社区首页 >专栏 >[1151]python连接 redis cluster集群

[1151]python连接 redis cluster集群

发布2022-07-17 10:06:13
发布2022-07-17 10:06:13

使用pip search查看可安装的Redis模块版本

PS D:\code>pip install pip-search #安装pip-search模块
PS D:\code> pip_search redis #利用pip-search查找模块可安装的版本信息
                                                                         🐍 https://pypi.org/search/?q=redis 🐍
┃ Package              ┃ Version  ┃ Released     ┃ Description                                                                                                                         ┃
│ 📂 redis2            │ │ Jan 1, 2022  │ Python client for Redis key-value store                                                                                             │
│ 📂 redis3            │  │ Jan 1, 2022  │ Python client for Redis key-value store                                                                                             │
│ 📂 redis             │ 4.1.2 == │ Jan 27, 2022 │ Python client for Redis database and key-value store                                                                                │
│ 📂 django-redis      │ 5.2.0    │ Dec 22, 2021 │ Full featured redis cache backend for Django.                                                                                       │
│ 📂 redis-ipc         │ 0.0.1    │ Jun 27, 2021 │ A minimal multi producer single consumer IPC using redis pub/sub                                                                    │
│ 📂 bottle-redis      │ 0.2.3    │ Jun 3, 2015  │ Redis integration for Bottle.                                                                                                       │
│ 📂 rivescript-redis  │ 0.1.0    │ Feb 21, 2017 │ Redis driver for RiveScript                                                                                                         │
│ 📂 flypper-redis     │ 0.1.2    │ Jan 23, 2022 │ Feature flags, with a GUI - Redis backend                                                                                           │
│ 📂 JCoder-redis      │ 0.0.5    │ May 1, 2021  │ This Redis is a Python library based on redis.                                                                                      │
│ 📂 openid-redis      │ 1.1      │ Mar 3, 2014  │ A Redis storage backend for the python-openid package                                                                               │
│ 📂 serialized-redis  │ 0.1.5    │ Oct 12, 2014 │ A solution to have lists and dictionaries serialized using redis-py.                                                                │
│ 📂 redis-trib        │ 0.6.2    │ Nov 1, 2019  │ Redis Cluster tools in Python                                                                                                       │
│ 📂 redis_proxy       │ 0.0.2    │ Sep 11, 2013 │ a redis proxy that will seperate read and write                                                                                     │
│ 📂 redis-index       │ 0.1.11   │ Nov 8, 2019  │ Inverted Index using efficient Redis set                                                                                            │
│ 📂 redis-tornado     │ 0.2      │ Aug 28, 2012 │ Async redis client built on the Tornado IOLoop.                                                                                     │
│ 📂 sdh.redis         │ 0.1.0    │ Oct 31, 2020 │ Django redis wrapper                                                                                                                │
│ 📂 redis-collections │ 0.11.0   │ Jan 19, 2022 │ Set of basic Python collections backed by Redis.                                                                                    │
│ 📂 restful-redis     │ 0.0.2    │ Feb 24, 2018 │ Redis queues for synchronous server2server ops                                                                                      │
│ 📂 redis-persistence │ 0.0.4    │ Jan 5, 2021  │ A python module to make your Telegram bot persistent using Redis                                                                    │
│ 📂 cp-redis          │ 0.0.1    │ Jan 2, 2020  │ This is Carpool Project subpackage: cp cp-redis                                                                                     │
│ 📂 disposable-redis  │ 0.2      │ Aug 4, 2015  │ UNKNOWN                                                                                                                             │
│ 📂 stati-redis       │ 0.0.7    │ May 12, 2013 │ Python client with redis transport for GottWall statistics aggregator                                                               │
│ 📂 exec-redis        │ 0.0.10   │ Dec 2, 2021  │ Redis handler.                                                                                                                      │
│ 📂 redis_triggers    │ 0.1      │ Jul 30, 2016 │ Redis Key events that executes a function written by you such as on expiry                                                          │
│ 📂 namekox-redis     │ 0.0.26   │ Apr 29, 2021 │ namekox redis                                                                                                                       │
│ 📂 Mask-Redis        │ 1.0.0a1  │ Jun 29, 2021 │ Redis extension for Mask.                                                                                                           │
│ 📂 redis-pal         │ 0.1.4    │ Jun 15, 2021 │ Store things in Redis without worrying about types or anything, just do it!                                                         │
│ 📂 redis-schematics  │ 0.3.1    │ Feb 14, 2020 │ Redis storage backend for schematics.                                                                                               │
│ 📂 celerybeat-redis  │ 0.1.5    │ Apr 4, 2016  │ A Celery Beat Scheduler that uses Redis to store both schedule definitions and status information                                   │
│ 📂 redis-funnel      │ 0.0.1    │ Mar 26, 2019 │ A distributed funnel system based on redis, management system included.                                                             │
│ 📂 redis-cirrus      │ 2.10.5   │ Apr 20, 2016 │ Python client for Redis key-value store                                                                                             │
│ 📂 redis-sentinel    │ 1.0.1    │ Sep 11, 2020 │ Redis connection fully managed by sentinel                                                                                          │
│ 📂 redis-completion  │ 0.5.0    │ Apr 20, 2013 │ autocomplete with redis                                                                                                             │
│ 📂 redis_drs         │ 0.0.3    │ Mar 4, 2015  │ A Distributed Resource Scheduling system that uses Redis.                                                                           │
│ 📂 kinto-redis       │ 2.1.0    │ Nov 16, 2021 │ Kinto Redis                                                                                                                         │
│ 📂 redis-memslider   │ 0.1.2    │ Feb 29, 2016 │ Gradually reduce redis maxmemory.REDIS (redis.io) will block while ensuring maxmemory is honored, so when reducing it               │
│                      │          │              │ significantlyit is helpful to do so over a period of time in smaller steps if necessary. For example an AWS EC2m2.2xlarge instance  │
│                      │          │              │ takes in the vicinity of 1-5 seconds to evict 256MB of keys.                                                                        │
│ 📂 redis-relay       │ 0.0.1    │ Jul 25, 2018 │ redis relay for interprocess communication                                                                                          │
│ 📂 py-redis          │ 1.1.1    │ Dec 13, 2021 │ A convenience wrapper for the official Python redis package                                                                         │
│ 📂 joker-redis       │ 0.0.3    │ Jan 21, 2022 │ redis based utilities                                                                                                               │
│ 📂 redis_tryton      │ 0.4      │ Mar 5, 2018  │ Redis Cache for the Tryton Framework                                                                                                │

