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Impala 启动参数2

修改2022-08-29 16:48:12
修改2022-08-29 16:48:12

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/io/data-cache.cc:

-data_cache_anonymize_trace ((Advanced) Use hashes of filenames rather than file paths in the data cache access trace.) type: bool default: false

-data_cache_checksum ((Advanced) Enable checksumming for the cached buffer.) type: bool default: false

-data_cache_enable_tracing ((Advanced) Collect a trace of all lookups in the data cache.) type: bool default: false

-data_cache_eviction_policy ((Advanced) The cache eviction policy to use for the data cache. Either 'LRU' (default) or 'LIRS' (experimental)) type: string default: "LRU"

-data_cache_file_max_size_bytes ((Advanced) The maximum size which a cache file can grow to before data stops being appended to it.) type: int64 default: 1099511627776

-data_cache_max_opened_files ((Advanced) The maximum number of allowed opened files. This must be at least the number of specified partitions.) type: int32 default: 1000

-data_cache_trace_dir (The base directory for data cache tracing. The data cache trace files for each cache directory are placed in separate subdirectories underneath this base directory. If blank, defaults to <log_file_dir>/data_cache_trace/) type: string default: ""

-data_cache_trace_percentage (The percentage of cache lookups that should be emitted to the trace file.) type: int32 default: 100

-data_cache_write_concurrency ((Advanced) Number of concurrent threads allowed to insert into the cache per partition.) type: int32 default: 1

-max_data_cache_trace_file_size (The maximum size (in log entries) of the data cache trace file before a new one is created.) type: int32 default: 100000

-max_data_cache_trace_files (Maximum number of data cache trace files to retain for each cache directory specified by the data_cache startup parameter. The most recent trace files are retained. If set to 0, all trace files are retained.) type: int32 default: 10

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/io/disk-io-mgr.cc:

-cache_abfs_file_handles (Enable the file handle cache for ABFS files.) type: bool default: true

-cache_chdfs_file_handles (Enable the file handle cache for CHDFS files.) type: bool default: true

-cache_cos_file_handles (Enable the file handle cache for COS files.) type: bool default: true

-cache_remote_file_handles (Enable the file handle cache for remote HDFS files.) type: bool default: true

-cache_s3_file_handles (Enable the file handle cache for S3 files.) type: bool default: true

-data_cache (The configuration string for IO data cache. Default to be an empty string so it's disabled. The configuration string is expected to be a list of directories, separated by ',', followed by a ':' and a capacity quota per directory. For example /data/0,/data/1:1TB means the cache may use up to 2TB, with 1TB max in /data/0 and /data/1 respectively. Please note that each Impala daemon on a host must have a unique caching directory.) type: string default: ""

-max_cached_file_handles (Maximum number of HDFS file handles that will be cached. Disabled if set to 0.) type: uint64 default: 20000

-num_abfs_io_threads (Number of ABFS I/O threads) type: int32 default: 16

-num_adls_io_threads (Number of ADLS I/O threads) type: int32 default: 16

-num_chdfs_io_threads (Number of CHDFS I/O threads) type: int32 default: 16

-num_cos_io_threads (Number of COS I/O threads) type: int32 default: 16

-num_disks (Number of disks on data node.) type: int32 default: 0

-num_file_handle_cache_partitions (Number of partitions used by the file handle cache.) type: uint64 default: 16

-num_gcs_io_threads (Number of GCS I/O threads) type: int32 default: 16

-num_io_threads_per_rotational_disk (Number of I/O threads per rotational disk. Has priority over num_threads_per_disk. If neither is set, defaults to 1 thread(s) per rotational disk) type: int32 default: 0

-num_io_threads_per_solid_state_disk (Number of I/O threads per solid state disk. Has priority over num_threads_per_disk. If neither is set, defaults to 8 thread(s) per solid state disk) type: int32 default: 0

-num_ozone_io_threads (Number of Ozone I/O threads) type: int32 default: 16

-num_remote_hdfs_file_oper_io_threads (Number of remote HDFS file operations I/O threads) type: int32 default: 8

-num_remote_hdfs_io_threads (Number of remote HDFS I/O threads) type: int32 default: 8

-num_s3_file_oper_io_threads (Number of S3 file operations I/O threads) type: int32 default: 16

