社区首页 >专栏 >从一个sql引发的hive谓词下推的全面复盘及源码分析(上)


发布2020-04-20 11:51:36
发布2020-04-20 11:51:36


经常听到【谓词下推】这个词,却从来没有对它进行全面的深入的研究,直到前些天,我们的数据产品跑过来跟我讨论 他写的一个sql,这个sql最终出现的结果并不是他想要的。看了具体的sql后,引发了我的一些思考,决定来挖一挖谓词下推。




create table test1(id int,openid string) PARTITIONED BY ( day string ) STORED AS ORC;
create table test2(id int,openid string)  PARTITIONED BY ( day string ) STORED AS ORC;


insert into table test1 partition (day='20190521') values(1,'apple');
insert into table test1 partition (day='20190521') values(2,'peach'); 
insert into table test2 partition (day='20190521') values(1,'apple');
insert into table test2 partition (day='20190521') values(3,'lemon');


  count(distinct case when b.openid is null then a.openid end) as n1,
    count(distinct case when a.openid is null then b.openid end) as n2 
from test2 a full join   test1 b on a.openid = b.openid  
where a.day = '20190521' and b.day = '20190521'

本意:想计算出20190521 这天,test1和test2表 openid字段各自己非交集的条数,如下图




使用者对该sql的执行顺序理解有误(Joins occur BEFOREWHERE CLAUSES)

这里需要明白一点, join之后的where决定了最终要呈现的数据

hive full join不管会不会进行谓词下推, where后面的a.day = '20190521' and b.day = '20190521' 的条件一定会在full join之后 过滤一遍,full join的中间结果如下:

在这样的结果中,计算a.day = '20190521' and b.day = '20190521' 条件下,a.openid为null的条数 及b.openid为null的条数,肯定都是0了



这次复盘的hive版本是 hive 2.1.1,不同的版本,对谓词下推做的优化有所不同,尤其是不同大版本间,相差比较多,比如:hive1.x和hive2.x。 当然,hive2.x相对于hive1.x是更智能,更优化了。

2.1 谓词


比如:like ,is null,in,exists,=,!、= 这些返回bool值的函数

2.2 几个概念

  • Preserved Row table(保留表)

在outer join中需要返回所有数据的表叫做保留表,也就是说在left outer join中,左表需要返回所有数据,则左表是保留表;right outer join中右表则是保留表;在full outer join中左表和右表都要返回所有数据,则左右表都是保留表。

  • Null Supplying table(空表)

在outer join中对于没有匹配到的行需要用null来填充的表称为Null Supplying table。在left outer join中,左表的数据全返回,对于左表在右表中无法匹配的数据的相应列用null表示,则此时右表是Null Supplying table,相应的如果是right outer join的话,左表是Null Supplying table。但是在full outer join中左表和右表都是Null Supplying table,因为左表和右表都会用null来填充无法匹配的数据。

  • During Join predicate(Join中的谓词)

Join中的谓词是指 Join On语句中的谓词。如:R1 join R2 on R1.x = 5 the predicate R1.x = 5是Join中的谓词

  • After Join predicate(Join之后的谓词)


2.3 谓词下推


在hive官网上给出了outer join【left outer join、right out join、full outer join】的谓下推规则:

翻译一下 如下:

  • Join(只包括left join ,right join,full join)中的谓词如果是保留表的,则不会下推
  • Join(只包括left join ,right join,full join)之后的谓词如果是Null Supplying tables的,则不会下推



  • Hive逻辑执行计划层面的优化
  • CBO



insert into table test1 partition (day='20190521') values(1,'pear');
insert into table test1 partition (day='20190521') values(2,'pear');
insert into table test1 partition (day='20190521') values(3,'banana');

在执行例子之前,避免map join影响到各个例子的执行计划,先关闭map join:

set hive.auto.convert.join=false;
set hive.cbo.enable=false;
case1 inner join 中的谓词

由于CBO对谓词下推也做了优化,我们在分析时,主要分析两部分,CBO功能关闭和开启,控制CBO的参数:hive.cbo.enable 在hive2版本中默认都是开启的 true

