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发布2020-01-14 16:31:28

Manning--Powershell In Action

Page 66

Collections:dicitonaries and hashtables

One of the most flexible datatypes supported in PowerShell is the hashtable. This atatype lets you map a set of keys to a set of values. For example, we may have a hashtable that maps “red” to 1, “green” to 2, and “yellow” to 4.


Creating and inspecting hashtables

In Powershell,you use hash literals to create a hashtable inline a script.Here it is a simple example:

This example created a hashtable that contained three key-value pairs. The hashtable starts with the token “@{” and ends with “}”. Inside the delimiters, you define a set of key-value pairs where the key and value are separated by an equals sign “=”. Formally,the syntax for a hash literal is 例子中创建了一个hashtable,包含三个键值对。hashtable以“@{”开始,以“}”结束。在分号里,你定义了一套键值对,用等号表示。参数包括:

<hashLiteral> = '@{ <keyExpression> '=' <pipeline> [ <separator> <keyExpression> '=' <pipeline> ] * '}' <separator> = ';' | <newline>

Now that we’ve created a hashtable, let’s see how we can use it. PowerShell allows you to access members in a hashtable in two ways—through property notation and through array notation.


Here’s what the property notation looks like:这就是property标记的样子:

PS (3) > $user.firstname John PS (4) > $user.lastname Smith This notation lets you treat a hashtable like an object. This access method is intended to facilitate the use of hashtables as a kind of lightweight data record. Now let’s look at using the array notation.


PS (5) > $user["firstname"] John PS (6) > $user["firstname","lastname"] John Smith

Property notation works pretty much the way you’d expect; you specify a property name and get the corresponding value back. Array notation, on the other hand, is more interesting. In the second command in the example, we provided two keys and got two values back.


Here’s an example that shows some additional features of the underlying hashtable object. The underlying object for PowerShell hashtables is the .NET type System.Collections.Hashtable. This type has a number of properties and methods that you can use. One of these properties is the keys property. This property will give you a list of all of the keys in the hashtable.


PS (7) > $user.keys LastName FirstName PhoneNumber

In the array access notation, you can use keys to get a list of all of the values in the table. PS (8) > $user[$user.keys] Smith John 555-1212

You might have noticed that the keys property didn’t return the keys in alphabetical order. This is because of the way hashtables work; i.e., keys are randomly distributed in the table to speed up access. If you do need to get the values in alphabetical order,here’s how you can do it:


PS (10) > $user.keys | sort-object FirstName LastName PhoneNumber


PS (11) > $user[[string[]] ($user.keys | sort)] John Smith 555-1212

You’ll notice something funny about the last example: we had to cast or convert the sorted list into an array of strings. This is because the hashtable keys mechanism expects strings, not objects, as keys. There’s much more on casts later in this chapter.


Modifying and manipulating hashtables

Now let’s look at adding, changing, and removing elements from the hashtable. First let’s add the date and the city where the user lives to the $user table. 现在让我看看如何添加、修改和删除hashtable中的元素

PS (1) > $user.date = get-date PS (2) > $user Key Value --- ----- LastName Smith date 1/15/2006 12:01:10 PM FirstName John PhoneNumber 555-1212

PS (3) > $user["city"] = "Seattle" PS (4) > $user Key Value --- ----- city Seattle LastName Smith date 1/15/2006 12:01:10 PM FirstName John PhoneNumber 555-1212


PS (5) > $user.city = "Detroit" PS (6) > $user Key Value --- ----- city Detroit LastName Smith date 1/15/2006 12:01:10 PM FirstName John PhoneNumber 555-1212


PS (7) > $user.remove("city") PS (8) > $user Key Value --- ----- LastName Smith date 1/15/2006 12:01:10 PM FirstName John PhoneNumber 555-1212

Hashtables as reference types Hashtables are reference types, so if you create a hashtable, assign it to a variable $foo,and assign $foo to another variable $bar, you will have two variables that point to or reference the same object. Consequently, any changes that are made to one variable will affect the other, because they’re pointing to the same object. Let’s try this out.Create a new hashtable and assign it to $foo.


PS (2) > $foo = @{ >> a = 1 >> b = 2 >> c = 3 >> } >> PS (3) > $foo Key Value --- ----- a 1 b 2 c 3 Now assign $foo to $bar and verify that it matches $foo as we expect. PS (4) > $bar = $foo PS (5) > $bar Key Value --- ----- a 1 b 2 c 3 Next assign a new value to the element "a" in $foo. PS (6) > $foo.a = "Hi there" PS (7) > $foo.a Hi there And let’s look at what happened to $bar: PS (8) > $bar.a Hi there PS (9) > $bar Key Value --- ----- a Hi there b 2 c 3 The change that was made to $foo has been reflected in $bar.

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