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Deploy TiDB on GCP GKE (Google Cloud)

修改2021-02-01 11:08:30
修改2021-02-01 11:08:30


> 作者:杨漆

> 16年关系型数据库管理,从oracle 9i 、10g、11g、12c到Mysql5.5、5.6、5.7、8.0 到TiDB获得3个OCP、2个OCM;运维路上不平坦,跌过不少坑、熬过许多夜。把工作笔记整理出来分享给大伙儿,希望帮到大家少走弯路、少熬夜。

how to deploy a TiDB cluster on GCP GKE with your laptop (Linux or macOS) for development or testing

PrerequisitesBefore deploying a TiDB cluster on GCP GKE, make sure the following requirements are satisfied:

Install Helm: used for deploying TiDB Operator.

Install gcloud: a command-line tool used for creating and managing GCP services.

Complete the operations in the Before you begin section of GKE Quickstart.

This guide includes the following contents:

Enable Kubernetes APIs

Configure enough quota

Deploy the clusterConfigure the GCP serviceConfigure your GCP project and default region:

gcloud config set core/project <gcp-project>

gcloud config set compute/region <gcp-region>

Create a GKE cluster

1.Create a GKE cluster and a default node pool:

gcloud container clusters create tidb --machine-type n1-standard-4 --num-nodes=1

The command above creates a regional cluster.

The --num-nodes=1 option indicates that one node is created in each zone. So if there are three zones in the region, there are three nodes in total, which ensures high availability.

It is recommended to use regional clusters in production environments. For other types of clusters, refer to Types of GKE clusters.

The command above creates a cluster in the default network. If you want to specify a network, use the --network/subnet option. For more information, refer to Creating a regional cluster.

2.Create separate node pools for PD, TiKV, and TiDB:

gcloud container node-pools create pd --cluster tidb --machine-type n1-standard-4 --num-nodes=1 \ --node-labels=dedicated=pd --node-taints=dedicated=pd:NoSchedule gcloud container node-pools create tikv --cluster tidb --machine-type n1-highmem-8 --num-nodes=1 \ --node-labels=dedicated=tikv --node-taints=dedicated=tikv:NoSchedule gcloud container node-pools create tidb --cluster tidb --machine-type n1-standard-8 --num-nodes=1 \ --node-labels=dedicated=tidb --node-taints=dedicated=tidb:NoSchedule

Deploy TiDB OperatorTo deploy TiDB Operator in the Kubernetes cluster, refer to the Deploy TiDB Operator section.

Deploy a TiDB cluster and the monitoring component

1.Prepare the TidbCluster and TidbMonitorCR files:

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pingcap/tidb-operator/master/examples/gcp/tidb-cluster.yaml &&

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pingcap/tidb-operator/master/examples/gcp/tidb-monitor.yaml

2.Create Namespace:

kubectl create namespace tidb-cluster


A namespace is a virtual cluster backed by the same physical cluster. This document takes tidb-cluster as an example. If you want to use other namespace, modify the corresponding arguments of -n or --namespace.

3.Deploy the TiDB cluster:

kubectl create -f tidb-cluster.yaml -n tidb-cluster &&

kubectl create -f tidb-monitor.yaml -n tidb-cluster

4.View the startup status of the TiDB cluster:

kubectl get pods -n tidb-cluster

When all the Pods are in the Running or Ready state, the TiDB cluster is successfully started. For example:

Access the TiDB databaseAfter you deploy a TiDB cluster, you can access the TiDB database via MySQL client.

Prepare a host that can access the clusterThe LoadBalancer created for your TiDB cluster is an intranet LoadBalancer. You can create a bastion host in the cluster VPC to access the database.

gcloud compute instances create bastion






<your-region>-a is the a zone in the region of the cluster, such as us-central1-a. You can also create the bastion host in other zones in the same region.

Install the MySQL client and connectAfter the bastion host is created, you can connect to the bastion host via SSH and access the TiDB cluster via the MySQL client.

1.Connect to the bastion host via SSH:

gcloud compute ssh tidb@bastion

2.Install the MySQL client:

sudo yum install mysql -y

3.Connect the client to the TiDB cluster:

mysql -h <tidb-nlb-dnsname> -P 4000 -u root

<tidb-nlb-dnsname> is the LoadBalancer IP of the TiDB service. You can view the IP in the EXTERNAL-IP field of the kubectl get svc basic-tidb -n tidb-cluster execution result.