select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.openid='pear' 
and t2.openid='apple';
hive> set hive.cbo.enable=false;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.openid='pear' and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: ((openid = 'pear') and id is not null) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Reduce Output Operator
                key expressions: id (type: int)
                sort order: +
                Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
                Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                value expressions: day (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: ((openid = 'apple') and id is not null) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Reduce Output Operator
                key expressions: id (type: int)
                sort order: +
                Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                value expressions: day (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Inner Join 0 to 1
            0 id (type: int)
            1 id (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col6, _col8
          Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          Select Operator
            expressions: _col0 (type: int), 'pear' (type: string), _col2 (type: string), _col6 (type: int), 'apple' (type: string), _col8 (type: string)
            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            File Output Operator
              compressed: false
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                  output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                  serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.682 seconds, Fetched: 59 row(s)
hive> set hive.cbo.enable=true;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.openid='pear' and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: ((openid = 'pear') and id is not null) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Select Operator
                expressions: id (type: int), day (type: string)
                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2
                Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                Reduce Output Operator
                  key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                  sort order: +
                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                  Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  value expressions: _col2 (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: ((openid = 'apple') and id is not null) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Select Operator
                expressions: id (type: int), day (type: string)
                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2
                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                Reduce Output Operator
                  key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                  sort order: +
                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                  Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  value expressions: _col2 (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Inner Join 0 to 1
            0 _col0 (type: int)
            1 _col0 (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col3, _col5
          Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          Select Operator
            expressions: _col0 (type: int), 'pear' (type: string), _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: int), 'apple' (type: string), _col5 (type: string)
            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            File Output Operator
              compressed: false
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                  output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                  serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.704 seconds, Fetched: 67 row(s)

从执行计划上来看,hive对join的谓下推优化做的很到位,不管有没有开启CBO优化,在on中的两个条件都提至table scan阶段进行过滤。 实际上,这个也是因为join的特殊性,要求左表和右表必须完全匹配,这个也为做优化提供了可能性。

case2 inner join 之后的谓词
select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id where t1.openid='pear'  
and t2.openid='apple';

inner join之后的谓词 与 inner join之中的谓词的效果是完全一样的,很容易理解,执行计划如下:

hive> set hive.cbo.enable=false;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id where t1.openid='pear'  and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: (id is not null and (openid = 'pear')) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Reduce Output Operator
                key expressions: id (type: int)
                sort order: +
                Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
                Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                value expressions: day (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: (id is not null and (openid = 'apple')) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Reduce Output Operator
                key expressions: id (type: int)
                sort order: +
                Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                value expressions: day (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Inner Join 0 to 1
            0 id (type: int)
            1 id (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col6, _col8
          Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          Select Operator
            expressions: _col0 (type: int), 'pear' (type: string), _col2 (type: string), _col6 (type: int), 'apple' (type: string), _col8 (type: string)
            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            File Output Operator
              compressed: false
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                  output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                  serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.41 seconds, Fetched: 59 row(s)
hive> set hive.cbo.enable=true;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id where t1.openid='pear'  and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: ((openid = 'pear') and id is not null) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Select Operator
                expressions: id (type: int), day (type: string)
                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2
                Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                Reduce Output Operator
                  key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                  sort order: +
                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                  Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  value expressions: _col2 (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: ((openid = 'apple') and id is not null) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Select Operator
                expressions: id (type: int), day (type: string)
                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2
                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                Reduce Output Operator
                  key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                  sort order: +
                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                  Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  value expressions: _col2 (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Inner Join 0 to 1
            0 _col0 (type: int)
            1 _col0 (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col3, _col5
          Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          Select Operator
            expressions: _col0 (type: int), 'pear' (type: string), _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: int), 'apple' (type: string), _col5 (type: string)
            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            File Output Operator
              compressed: false
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                  output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                  serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.462 seconds, Fetched: 67 row(s)
case3 left join 中的谓词
select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 left join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.openid='pear'  
and t2.openid='apple';
hive> set hive.cbo.enable=false;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 left join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.openid='pear'  
    > and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Reduce Output Operator
              key expressions: id (type: int)
              sort order: +
              Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
              Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              value expressions: openid (type: string), day (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: (openid = 'apple') (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Reduce Output Operator
                key expressions: id (type: int)
                sort order: +
                Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                value expressions: openid (type: string), day (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Left Outer Join0 to 1
          filter predicates:
            0 {(VALUE._col0 = 'pear')}
            0 id (type: int)
            1 id (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col6, _col7, _col8
          Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          Select Operator
            expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string), _col2 (type: string), _col6 (type: int), _col7 (type: string), _col8 (type: string)
            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            File Output Operator
              compressed: false
              Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                  output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                  serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.237 seconds, Fetched: 59 row(s)

在hive.cbo.enable=false的情况下,执行计划如上图,test2表进行了谓词下推,将predicate: (openid = 'apple') (type: boolean)过滤件 放在table scan之后。 在这里,test1为保留表,符合【Join(只包括left join ,right join,full join)中的谓词如果是保留表的,则不会下推】 ,test2进行了下推。


