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Gartner 2022 商业智能魔力象限报告发布,微软连续 15 年成为领导者

发布2022-04-02 13:04:04
发布2022-04-02 13:04:04

Gartner 于 2022 年 3 月 22 日发布魔力象限报告,以 Power BI 为产品代表的微软连续 15 年获得领导者,并且连续 4 年位于领导者象限最高地位。

2022 结果

2022 年魔力象限图出炉:


Leaders execute well against their current vision and are well positioned for tomorrow.


Visionaries understand where the market is going or have a vision for changing market rules, but do not yet execute well.


Niche Players focus successfully on a small segment, or are unfocused and do not out-innovate or outperform others.


Challengers execute well today or may dominate a large segment, but do not demonstrate an understanding of market direction.





在现代 ABI 平台市场中,购买决策是由需要易于购买和使用的产品的业务用户做出的,或者至少受到其严重影响。

他们要求这些产品能够提供明确的业务价值,并使技术专长有限且无需 IT 部门或技术专家前期参与的人员能够使用强大的分析。






有远见的人,对提供现代 ABI 平台有着强烈或与众不同的愿景。



利基玩家,在特定领域(行业、垂直或用例)表现出色,或者他们擅长满足使用特定云堆栈的组织的 ABI 需求。


他们可能专注于 ABI 平台市场的特定领域或方面,但在其他地方缺乏深度功能。

或者,他们可能拥有相当广泛的 ABI 平台,但实施和支持能力有限或客户群相对有限(例如,仅在特定地区或行业中)。


我们通常关注 Power BI,Tableau 以及中国厂商的情况。

关于 Power BI

Microsoft is a Leader in this Magic Quadrant. It has massive market reach and momentum through Office 365 and a comprehensive, visionary product roadmap. Microsoft Power BI offers data preparation, visual-based data discovery, interactive dashboards and augmented analytics.

The new “goals” capability enables data-driven and collaborative tracking of key business metric scorecards. Power BI is primarily deployed as a SaaS option running in Azure, but offers a less-functional on-premises option in Power BI Report Server. Microsoft continues to align Power BI closely with Office 365, Microsoft Teams, Excel and SharePoint. In 2022, Microsoft’s vision is to make Power BI the hub for data and analytics in an organization.


  • Alignment with Office 365, Teams and Azure Synapse: The inclusion of Power BI in the Office 365 E5 SKU has provided an enormous channel for the platform’s spread. As many customers turn to Teams for remote work collaboration, the ability to access Power BI and now “goals” within the same Teams interface is a compelling integration for business users. Power BI and Azure Synapse alignment addresses multiple data and analytics personas and use cases.
  • Price/value combination: Power BI does not sacrifice quality in order to achieve its disruptively low pricing model. The Power BI cloud service is rich in its capabilities, which include an enlarged set of augmented analytics and automated ML (autoML) capabilities.
  • Power portfolio and product ambition: Microsoft has a clear vision for cross-utilization of Power BI, Power Apps and Power Automate to drive business value. Power Apps can be embedded in Power BI dashboards or access Power BI datasets, and Power Automate flows can be constructed to take various actions based on the data. AI-powered services, such as text, sentiment and image analytics, are available within Power BI Premium.


  • Gaps in on-premises capabilities: Compared with the Power BI cloud service, Microsoft’s on-premises offering lacks significant functional capabilities, including dashboards, streaming analytics, prebuilt content, natural language question and answer, automated insights, and alerting.
  • Azure as the only deployment option: Microsoft does not give customers the flexibility to choose a cloud IaaS offering. While data connectivity enables multicloud and hybrid cloud scenarios, its Power BI service runs only in Azure. However, customers that utilize Azure can take advantage of the global reach and multigeography capabilities offered by Microsoft’s cloud platform.
  • Content publication process and governance: Creating a process for promotion and publication of Power BI content can lead to a significant administrative overhead for customers. With a one-to-one relationship between published Power BI apps and Workspaces, organizations may be manually managing many hundreds of Workspaces — an issue Microsoft plans to address in its roadmap. How to govern self-service usage is one of the most common questions asked about Power BI by users of Gartner’s inquiry service.

