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【IP设计秘笈】 爆! 噗噗星人来袭!

发布2020-06-06 21:40:53
发布2020-06-06 21:40:53

2020.6.6 正值PUPU噗噗两周岁,我们揭开PUPU面纱,空降PUPU星球的其他物种,正式发布噗噗星人家族,同时展示我们的IP角色设计秘笈。最后文末会献上PUPU两周岁的礼品福利,愿噗噗星人茁壮成长!

品牌介绍 About Brand

PUPU ALIENS (噗噗星人) 是腾讯QQ企鹅IP联盟延伸的全新角色形象,由ISUX全力打造。PUPU ALIENS由企鹅PUPU (噗噗)、火龙DINOO (呆奴)、飞豚BOBO (波波)、金鸡CICI (吸吸) 和金蛋EE (依依)等性格各异、各怀绝技的形象组成。PUPU ALIENS通过引领潮流的设计,旨在打造年轻受众喜爱的IP形象,并牵手联名众多知名品牌,突显无限探索的创新精神。

PUPU ALIENS is a new character image which is extended by QQ penguin IP alliance and created by ISUX. It consists of penguin PUPU, dinosaur DINOO, globefish BOBO, chicken CICI and egg EE, they have different personalities and unique skills. PUPU ALIENS’s purpose is to create the IP image which is loved by young people through the trendy design, it also cooperates with many famous brands to emphasize the creative spirit of unlimited exploration.

品牌故事 Brand Story


In a far, far away galaxy, there’s a PUPU planet. PUPU Aliens lives here, they have magical power in the legend . Aliens penguin PUPU is the master of the planet. They are smart and intelligent, their body will turn into rainbow color with super fighting power when they hear a beautiful voice. What's more interesting on the planet is that there are many other species living on it, such as penguin PUPU, dinosaur DINOO, globefish BOBO, chicken CICI and egg EE, they all have their own unique skills and live with PUPU groups .PUPU Aliens has high-tech ,they ride on their space craft to find the wonderful things around the universe. One day, when they explored the earth fantasy travel is begin…

关键词 Keywords

设计理念 Design Concept


We used the combination of letter A and planet to convey the brand tone of science fiction, alien and cute.

标志基础规范 Basic Logo


PUPU is a lively group of space penguin, they are smart, quirky and like to living in groups. They have superpower and their bodies will turn into rainbow colors when they find a beautiful voice.


DINOO is a dinosaur who has mood swings and great strength, he will spurt flame suddenly when he is in high spirits and will spurt ice when he is in low spirits.


BOBO is a space globefish who can fly. When she is armed, her body will turn into thorn ball with purplish red which is extremely poisonous.


CICI is a space chick who is keen on fashion and particularly interested in gold mine on planet, She will lay golden eggs once she absorbs gold mine.


EE is a golden egg who is petite, even he is small, he is as firm as a rock. He always follow CICI and lean close to her wherever he goes.


More other PUPU Aliens are coming…


We tried to design the new characters in a similar style to PUPU so that PUPU and the other characters can harmonize well together. First, we organized some of the representative characteristics of PUPU such as simple and cute looking, unique shaped lips, chunky and rounded body, short arms and legs. The new characters were designed maintaining these characteristics.

方案1 Idea 1


We tested two ideas when designing the new characters. First idea was to make a variation shapes of PUPU, adding some characteristics on it. We gave the new PUPUs a slightly different features such as making it tall, fat or cute while maintaining the representative characteristics of PUPU. So even though they have different shapes, they could be seen as a family character.

方案2 Idea 2

第二个方案是创造一个新的动物角色。为保持PUPU的视觉特征,我们将同样的眼睛和嘴巴应用到其他不同的角色上。此外保持PUPU ALIENS是外星生物的概念,我们还研究了多种不同种类的动物。

The second idea was to create a new animal character. In order to maintain the visual characteristics of PUPU, we applied the same eyes and mouth shape to the other various animal characters. In addition, we studied many kinds of animals of various species, maintaining the concept that 'PUPU ALIENS are life from the universe.

