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THE UNIVERSE BIOS; universe bios 操作指南

发布2021-02-04 11:09:12
发布2021-02-04 11:09:12

记录universe bios 操作指南;universe-bios 主要是街机NEO-GEO的BIOS系统,可以对游戏进行设置,开启隐藏功能;当我们只使用手柄进行控制的时候,使用UNIBIOS可以使得手柄能够快速配置游戏;


The UNIVERSE BIOS is for owners of MVS or AES hardware that want an easy way to change country region or between Arcade or Console mode on boot. Also included are other features that are not possible using the standard MVS bios. The UNIVERSE BIOS is also designed to give easy access to things like inserting coins, test mode and memory card management when using the joystick ports only. Of course the BIOS still allows standard operation too

下图是双截龙在 universe-bios下的运行场景;使用universe系统可以进行后台设置,开启隐藏的Duke&Shuko人物等,或者通过设置调试码,进行调试;




The first time a MVS system is switched on after UNIVERSE BIOS installation the
system will default to EURO region and ARCADE operation mode. The BootUp HW Test
option will be disabled by default also. You can change any of these settings to
your desired setup at any time by following the information in this manual.

  Important Notes
  If the systems backup SRAM battery is dead any changed settings will be lost on
  power down and the default settings will be reloaded. I would suggest recharging
  or replacing the onboard battery in this situation.

  The backup SRAM is totally cleared the first time the UNIVERSE BIOS is run on a
  MVS system, this is to ensure compatibility.

Because the AES system has no backup SRAM the system will use the memory card to
store the systems region and operation mode settings. This info is then read once
at power on, it’s not read again after using the system reset button or soft reset
option. If a memory card is not present the system will default to EURO region and
CONSOLE operation mode on power up, you can then change this as required once you
reach the splash screen.

  Important Notes
  The hardware test will keep looping until you release its button code. The screen
  flashes each time the hardware check loops itself.

  Hard DIP’s are all set in the off position and cannot be changed.

  When in ARCADE mode you cannot disable developer mode.

Accessing Menus
The following codes should be used while the splash screen is showing or held during
system power up (splash disabled). Button codes will only work on player 1 controls. 

  A+B+C   = Main UNIVERSE BIOS Menu
  A+B+C+D = Memory Card Manager
  B+C+D   = Test mode (MVS only)
  B+C+D   = Hardware Test (AES only)

  (Use 2up controller for the code below)

  A+B+C+D = Controller Test (AES only)

The following codes are available in game only, they will not work if you have disabled
the in game menu (general bios settings).

  START+SELECT = In Game Menu
  START+COIN   = In Game Menu
  START+A+B+C  = In Game Menu

The Main Menu
To navigate the UNIVERSE BIOS menu you will need to use player 1 controls,
button (A) is used as select, (C) to exit. Here is a list of all available
options along with a small description.

  Region Settings
  This is where you choose your region and operation mode of the BIOS. Any settings
  made on this screen are permanently saved until you decide to change them.

  General Settings (MVS only)
  Like the region settings these setting are also saved until changed.

  - Disable BootUp HW Test
      This option forces the UNIVERSE BIOS to skip some hardware tests at power on,
      it makes booting faster but you have no guarantee the system is in full working
      order. This option is on by default. 

  - Disable In Game Menu
      This option disables the in game menu when enabled.

  - Disable Input Crossing
      When enabled this option will disable the input crossing feature.

  - Enable Cabinet Fixes 
      When enabled 1Up (A) and (B) buttons will act as game select buttons during attract
      mode on multislot hardware. This option also registers a coin entered into a cab
      with only one coin chute to the 2Up side if 2Up (START) is held down while coin is
      inserted. Only works in ARCADE mode while 2 coin counters are drawn on screen.

  - Disable Splash Screen
      This option disables the splash screen at startup when enabled.

  - Enable Arcade Protect
      This setting is designed to allow the Universe Bios to be run easier in an arcade
      environment. When enabled either the TEST MODE button must also be pressed or
      hard DIP 1 must be ON for button codes at the splash screen to work. This setting
      also forces the system to reset if a game should crash instead of giving an error.

