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发布2021-01-15 12:35:23
发布2021-01-15 12:35:23



源于英国的simplicitylinux是一个基于Devuan的发行版,它的默认窗口管理器桌面环境是canfinon。Devuan是Debian Linux的一个分支,它取代了systemd初始化过程。


Init监督所有其他正在运行的进程。Debian开发者在2014年强制采用systemd作为init进程。Simplicity使用从AntiX Linux借用的特殊init方法,该方法用elogind会话管理守护进程替换systemd。


现在,Simplicity基于没有systemd的Debian Buster分支。BusterDog是Debian 10的一个分支,代号为“Buster”。Buster Dog是一个基于Debian的小型实时系统,其外观和行为都类似于Puppy Linux。




Simplicity Linux的Devuan基础和肉桂桌面的重新配置带来了更现代的外观和不同的计算工具。肉桂,虽然更多的资源,带来了更多的功能,桌面环境。





游戏版还配备了用于流媒体和录制的开放广播软件(OBS)。第三个组件是Steam Launcher,它在第一次运行时从Valve下载并安装最新版本的Steam客户端。



Simplicity Linux系列还包括迷你版和桌面版。20.1版本中的所有三个版本都运行肉桂桌面。



桌面版提供了更广泛的通用软件集合。它预装了Chrome、LibreOffice、Claws Mail、GIMP和VLC。




这个最新版本的Simplicity Linux提供了完全不同的外观和感觉。除非你是一个老式的Linux操作系统,并且更喜欢呆在终端窗口中,否则桌面的外观通常是一个成功或失败的机会,特别是对于新用户来说。








我现在的肉桂发行版底部有面板条。Simplity提供了两种选择:在底部放置一个dock bar作为收藏夹应用程序启动器,以及一个锚定点,用于快速访问基本系统控件。

我还喜欢在桌面显示选项中添加特殊效果和其他工具(如缩放和世博会视图)的灵活性。这种类型的动画在早期的Simplicity Linux版本中的Xfce性能中是不存在的。




多年来,我使用了各种各样的puppylinux变体。这些小狗为基础的发行带来了独特的外观和感觉的屏幕。Puppy计算世界包括一组独特的应用程序和工具,使Puppy Linux与其他Linux选项相距一步。







原文题:Simplicity Does More Than Simplify Linux

原文:If you want a new Linux distro catering to gaming, check out the Simplicity Linux Gaming release. If you prefer a general-purpose computing platform without a gaming focus, try Simplicity's revamped release. Either way, you will experience a no-nonsense Linux OS that requires no assembly.

Simplicity Linux, originating in the UK, is a Devuan-based distribution with Cinnamon as the default window manager desktop environment. Devuan is a fork of Debian Linux that replaces the systemd initialization processes.

Disgruntled Debian community members rejected a Linux-wide trend to replace older init processes such as Upstart and System V with systemd. Initialization is a background process that starts when the computer boots and runs until the computer shuts down.

Init oversees all other running processes. Debian developers in 2014 mandated the adoption of systemd as the init process. Simplicity uses a special init method borrowed from AntiX Linux that replaces systemd with the elogind session management daemon.

This latest Simplicity Linux release, version 20.1, is a major change for this distro since I last reviewed it in May 2016. Prior to this Feb. 5 release, Simplicity was based on Puppy Linux and the Xfce desktop.

Now Simplicity is based on the Debian Buster branch without systemd. BusterDog is an offshoot of Debian 10, codenamed "Buster." Buster Dog is a small Debian-based live system designed to look and act like Puppy Linux.

A New Dog Pound

The transition from Puppy Linux with the Xfce desktop makes Simplicity Linux a major change for users of earlier Simplicity versions. However, Linux users already familiar with Cinnamon, as well as newcomers to Simplicity Linux, will enjoy an easy-to-use computing environment.

The previous pairing of Puppy Linux innards and the Xfce desktop firmly put Simplicity with the collection of Linux lightweight distributions. One big advantage to that structure meant the distro consumed less system resources and thus ran well on older hardware.

Simplicity Linux's retooling with a Devuan base and the Cinnamon desktop brings a more modern appearance and different computing tools. Cinnamon, while more resource-heavy, brings more features to the desktop environments.

For instance, Cinnamon is loaded with configuration options that let you adjust how the desktop looks and works. The ability to add applets to the panel and desklets to the desktop screen makes the Simplicity OS much more feature-rich.