我们认为第二个方案比第一个更有趣且更有吸引力。在各种各样的动物之中,我们选择恐龙、小鸡、鸡蛋和河豚,因为它们的外形看起来与PUPU相像。与此同时,我们认为可以为这些动物角色的结合创造一个有趣的故事。在更为细致地优化它们的外形后,新的角色DINOO, CICI, EE, BOBO就这样诞生了。

We thought the second idea seemed more interesting and attractive than the first idea. And among the various animals, we have chosen dinosaurs, chick, egg, and blowfish characters because of their simple and cute shape just like PUPU. Also we thought we could create an interesting story with this combination of animal characters. We developed their forms in more detail and new characters DINOO, CICI, EE, BOBO were born.

角色比例 Character Proportion 


We kept PUPU the largest among the aliens as a main character, and the others are designed relatively small to position them as cute little friends of PUPU.

6视图 6 Views 


We also organized 6-view shapes. The new characters have a rounded shape with a smooth curve in all direction just like PUPU.

基本形状 Character Basic Shape 

基于最终形状,我们把角色设计成stroke version, non-stroke version, 1 degree version, reversed 1 degree version几种类型。这些类型可以根据不同的设计情况使用。

Based on the final form, we designed the characters in several types; stroke version, non-stroke version, 1 degree version, reversed 1 degree version.These types can be used according to the circumstances of various designs. 

印刷、3D渲染、玩具手办…考虑所有可能的应用场景 ,我们寻找最为合适的颜色,试着找出当所有角色放在一起时最佳的颜色组合。

We looked for the most appropriate colors considering all the possible cases of applications; in the case of printing, the rendered 3D image, and the colors applied to the products like toys figures. We tried to find the best combination of colors when all the characters were gathered together.


The background colors that best suits each character were also defined. Not only did it fit well with each character, but also found it harmonized when they were used together. It is necessary to select a background color that is sufficiently contrasted with the character since there are some occasions when we apply the characters without the black outlines. We looked for the best background colors with care for such reasons.


When we designed these new characters, we also made a graphic library to apply it on various kinds of works in the future. Based on the final character shapes, we drew many useful poses which shows the character’s personality. We also designed facial expressions of each characters in a rounded shapes. 

矮矮胖胖的身材和短手短脚使PUPU ALIENS看起来很可爱,但在表达不同姿势和情绪时会造成一些困难。尽管有这些缺点,我们依然尝试设计各种类型的图形,试着共鸣PUPU ALIENS的每一个特征。

PUPU ALIENS have chunky body with very short arms and feet which make them look cute but causes some difficulties when expressing various gestures and emotions. Despite these shortcomings, we tried to design various types of graphics trying to empathize each characteristics of PUPU ALIENS.

群姿势 Group pose

单个姿势 Individual pose

面部表情 Facial expression

壁纸 Wallpapers




Making the characters from 2D to 3D required some imagination because we also needed to consider the parts which was invisible in 2D. 

面部比例 Face ratio 


The ratio of eyes and lips were optimized for each characters since the other characters were in smaller size compared to PUPU. The distance between the eyes got closer than PUPU and the size of the lips were applied bigger.

3D外形细节 3D shape detail

3D旋转视图 3D rotation view

基于PUPU ALINES的基本3D形状,我们设置了可以使角色移动的结构,并为每个角色制作了动作向导。

Based on the basic 3D shapes of PUPU ALIENS, we have set-up the structure for characters to move and also made an action guide for each characters.

设置 Set up


First, we needed to build up the basic structure. It is important to consider the problems that did not found during modeling process may occur when we make the characters move. In this situation, it is necessary to figure out the problems without changing the basic modeling of the characters.


For example, the wings of CICI were designed in two types of modeling, unfolded and folded versions. In this case, we used the blend shape function so the basic modelings of CICI will not need to change.

动作向导 Action Guide


After all the set-up progress is done for the character movement, various postures and simple animations were made which express the personality of each characters. When problem occurs, we need to go back to the set-up stage and modify again when making the animations.

通过设计这些PUPU ALIENS 3D表情包,我们希望用户可以更容易且更加清晰地认识我们的新角色。这项工作的主要目的是设计在日常生活中可以使用的表情包,以便人们可以自然而然地认出PUPU ALIENS并对其更有熟悉感。

By designing this PUPU ALIENS 3D stickers, we wanted the users to recognize our new characters more easy and clear. The main purpose of this work is to design stickers that can be used in everyday life so people can naturally recognize the image of the PUPU ALIENS and feel more familiar to it.