  Game SoftDIP Settings (AES only)
  Here you can change game settings like the amount of lives given per game, amount of
  time rounds lasts or enable blood for example. Note that Soft DIP’s are reset on
  changing the country region so always select your region setup before editing any
  soft DIP’s.

  GameCart CRC Check
  Here you can check that a games program data is correct by using the CRC32 algorithm.
  The screen will display the GAME ID and CRC32 for each memory region used. The result is
  then checked against an internal database to confirm it’s good. Possible messages
  resulting from this check are;

  OK    -  CRC32 Good
  NG    -  CRC32 Bad
  ??    -  CRC32 not in database

  DO NOT take the above output as 100% accurate as some CRC32 values in the database are
  probably wrong (bad dumps etc). If your game does give a different CRC32 than what’s
  expected then please email the details to us (info@universebios.com).

  Jukebox Music Player
  Here you can listen to music from games. Each tune or sound is assigned a sound code.
  By selecting different codes you will hear different tunes or game fx.

  This feature allows you to send and receive data from the NeoGeo using a cable that is
  connected to the 2UP joystick port. Using this feature gives one the ability to run
  your own code on the system or backup memory cards for example.

  This feature should be considered beta at this point but is known to work. Please
  visit the official homepage for more information on how to build the cable or
  download the needed PC software.

The In Game Menu
To navigate the In Game menus use player one controls and button (A) to select. Not doing
anything for a short period will cause the screen to blank while idle. This feature
prevents monitor burn if using the In Game menu to pause games. Available options are.

  The Cheat Database
  Everything is quite straight forward here although using cheats can cause adverse game
  effects. For example, if you experience game lockups when using a cheat try turning it
  off which may allow the game to continue and then enable it again later. Cheats can also
  cause GFX issues, most notably at the end for energy bars. On MULTISLOT hardware any
  active cheats will be disabled when changing game, they will not be restored automatically.

  Debug DIP Settings
  These settings are more advanced. Debug DIPS do different things depending on the game,
  unless you know what your doing it’s best to leave them alone although experimenting won’t
  cause damage. If a cheat is enabled that uses a games debug dip address you will see it
  via a highlighted number under the DIP value.

  Patch Memory
  Here you can manually choose addresses in the NeoGeo memory space and patch byte values
  there. For example by placing different values into 0x320000 you can change any currently
  playing music. You can also use this feature for cheats and other stuff.

  Last menu option (selectable)
  The final menu setting is changeable, do this by moving the joystick left or right once
  highlighted. Possible options are;

    Soft Reboot System
    Menu Color Changer 
    Main Memory Viewer    
    Video RAM Viewer

Input Crossing
This feature gives you the ability to use the joystick ports (if the system has them) and
the JAMMA connector for things they weren’t initially designed for. Here’s a breakdown on
how it works.

  When using the joystick ports (if the system has them) the select buttons will insert
  coins when pressed if running in arcade mode. On MULTISLOT hardware this is disabled
  when more than one game found (ensures correct game changing operation).

  When using the JAMMA connection for joystick control the coin switches (for getting credits)
  become player 1 and player 2 select buttons when in console mode (see known issues).

  On a MULTISLOT system the joystick port select buttons and JAMMA connector select game
  pins do the same thing (by hardware design). This means you can use the game select buttons
  as player 1 and player 2 select buttons too.

  On a MULTISLOT system game selecting is only available during the attract mode sequence
  when in console mode.




根据模拟器网站:http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/arcade/nebula.html 的介绍:The emulator is using the MAME naming system so any mame compatible game that is supported should have the same name.


Kawaks Cheats可以参考:https://github.com/Game-Emulators/Kawaks-ROMs/tree/master/cheats


经过测试,Kawaks的Cheats 在Nebula模拟器中也能正常使用,我相信这是它们共用一套游戏命名机制的原因;Cheats在Nebula系统中称为金手指,使用效果如下:



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