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修改2019-07-15 11:22:13
修改2019-07-15 11:22:13



文|秦陇纪,源|Billy Zhang,科学Sciences20190505Mon











机器学习中的“机器”一词在图灵的论文(COMPUTING MACHINERY&INTELLIGENCE)中被称为“数字计算机”。“学习”仅仅是搜索算法中固有的重复(迭代)步骤,以连续微调或更新(学习)参数,直到近似最接近正确(已知)答案。在数学中,这在均方误差最小化时实现。机器学习中的“训练”不过是使用给定的数据来找到近似函数中的参数(权重和偏差)。














人工智能可以做很多事情,并且比人类做得更好。但人工智能永远不会取代或超越人类的智慧。引用斯坦福大学医学院院长罗伊德·米诺(Lloyd Minor)教授的话说,“人工智能,曾经是一门学科,现在正处于改变医疗保健的尖端。机器可能永远不会取代受过训练的眼睛,但它已经扩展并增强了人类的视力,使我们能够看到我们从未知道的东西“(https://stan.md/2IlJAk6)。与计算机辅助设计(CAD)非常相似,AI是一种可以扩展和增强人类能力的辅助工具。



ArtificialIntelligence: What Is Real & What Is Hype

Published on 2019 4 17 Billy Zhang Technology Frontiers -AI - IoT - Renewable Energy

Artificial Intelligence(AI) can do lots of things and do many of them better than humans can. Theseare well documented and widely reported.

But along with these realAI doing really great things come a lot of hypes, false AI and outrightdeceptions (fake AI).

For example, the claimthat AI was behind the simultaneous interpretations in an internationalconference in China not long ago (September 2018) was proven to be a fraud.

Does AI (the real AI)really have the mystical superpower intelligence that eventually will surpasshuman intelligence, as many hyperbole claims may lead us to believe?

If one peels away all thelayers of the AI onion, of machine learning, supervised learning, unsupervisedlearning, reinforcement learning, deep learning, neural networks (NN),artificial NN, recurrent NN, perceptrons, sigmoid neurons, synapses,feedforward, backpropagation, weights, biases, etc., etc., at the core of AIone sees algorithms that use simple (often linear) functions to approximate(“guess”) what the subject matter is, be it a lump in the human body, ahandwritten letter or digit, the weather or playing a game.

An algorithm is amathematical technique that performs operations, be they addition andsubtraction or Monte Carlo tree search and gradient descent search. Thesealgorithms have long existed as part of numerical analysis in solving problemsin physics and mathematics, and in computer simulations. Using gradient descentsearch algorithm to fit experimental data to a mathematical function (sometimescalled a model) to find the first-principle parameters that underly theexperimental data has been used in the scientific community since the advent ofcomputers.

In physics andmathematics, the first-principle parameters are in and of themselves theobjectives of using search algorithms. These parameters reveal the physicalproperties of the subject matter being studied (such as the molecular structureof surface films in my research project using gradient search algorithm to fitexperimental data to a function which contained molecular structureparameters). In AI, the parameters (weights and biases) in the approximatingfunction are intermediaries which in and of themselves are not of any physicalsignificance. They are stored (memorized) in the computer and are merely usedin subsequent computations and predictions. Hence the parameters are not seenor are hidden in the “machine learning” black box. This is one of the reasonsthat give rise to the illusion of “mysterious” and “magical” nature of machinelearning and AI. (Magicians perform magics. We all know that the magics areillusions created by magicians’ deft sleight of hand. We can all haveconfidence in that knowledge. Magicians do not possess superhuman powers.)

The word “machine” inmachine learning was referred to as the “digital computer” in Turing’s paper(COMPUTING MACHINERY & INTELLIGENCE). “Learning” is no more than therepetitive (iterative) steps intrinsic in the search algorithms to successivelyfine-tune or update (learn) the parameters until the approximation is closest tothe correct (known) answer. In mathematics, this is achieved when the meansquare error is minimized. “Training” in machine learning is no more than usingthe given data to find the parameters (weights and biases) in the approximatingfunction.

It’s perfectly fine touse personified terminologies to describe AI. In addition to “training” and“learning”, one hears of “neural networks”. A “neural network” is just acomputer programming architecture. A “neuron” is a step in the program thatgenerates an outcome. One also hears that “machines automatically learn andimprove from experience without being explicitly programmed”, while in fact machinelearning is nothing but a set of computer programs. Algorithms areimplemented through programming. The word “explicitly”, sandwiched between“without being … programmed”, as if independent of human’s involvement orintervention, is a finesse of logic. It is such misleading statement aboutmachine’s ability to “self-learn” that gives rise to all the feelings aboutmachine learning (and by extension, AI) being magical, mysterious, daunting,awing and frightening, all at the same time. The fact is that beingprohibitively difficult or even impossible to explicitly program is the reasonthat machine learning – using numerical analysis algorithms - is used.

The media get carriedaway by these personified terminologies. In the hypes about machines learningand AI, the word “artificial” is often deliberately or subconsciously (usuallythe latter) omitted. “Artificial” means human-made. Real AI really ishuman-made intelligence at work, which means human intelligence at work.More intelligent AI merely means cleverer human intelligence (e.g., betteralgorithm or more efficient programming or faster computer, etc.).

This is not to belittlemachine learning and AI. AI can do lots of things and do many of them betterthan humans can. But hyping AI beyond what it really is leads tomisunderstanding, falsehoods and fraud.

It’s also common toconfuse informatization with intelligentization. Topic for another day.

