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从 PowerBI 引擎之父的专访深入理解PowerBI

发布2019-09-23 19:10:26
发布2019-09-23 19:10:26


Power BI 背后的团队:Jeffrey Wang

If you are dealing with Power BI/Power Pivot, it doesn’t take long before you encounter the DAX language for the first time. Jeffrey Wang is Principal Software Engineer Manager at Microsoft and is considered the father of DAX and the VertiPaq engine behind it.

如果你正在使用Power BI或者Power Pivot,你很快就会发现DAX语言。Jeffrey Wang是工作在背后的微软高级软件工程师,并被称为DAX / VertiPaq 引擎之父。

Lars: Jeffrey, I’m so glad you agreed to answer my questions. ? Would you like to briefly describe what your main tasks at Microsoft are?


Jeffrey: I work on the Power BI team and am in charge of the development of the DAX engine.

Jeffrey:我在Power BI团队工作,负责DAX引擎的开发。

Lars: In the community your name is often labelled „the father of DAX„. How would you describe your role in the invention of DAX?


Jeffrey: The invention of DAX was a joint effort of many people. I was just one of the inventors, not even the most important ones. My contribution to DAX became more prominent later on when I became the manager of the development team. In my effort to spread DAX knowledge, I started to present at community meetings and some organizers began to introduce me that way in order to get more people to come to my talks ?


Lars: Why did you think you had to invent a new language then? What can DAX do that the existing languages could not?


Jeffrey: We needed a language that can elegantly express core BI concepts, is friendly to business users without formal programming training, and can be easily implemented to handle billions of rows of data efficiently. We had considered three existing programming languages: Excel formulas, SQL, MDX. Excel formulas are the language of choice for business analysts, the audience we were targeting for self-service BI, but it lacked basic constructs to deal with relational database operations on top of structured data stored in tables and columns. SQL is a great language to express operations on structured data of any size. It just lacks the core BI concept of measure and is too verbose to express common BI query patterns. Some BI vendors chose to extend SQL to support BI measures. They all ended up being very hacky and confusing since they kind of broke SQL by making SQL-like expressions return un-SQL-ly results. Finally, MDX was a successful niche language in the BI market but it’s too hard for business people since it required users to learn too many multi-dimensional concepts, such as dimensions, attributes, hierarchies, etc. before they could understand the language. We built DAX on top of simple relational database concepts like tables, columns, and relationships which, unlike multi-dimensional ones, are intuitively understood by business analysts, and then we added the core BI ingredient of measures as a first-class citizen, and adopted the friendly format of Excel formulas along with a lot of Excel functions with which business users are already familiar.


Lars: If you had to describe DAX to someone who’d never heard of it: How would that look?


Jeffrey: To business users, I’ll tell them that DAX is a programming language that has Excel formula-like syntax and empowers you to define business metrics, also known as measures in BI jargon, which are reusable across many business reporting and analytics. To BI professionals, I’ll tell them that DAX is a programming and query language that combines core features of SQL and MDX in an Excel formula-like syntax to enable BI developers to define a feature rich BI semantic layer and to unleash the full power of the Vertipaq Engine, the in-memory columnar database.


Lars: When you designed DAX back then, which potential users were you looking for at that time? Has this picture changed in the meantime?


Jeffrey: The goal back then was to build a set of core technologies that can serve the diversified needs of users across the spectrum of self-service BI, team BI, and corporate BI, therefore we needed a programming language that’s simple enough for business analysts to use in their daily work yet powerful enough to express complex modeling concepts as required by large enterprise applications. It was an ambitious goal that is still relevant today and we have seen a steadily increasing number of business users as well as BI specialists adopt the technology as we had hoped.

Jeffrey:当时是希望可以构建一种核心技术,可以满足包括self-service BI,团队BI以及企业BI的各种需求,因此定位于打造一种足够简单的编程语言,使业务分析人员也可以直接用于他们的日常工作,而且这种语言不能因为简单而丧失可以构建复杂模型的强大性,因为它同时要能构建大型企业级的应用。即使是从今天来看,当时的定位也是有点大的,但从使用这项技术的不断增长的业务用户以及BI专家来看,它基本满足了我们当时的预期。

Lars: Recently, the Excel team announced that Power Pivot will soon be available in all Excel versions for Windows. In the foreseeable future all Excel users will have access to the DAX Engine! Do you hope that this will make DAX even more popular?

Lars:最近,Excel团队已经宣布未来Power Pivot会整合进入Windows中Excel的所有版本。如果是这样的话,所有的Excel用户都可以使用DAX了,这将使DAX更加流行吗?

Jeffrey: I certainly hope so. I even hope one day Excel team will add DAX queries to pivot tables and pivot charts to unleash the full power of the Power Pivot engine.