设定&构思 Set up & Ideation


These new friends of PUPU are also aliens with different characteristics. In the planning stage, the expressions that can emphasize the characteristics of each character were selected for the stickers and we also included the most often used expressions so the stickers can be easily used. 


The characteristic of each characters were expressed in the stickers. DINOO’s characteristic of emitting fire were made in to an angry sticker and EE, who is full of energy was expressed in a ‘cheer up’ sticker. CICI’s playful and active personality was express as a laughing sticker and BOBO was applied to ‘WOW' sticker utilizing the characteristics of growing body when he was surprised. 

为使所有角色都能平等在出现在表情包中,制作开始就划分了每个角色出现的次数。首先,设计单个和全员版本,或分成两到三个以保持平衡。由于PUPU ALIENS包含多种颜色,需要结合每个角色、每个角色的背景色以及辅助元素的颜色来安排图形色调。 

In order to make all characters appear on stickers equally, the number of appearances of each character was divided at the beginning of production. First of all, one sticker emphasizing the characteristics of characters were designed for each and group version with all or 2-3 characters were divided to make a balance. Since PUPU ALIENS are consist of various colors, the graphic tone needed to be organized considering the combination of each characters and the background colors and also the colors of auxiliary elements.

草图构思 Idea sketch


After we selected the themes, 16 kinds of sketches and draft animations were designed. When making 3D stickers, 2D sketch animation work becomes an accurate guidance before starting the actual animation process. You can estimate how you can express the theme on the stickers in a limited frame.

3D动画 3D Animation


Based on 2D sketch animation, 3D animation of characters were made. In case of these online stickers, all expressions must be made between 24 - 40 frames. It is a very short time (1 - 1.5 sec.), so it is difficult to express various movements on the character. So the animation of the sticker should be clear and simple expressing the theme precisely. 

2D FX Effect 2D特效

PUPU ALIENS之中,DINOO生气的时候会喷火,所以我们尝试了几种喷火效果。我们用2D特效来设计火焰,它与我们的简单的3D角色很相配。

Among the PUPU ALIENS, DINOO has a skill to emit fire when he is angry so we tried some fire effect. The fire was designed with 2D FX effect that matches well with the our simple 3D style character.

Final Design 最终设计

通过3D表情包的方式,我们希望PUPU ALIENS这四个独特新角色的特征可以被含蓄地传达出来。另外,我们相信,在日常生活中使用这些表情包,用户会对PUPU ALIENS图像产生深刻的印记 ,PUPU ALIENS也会被许多人视为生动活泼的角色 。

We hope that each of these four unique new characters' characteristics can be implicitly conveyed through PUPU ALIENS 3D stickers. Also, we believe that the sticker used in everyday life will gradually imprint the PUPU ALIENS' image on users and be recognized by many people as lively characters.





尽管腾讯已经拥有这么多IP,我们还是加入PUPU ALIENS这个新潮的IP品牌,从而使整个品牌焕发新的活力。PUPU ALIENS是一个有着有趣故事和个性的,用户可以产生共鸣的IP。我们希望这些角色能被许多用户长长久久地喜欢。

Despite that Tencent already has so many IPs, we added this new trendy IP brand PUPU ALIENS to give fresh feeling to the entire character brand. PUPU ALIENS is an IP with an interesting story and personality that users can sympathize with. We hope these characters can be loved by many users for a long time. 




PUPU生日怎么能没福利!!!我们将从参与抽奖的鹅粉中抽出四位,分别送一只PUPU Plus !(四只是不同颜色的哦)










PS:ISUX 设有一个IP爱好者群





有内味儿了 | QQ黄脸表情进化日记

静水流深 | QQ闪屏设定

轻盈娱乐 | QQ个性化商城改版

3D探索 | 卡噗内容趋势设定

福利赠送 | 蜜桃扑扑设计故事





本文参与 腾讯云自媒体分享计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2020-06-05,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 腾讯ISUX 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体分享计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

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