For example:

$ mysql -h -P 4000 -u root Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 7823 Server version: 5.7.25-TiDB-v4.0.4 TiDB Server (Apache License 2.0) Community Edition, MySQL 5.7 compatible Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MySQL [(none)]> show status; +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Ssl_cipher | | | Ssl_cipher_list | | | Ssl_verify_mode | 0 | | Ssl_version | | | ddl_schema_version | 22 | | server_id | 717420dc-0eeb-4d4a-951d-0d393aff295a | +--------------------+--------------------------------------+ 6 rows in set (0.01 sec)


By default, TiDB (starting from v4.0.2) periodically shares usage details with PingCAP to help understand how to improve the product. For details about what is shared and how to disable the sharing, see Telemetry.


Obtain the LoadBalancer IP of Grafana:

kubectl -n tidb-cluster get svc basic-grafana

In the output above, the EXTERNAL-IP column is the LoadBalancer IP.

You can access the <grafana-lb>:3000 address using your web browser to view monitoring metrics. Replace <grafana-lb> with the LoadBalancer IP.

The initial Grafana login credentials are:

User: admin

Password: admin


to upgrade the TiDB cluster, edit the spec.version by executing kubectl edit tc basic -n tidb-cluster.

The upgrade process does not finish immediately. You can watch the upgrade progress by executing kubectl get pods -n tidb-cluster --watch.

Scale out

Before scaling out the cluster, you need to scale out the corresponding node pool so that the new instances have enough resources for operation.

The following example shows how to scale out the tikv node pool of the tidb cluster to have 6 nodes:

gcloud container clusters resize tidb --node-pool tikv --num-nodes 2


In the regional cluster, the nodes are created in 3 zones. Therefore, after scaling out, the number of nodes is 2 * 3 = 6.

After that, execute kubectl edit tc basic -n tidb-cluster and modify each component's replicas to the desired number of replicas. The scaling-out process is then completed.

For more information on managing node pools, refer to GKE Node pools.

Deploy TiFlash and TiCDC

Create new node pools

Create a node pool for TiFlash:

gcloud container node-pools create tiflash --cluster tidb --machine-type n1-highmem-8 --num-nodes=1

——node-labels dedicated=tiflash --node-taints dedicated=tiflash:NoSchedule

Create a node pool for TiCDC:

gcloud container node-pools create ticdc --cluster tidb --machine-type n1-standard-4 --num-nodes=1

--node-labels dedicated=ticdc --node-taints dedicated=ticdc:NoSchedule

Configure and deploy

To deploy TiFlash, configure spec.tiflash in tidb-cluster.yaml. For example:


TiDB Operator automatically mounts PVs in the order of the configuration in the storageClaims list. Therefore, if you need to add disks for TiFlash, make sure that you add the disks only to the end of the original configuration in the list. In addition, you must not alter the order of the original configuration.

To deploy TiCDC, configure spec.ticdc in tidb-cluster.yaml. For example:

Modify replicas according to your needs.

Finally, execute kubectl -n tidb-cluster apply -f tidb-cluster.yaml to update the TiDB cluster configuration.

For detailed CR configuration, refer to API references and Configure a TiDB Cluster.

Use local storage

Some GCP instance types provide additional local store volumes. You can choose such instances for the TiKV node pool to achieve higher IOPS and lower latency.


You cannot dynamically change the storage class of a running TiDB cluster. You can create a new cluster for testing.

During the GKE upgrade, data in the local storage will be lost due to the node reconstruction. When the node reconstruction occurs, you need to migrate data in TiKV. If you do not want to migrate data, it is recommended not to use the local disk in the production environment.

1.Create a node pool with local storage for TiKV:

gcloud container node-pools create tikv --cluster tidb --machine-type n1-standard-4 --num-nodes=1 --local-ssd-count 1

--node-labels dedicated=tikv --node-taints dedicated=tikv:NoSchedule

If the TiKV node pool already exists, you can either delete the old pool and then create a new one, or change the pool name to avoid conflict.

2.Deploy the local volume provisioner.

You need to use the local-volume-provisionerto discover and manage the local storage. Executing the following command deploys and creates a local-storage storage class:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pingcap/tidb-operator/master/manifests/gke/local-ssd-provision/local-ssd-provision.yaml

3.Use the local storage.

After the steps above, the local volume provisioner can discover all the local NVMe SSD disks in the cluster.

Modify tikv.storageClassName in the tidb-cluster.yaml file to local-storage.


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