1       apple        20190521

然后,拿test1中 openid为pear的数据与test2表中的这条关联,关联上的就展示,关联不上的,补null;另外,test1中的openid不为pear的数据不与test2表做关联,直接补null。。。



hive> set hive.cbo.enable=true;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 left join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.openid='pear'  
    > and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Select Operator
              expressions: id (type: int), openid (type: string), day (type: string)
              outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
              Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Reduce Output Operator
                key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                sort order: +
                Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                value expressions: _col1 (type: string), _col2 (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: (openid = 'apple') (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Select Operator
                expressions: id (type: int), 'apple' (type: string), day (type: string)
                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                Reduce Output Operator
                  key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                  sort order: +
                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                  Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  value expressions: _col1 (type: string), _col2 (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Left Outer Join0 to 1
          filter predicates:
            0 {(VALUE._col0 = 'pear')}
            0 _col0 (type: int)
            1 _col0 (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
          Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          File Output Operator
            compressed: false
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.383 seconds, Fetched: 63 row(s)
case4 left join 之后的谓词
select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 left join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id where t1.openid='pear'  
and t2.openid='apple';
hive> set hive.cbo.enable=false;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 left join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id where t1.openid='pear'  and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: (openid = 'pear') (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Reduce Output Operator
                key expressions: id (type: int)
                sort order: +
                Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
                Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                value expressions: day (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Reduce Output Operator
              key expressions: id (type: int)
              sort order: +
              Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              value expressions: openid (type: string), day (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Left Outer Join0 to 1
            0 id (type: int)
            1 id (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col6, _col7, _col8
          Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          Filter Operator
            predicate: (_col7 = 'apple') (type: boolean)
            Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 102 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Select Operator
              expressions: _col0 (type: int), 'pear' (type: string), _col2 (type: string), _col6 (type: int), 'apple' (type: string), _col8 (type: string)
              outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 102 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              File Output Operator
                compressed: false
                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 102 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                    input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                    output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                    serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.213 seconds, Fetched: 59 row(s)

屏蔽掉CBO对谓词下推的影响后,从执行计划中我们可以看到,对test1进行了下推,将predicate: (openid = 'pear') (type: boolean)过滤条件下推到 tablescan处进行;而test2没有下推,最后是在 join之后,才进行了 predicate: (_col7 = 'apple') (type: boolean)过滤。这个也符合【 Join之后的谓词如果是 Null Supplying tables的,则不会下推】。

但是,我们会发现, join之后的 where无论怎样都是要过滤一遍的,这里的test2实际上是可以下推的,下推了会更优化,也不会改变最终的结果。

hive> set hive.cbo.enable=true;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 left join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id where t1.openid='pear'  and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: ((openid = 'pear') and id is not null) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Select Operator
                expressions: id (type: int), day (type: string)
                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2
                Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                Reduce Output Operator
                  key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                  sort order: +
                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                  Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  value expressions: _col2 (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: ((openid = 'apple') and id is not null) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Select Operator
                expressions: id (type: int), day (type: string)
                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2
                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                Reduce Output Operator
                  key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                  sort order: +
                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                  Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  value expressions: _col2 (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Inner Join 0 to 1
            0 _col0 (type: int)
            1 _col0 (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col3, _col5
          Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          Select Operator
            expressions: _col0 (type: int), 'pear' (type: string), _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: int), 'apple' (type: string), _col5 (type: string)
            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            File Output Operator
              compressed: false
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                  output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                  serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.513 seconds, Fetched: 67 row(s)

打CBO开关 set hive.cbo.enable=true 后,我们会发现,test2也进行了谓词下推,做到了更优化

case5 full join 中的谓词
select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 full join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.openid='pear'  
and t2.openid='apple';
hive> set hive.cbo.enable=false;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 full join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.openid='pear'  and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Reduce Output Operator
              key expressions: id (type: int)
              sort order: +
              Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
              Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              value expressions: openid (type: string), day (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Reduce Output Operator
              key expressions: id (type: int)
              sort order: +
              Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              value expressions: openid (type: string), day (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Outer Join 0 to 1
          filter predicates:
            0 {(VALUE._col0 = 'pear')}
            1 {(VALUE._col0 = 'apple')}
            0 id (type: int)
            1 id (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col6, _col7, _col8
          Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          Select Operator
            expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string), _col2 (type: string), _col6 (type: int), _col7 (type: string), _col8 (type: string)
            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            File Output Operator
              compressed: false
              Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                  output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                  serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.308 seconds, Fetched: 56 row(s)

full join 的左右表很矛盾,即是保留表,也是 Null Supplying tables。 但是有一条不变,就是左右表的数据都一定是要保留表下来的,因此也不难理解,这里为什么不能进行谓词下推,只要下推了,就不能保证两个表的数据都保留。。。

这也算是符合了【 Join(只包括 left join ,right join,full join)中的谓词如果是保留表的,则不会下推】


test1, test2 两个表全遍历,test1表 拿 openid为 pear的与test2表中的数据关联,其它 openid不为 pear的 ,test2表直接补 null。 而test2 表拿 openid为 apple的与test1表中的数据关联,其它 openid不为 apple的,test1 表直接补 null。