Can real AI beat humansin specific tasks? Yes, like AlphaGo beating best human Go players. Butcomputers have beat humans since their advent. Computers perform mathematicalcalculations faster than any human can. Computer itself is a product of humanintelligence. Any tools used by humans can do specific tasks better than humanscan. That’s precisely a manifestation of human intelligence at work. Stones cando a better job than human’s bare hand can, like in cracking walnuts. Computeris a tool invented by humans to help humans do certain tasks (in this case,many tasks) better. AI is also a tool invented by humans to help humans docertain tasks better. Just to be sure, no new algorithms have been invented inthe course of AI research in the last decades, only new ways of applyingexisting algorithms. Can new applications be called inventions? Subject todebate.

Will AI displaceworkforce? Absolutely, just like computers did (or any new tool in the humanhistory). But while new tools displaced existing workforce, they also createdfar more new workforce. The automated pick’n place machines for PCB assemblydisplaced lots of bench workers, but they also enabled more innovations whichrequired higher assembly accuracy than what manual assembly by bench workerscould achieve, thus creating more design engineering jobs. While AI willdisplace existing workforce, it has already created huge demand for dataworkers (data scientists, data engineers, etc.) and AI programmers. Examplesare limitless.

Data is at the front andcenter of AI. All the search algorithms yield better (more accurate) resultswith bigger data (there of course is trade off with time. The bigger the data,the more time it takes to yield results). In addition, quality and integrity ofdata are just as important as quantity of data (sounds like a no brainer, butoften lost in the hypes). Unfortunately, lots of hypes are created about dataas well, particularly in the field of Big Data, sometimes leading to disastrousinvestment decisions.

However, intelligenceitself is not related to the quantity of data. Einstein formulated his theoriesof relativity (Special and General) through sheer intelligence, without anydata to support. Kepler induced the law of planet motion through analyzinglimited observational data obtained by Brahe, which in turn led to Newton’s lawof universal gravitation. Such reasoning and induction/deduction abilities andcapability to express conclusions in closed-form expressions (Newton’s laws,Maxwell’s equations, Schrodinger equation, etc.) are unique of humanintelligence.

Not all “big data” areBig Data, and not all decisions require big data or AI to make. Observing whata person orders for dinner just once, or three to four times at most, is enoughto determine if the person is a vegetarian. It does not take “big data” aboutthe person nor AI to make that determination.

Using big data to makebusiness decisions is not new either. Six Sigma is a data-driven methodologyused in businesses to improve quality of products and services, such as in carmanufacturing, semiconductor fabs or financial services. Statistical analysisof big data for assessment of financial risks and detection of fraud is wellestablished, all part of data mining.

Often it is impracticalor impossible to describe behavior of a system in closed-form expressions, suchas weather. Weather is affected by too many variables, not just locally butregionally and sometimes even globally. Numerical analysis (on supercomputers,no less, and used to be called computer simulation and now called AI) has beenused to simulate and forecast weather. But we all have experienced (perhapseven suffered from) the inaccuracies of weather forecast. Why? Not because of algorithmsor computer speed, but because of lack of complete data even though what dataare available are already big. This is a double whammy takedown: lack ofcomplete data used for training (machine learning) means less than accurateweights and biases in the approximating function which, combined with lack ofcomplete data used for forecasting, aggravates still the forecasting accuracy.To forecast accurate weather requires a lot more first-principle research intohow weather is affected by, say, the distribution of temperature, pressure,humidity, wind, polluting particles in the air, etc., over every square mile orevery ten square miles or whatever granularity, over fifty square miles or twohundred square miles or an entire continent. Even after such understanding isachieved, challenge remains in gathering data with such granularity to input tothe algorithms making forecast.

In a sense, AI forrecognition of handwritten or playing games of Go are in a “clean and completedata” environment. Everything is transparent and available. Not so in mostother real-world applications. Take as an example AI for hiring highperformance employees. First HR must define what constitutes high performance.Secondly HR must identify the set of attributes that are causes of (or at leastcorrelated with) high performance, over many samples (headcounts). Neither iseasy and error-free. High performance is not just a function of personalattributes. It’s affected by many other factors such as company culture andoffice politics. Inaccurate or erroneous data result in inaccurate or erroneouspredictions. In HR, it may simply mean making a bad hire. But in healthcare,inaccurate, erroneous or even irrelevant data may have life or deathconsequences. Whatever AI finds in healthcare applications must be doublechecked by trained eyes and minds. Correlation relationship is not the same ascausal-effect relationship.

Likewise, in autonomousdriving, the data environment is not just “not clean”, it could be heavily“polluted”. Topic for another day.

AI can do lots of thingsand do many of them better than humans can. But AI will never replace orsurpass human intelligence. To quote Prof. Lloyd Minor, Dean of School ofMedicine at Stanford University, “Artificial intelligence, once an academicdiscipline, is now on the cusp of transforming health care. A machine may nevertake the place of the trained eye, but it’s already extending and enhancinghuman vision, allowing us to see things we never knew were there”(https://stan.md/2IlJAk6). Much like computer-aided design (CAD), AI is an aidthat extends and enhances human abilities.

Billy Zhang

Technology Frontiers - AI- IoT - Renewable Energy


1. Billy Zhang. ArtificialIntelligence: What Is Real & What Is Hype. [EB/OL], elecfans, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/artificial-intelligence-what-real-hype-billy-zhang/,Published on 2019 4 17, visiting date: 2019-05-05.

x. 秦陇纪. 西方哲学与人工智能、计算机; 数据科学与大数据技术专业概论; 人工智能研究现状及教育应用; 信息社会的数据资源概论; 纯文本数据溯源与简化; 大数据简化技术体系. [EB/OL],数据简化DataSimp(微信公众号), http://www.datasimp.org, 2017-06-06.











ArtificialIntelligence: What Is Real & What Is Hype







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