Input: (add 1 2)
Output: 3
Input: (mult 3 (add 2 3))
Output: 15
Input: (let x 2 (mult x 5))
Output: 10
Input: (let x 2 (mult x (let x 3 y 4 (add x y))))
Output: 14
Input: (let x 3 x 2 x)
Output: 2
Input: (let x 1 y 2 x (add x y) (add x y))
Output: 5
import re
class Solution:
def evaluate(self, expression: str) -> int:
# 解析成 token list 方便进一步处理
el = re.split("([ \(\)])", expression)
el = [c for c in el if c!= "" and c != " "]
def evalp(el, c):
"""el 是token列表, c 为 context
head = el[0]
if head != "(":
# 此时只能是数字或者变量
if head.isdigit() or head[0] == "-":
return int(head)
return c[head]
context = dict(c)
# 此时为( add/mult/let...
subels = parse(el[2:len(el)-1])
if el[1] == "add":
return evalp(subels[0], context) + evalp(subels[1], context)
elif el[1] == "mult":
return evalp(subels[0], context) * evalp(subels[1], context)
# 为let
for i in range(len(subels)//2):
context[subels[2*i][0]] = evalp(subels[2*i + 1], context)
return evalp(subels[-1], context)
def parse(el):
par, r, subel = 0, [], []
for a in el:
if a == "(": par += 1
elif a == ")": par -= 1
if par == 0:
subel = []
if subel: r.append(list(subel))
return r
return evalp(el, {})
Solution().evaluate("(let x 1 y 2 x (add x y) (add x y))")
Input: expression = "|(&(t,f,t),!(t))"
Output: false
class Solution:
def parseBoolExpr(self, expression: str) -> bool:
# 表达式比较紧凑,不再解析成list
def evalp(e):
head = e[0]
if head == "t" or head == "f":
return True if head == "t" else False
subes = parse(e[2:len(e)-1])
if e[0] == "!":
return not evalp(subes[0])
elif e[0] == "&":
return all(evalp(sube) for sube in subes)
return any(evalp(sube) for sube in subes)
def parse(e):
par, r, sube = 0, [], ""
for a in e:
if a == "(": par += 1
elif a == ")": par -= 1
if par == 0 and a == ",":
sube = ""
sube += a
if sube: r.append(sube)
return r
return evalp(expression)
PromQL (Prometheus Query Language) 是 Prometheus 自己开发的数据查询 DSL 语言,语言表现力非常丰富,内置函数很多,在日常数据可视化以及rule 告警中都会使用到它。
在页面 http://localhost:9090/graph 中,输入下面的查询语句,查看结果,例如:
字符串: 在查询语句中,字符串往往作为查询条件 labels 的值,和 Golang 字符串语法一致,可以使用 "", '', 或者 , 格式如:
"this is a string"
'these are unescaped: \n \\ \t'
`these are not unescaped: \n ' " \t`
正数,浮点数: 表达式中可以使用正数或浮点数,例如:
PromQL 查询结果主要有 3 种类型:
Prometheus 存储的是时序数据,而它的时序是由名字和一组标签构成的,其实名字也可以写出标签的形式,例如 http_requests_total 等价于 {name="http_requests_total"}。
http_requests_total{code="200"} // 表示查询名字为 http_requests_total,code 为 "200" 的数据
http_requests_total{code!="200"} // 表示查询 code 不为 "200" 的数据
http_requests_total{code=~"2.."} // 表示查询 code 为 "2xx" 的数据
http_requests_total{code!~"2.."} // 表示查询 code 不为 "2xx" 的数据
Prometheus 查询语句中,支持常见的各种表达式操作符,例如
Prometheus 内置不少函数,方便查询以及数据格式化,例如将结果由浮点数转为整数的 floor 和 ceil,
查看 http_requests_total 5分钟内,平均每秒数据
通过上面的简介,我们可以大概整理出 PromQL支持的 expresion 格式
1, 1.0
// Vector matching one to one
<vector expr> <bin-op> ignoring(<label list>) <vector expr>
<vector expr> <bin-op> on(<label list>) <vector expr>
// Vector matching one to many/many to one
<vector expr> <bin-op> ignoring(<label list>) group_left(<label list>) <vector expr>
<vector expr> <bin-op> ignoring(<label list>) group_right(<label list>) <vector expr>
<vector expr> <bin-op> on(<label list>) group_left(<label list>) <vector expr>
<vector expr> <bin-op> on(<label list>) group_right(<label list>) <vector expr>a, a{k=v}
<instant_query> '[' <range> ':' [<resolution>] ']' [ offset <duration>]
<Vector_selector> | <Matrix_selector> | (+|-) <number_literal> | '(' <expr> ')'