基于我们对full join的理解,打开CBO开关,也不会做谓词下推的优化:

hive> set hive.cbo.enable=true;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 full join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.openid='pear'  and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Select Operator
              expressions: id (type: int), openid (type: string), day (type: string)
              outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
              Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Reduce Output Operator
                key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                sort order: +
                Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                value expressions: _col1 (type: string), _col2 (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Select Operator
              expressions: id (type: int), openid (type: string), day (type: string)
              outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Reduce Output Operator
                key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                sort order: +
                Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                value expressions: _col1 (type: string), _col2 (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Outer Join 0 to 1
          filter predicates:
            0 {(VALUE._col0 = 'pear')}
            1 {(VALUE._col0 = 'apple')}
            0 _col0 (type: int)
            1 _col0 (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
          Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          File Output Operator
            compressed: false
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.321 seconds, Fetched: 60 row(s)
case6 full join 之后的谓词
select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 full join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id where t1.openid='pear'  
and t2.openid='apple';
hive> set hive.cbo.enable=false;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 full join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id where t1.openid='pear'  and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Reduce Output Operator
              key expressions: id (type: int)
              sort order: +
              Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
              Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              value expressions: openid (type: string), day (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Reduce Output Operator
              key expressions: id (type: int)
              sort order: +
              Map-reduce partition columns: id (type: int)
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              value expressions: openid (type: string), day (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Outer Join 0 to 1
            0 id (type: int)
            1 id (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col6, _col7, _col8
          Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 511 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          Filter Operator
            predicate: ((_col1 = 'pear') and (_col7 = 'apple')) (type: boolean)
            Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 102 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Select Operator
              expressions: _col0 (type: int), 'pear' (type: string), _col2 (type: string), _col6 (type: int), 'apple' (type: string), _col8 (type: string)
              outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 102 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              File Output Operator
                compressed: false
                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 102 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                    input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                    output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                    serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.274 seconds, Fetched: 56 row(s)

关掉CBO开关,我们会发现,没有进行谓词下推的优化,而是在 full join之后,做了 predicate: ((_col1 = 'pear') and (_col7 = 'apple')) (type: boolean)的过滤,这也符合【Join(只包括 left join ,right join,full join)之后的谓词如果是 Null Supplying tables的,则不会下推】这一规则,毕竟test1,test2也属于 Null Supplying tables 。

实际上,这里是可以下推的,与 left join同理,下推后,不影响最后的结果:

hive>  set hive.cbo.enable=true;
hive> explain select t1.*,t2.* from test1 t1 full join test2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id where t1.openid='pear'  and t2.openid='apple';
  Stage-1 is a root stage
  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1

  Stage: Stage-1
    Map Reduce
      Map Operator Tree:
            alias: t1
            Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 465 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: ((openid = 'pear') and id is not null) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Select Operator
                expressions: id (type: int), day (type: string)
                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2
                Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                Reduce Output Operator
                  key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                  sort order: +
                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                  Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  value expressions: _col2 (type: string)
            alias: t2
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 186 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            Filter Operator
              predicate: ((openid = 'apple') and id is not null) (type: boolean)
              Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
              Select Operator
                expressions: id (type: int), day (type: string)
                outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2
                Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                Reduce Output Operator
                  key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
                  sort order: +
                  Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
                  Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 93 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  value expressions: _col2 (type: string)
      Reduce Operator Tree:
        Join Operator
          condition map:
               Inner Join 0 to 1
            0 _col0 (type: int)
            1 _col0 (type: int)
          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col3, _col5
          Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
          Select Operator
            expressions: _col0 (type: int), 'pear' (type: string), _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: int), 'apple' (type: string), _col5 (type: string)
            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5
            Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
            File Output Operator
              compressed: false
              Statistics: Num rows: 2 Data size: 204 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                  input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                  output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
                  serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe

  Stage: Stage-0
    Fetch Operator
      limit: -1
      Processor Tree:

Time taken: 0.606 seconds, Fetched: 67 row(s)



经过上面的案例分析,我们可以给出结论了,这里没有分析right join,因为right jion和left join原理是一样的

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体分享计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2019-08-15,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 数据仓库践行者 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体分享计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

0 条评论
  • 1、那个引人思考的sql
  • 2、谓词下推复盘
    • 2.1 谓词
      • 2.2 几个概念
        • 2.3 谓词下推
          • case1 inner join 中的谓词
          • case2 inner join 之后的谓词
          • case3 left join 中的谓词
          • case4 left join 之后的谓词
          • case5 full join 中的谓词
          • case6 full join 之后的谓词
          • 结论
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