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Kotlin 协程之Practice

发布2019-12-26 14:51:28
发布2019-12-26 14:51:28
文章被收录于专栏:Android 进阶Android 进阶

Kotlin 协程作用

  1. 让线程主动释放CPU是协程一个作用,一个协程执行后挂起,然后让另一个协程执行,
  2. 等到这个协程执行完毕再让前一个协程继续执行。
  3. 协程可以不依赖于线程直接运行在进程中;
  4. 协程通过提升CPU的利用率,进而减少线程切换,进而提升程序运行效率;
  5. 协程启动与停止都是由代码操作,而不是操作系统调度;

Kotlin 协程练习

Kotlin 练习参考https://www.kotlincn.net/docs/reference/

    private fun testLaunch() = runBlocking{
        //GlobalScope.launch 返回一个Job对象,Job协程要执行的任务,将Job对象看成协程本身,协程的状态与生命周期都是Job反应出来的
        val job = GlobalScope.launch {//使用launch启动一个协程
            //delay 是挂起函数,不会造成线程阻塞,只能在协程中使用
//        Thread.sleep(2000L)//阻塞主线程2秒,保证JVM存活
//        runBlocking {//阻塞主线程2秒,保证JVM存活
//            delay(2000L)
//        }
//        delay(2000L)
        job.join() //等待子线程直到结束 结果虽然相同,但主协程与后台任务持续时间没有任何关系
    //可以使用 coroutineScope 构建器来声明你自己的作用域的。它启动了一个新的协程作用域并且在所有子协程执行结束后并没有执行完毕。
    // runBlocking 和 coroutineScope 主要的不同之处在于后者在等待所有的子协程执行完毕时并没有使当前线程阻塞
    private fun testCoro() = runBlocking {
            Log.i(tag,"Task from runBlocking")
        coroutineScope {//创建一个新的协程作用域
            launch {
                Log.i(tag,"Task from nested")
            Log.i(tag,"Task from CoroutineScope")
        Log.i(tag,"The CoroutineScope is over")
    private fun main() = runBlocking {
//        launch {
//            doNext()
//        }
//        Log.i(tag,"Hello,")
        GlobalScope.launch {
                Log.i(tag,"This is slepping $i")
    private suspend fun doNext(){
    private fun show() = runBlocking {
        val job = GlobalScope.launch {
            try {
                    i ->
                    print("i am sleep $i")
            }catch (e:CancellationException){
            }finally {
//                //在协程取消时执行终结任务,如果代码块可以被取消,那么在finally中运行挂起函数就会抛异常
//                print("i am running finally")
                    print("i am running finally")
                    print("i can delay 1 sec beacuse i am non-cancellable")
        print("main i ma tired of wating")
        job.cancel()//取消该任务 一旦main函数调用了cancel,我们就看不到输出
        print("now i can quit")
    // 正在执行计算的任务,如果没有检查取消,他们是不能取消的
    private fun showOne() = runBlocking {
        val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
        val job = launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
            var nextPrint = startTime
            val i=0
//            while(i<5){
//                //每秒消息打印两次
//                if(System.currentTimeMillis()>=nextPrint) {
//                    print("i am sleeping ($i++)")
//                    nextPrint += 500
//                }
//            }
                    print("i am sleeping ($i++)")
                    nextPrint += 500
        print("i am waiting")
        print("i can quit")
    // 但这里会抛出一个TimeoutCancellationException异常
    private fun showTwo() = runBlocking{
        val job = withTimeout(1300){
                print("i am sleep $i")
        val jobb = withTimeoutOrNull(1300){
                print("i am sleep $i")
        print("result is $jobb")
    fun showThree() = runBlocking {
        val channel = Channel<Int>(4)//带缓冲通道,允许发送者被挂起前发射多个元素,但也会像BlockQueue会阻塞元素
        launch { for (i in 1..5) channel.send(i*i)
            //channel.close 向channel通道发送一个关闭的特殊操作,receive会收到指令前所有操作
        //for循环迭代 channel通道
        for(i in channel) print(i)
        val square = produceSquare()
        //使用consumeEach 在消费者端来替代for循环
        square.consumeEach { print(it) }
    private fun CoroutineScope.produceSquare() :ReceiveChannel<Int> = produce{
        for(i in 1..5) send(i*i)
    private fun CoroutineScope.produceNumbers(start:Int) = produce {
        var x=start
        while (true){
    private fun CoroutineScope.square(numbers:ReceiveChannel<Int>):ReceiveChannel<Int> = produce {
        for(i in 1..5) send(i*i)
    fun showFour() = runBlocking {
        val numbers = produceNumbers(2)//生产无穷数字
        val square = square(numbers)//将1到5数字转换成平方数
        for (i in 1..5) print(square.receive())//打印前5个数字
        var cur = produceNumbers(2)
        for(i in 1..10){
            val prime = cur.receive()
            cur = filter(cur,prime)
    private fun CoroutineScope.filter(numbers:ReceiveChannel<Int>,prime:Int):ReceiveChannel<Int> = produce {
        for (x in numbers) if(x%prime!=0) send(x)
    private fun CoroutineScope.launchProcessor(id:Int,channel: ReceiveChannel<Int>) = launch{
        for(msg in channel){
            print("Processor $id receive $msg")
    private fun test() = runBlocking {
        val producer = produceNumbers(2)
    private suspend fun sendString(channel:SendChannel<String>,s:String,time:Long){
        while (true){
    fun showFive() = runBlocking {
        val channel = Channel<String>()
        launch { sendString(channel,"a",200L) }
        launch { sendString(channel,"b",500L) }
    //Kotlin 1.3新特性,契约,让一个函数能够以编译器的理解方式显示的描述其行为
    fun so(s:String?){
        require(s is String)