而 binary expr则为:BinaryOperators(InstantVector)
<aggr-op>([parameter,] <vector expression>) [without|by (<label list>)]
abs(v instant-vector)
, rate(v range-vector)
PromQL本质就是实现下面的interface, 执行一个query,返回结果,支持取消、关闭和获取解析后表达式以及执行统计信息。
// A Query is derived from an a raw query string and can be run against an engine
// it is associated with.
type Query interface {
// Exec processes the query. Can only be called once.
Exec(ctx context.Context) *Result
// Close recovers memory used by the query result.
// Statement returns the parsed statement of the query.
Statement() Statement
// Stats returns statistics about the lifetime of the query.
Stats() *stats.QueryTimers
// Cancel signals that a running query execution should be aborted.
内部去Storage查询,会转化成另一个interface, 这个interface则更直接,支持的是对数据层的查询动作:select series, 获取label key, value
// Querier provides reading access to time series data.
type Querier interface {
// Select returns a set of series that matches the given label matchers.
Select(*SelectParams, ...*labels.Matcher) (SeriesSet, Warnings, error)
// LabelValues returns all potential values for a label name.
LabelValues(name string) ([]string, Warnings, error)
// LabelNames returns all the unique label names present in the block in sorted order.
LabelNames() ([]string, Warnings, error)
// Close releases the resources of the Querier.
Close() error
// query主要有两种
// NewInstantQuery returns an evaluation query for the given expression at the given time.
func (ng *Engine) NewInstantQuery(q storage.Queryable, qs string, ts time.Time) (Query, error) {
expr, err := ParseExpr(qs)
// ....
qry := ng.newQuery(q, expr, ts, ts, 0)
qry.q = qs
return qry, nil
// NewRangeQuery returns an evaluation query for the given time range and with
// the resolution set by the interval.
func (ng *Engine) NewRangeQuery(q storage.Queryable, qs string, start, end time.Time, interval time.Duration) (Query, error) {
expr, err := ParseExpr(qs)
// ....
qry := ng.newQuery(q, expr, start, end, interval)
qry.q = qs
return qry, nil
ParseExpr的实现在lex.go 和 parse.go里面
lex (token/item 相当于上面的split操作) => parser (Expr, AST语法树) => engine (eval)
// lex.go 本质是一个scan expression =》 token的状态机,lexer结构体里面定义了和这个状态机有关的状态信息
// 里面比较有特色的是 state,这里并不向一版的状态机用一个string表示状态,而是给了一个下一个token的处理函数
// 这样这个state,不仅体现了状态,同时把此状态需要的处理函数也传过来了
// lexer holds the state of the scanner.
type lexer struct {
input string // The string being scanned. 原始字符串
state stateFn // The next lexing function to enter. 状态: 解析下一个token需要的函数
pos Pos // Current position in the input. 状态:当前解析位置
start Pos // Start position of this item. 状态:当前token起始位置
width Pos // Width of last rune read from input. 状态
lastPos Pos // Position of most recent item returned by nextItem. 状态
items chan item // Channel of scanned items. token传输通道
parenDepth int // Nesting depth of ( ) exprs. 状态
braceOpen bool // Whether a { is opened. 状态
bracketOpen bool // Whether a [ is opened. 状态
gotColon bool // Whether we got a ':' after [ was opened. 状态
stringOpen rune // Quote rune of the string currently being read. 状态
// seriesDesc is set when a series description for the testing
// language is lexed.
seriesDesc bool
// token的定义如下
const (
ItemError ItemType = iota // Error occurred, value is error message
// 省略
// 同时有个几个关键字 =》 token的map,用于转义关键字到token,比如
var key = map[string]ItemType{
// Operators.