-num_s3_io_threads (Number of S3 I/O threads) type: int32 default: 16

-num_threads_per_disk (Number of I/O threads per disk) type: int32 default: 0

-unused_file_handle_timeout_sec (Maximum time, in seconds, that an unused HDFS file handle will remain in the file handle cache. Disabled if set to 0.) type: uint64 default: 21600

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/io/hdfs-file-reader.cc:

-fs_slow_read_log_threshold_ms (Log diagnostics about I/Os issued via the HDFS client that take longer than this threshold.) type: int64 default: 10000

-fs_trace_remote_reads ((Advanced) Log block locations for remote reads.) type: bool default: false

-use_hdfs_pread (Enables using hdfsPread() instead of hdfsRead() when performing HDFS read operations. This is necessary to use HDFS hedged reads (assuming the HDFS client is configured to do so). Preads are always enabled for S3A and ABFS reads.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/io/hdfs-monitored-ops.cc:

-hdfs_operation_timeout_sec (Maximum time, in seconds, that an HDFS operation should wait before timing out and failing.) type: uint64 default: 300

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/krpc-data-stream-mgr.cc:

-datastream_sender_timeout_ms ((Advanced) The time, in ms, that can elapse before a plan fragment will time-out trying to send the initial row batch.) type: int32 default: 120000

-datastream_service_deserialization_queue_size (Number of deferred RPC requests that can be enqueued before being processed by a deserialization thread.) type: int32 default: 10000

-datastream_service_num_deserialization_threads (Number of threads for deserializing RPC requests deferred due to the receiver not ready or the soft limit of the receiver is reached.) type: int32 default: 16

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/krpc-data-stream-sender.cc:

-data_stream_sender_buffer_size ((Advanced) Max size in bytes which a row batch in a data stream sender's channel can accumulate before the row batch is sent over the wire.) type: int64 default: 16384

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/query-exec-mgr.cc:

-log_mem_usage_interval (If non-zero, impalad will output memory usage every log_mem_usage_interval'th fragment completion.) type: int32 default: 0

-query_exec_mgr_cancellation_thread_pool_size ((Advanced) Size of the QueryExecMgr thread-pool processing cancellations due to coordinator failure) type: int32 default: 1

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/runtime-filter-bank.cc:

-max_filter_error_rate ((Advanced) The target false positive probability used to determine the ideal size for each bloom filter size. This value can be overriden by the RUNTIME_FILTER_ERROR_RATE query option.) type: double default: 0.75

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/thread-resource-mgr.cc:

-num_threads_per_core (Number of threads per core.) type: int32 default: 3

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/runtime/tmp-file-mgr.cc:

-allow_multiple_scratch_dirs_per_device (If false and --scratch_dirs contains multiple directories on the same device, then only the first writable directory is used) type: bool default: true

-allow_spill_to_hdfs (Spill to HDFS is a test-only feature, only when set true, the user can configure a HDFS scratch path.) type: bool default: false

-disk_spill_compression_buffer_limit_bytes ((Advanced) Limit on the total bytes of compression buffers that will be used for spill-to-disk compression across all queries. If this limit is exceeded, some data may be spilled to disk in uncompressed form.) type: int64 default: 536870912

-disk_spill_compression_codec ((Advanced) If set, data will be compressed using the specified compression codec before spilling to disk. This can substantially reduce scratch disk usage, at the cost of requiring more CPU and memory resources to compress the data. Uses the same syntax as the COMPRESSION_CODEC query option, e.g. 'lz4', 'zstd', 'zstd:6'. If this is set, then --disk_spill_punch_holes must be enabled.) type: string default: ""

-disk_spill_encryption (Set this to encrypt and perform an integrity check on all data spilled to disk during a query) type: bool default: true

-disk_spill_punch_holes ((Advanced) changes the free space management strategy for files created in --scratch_dirs to punch holes in the file when space is unused. This can reduce the amount of scratch space used by queries, particularly in conjunction with disk spill compression. This option requires the filesystems of the directories in --scratch_dirs to support hole punching.) type: bool default: false

-remote_tmp_file_block_size (Specify the size of the block for doing file uploading and fetching. The block size should be power of 2 and less than the size of remote temporary file.) type: string default: "1M"

-remote_tmp_file_size (Specify the size of a remote temporary file. Upper bound is 256MB. Lower bound is the block size. The size should be power of 2 and integer times of the block size.) type: string default: "16M"