    fun foo(lock:Any){
        val x:Int
    suspend fun doSome1():Int{
        return 12
    suspend fun doSome2():Int{
        return 24
    fun done() = runBlocking {
        val time = measureTimeMillis {
            //使用async进行协程并发,减少执行时间 协程并发总是显示的
//            val one = async { doSome1() }
//            val two = async { doSome2() }
            val one = async(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY){doSome1()}
            val two = async(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY){doSome2()}
            print("result is ${one.await()+two.await()}")
        print("complete time is $time")
    // 不带有任何返回值,而async返回一个Defrred对象一个轻量级非阻塞future,使用await在一个延期的值上得到结果,它是一个接口继承自Job对象,也就是说它也是一个job对象,可以进行取消操作
    //async 风格函数   该函数不是挂起函数,可以在任何地方执行
    fun doSomeAsync() = GlobalScope.async {
    fun doSomeAsync2() = GlobalScope.async {
    fun ttest(){
        val time = measureTimeMillis {
            val one = doSomeAsync()
            val two = doSomeAsync2()
            runBlocking {
                print("result is ${one.await()+two.await()}")
        print("time is $time")
    suspend fun sum():Int = coroutineScope {
        val one = doSomeAsync()
        val two = doSomeAsync2()
    fun resultShow() = runBlocking {
        val time = measureTimeMillis {
            print("answer is ${sum()}")
        print("time is $time")
    private suspend fun failureSum():Int = coroutineScope{
        val one = async{
            try {
            }finally {
                print("first is canced")
        val two = async<Int> {
            print("second throw execption")
            throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException()
    fun testOne() = runBlocking {
        try {
        }catch (e:ArithmeticException){
            println("Computation failed with ArithmeticException")
    //协程上下文与调度器 ,协程上下文包括一个调度器,它确定相应的协程在执行时使用一个或多个线程,协程调度器会让协程执行在指定的局部线程中,调用它
    fun testDispatcher() = runBlocking {
        launch { print("main runBlocking 运行在主协程") }
        launch(Dispatchers.Unconfined){ print("不受限,将工作在主协程")}
        launch(Dispatchers.Default){ print("将获取默认调度器")}
        launch(newSingleThreadContext("myThread")){ print("获得一个新的线程用于自身使用")}
    //Dispatcher.Unconfig 调度器会在线程中启用协程,但是直到程序运行到第一个挂起点时才行。挂起后,它将完全由所运行的线程中恢复挂起函数,
    fun testDispatcherMain() = runBlocking {//非受限将会和主协程一起工作
            print("i am working in thread ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
            print("after delay ,i am working in thread ")
        launch {//父协程上下文
            print("i am working in thread ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
            print("after delay ,i am working in thread ")
    fun log(msg:String){
        print("[${Thread.currentThread().name}] $msg")
    fun jump(){
        newSingleThreadContext("cx1").use { cx1->
            newSingleThreadContext("cx2").use { cx2->
                //runBlocking 显示的指定上下文
                    log("Start in cx1")
                        log("run in cx2")
                    log("Back to cx1")
     * 输出
     *  job1: I run in GlobalScope and execute independently!
        job2: I am a child of the request coroutine
        job1: I am not affected by cancellation of the request
        main: Who has survived request cancellation?
    fun parentLaunch() = runBlocking {
        val request = launch {
            GlobalScope.launch {
                println("job1: I run in GlobalScope and execute independently!")
                println("job1: I am not affected by cancellation of the request")
            launch {
                println("job2: I am a child of the request coroutine")
                println("job2: I will not execute this line if my parent request is cancelled")
        delay(1000) // 延迟一秒钟来看看发生了什么
        println("main: Who has survived request cancellation?")
     * 输出
     *  request: I'm done and I don't explicitly join my children that are still active
        Coroutine 0 is done
        Coroutine 1 is done
        Coroutine 2 is done
        Now processing of the request is complete
    fun parentLaunchTwo() = runBlocking {
        val request = launch {
            repeat(3) { i ->
                launch {
                    delay((i + 1) * 200L)
                    print("Coroutine is $i done")
                println("request: I'm done and I don't explicitly join my children that are still active")
        println("Now processing of the request is complete")
     *  输出
     *  Throwing exception from launch
        Exception in thread "DefaultDispatcher-worker-2 @coroutine#2" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Joined failed job
        Throwing exception from async
        Caught ArithmeticException
    fun testException() = runBlocking {
        val job = GlobalScope.launch {
            println("Throw Exception from launch")
            throw IndexOutOfBoundsException()