"and": ItemLAND,
"or": ItemLOR,
"unless": ItemLUnless,
// Aggregators.
"sum": ItemSum,
"avg": ItemAvg,
"count": ItemCount,
// 省略
// scan 原始 string需要的几个函数 定义为next, peek, backup 是比较经典的写法
// next returns the next rune in the input.
func (l *lexer) next() rune {
if int(l.pos) >= len(l.input) {
l.width = 0
return eof
r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(l.input[l.pos:])
l.width = Pos(w)
l.pos += l.width
return r
// peek returns but does not consume the next rune in the input.
func (l *lexer) peek() rune {
r := l.next()
return r
// backup steps back one rune. Can only be called once per call of next.
func (l *lexer) backup() {
l.pos -= l.width
type parser struct {
lex *lexer
token [3]item
peekCount int
// 入口函数为 (同时支持ParseMetric / ParseMetricSelector这里我们不关注)
// ParseExpr returns the expression parsed from the input.
func ParseExpr(input string) (Expr, error) {
p := newParser(input)
expr, err := p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = p.typecheck(expr)
return expr, err
// ParseExpr(input string) (Expr, error)
// => (p *parser) parseExpr() (expr Expr, err error)
// => for{ (p *parser) peek() item ==> (p *parser) expr() Expr}
// peek 即调用lex获取下一个item(跳过comment)
// expr是核心,用于解析token流到 Expr即语法树 AST
// expr parses any expression.
func (p *parser) expr() Expr {
// Parse the starting expression.
expr := p.unaryExpr()
// Loop through the operations and construct a binary operation tree based
// on the operators' precedence.
for {
// 如果不是 operator, 那么结束
op := p.peek().typ
if !op.isOperator() {
// Check for subquery.
// ... 省略
return expr
p.next() // Consume operator.
// 处理operator的情况,对于operator 肯定有有 lhs, rhs;
// ... 省略
// Parse the next operand.
rhs := p.unaryExpr()
// Assign the new root based on the precedence of the LHS and RHS operators.
expr = p.balance(expr, op, rhs, vecMatching, returnBool)
// left op right with vecMatching => BinaryExpr
func (p *parser) balance(lhs Expr, op ItemType, rhs Expr, vecMatching *VectorMatching, returnBool bool) *BinaryExpr
// unaryExpr parses a unary expression.
// <Vector_selector> | <Matrix_selector> | (+|-) <number_literal> | '(' <expr> ')'
func (p *parser) unaryExpr() Expr {
switch t := p.peek(); t.typ {
case ItemADD, ItemSUB:
e := p.unaryExpr()
// 省略
return &UnaryExpr{Op: t.typ, Expr: e}
case ItemLeftParen:
// 省略
return &ParenExpr{Expr: e}
e := p.primaryExpr()
// Expression might be followed by a range selector.
if p.peek().typ == ItemLeftBracket {
e = p.subqueryOrRangeSelector(e, true)
// Parse optional offset.
if p.peek().typ == ItemOffset {
// 省略
return e
// primaryExpr parses a primary expression.
// <metric_name> | <function_call> | <Vector_aggregation> | <literal>
func (p *parser) primaryExpr() Expr {
// 省略
// 这里复用了这个函数做 range的解析,和subquery的解析,通过一个bool值区分使用场景
// subqueryOrRangeSelector parses a Subquery based on given Expr (or)
// a Matrix (a.k.a. range) selector based on a given Vector selector.
