官网:UN Comtrade Database[1]
UN Comtrade 数据库(United Nations International Trade Statistics Database)是全球最大且最为广泛应用的国际贸易数据库。每年全球超过 200 多个国家或地区分别以记录国(Reporter)角色向该数据库汇交他们与其他贸易伙伴国家(Partner)的年度(或月度)国际商品(或服务)贸易分类统计数据。汇交过程中,这些数据记录被基于联合国统计司统一标准规范执行分类编码(例如,HS,SITC,BEC)与估值(单位:美元)。
在 data[2] 页面(如上图)可以填入需要下载的信息,即可获取或者下载 CSV 格式的数据。
也可以通过调用 API 批量获取数据API 说明文档[3],构造请求所需主要参数如下:
The UN Comtrade data extraction API:
url = 'url="http://comtrade.un.org/api/get?'
maxrec = 50000 # maximum records returned: [1, 100000]
type= C # trade data type
freq = A # data set frequency, Annual or Monthly
px= H1 # classification
ps= now # time period
r = all # reporting area, 156: China
p= all # partner area
rg= 2 # trade regime/trade flow
cc= TOTAL # Classification codes
fmt= csv # output format, json or CSV
uitoken = '' # authorization code
* 安装命令
ssc install comtrade, replace
help comtrade
comtrade list // List and download possible parameters
使用 API 请求数据的命令语法如下:
comtrade [api] , hs(string) class(string) reportercountry(string)
partnercountry(string) maxdata(string) type(string) freq(string)
years(string) traderegime(string) [ imts(string) general options ]
sets the px parameter, the product classification scheme. Can be HS
, H1
, H2
, ST
, S1
, S2
, S3
, S4
or EB02
. See the webpage or Stata for valid parameters.class(string)
sets the cc parameter, the detailed product classification code. string can be: TOTAL
(Total trade between reporter and partner, no detail breakdown), AG1
, AG2
, AG3
, AG4
, AG5
, AG6
and ALL
(all codes).AG1 - AG6 are detailed codes at a specific digit level. For instance AG6 in HS gives all of the 6-digit codes, which are the most detailed codes that are internationally comparable. Not all classifications have all digit levels available. See the classification specific codes for more information.reportercountry(string)
sets the r parameter, the reporter country. See list of valid reporters in web or in Stata.partnercountry(string)
sets the p parameter, the partner country. See list of valid partners web or in Statatype(string)
sets the type parameter, the trade data type. Values can be C for commodities and S for services.freq(string)
sets the freq parameter, the frequency. Valid values are A for annual and M for monthly.traderegime(string)
sets the rg parameter, the trade regime. Valid values are all for imports and exports, 1 for imports and 2 for exports. See valid parameters in web or Stata.years(string)
sets the ps parameter, the time period. Format can be YYYY
, now or recent.imts(string)
data fields/columns based on IMTS Concepts & Definitions. Can be 2010 for data complying with IMTS 2010 or orig for earlier versions. Is optional.maxdata(string)
sets the max parameter, maximum number of records to be returned.可以输入 comtrade list
需求:比如要获取以中国为报告国, 2020
年,向全球所有国家 Live animals
解析上面的需求,可以提取出 API 关键的参数:
r = 156 # Reporters,China: 156
freq = A # Annual
ps = 2019 # Periods (year)
p = all # Partners
cc = "01" # commodity codes
rg = 1 # Trade flows, 1:Import, 2: Export
因此,对应 Stata 的写法如下:
comtrade api, maxdata(500) type(C) freq(A) hs(HS) ///
years(2019) reporterc(156) partnerc(all) traderegime(1) ///
obs: 65
vars: 43 8 Apr 2021 21:43
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
AltQuantity byte %10.0g AltQuantity v_
CIFValue byte %10.0g CIFValue v_
FOBValue byte %10.0g FOBValue v_
GrossWeight byte %10.0g GrossWeight v_
IsLeaf byte %10.0g IsLeaf v_
NetWeight byte %10.0g NetWeight v_
TradeQuantity byte %10.0g TradeQuantity v_
TradeValue long %10.0g TradeValue v_
aggrLevel str64 %64s aggrLevel v_
cmdCode byte %10.0g cmdCode v_
cmdDescE str64 %64s cmdDescE v_
cstCode byte %10.0g cstCode v_
cstDesc str64 %64s cstDesc v_
estCode byte %10.0g estCode v_
motCode byte %10.0g motCode v_
motDesc str64 %64s motDesc v_
period int %10.0g period v_
periodDesc str64 %64s periodDesc v_
pfCode str64 %64s pfCode v_
pt3ISO str64 %64s pt3ISO v_
pt3ISO2 str64 %64s pt3ISO2 v_
ptCode int %10.0g ptCode v_
ptCode2 byte %10.0g ptCode2 v_
ptTitle str64 %64s ptTitle v_
ptTitle2 str64 %64s ptTitle2 v_
qtAltCode byte %10.0g qtAltCode v_
qtAltDesc str64 %64s qtAltDesc v_
qtCode byte %10.0g qtCode v_
qtDesc str64 %64s qtDesc v_
rgCode byte %10.0g rgCode v_
rgDesc str64 %64s rgDesc v_
rt3ISO str64 %64s rt3ISO v_
rtCode int %10.0g rtCode v_
rtTitle str64 %64s rtTitle v_
_TotalRecords str21 %21s TotalRecords value
_freq str21 %21s freq value
_isOriginal str21 %21s isOriginal value
_isPartnerDet~l str21 %21s isPartnerDetail value
_publicationD~e str21 %21s publicationDate value
_px str21 %21s px value
_rDesc str21 %21s rDesc value
_type str21 %21s type value
_DownloadDate str20 %20s
Sorted by:
需求:下载以中国为报告国,2017 ~ 2019 年间 02, 03, 04 产品向全球的进口数据。
year: 2017~2019
reporter: China (156)
partner: all
commodities: 02 03 04
tradeflow: Import
* comtrade list // List and download possible parameters
global rep "156" //China
global p "all"
local rg "1"
local cc "02 03 04"
forvalues y = 2017/2019{
foreach c of local cc{
comtrade api, maxdata(500) type(C) freq(A) hs(HS) ///
years(`y') reporterc($rep) partnerc($p) traderegime(`rg') ///
cl(`c') save("`c(pwd)'/comtrade_Import_`y'`rg'`c'$rep.dta")
UN Comtrade Database: https://comtrade.un.org/data/
data: https://comtrade.un.org/data/
API 说明文档: https://comtrade.un.org/Data/doc/api/