社区首页 >专栏 >SAP WM中阶明明设置了TO自动产生为啥冻结物料后没有TO单据产生?【英文版】

SAP WM中阶明明设置了TO自动产生为啥冻结物料后没有TO单据产生?【英文版】

修改2022-05-05 11:56:48
修改2022-05-05 11:56:48

No TO document generated after we blocked stock even if we activate TO automatic creation for WM movement type?

1, The WM reference movement type for IM movement type 344 is also 344.

The WM level movement type of reference movement type 344 is 309.

In the WM level movement type 309, we activate the TO automatic creation, see below screen shot:

2, The material number 800 was used for this blog. The initial stock of the batch 0000000501 of this material, see below screen shot:

Now execute the transaction code MIGO movement type 344 to block the stock of this material batch, the quantity is 1 EA. Then observe the WM level document creation.


A material document generated. Check the WM data of this material document.


Imme.TO: X

Movement type: 309

Execute transaction code LU03 to check the PCN 25,

When we check the process status of this PCN, there is NO Transfer Order generated yet. See above screen shot.

Execute the transaction code LU04 to check the open PCN for this material,

We found the open PCN of the material 800 and batch 0000000501 on the same date,

Display the PCN data,

The number of this PCN is 25.

This indicates that after the blocking inventory is posted, the SAP system fails to automatically create the TO document at the WM level. However, I clearly set that the TO should be created automatically for the WM level movement type 309. Why there is NO TO document created automatically?

The reason is that the stock of this material batch was stored in several storage bins, see below screen shot:

After we posting MIGO 344, SAP system does not know which storage bin’s stock should be blocked in WM level, so SAP failed to create TO document automatically. At this moment, manual invention is needed, we need to execute transaction code LU04 to convert related PCN to TO document, specified which storage bin should be involved.

Here we specified that the storage bin 17-01-03 by manually to block 1 EA stock. See above screenshot.

Save it,

System prompt: Transfer Order 125 created.

3, Then if the stock of material batch just stored in one storage bin, when we blocked stock in IM level, then SAP can create TO document automatically in WM level? The answer is YES.

Kindly see below demo.

Material number 800, batch number 0000000514, its stock just stored in ONE storage bin, 17-01-04. See below screenshot:

Execute transaction code MIGO to block 1 EA stock of this material batch,

Save it,

Then check the WM data for this material document,

PCN number is 26.

Check the processing status of this PCN,

We can see that the TO#126 was created automatically.

Note: this blog is based on the SAP S4/HANA 1909 system.


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