// <Vector_selector> '[' <duration> ']' | <Vector_selector> '[' <duration> ':' [<duration>] ']'
func (p *parser) subqueryOrRangeSelector(expr Expr, checkRange bool) Expr {
// 省略
return &SubqueryExpr{
Expr: expr,
Range: erange,
Step: estep,
// primaryExpr parses a primary expression.
// <metric_name> | <function_call> | <Vector_aggregation> | <literal>
func (p *parser) primaryExpr() Expr {
// 省略
// aggrExpr parses an aggregation expression.
// <aggr_op> (<Vector_expr>) [by|without <labels>]
// <aggr_op> [by|without <labels>] (<Vector_expr>)
func (p *parser) aggrExpr() *AggregateExpr
// call parses a function call.
// <func_name> '(' [ <arg_expr>, ...] ')'
func (p *parser) call(name string) *Call
// AggregateExpr represents an aggregation operation on a Vector.
type AggregateExpr struct {
Op ItemType // The used aggregation operation.
Expr Expr // The Vector expression over which is aggregated.
Param Expr // Parameter used by some aggregators.
Grouping []string // The labels by which to group the Vector.
Without bool // Whether to drop the given labels rather than keep them.
// BinaryExpr represents a binary expression between two child expressions.
type BinaryExpr struct {
Op ItemType // The operation of the expression.
LHS, RHS Expr // The operands on the respective sides of the operator.
// The matching behavior for the operation if both operands are Vectors.
// If they are not this field is nil.
VectorMatching *VectorMatching
// If a comparison operator, return 0/1 rather than filtering.
ReturnBool bool
// Call represents a function call.
type Call struct {
Func *Function // The function that was called.
Args Expressions // Arguments used in the call.
// MatrixSelector represents a Matrix selection.
type MatrixSelector struct {
Name string
Range time.Duration
Offset time.Duration
LabelMatchers []*labels.Matcher
// The unexpanded seriesSet populated at query preparation time.
unexpandedSeriesSet storage.SeriesSet
series []storage.Series
// SubqueryExpr represents a subquery.
type SubqueryExpr struct {
Expr Expr
Range time.Duration
Offset time.Duration
Step time.Duration
// NumberLiteral represents a number.
type NumberLiteral struct {
Val float64
// ParenExpr wraps an expression so it cannot be disassembled as a consequence
// of operator precedence.
type ParenExpr struct {
Expr Expr
// StringLiteral represents a string.
type StringLiteral struct {
Val string
// UnaryExpr represents a unary operation on another expression.
// Currently unary operations are only supported for Scalars.
type UnaryExpr struct {
Op ItemType
Expr Expr
// VectorSelector represents a Vector selection.
type VectorSelector struct {
Name string
Offset time.Duration
LabelMatchers []*labels.Matcher
// The unexpanded seriesSet populated at query preparation time.
unexpandedSeriesSet storage.SeriesSet
series []storage.Series
engine 得到解析后的Expr之后包装成一个 EvalStmt =》 再包装一个query,再exec的时候求值, 下面是具体的调用链条.
// exec executes the query. 调用 execEvalStmt he
// At this point per query only one EvalStmt is evaluated. Alert and record
// statements are not handled by the Engine.
func (ng *Engine) exec(ctx context.Context, q *query) (Value, storage.Warnings, error)
// execEvalStmt evaluates the expression of an evaluation statement for the given time range.
// 先后调用 populateSeries 和Eval
func (ng *Engine) execEvalStmt(ctx context.Context, query *query, s *EvalStmt) (Value, storage.Warnings, error)
// 会把相关的时间序列值都populate到相关的node上面去, 即从storage把原始数值都查出来
// => querier.Select(params, n.LabelMatchers...)