Family Affair

In this release cycle, developer David Purse set aside the usual X Edition in favor of a surprise newcomer, the Gaming Edition. The X Edition served as a showcase of features that might show up in future editions. It initially was designed to appeal more to Windows users looking to cross over to the Linux side of computing. The goal was to make Linux a little less scary for new users

This Gaming Edition comes with Blacknut Cloud Gaming. The developer initially planned to include Vortex Cloud Gaming, but Blacknut offers a more suitable performance.

The Gaming Edition also comes with Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) for streaming and recording. A third component is the Steam Launcher, which downloads and installs the latest version of Steam Client from Valve on the first run.

Beyond the Steam and cloud gaming entries, the new Gaming Edition does not come with any Linux games. The Mini and Desktop editions also are devoid of a Game category in the main menu.

General Purpose Appeal

The Simplicity Linux family also includes Mini and Desktop editions. All three editions in the 20.1 release run the Cinnamon desktop.

The Mini Edition is more of a lightweight Linux distro in terms of its software base. It features minimal preinstalled software and supplements with cloud-based software.

The Mini Edition uses Google Chrome as the main portal to software. It has shortcuts to commonly used cloud-based tools.

The Desktop Edition offers a broader collection of general-purpose software. It comes preinstalled with Chrome, LibreOffice, Claws Mail, GIMP and VLC.

More software is available via the Synaptic Package Manager. Also included is Catfish to find any files on your system.

The Desktop Edition features PulseAudio preinstalled rather than the usual ALSA. ALSA was causing problems with a few modern apps, according to the developer.

Appearance Matters

This latest release of Simplicity Linux comes with a much different look and feel. Unless you are old-school Linux and prefer to dwell in the Terminal window, the desktop appearance is often a make-it-or-break-it encounter, especially for new users.

This is where Simplicity Linux really delivers. I am impressed with its new look and feel.

If you prefer things to look plain and simple, then you do not have to venture far beyond the default black desktop view. Simplicity's Cinnamon layout does not provide a right-click menu option.

Click on the settings icon on the bottom dock or in the main menu up top on the panel to access the Background control. There you can change the background image.

With the Settings Control Panel display you can click on numerous icons to change the color, desktop effects, themes and window behavior options. The Cinnamon desktop provides a wealth of personalization choices.

Have It Your Way

I was very pleased with Simplicity Linux's new capabilities with the Cinnamon desktop. The combination maintains, maybe even expands, this distro's ease-of-use potential.

My first encounter with the Linux OS years ago got me used to a panel bar across the top of the screen. Using the new Simplicity returns me to that desktop layout.

My current Cinnamon distro has the panel bar on the bottom. Simplicity provides both options by placing a dock bar at the bottom as a favorites app launcher and an anchor spot for pinning quick access to essential system controls.

I also like the flexibility to add special effects and other tools, such as Scale and Expo views, to the desktop display options. That type of animation is missing from the otherwise very capable Xfce performance of earlier Simplicity Linux releases.

Of course, using the Gaming Edition may make such display features of secondary importance to full-screen gaming windows. Not being a heavy game player, I am more than happy to have this enhanced feature set available.

Dog-Gone Missing

Simplicity Linux can be a good computing platform whether your needs are gaming-specific or more general purpose. Still, I can not help but confess to a measure of disappointment in using this latest release.

I have used a variety of Puppy Linux variants over the years. These Puppy-based distros bring a distinctive look and feel to the screen. The Puppy computing world includes a unique set of apps and tools that set Puppy Linux a step apart from other Linux options.

This latest Simplicity Linux release, at least for me, seems to have put a muzzle on that doggy Linux style. The change to a more powerful and more modern desktop is no doubt the culprit. Some of the dog distro-specific computing apps and tools are scattered in the Debian-stuffed menus, but the Puppy-style architecture is much less prevalent. I miss it.

Bottom Line

Simplicity Linux, even with its more modern retooling, maintains the distro's earlier goals of providing a simpler way to run a fully powered Linux desktop. The addition of the Gaming Edition makes it easy to get started with computer gaming.

This new offering no doubt could be merged with the Desktop Edition for a more compact selection. That might allow the developer to release a new X Edition offering in the next release cycle.

I am not sure if the Mini Edition needs a full-function heavyweight desktop the likes of Cinnamon. I would like to see a return to the Xfce desktop there.

Either way, I look forward to the next release of Simplicity Linux. This distro holds considerable promise.


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0 条评论
  • A New Dog Pound
  • Family Affair
  • General Purpose Appeal
  • Appearance Matters
  • Have It Your Way
  • Dog-Gone Missing
  • Bottom Line
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