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INFORMS TSL Best Paper Award2020

发布2020-05-13 17:39:49
发布2020-05-13 17:39:49

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences


TSL Best Paper Award2020

Application Process

The TSL Best Paper Award is given once a year to an outstanding paper in the field of transportation science and logistics. The paper must have been published in a refereed journal and must present innovative approaches for solving complex problems in transportation and/or logistics, with an emphasis on operations research and quantitative methods. Any author must submit only one of his/her eligible papers. In addition, no individual may be a co-author on more than two papers submitted to the competition.

A paper is eligible for the competition if

·its main topic is related to the field of transportation science and logistics;

·it is written in English; and

· it has been published, or appears in pre-print form online through the publishing agency, between June 1, 2017 and May 31, 2020. In the case of papers that are only available in pre- print form online at the time of consideration, the online publication date must be easily verifiable.

All topics related to the field of transportation science and logistics will be considered, including, but not being limited to:

  • airline operations;
  • facility logistics;
  • freight;
  • maritime logistics;
  • intelligent transportation systems;
  • transit;
  • urban transportation planning methods;
  • vehicle routing.

The winning paper

The winning paper will be announced at the TSL business meeting to be held during the annual INFORMS meeting in November (in National Harbor, MD, USA). The authors of the winning paper will share a prize of $800, and each will receive a certificate.

The Best Paper Award committee will also select and recommend submissions for the Special Interest Group (SIG) outstanding paper awards. Upon submission, state the SIG that best fits the topic of the paper (see list of SIGs).

To submit a paper for the 2020 competition, one of the authors must email the paper, along with a short letter (maximum 2 pages) describing the merits of the paper, to the Chair of the TSL Best Paper Award Committee, on or before June 1, 2020.Please use the following email address for submissions: hnpsar@dtu.dk (Subject: TSL Best Paper Award Application / Applicant name).

2020 Committee Chair

Harilaos N. Psaraftis


Department of Technology, Management and Economics,

Technical University of Denmark,

Lyngby, Denmark

The other members of the committee are:

Michael Bell


University of Sydney Business School,

University of Sydney,

Sydney, Australia

Ivana Ljubic


Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics Department,

ESSEC Business School,

Cergy Pontoise, France

Alejandro Toriello

Associate Professor,

H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,

Georgia Institute of Technology,

Atlanta, GA, USA

Zhou Xu


Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies,

Hong Kong Polytechnic University,

Hong Kong, China

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原始发表:2020-05-02,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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