// 注意前面的Expr中 VectorSelector 和 MatrixSelector 是最终能存 时间序列值的 node
func (ng *Engine) populateSeries(ctx context.Context, q storage.Queryable, s *EvalStmt) (storage.Querier, storage.Warnings, error) {
func (ev *evaluator) Eval(expr Expr) (v Value, err error)
// 核心处理函数,根据不同的Expr类型做处理, 即对已经带了时间序列值对Node做Eval 返回 Value
// eval evaluates the given expression as the given AST expression node requires.
func (ev *evaluator) eval(expr Expr) Value
// eval流程的一个例子
case *BinaryExpr:
return ev.rangeEval(func(v []Value, enh *EvalNodeHelper) Vector {
return ev.VectorBinop(e.Op, v[0].(Vector), v[1].(Vector), e.VectorMatching, e.ReturnBool, enh)
}, e.LHS, e.RHS)
// rangeEval evaluates the given expressions, and then for each step calls
// the given function with the values computed for each expression at that
// step. The return value is the combination into time series of all the
// function call results.
func (ev *evaluator) rangeEval(f func([]Value, *EvalNodeHelper) Vector, exprs ...Expr) Matrix
// VectorBinop evaluates a binary operation between two Vectors, excluding set operators.
func (ev *evaluator) VectorBinop(op ItemType, lhs, rhs Vector, matching *VectorMatching, returnBool bool, enh *EvalNodeHelper) Vector
for { value, keep := vectorElemBinop(op, vl, vr)}
// vectorElemBinop evaluates a binary operation between two Vector elements.
func vectorElemBinop(op ItemType, lhs, rhs float64) (float64, bool) {
switch op {
case ItemADD:
return lhs + rhs, true
// 再看一个function rate 的例子
// delta/rate/increase 背后共享了相同的计算逻辑,仅仅是参数不同。
// === rate(node ValueTypeMatrix) Vector ===
func funcRate(vals []Value, args Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper) Vector {
return extrapolatedRate(vals, args, enh, true, true)
// extrapolatedRate is a utility function for rate/increase/delta.
// It calculates the rate (allowing for counter resets if isCounter is true),
// extrapolates if the first/last sample is close to the boundary, and returns
// the result as either per-second (if isRate is true) or overall.
func extrapolatedRate(vals []Value, args Expressions, enh *EvalNodeHelper, isCounter bool, isRate bool) Vector
附一个brainfuck语言的解析器, 这个语言比较简单,支持如下几种操作, 不支持函数调用。
# > Move the pointer to the right
# < Move the pointer to the left
# + Increment the memory cell under the pointer
# - Decrement the memory cell under the pointer
# . Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
# , Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer
# [ Jump past the matching ] if the cell under the pointer is 0
# ] Jump back to the matching [ if the cell under the pointer is nonzero
from enum import Enum
class BfOpKind(Enum):
# 多了几种OP,是因为这里对program做了“编译”优化
# 比如 LOOP_SET_TO_ZERO replaces [-]
# LOOP_MOVE_PTR for loops like [>>>]
# LOOP_MOVE_DATA for loops like [-<<<+>>>]
valid_symbol = {">": BfOpKind.INC_PTR,
"<": BfOpKind.DEC_PTR,
"+": BfOpKind.INC_DATA,
"-": BfOpKind.DEC_DATA,
",": BfOpKind.READ_STDIN,
def clean_program(p):
return [a for a in p if a in valid_symbol]
class BfOp():
def __init__(self, opkind, argument=0):