强调了 Power BI 正与 Office 365 协同一致,在价格低廉的情况下还能确保质量,Power 系列产品有清晰的战略路线,极度具有竞争力。

在本地版部署方面与云原生版之间的差异越来越大了。仅仅支持在 Azure 部署。发布为 App 的模式会导致企业内 App 过多,微软表示未来会加以改进。

关于 Tableau

关于 中国厂商


Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud is a Niche Player in this Magic Quadrant. It competes primarily in Asia/Pacific, but it has global potential. Alibaba Cloud is the largest public cloud platform provider in Asia/Pacific. It offers data preparation, visual-based data discovery, interactive dashboards and augmented analytics through its Quick BI platform. This platform is available as a SaaS option running on Alibaba Cloud’s infrastructure, an on-premises option on Apsara Stack Enterprise and an embedded analytics option with Alibaba Business Advisor.

Quick BI 4.1 has improved data source connectivity capabilities for accelerated queries and broader integration options with the mainstream digital workplace applications (DingTalk, WeChat/WeCom and Lark) in China.


  • Digital workplace-oriented collaborative analytics: Quick BI is seamlessly integrated with DingTalk — Alibaba Cloud’s digital workplace application that has massive adoption in China. DingTalk not only improves collaborative analytics with multipersona users, but is also an important sales channel for Quick BI.
  • Composable analytics to drive actions: Quick BI is utilized in Alibaba Cloud’s “Data Middle Office” strategy, which delivers modular and reusable D&A capabilities. Quick BI offers native support for Dataphin (a data integration product), which can be used to help compose analytic applications and automate business-oriented actions in Business Advisor, closing the loop of analytic tasks.
  • Data literacy program: Quick BI launched its task-based training program to upskill its users, including onboarding, systematic product courses, real-world practice with users’ own data and analytics experience sharing via livestreaming. The program is coupled with incentives that provide coupons to offset the license cost and store credits for Alibaba Cloud’s e-commerce store.


  • Investment focus: Although Alibaba Cloud is large in overall company size, Quick BI is not a strategic focus compared to the vendor’s DBMS and AI product lines. The overall headcount for Quick BI is fewer than 100 people, which is significantly lower than other major hypescalers’ ABI platforms.
  • Product dependence: Like other large cloud service providers’ analytics offerings, Quick BI is highly dependent on other Alibaba Cloud services to provide governance, data management and advanced analytics capabilities. Although Quick BI is competitively priced, the total cost of a customer’s analytics ecosystem may rise when they require additional capabilities that are only adapted to the service Alibaba Cloud provides.
  • Geographical presence and market momentum: Alibaba Cloud is a China-focused vendor, with a minimal installed base elsewhere. As a SaaS offering, Quick BI is often packaged into the vendor’s integrated Data Middle Office solution.


  • FanRuan. FanRuan is one of the largest ABI vendors in China, where its traditional, report-centric BI product, FineReport, is widely used. Its new FineBI product offers self-service, visually driven BI via an on-premises deployment model. FanRuan did not meet the criteria for market momentum required for full coverage in this Magic Quadrant.



2008 到 2022 的 15 年商业智能领域演化过程:

💡注意 本次考虑的积累效应,整合了历史的全部评价进行积累式评估,更具有价值。


Power BI vs. Tableau

Power BI 与 Tableau 的进化过程:




自 2015 年 Power BI 发布以来,Power BI 就开始一路进取的过程,再来看看 Power BI 和 Tableau 两大优秀产品的发展:


Gartner 魔力象限研究工作室

BI 佐罗发布 Gartner 魔力象限研究工作室,对历年的内容进行研究并供大家参考。

你可以获得:2008 到 2022 的 15 年的研究报告。同时你还可以在线实时观看各个厂商的演化过程。


同时支持手机版和 PC 版供大家学习研究。


根据 Gartner 的研究报告,全球商业智能市场增速放缓,竞争加剧,这有利于广大用户。所有人都可以在数据时代解锁数字化能力,这令人兴奋。再次恭喜 Power BI 和 Tableau 成为 BI 领导者,也让我们继续期待这个市场的演化。


本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2022-03-26,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 PowerBI战友联盟 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

0 条评论
  • 2022 结果
  • 什么是魔力象限
  • 重要解读
    • 关于 Power BI
      • 关于 Tableau
        • 关于 中国厂商
        • 演化过程
        • Power BI vs. Tableau
        • Gartner 魔力象限研究工作室
        • 总结
        腾讯云 BI
        腾讯云 BI(Business Intelligence,BI)提供从数据源接入、数据建模到数据可视化分析全流程的BI能力,帮助经营者快速获取决策数据依据。系统采用敏捷自助式设计,使用者仅需通过简单拖拽即可完成原本复杂的报表开发过程,并支持报表的分享、推送等企业协作场景。
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