Jeffrey:我当然希望如此。我甚至希望有一天Excel团队可以把DAX查询功能加入到透视表和透视图的原生功能以充分释放Power Pivot引擎的能力。

Lars: DAX has many „hidden“ characteristics and concepts. Starting with filter and row contexts, via internal conversions (implicit CALCULATE statements, etc.), context transitions, etc. The language appears very simple at the beginning, but then becomes relatively fast increasingly complex. I know that many DAX users are unsettled by these „hidden“ concepts. An example: You already described on your old blog in early 2011 that there are three different forms in DAX how the date column can be referenced within a Time Intelligence function. Internally, however, these three forms are interpreted differently by DAX, which can have certain side effects. I am sure that in the development of DAX it was necessary to build the language exactly as you did. Nevertheless, could you please give the interested reader an insight into why there are so many hidden characteristics and special cases?


Jeffrey: A simple DAX expression often belies complex calculations under the hood. The appearance of simplicity of some common DAX expressions is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, syntactical simplicity and flexibility enable beginners to write powerful calculations relatively easily and quickly. On the other hand, the behind-the-scene complex calculations often have side-effects when users move beyond basic scenarios without a deeper understanding of a breakdown of steps underlying a calculated result. The original design goal was to make the syntax as simple as possible in common usage patterns while conforming to a coherent and semantically sound language model. For example,


= CALCULATE ( [Total Sales], Product[Color] = „Red“ )

is syntax sugar for 其实就是一个语法糖(编译器将上述内容直接翻译成下面内容):

= CALCULATE ( [Total Sales], FILTER ( ALL ( Product[Color] ), Product[Color] = „Red“ ) )

The simpler form is more intuitive for beginners who often think of filters as Boolean expressions which return true or false for a given row. In reality, all DAX filters in filter context are table expressions on one side of a semi-join operator in relational algebra with the other side open-ended. I don’t think it’s wise to introduce the concept of semi-join to business users on their first day of DAX adventure. On the other hand, the example illustrates that DAX stands on a solid theoretical foundation so advanced users can freely combine any number of interesting features together to formulate arbitrarily complex business logic. On a related note, DAX beginners ran into their first hurdle once they started writing non-trivial DAX because measure, which is a reusable, dynamic expression, is a new concept to both Excel users and SQL developers.


Lars: Is there anything else you want to/ can tell us about the future development of the DAX? Lars:对于DAX未来的开发,有什么可以透露的吗?

Jeffrey: DAX, coupled with rich modeling capabilities, gives Microsoft BI an edge over many competitors’ solutions. We plan to introduce even more flexibilities in DAX and modeling so that BI users of all levels can build analytical and reporting applications they can’t imagine today. Jeffrey:DAX 的丰富建模能力,让微软的在BI领域超越了很多竞争对手。我们计划未来在DAX中引入更加灵活的特性让各种层次的BI用户都可以来做建模,并远远超过现在可想到的能力。 Lars: Jeffrey, thank you very much for answering my questions and I wish you and your team the continued creative power that already made our working lives so much easier. ? Lars:Jeffrey,非常感谢你能回答我的问题,也一如既往地期待你和你的团队能像现在一样给我们带来源源不断的生产力,让我们的工作更加简单。

关于Power BI DAX引擎之父

文中提到的DAX之父 Jeffrey Wang,江湖人称DAX之父,但其却是非常低调的。很少能在PowerBI社区或其他社交网络看到他,当然,专注于技术研发怎么可能有那么多其他时间。这里简单介绍一下 Jeffrey 先生:Principal Engineering Manager,Microsoft Power BI。Jeffrey从2004年加入微软分析服务(Analysis Service)团队,作为软件工程师。后开始参与存储引擎的性能优化工作。后来从事对MDX引擎的改进工作。他是DAX的发明者之一,DAX于2009年正式发布。他目前领导Power BI产品组中DAX引擎以及Direct Query引擎的开发工作。


可以看出大神的感觉还是很平易近人的。最为振奋的是:Jeffrey是位华人。这应该是最让人振奋的了。想象一下,我们用的Power BI的引擎的打造者原来和我们这么近。

另外,如果您是DAX的深度用户,你一定看过《The Definitive Guide to DAX:》,Jeffrey为该书做了前言。另外,在2018年最新上市的《Beginning DAX with Power BI》一书中,Jeffrey 是该书的技术评审。


我们从了 DAX 之父的寄语中仿佛看到 Power BI 以及 DAX 在未来巨大的生命力。如果Power BI已经改变我们的工作和生活,并且您和我一样期待 DAX 的发展,让我们也一起期待吧。最后,如果可以对大神说点什么,欢迎您在本文下方留言。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2018-07-09,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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    • Power BI 背后的团队:Jeffrey Wang
      • 关于Power BI DAX引擎之父
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