# op 不仅有opkind, 还有arg 因为 >>> 优化成了 BfOp(INC_PTR, 3)
# 这样压缩了op,也是一种编译优化
self.kind, self.argument = opkind, argument
def __repr__(self):
for a, b in valid_symbol.items():
if b == self.kind:
return a
return "xxx"
def __str__(self):
for a, b in valid_symbol.items():
if b == self.kind:
return a
return "xxx"
def optimize_loop(ops):
# return op
ret = None
if len(ops) == 3:
# [-] [+] [>] [<]
op = ops[1]
if op.kind == BfOpKind.INC_DATA or op.kind == BfOpKind.DEC_DATA:
ret = BfOp(BfOpKind.LOOP_SET_TO_ZERO)
elif op.kind == BfOpKind.INC_PTR or op.kind == BfOpKind.DEC_PTR:
ret = BfOp(BfOpKind.LOOP_MOVE_PTR, op.argument if op.kind == BfOpKind.INC_PTR else -op.argument)
elif len(ops) == 6:
# [-<+>] and [->+<]
if ops[1].kind == BfOpKind.DEC_DATA and ops[3].kind == BfOpKind.INC_DATA and \
ops[1].argument == 1 and ops[3].argument == 1:
if ops[2].kind == BfOpKind.INC_PTR and ops[4].kind == BfOpKind.DEC_PTR and \
ops[2].argument == ops[4].argument:
ret = BfOp(BfOpKind.LOOP_MOVE_DATA, ops[2].argument)
elif ops[2].kind == BfOpKind.DEC_PTR and ops[4].kind == BfOpKind.INC_PTR and \
ops[2].argument == ops[4].argument:
ret = BfOp(BfOpKind.LOOP_MOVE_DATA, -ops[2].argument)
#print("optimize", [a for a in ops], "to", ret)
return ret
def translate_program(p):
pc, psize, ops = 0, len(p), []
open_bracket_stack = []
while pc < psize:
instruction = p[pc]
if instruction == "[":
ops.append(BfOp(BfOpKind.JUMP_IF_DATA_ZERO, 0))
pc += 1
elif instruction == ']':
if not open_bracket_stack:
print("unmatched closing ']' at pc=", pc)
open_bracket_offset = open_bracket_stack.pop()
ops[open_bracket_offset].argument = len(ops)
ops.append(BfOp(BfOpKind.JUMP_IF_DATA_NOT_ZERO, open_bracket_offset))
optimized_op = optimize_loop(ops[open_bracket_offset:])
if optimized_op:
# 优化替换
ops[open_bracket_offset:] = [optimized_op]
pc += 1
pc, start = pc + 1, pc
while pc < psize and p[pc] == instruction:
pc += 1
num_repeats = pc - start
if instruction not in valid_symbol:
print("invalid symbol ", instruction, pc)
ops.append(BfOp(valid_symbol[instruction], num_repeats))
return ops
def optinterp(p):
memory, dataptr = [0]*10000, 0
ops, pc = translate_program(p), 0
while pc <len(ops):
op, kind = ops[pc], ops[pc].kind
if kind == BfOpKind.INC_PTR:
dataptr += op.argument
elif kind == BfOpKind.DEC_PTR:
dataptr -= op.argument
elif kind == BfOpKind.INC_DATA:
memory[dataptr] += op.argument
elif kind == BfOpKind.DEC_DATA:
memory[dataptr] -= op.argument
elif kind == BfOpKind.READ_STDIN:
memory[dataptr] == int(input())
elif kind == BfOpKind.WRITE_STDOUT:
print(chr(memory[dataptr])*op.argument, end="")
elif kind == BfOpKind.LOOP_SET_TO_ZERO:
memory[dataptr] = 0
elif kind == BfOpKind.LOOP_MOVE_PTR:
while memory[dataptr]:
dataptr += op.argument
elif kind == BfOpKind.LOOP_MOVE_DATA:
if memory[dataptr]:
memory[dataptr + op.argument] += memory[dataptr]
memory[dataptr] = 0
elif kind == BfOpKind.JUMP_IF_DATA_ZERO:
if memory[dataptr] == 0:
pc = op.argument
elif kind == BfOpKind.JUMP_IF_DATA_NOT_ZERO:
if memory[dataptr] != 0:
pc = op.argument
print("INVALID_OP encountered on pc=", pc)
pc += 1
def run(p):
p = clean_program(p)
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