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Empowering the Future with AI: Whatsapp x Dialogflow

修改2019-04-11 10:16:59
修改2019-04-11 10:16:59

WhatsApp Business API

If you're looking to build a WhatsApp bot or connect WhatsApp marketing software to your WhatsApp business account, you'll need to use the WhatsApp API. The trouble is that getting connected to the WhatsApp Business API is complicated.

Although the WhatsApp API was released in 2018, hardly anyone has access to it. However, at least we know how it works.

Getting Access To The WhatsApp Business API

Before you can even hope to create a WhatsApp API business account you're going to have to ask for early adopter access first because WhatsApp is rolling out this feature very slowly.

We've spoken to a representative at Twilio about getting early access, and we received a few pointers. Make sure that your business is such a size that you'll be sending at least 500,000 messages per month. However, even if you are that large, you'll wait at least 3 or 4 weeks to get approved to access the WhatsApp API.

Creating a WhatsApp API Business Account

Once you've received your access, you'll need to create an account. You can do this through Facebook Business Manager.

This image display Facebook Business Manager where you can create a WhatsApp API account.
This image display Facebook Business Manager where you can create a WhatsApp API account.

Facebook Business Manager – Accounts

Once you're there, you need to open the Accounts drop down on the left, navigate to WhatsApp Accounts then Add.

This image shows how you can create a WhatsApp Business Account using the WhatsApp Business API.
This image shows how you can create a WhatsApp Business Account using the WhatsApp Business API.

WhatsApp Business Account Creation

Next, you'll need to create an account name. Select an account type. Here you select between managing your own WhatsApp API account or your clients.

This image shows how you can add roles to your WhatsApp API WhatsApp Business Account
This image shows how you can add roles to your WhatsApp API WhatsApp Business Account

Adding WhatsApp Business Account Roles

Then you'll be able to assign management roles to your account. An admin can make any changes they want while a developer can edit account settings, select a payment method, create message templates and add a phone number.

Next, you'll need to add a phone number. The number you use must be fresh. It may not have been used for a WhatsApp number before. There are three types of phone numbers you can use landline numbers, mobile phone numbers, and 1-800 toll-free numbers.

Once you've done all this, you're still not finished. Because you can't just connect to the API and use it, you'll need to create some infrastructure first. You can either install the WhatsApp API client based on Docker in your own environment. Alternatively, you can pay AWS for a solution that is already set up to have the WhatsApp API client installed.

Empowering the Future with AI: Whatsapp x Dialogflow

Finally, just wanted to let you know that you can now connect Dialogflow to your WhatsApp Business App using Rocketbots. Read our blog about it here: http://bit.ly/2KlEpSZ Sign up for free here: http://bit.ly/2KoFQAi


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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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  • WhatsApp Business API
  • Getting Access To The WhatsApp Business API
  • Creating a WhatsApp API Business Account
  • Empowering the Future with AI: Whatsapp x Dialogflow
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