflow and methodologies of user experience design are essential. Experience in presenting ideas through high-fidelity prototype clearly. 4. Show a broad perspective and the ability of logical thinking. Proven self-motivation and collaboration skills. Deal constructively with frustration and stress. Skills in writing are advantageous. 5. Demonstrate passion, insights, and a wholehearted curiosity toward new design trends, technologies, and the Internet industry. Strives to explore and refine various products with a hands-on attitude.


岗位描述 ♧


岗位要求 ♧

1. 热爱设计行业,设计 / 美术相关专业本科或研究生优先;

2. 具备2D / 3D 设计能力,熟练使用Photoshop / Illustrator / AE / C4D 等软件;

3. 具备创新力与激情,有不错的学习能力和敏锐的洞察力,永远保持好奇心,敢于尝试新事物;

4. 良好的沟通能力及团队协作精神,有不错的抗压能力。

招聘人数 3人 ♧

Branding Designer Intern x3 Position Description ISUX is a multi-disciplinary team that plays an integral role in gathering the most outstanding designers and experts in the fields of graphics, illustration, and branding in China and around the world. As a branding designer in ISUX, you will have the chance to collaborate with an international team to reshape the brands while creating the leading-edge trends of the global Internet industry. The most professional knowledge and a broader vision will push your career forward. This is an ideal opportunity for you as your work will be presented to the world. Qualification 1. Strive to achieve excellence in the design industry with strong visual and practical skills. BA degree in Design (Visual Communications, Fine Art, Products, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, etc.) or equivalent practical experience. Candidates with MA degree are preferred. 2. Strong Skills in 2D/3D design. Proficient with Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Cinema 4D and other softwares in Adobe Creative Suite. 3. Show an initiative and flexible ideation of creativity. Possess a strong understanding and curiosity towards advanced design concepts and technologies. 4. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Deal constructively with frustration and stress, maintaining a professional and positive attitude.


♧ 岗位描述 ♧


岗位要求 ♧

1. 专业包括但不限于社会学、心理学、统计学、市场研究等;

2. 熟悉定性、定量研究方法,如可用性测试、访谈、焦点小组、问卷调查等;

3. 熟练使用SPSS、Excel等统计软件;

4. 有良好的沟通能力、问题分析解决能力和书面表达能力。

招聘人数 1人 ♧

User Experience Researcher (User Researcher) X1 Position Description Our mission is to explore people’s behavior, needs, and motivations. We synthesize key findings to practical guidance, which can support social product team of PCG to provide human-oriented services for users.  We are looking for a passionate and empathetic researcher who can empathize with users’ intentions and behavior. Meanwhile, the researcher should develop research plans logically, conduct the processes strictly, and infer conclusions rigorously. Qualification 1. Related education background in sociology, psychology, statistics or marketing research is preferred but not required.  2. Familiar with qualitative and quantitative research methods, such as usability test, interview, focus group, and survey. 3. Have experience of using data analysis software, such as SPSS and Microsoft Excel. 4. Capable of communicating with co-workers, solving multiple problems and expressing key idea clearly by reports.


♧ 岗位描述 ♧



♧ 岗位要求 ♧






招聘人数 1人 ♧

ISUX-Translator Intern X1 Position Description 1. Responsible for the English or Korean translation of Tencent social products and articles; 2. Collaborative participation in knowledge dissemination of social products and activity operations. Qualification 1. Fluent in English or Korean listening, speaking and translating, and priority of the bilingual; 2. Clear thinking, good at communication, strong learning ability and teamwork; 3. Interested in design, knowledge of Internet and design industry related information terms is preferred. Access to Opportunities Get close to the Internet, quickly understand the user experience of Tencent's social products, and integrate into all aspects of the workplace in the shortest possible time.


♧ 岗位描述 ♧


♧ 岗位要求 ♧








招聘人数 1人 ♧

UI development Intern  X1 Position Description Serving the social entertainment business, responsible for front-end development and experience development of various products. Use technology to help projects from scratch, from use to use. If you want your code to run on hundreds of millions of computers and mobile devices every day, and change the lives of hundreds of millions of people recently, this is your best chance. Qualification 1.Bachelor degree or above in computer related major, with relevant internship experience is preferred. 2.The programming foundation is solid, skilled in using various web front-end technologies, and has relevant project development experience, it is best to have your own github. 3.Focus on the front-end but not limited to the front end. The best back-end||ios||android||Operation, etc. You have tried. 4.Focus on new things and new technologies. If you don't follow the trend blindly, you will have your own thoughts. 5.The industry technology update is fast, you can not understand a certain technology, but you can quickly get started when the project needs it, and then slowly plow. It would be better if you could precipitate something anymore. 6.Life is too short, you can not use python, but I hope that you pursue efficiency, can be solved by technology, it will not be solved manually, and it will not be manually operated if it can be automated. 7.Personality is optimistic, cheerful, logical, and good at working with people of all backgrounds.



本次岗位申请包含两大部分:1.创建作品  2.投递简历 。有意向的同学请按照以下步骤申请,我们期待你的加入!




进入腾讯校招官网 join.qq.com



本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2019-03-01,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 腾讯ISUX 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

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