        println("Joined failed Job")
        val deferred = GlobalScope.async {
            println("Throw Exception from async")
            throw ArithmeticException()//依赖用户去调用等待
        try {
        } catch (e: ArithmeticException) {
            println("Caught ArithmeticException")
    //输出 Caught java.lang.AssertionError
    fun testExceptionTow() = runBlocking {
        val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler{ _,exception->
            println("Caught $exception")
        val job = GlobalScope.launch(handler){
            throw AssertionError()
        val deferred = GlobalScope.async(job){
            throw ArithmeticException()//没有打印任何东西,依赖用户去调用await获取结果
     * 输出
     * Cancelling child
       Child is cancelled
       Parent is not cancelled
    fun cancelException() = runBlocking {
        val job = launch {
            val child = launch {
                try {
                }finally {
                    println("Child cancel")
            print("Child is canceling")
            print("Parent is not cancel")
     * 输出
     * Second child throws an exception
       Children are cancelled, but exception is not handled until all children terminate
       The first child finished its non cancellable block
       Caught java.lang.ArithmeticException
    fun testCancelException() = runBlocking {
        val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
            println("Caught $exception")
        val job = GlobalScope.launch {
            launch {//第一个子协程
                try {
                }finally {
                        println("Children are canceled,but exception is not handled until all child terminate")
                        println("The first child finished is non cancellable block")
            launch {//第二个子协程
                println("Second throw Exception")
                throw ArithmeticException()
    //输出 Caught java.io.IOException with suppressed [java.lang.ArithmeticException]
    fun testChildException() = runBlocking {
        //CoroutineExceptionHandler 异常处理类
        val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler{_,exception->
            println("Caught $exception with suppressed ${exception.suppressed.contentToString()}")
        val job = GlobalScope.launch(handler) {
            launch {
                try {
                }finally {
                    throw ArithmeticException()
            launch {
                throw IOException()
//监督任务 SupervisorJob,孵化一些子任务,监督它们故障,并在它们任务执行失败时进行重启,取消异常只会向下传播,一个异常取消被处理了,
 * 输出
 * First child is failing
   First child is cancelled: true, but second one is still active
   Cancelling supervisor
   Second child is cancelled because supervisor is cancelled
fun testSupervisor() = runBlocking {
    val superVisor = SupervisorJob()
        val firstChild = launch(CoroutineExceptionHandler{_,_ ->}) {
            println("First child is Failing")
            throw AssertionError("First child is cancelled")
   ​     //启动第二个子任务
   ​     val secondChild = launch {
   ​         //等待第一个子任务执行结束
   ​         firstChild.join()
   ​         println("First child is cancelled:${firstChild.isCancelled},but second child is active")
   ​         try {
   ​             delay(Long.MAX_VALUE)
   ​         }finally {
   ​             //取消监督传播,下一个任务就会被取消
   ​             println("second is cancelled because supervisor is cancelled")
   ​         }
   ​     }
   ​     //直到第一个子任务失败且执行完成
   ​     firstChild.join()
   ​     println("supervisor is cancelled")
   ​     superVisor.cancel()
   ​     secondChild.join()
 * 输出
 * Child is sleeping
   Throwing exception from scope
   Child is cancelled
   Caught assertion error
fun testSupervisorScope() = runBlocking {
    try {
        supervisorScope {
            val child = launch {
                try {
                    println("Child is sleeping")
                }finally {
                    println("child is cancelled")
            println("Throw exception from scope")
            throw AssertionError()
    }catch (e:AssertionError){
        println("Caught AssertionError")
 * 输出
 * Scope is completing
   Child throws an exception
   Caught java.lang.AssertionError
   Scope is completed
fun testSuperSscope() = runBlocking {
    val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler{_,exception ->
        println("Caught $exception")
    supervisorScope {
        val child = launch(handler){
            println("child throw Exception")
            throw AssertionError()
        println("Scope is competing")
    println("Scope is competed")
//组合上下文元素 使用+操作符来连接,比如:可以定义一个协程调取器同时显示的指定一个命名
fun testWithContext() = runBlocking {
    launch(Dispatchers.Default + CoroutineName("test")){
        println("i am working in thread: ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
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  • Kotlin 协程作用
  • Kotlin 协程练习
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