-remote_tmp_files_avail_pool_lifo (If true, lifo is the algo to evict the local buffer files during spilling to the remote. Otherwise, fifo would be used.) type: bool default: false

-scratch_dirs (Writable scratch directories. This is a comma-separated list of directories. Each directory is specified as the directory path, an optional limit on the bytes that will be allocated in that directory, and an optional priority for the directory. If the optional limit is provided, the path and the limit are separated by a colon. E.g. '/dir1:10G,/dir2:5GB,/dir3' will allow allocating up to 10GB of scratch in /dir1, 5GB of scratch in /dir2 and an unlimited amount in /dir3. If the optional priority is provided, the path and the limit and priority are separated by colon. Priority based spilling will result in directories getting selected as a spill target based on their priority. The lower the numerical value the higher the priority. E.g. '/dir1:10G:0,/dir2:5GB:1,/dir3::1', will cause spilling to first fill up '/dir1' followed by using '/dir2' and '/dir3' in a round robin manner.) type: string default: "/tmp"

-wait_for_spill_buffer_timeout_s (Specify the timeout duration waiting for the buffer to write (second). If a spillingopertion fails to get a buffer from the pool within the duration, the operationfails.) type: int32 default: 60

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/scheduling/admission-control-service.cc:

-admission_control_service_num_svc_threads (Number of threads for processing admission control service's RPCs. if left at default value 0, it will be set to number of CPU cores. Set it to a positive value to change from the default.) type: int32 default: 0

-admission_control_service_queue_mem_limit ((Advanced) Limit on RPC payloads consumption for AdmissionControlService. Specified as number of bytes ('<int>[bB]?'), megabytes ('<float>[mM]'), gigabytes ('<float>[gG]'), or percentage of the process memory limit ('<int>%'). Defaults to bytes if no unit is given.) type: string default: "50MB"

-admission_service_host (If provided, queries submitted to this impalad will be scheduled and admitted by contacting the admission control service at the specified address and --admission_service_port.) type: string default: ""

-admission_status_wait_time_ms ((Advanced) The number of milliseconds the GetQueryStatus() rpc in the admission control service will wait for admission to complete before returning.) type: int32 default: 100

-admission_thread_pool_size ((Advanced) Size of the thread-pool processing AdmitQuery requests.) type: int32 default: 5

-max_admission_queue_size ((Advanced) Max size of the queue for the AdmitQuery thread pool.) type: int32 default: 50

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/scheduling/admission-controller.cc:

-queue_wait_timeout_ms (Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that a request will wait to be admitted before timing out.) type: int64 default: 60000

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/scheduling/admissiond-env.cc:

-admission_service_port (The port where the admission control service runs) type: int32 default: 29500

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/scheduling/executor-blacklist.cc:

-blacklisting_enabled ((Advanced) If false, disables local blacklisting of executors by coordinators, which temporarily removes executors that appear to be problematic from scheduling decisions.) type: bool default: true

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/scheduling/remote-admission-control-client.cc:

-admission_max_retry_time_s ((Advanced) The amount of time in seconds the coordinator will spend attempting to retry admission if the admissiond is unreachable.) type: int32 default: 60

-admission_status_retry_time_ms ((Advanced) The number of milliseconds coordinators will wait before retrying the GetQueryStatus rpc.) type: int32 default: 10

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/scheduling/request-pool-service.cc:

-default_pool_max_queued (Maximum number of requests allowed to be queued before rejecting requests. A negative value or 0 indicates requests will always be rejected once the maximum number of concurrent requests are executing. Ignored if fair_scheduler_config_path and llama_site_path are set.) type: int64 default: 200

-default_pool_max_requests (Maximum number of concurrent outstanding requests allowed to run before queueing incoming requests. A negative value indicates no limit. 0 indicates no requests will be admitted. Ignored if fair_scheduler_config_path and llama_site_path are set.) type: int64 default: -1

-default_pool_mem_limit (Maximum amount of memory that all outstanding requests in this pool may use before new requests to this pool are queued. Specified as number of bytes ('<int>[bB]?'), megabytes ('<float>[mM]'), gigabytes ('<float>[gG]'), or percentage of the physical memory ('<int>%'). Defaults to bytes if no unit is given. Ignored if fair_scheduler_config_path and llama_site_path are set.) type: string default: ""