第三方库: redis-py-cluster: 最近还在维护 rediscluster: 似乎很久没有更新了

pip install redis-py-cluster==2.1.3
pip install rediscluster


from rediscluster import RedisCluster

# redis cluster 集群最少三主三从
startup_nodes = [
    {"host":"", "port":6379},  # 主
    {"host":"", "port":7001},  # 6379的从数据库
    {"host":"", "port":6380},  # 主
    {"host":"", "port":7002},  # 6380的从数据库
    {"host":"", "port":6381},  # 主
    {"host":"", "port":7003}   # 6381的从数据库

# 连接集群
redis_server = RedisCluster(startup_nodes=startup_nodes, decode_responses=True,password='aaa')
redis_server.set('name', 'lowman')

参考:http://t.zoukankan.com/lowmanisbusy-p-10991605.html https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42048263/article/details/122731953 http://www.manongjc.com/detail/15-xysgvqkubrgzlbw.html

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云数据库 Redis
腾讯云数据库 Redis(TencentDB for Redis)是腾讯云打造的兼容 Redis 协议的缓存和存储服务。丰富的数据结构能帮助您完成不同类型的业务场景开发。支持主从热备,提供自动容灾切换、数据备份、故障迁移、实例监控、在线扩容、数据回档等全套的数据库服务。
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