社区首页 >专栏 >“黄牛党”机器人囤积消费者最热门的产品


修改2020-12-29 10:05:46
修改2020-12-29 10:05:46

在任何假期,消费者都很难在最畅销的产品上互相搏斗,但是由于在线“黄牛党”机器人的泛滥,如今的日子变得更加艰难。 这些机器人购物者模拟现实世界中票务黄牛的活动。 网络安全服务PerimeterX的首席营销官Kim DeCarlis解释说:“在一次倒卖攻击中,网络罪犯释放了自动倒卖机器人,以购买抢手产品,例如限量版的运动鞋,音乐会门票,名牌服装,游戏机或热门玩具。”加利福尼亚州圣马特奥市的医疗服务提供商。 她告诉《电子商务时报》:“他们建立了伪造的帐户来浏览产品页面并执行结帐,以增加成功的机会。” “然后,在他们抢购了最好的库存后,以高价在第三方站点或粗略的二级市场上出售了它。” 2020年也是机器人的不同年份 在典型的一年中,假期期间,当“必须有”礼物产品出现时,黄牛活动就会激增。但是,众所周知,2020年并不是典型的一年。 “从COVID-19席卷全球以来,在线活动开始发生变化时,我们发现网络流量激增,攻击遍及各个领域,包括食品和杂货,电子学习和酒店,时尚和家庭用品,自由职业者,媒体和大麻。地球”,DeCarlis解释说。 她补充说,甚至还有一些机器人专门为那些不想亲自购物的人寻找令人垂涎的杂货送货时间段。据报道,在英国,这类机器人已被用来窃取专门用于老年人的投币口。 Forrester Research的首席分析师Sandy Carielli指出:“机器人积valuable了有价值的商品。”大流行改变了贵重商品的定义。” 她告诉《电子商务时报》:“大流行前,机器人瞄准的常见有价物品是运动鞋和戏票。” “在大流行初期,洗手液的价格很高,机器人为此ho积了。” 某些清洁物品仍对自动to积工具没有吸引力。 “每次我尝试购买Lysol或Clorox湿巾时,它们都会从我手中抢走,无论是在亚马逊,沃尔玛,Target还是Office Depot上。在我完成订单之前,它们就消失了,” Blue Silk Consulting总裁罗斯玛丽·科茨(Rosemary Coates)说道。加利福尼亚洛斯加托斯的商业咨询公司告诉《电子商务时报》。 出于同样的原因,有些物品也永远不会对剥皮机器人失去价值。 Carielli指出:“虽然总是需要游戏系统,但这次有更多人呆在家里,这可能增加了他们的价值。”

During any holiday season, consumers have a tough time wrestling with each other for best-selling products, but now times have become even tougher, thanks to the proliferation of online "scalper" bots.

These robot shoppers emulate the activity of ticket scalpers in the real world.

"In a scalping attack, cybercriminals unleash automated scalping bots to buy sought-after products, such as limited editions of sneakers, concert tickets, designer clothing, game consoles or hot toys," explained Kim DeCarlis, CMO of PerimeterX, a web security service provider in San Mateo, Calif.

"They set up fake accounts that browse product pages and execute checkouts to increase their chances of success," she told the E-Commerce Times. "Then, after they've snapped up the best inventory, it is sold at inflated prices on third-party sites or sketchy secondary markets."

2020 a Different Year for Bots Too

In a typical year, there are spikes in scalper activity around the holiday season when "must have" products for gifts emerge. But, as everyone knows, 2020 hasn't been a typical year.

"We saw spikes in Web traffic and attacks cascading across a variety of segments including food and grocery, e-learning and hospitality, fashion and home goods, freelance, media and marijuana during the shifts in online activity that began as COVID-19 swept the globe," DeCarlis explained.

She added that there were even bots dedicated to finding highly coveted grocery delivery time slots for those that didn't want to shop in person. In the U.K., it's been reported, those kinds of bots have been used to steal delivery slots earmarked for the elderly.

"Bots hoard valuable merchandise," observed Sandy Carielli, a principal analyst with Forrester Research. "The pandemic has shifted the definition of valuable merchandise."

"Pre-pandemic, common items of value targeted by bots were sneakers and theatre tickets," she told the E-Commerce Times. "Early in the pandemic, when hand sanitizer was at a premium, bots hoarded that."

Some cleaning items still haven't lost their allure to the automated hoarders. "Every time I try to buy Lysol or Clorox wipes they are snatched from me, whether on Amazon, Walmart, Target, or Office Depot. They are gone before I can complete my order," Rosemary Coates, president of Blue Silk Consulting, a business advisory firm in Los Gatos, Calif. told the E-Commerce Times.

By the same token, some items never lose their value to scalper bots. "While gaming systems are always desirable, the fact that more people are staying home probably increased their value this time around," Carielli noted.


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