社区首页 >专栏 >每天送0.2美金的小羊毛


发布2019-12-19 14:25:40
发布2019-12-19 14:25:40


github 账号需要注册在 2019-06-21 之前





Anyone can get KSM at the publicfaucetafter genesis. Unlike test network tokens, we expect KSM to be a scarce resource and thefaucetis designed to limit the amount of tokens distributed to each individual.

In order to prevent Sybil attacks, thefaucetwill only drip to users that have a GitHub account that was created prior to June, 21, 2019. If you do not have a GitHub account that was created prior to this date, please use the KSM Request Form[1] to request tokens.


  • Github account with a creation date before 21 June 2019
  • The address that the user requests a drip to must have never received a drip in the past
  • The GitHub user requesting the drip must not have received a drip from the faucet during the past 24 hours
  • The address must contain the string ksma (case-insensitive)

Step 1: Generate an Address

Thefaucetwill only drip to addresses that contain the string ksma(case-insensitive, that is, KSMA or kSmA would work). It will also never drip to the same address twice. Thus, a new address has to be created each time a user requests KSM tokens.

Obtaining a valid address will require generating numerous addresses until you find one which meets the requirements. You can think of this as a small proof-of-work. You can use the command-line tool Subkey[2], the web interface (PolkadotJSDashboard[3]), or any other program capable of generating arbitrary addresses. You can even code up your own if you like.

Using PolkadotJSDashboard
  1. Go to Settings[4] and select Kusama (canary) on the address networkprefixdrop-down list, then click Save & Reload.
  1. Under the Accounts page[5], select Vanity Address tab
  1. Input ksma in the "search for" textbox and leave the "keypair crypto type" by default unless you want to use another type. After this, click Start generation. It will most likely take at least 10 mins to generate the address pattern you want.
Using Subkey

You can install subkey with this one-line command:

cargo install --force --git https://github.com/paritytech/substrate subkey

Alternatively, you can build subkey from the source code.

  1. Follow the build instructions for Substrate[6].
  2. When building, build subkey by typing cargo build -p subkey.
  3. The executable is ./target/debug/subkey.

The command subkey --network kusama vanity "ksma" will generate a new key-pair where the address contains the string ksma.

Depending on the hardware configuration of your computer and on luck, thiscomputationmay take anywhere from a few seconds to approximately 10 minutes.

$ subkey --network kusama vanity "ksma"
  Generating key containing pattern 'ksma'
  100000 keys searched; best is 190/237 complete
  200000 keys searched; best is 201/237 complete
  300000 keys searched; best is 207/237 complete
  1000000 keys searched; best is 225/237 complete
  2000000 keys searched; best is 225/237 complete
  best: 237 == top: 237
  Secret Key URI `0x6262bcafcf6e6abbea102a2dbafecb81c28e9737e2cbce3d3ead7bde47806ac4` is account:
  Public key (hex): 0xe6a979d75da9241c491f12b7e7c2cf015ba9202a4be4649a15b72a3a60e0e730
  Address (SS58): Hnksmako1TfL4rsVMnT798syHFdF8rtFQT3tNF4jqLdswZD

The Address (SS58) field is the Kusama address that you will need to request KSM to. Notice that the string ksma starts at the third character. Never share your Secret Key, as this controls your funds.

See the `subkey` documentation[7] or enter subkey --help for more usage examples.

Step 2: Submit an Issue

Once you have generated your Kusama address containing the string ksma, you are ready to request KSM from thefaucet.

  1. Log in to Github. Go to the faucetrepo[8] of the Kusama Network organization.
  2. Click on the Issues tab, then click "New Issue".
  3. Enter any text for the "Title" textbox - it will be ignored.
  4. In the "Leave a comment" textbox, enter the address you generated in Step 1 (which must include the string "ksma"). Do not enter any text other than this address.
  5. Wait while the faucet verifies the address. Depending on network conditions and server load, this may take a few minutes, but should generally be complete within 30 seconds.
  6. You will see a comment posted to your issue indicating success or failure. Success means that 0.1 KSM has been sent to the posted address; failure means that there was some problem and no KSM was sent to your address. In the event of failure, the message should indicate what the problem is (e.g., the faucet is dry, the address is invalid).
  7. The issue will close automatically after you receive a response, whether or not it was a success.


  • A single GitHub account can get 0.1 KSM every 24 hours.
  • Remember to post only the address - no other text, and definitely not your seed or mnemonic phrase!
  • The total number of KSM available to all users of the faucet is 10 KSM per day.


If you want to support thefaucet, please send KSM to this address: EaG2CRhJWPb7qmdcJvy3LiWdh26Jreu9Dx6R1rXxPmYXoDk

Thefaucet's wallet will be periodically refilled from the address above.


If you are having difficulties using thefaucet, please join the Kusama Watercooler chat[9] and somebody will try to help you.




KSM Request Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGAqjXY3xLokwl7A-R4JZAnrBnSI3BVXKMKDLCKVtHaxgs-w/formResponse


Subkey: #Using-Subkey


PolkadotJSDashboard: #Using-PolkadotJS-Dashboard


Settings: https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/settings


Accounts page: https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/accounts


Substrate: https://github.com/paritytech/substrate#6-building


subkey documentation: https://substrate.dev/docs/en/ecosystem/subkey


faucetrepo: https://github.com/kusamanetwork/faucet/issues


Kusama Watercooler chat: https://riot.w3f.tech/#/room/#kusamawatercooler:polkadot.builders

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2019-12-07,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 Python爬虫分享 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

0 条评论
  • 条件
  • Instructions
    • Requirements:
      • Step 1: Generate an Address
        • Using PolkadotJSDashboard
        • Using Subkey
        • Installation
        • Usage
      • Step 2: Submit an Issue
        • Notes:
          • Donations:
            • Support:
              • 参考资料
              问题归档专栏文章快讯文章归档关键词归档开发者手册归档开发者手册 Section 归档