-disable_pool_max_requests (Disables all per-pool limits on the maximum number of running requests.) type: bool default: false

-disable_pool_mem_limits (Disables all per-pool mem limits.) type: bool default: false

-fair_scheduler_allocation_path (Path to the fair scheduler allocation file (fair-scheduler.xml).) type: string default: ""

-llama_site_path (Path to the Llama configuration file (llama-site.xml). If set, fair_scheduler_allocation_path must also be set.) type: string default: ""

-require_username (Requires that a user be provided in order to schedule requests. If enabled and a user is not provided, requests will be rejected, otherwise requests without a username will be submitted with the username 'default'.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/service/control-service.cc:

-control_service_num_svc_threads (Number of threads for processing control service's RPCs. if left at default value 0, it will be set to number of CPU cores. Set it to a positive value to change from the default.) type: int32 default: 0

-control_service_queue_mem_limit ((Advanced) Limit on RPC payloads consumption for ControlService. Specified as number of bytes ('<int>[bB]?'), megabytes ('<float>[mM]'), gigabytes ('<float>[gG]'), or percentage of the process memory limit ('<int>%'). Defaults to bytes if no unit is given.) type: string default: "1%"

-control_service_queue_mem_limit_floor_bytes (Lower bound on --control_service_queue_mem_limit in bytes. If --control_service_queue_mem_limit works out to be less than this amount, this value is used instead) type: int64 default: 52428800

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/service/data-stream-service.cc:

-datastream_service_num_svc_threads (Number of threads for processing datastream services' RPCs. If left at default value 0, it will be set to number of CPU cores. Set it to a positive value to change from the default.) type: int32 default: 0

-datastream_service_queue_mem_limit ((Advanced) Limit on RPC payloads consumption for DataStreamService. Specified as number of bytes ('<int>[bB]?'), megabytes ('<float>[mM]'), gigabytes ('<float>[gG]'), or percentage of the process memory limit ('<int>%'). Defaults to bytes if no unit is given.) type: string default: "5%"

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/service/frontend.cc:

-authorization_factory_class (Specifies the class name that implements the authorization provider. This will override the authorization_provider flag if both are specified.) type: string default: ""

-authorization_provider (Specifies the type of internally-provided authorization provider to use. Defaults to unset, which disables authorization. To enable authorization, set to one of the following: ['ranger']) type: string default: ""

-authorized_proxy_group_config (Specifies the set of authorized proxy groups (users who can delegate to other users belonging to the specified groups during authorization) and whom they are allowed to delegate. Input is a semicolon-separated list of key=value pairs of authorized proxy users to the group(s) they can delegate to. These groups are specified as a list of groups separated by a delimiter (which defaults to comma and may be changed via --authorized_proxy_group_config_delimiter), or '*' to indicate all users. For example: hue=group1,group2;admin=*) type: string default: ""

-authorized_proxy_group_config_delimiter (Specifies the delimiter used in authorized_proxy_group_config. ) type: string default: ","

-authorized_proxy_user_config (Specifies the set of authorized proxy users (users who can delegate to other users during authorization) and whom they are allowed to delegate. Input is a semicolon-separated list of key=value pairs of authorized proxy users to the user(s) they can delegate to. These users are specified as a list of short usernames separated by a delimiter (which defaults to comma and may be changed via --authorized_proxy_user_config_delimiter), or '*' to indicate all users. For example: hue=user1,user2;admin=*) type: string default: ""

-authorized_proxy_user_config_delimiter (Specifies the delimiter used in authorized_proxy_user_config. ) type: string default: ","

-kudu_master_hosts (Specifies the default Kudu master(s). The given value should be a comma separated list of hostnames or IP addresses; ports are optional.) type: string default: ""

-ranger_app_id (Specifies the Ranger application ID. Ranger application ID is an ID to uniquely identify the application that communicates with Ranger. This flag is required when authorization with Ranger is enabled.) type: string default: ""

-ranger_service_type (Specifies the Ranger service type.) type: string default: "hive"

-server_name (The name to use for securing this impalad server during authorization. Set to enable authorization.) type: string default: ""

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/service/impala-server.cc:

-abort_on_failed_audit_event (Shutdown Impala if there is a problem recording an audit event.) type: bool default: true

-abort_on_failed_lineage_event (Shutdown Impala if there is a problem recording a lineage record.) type: bool default: true

-accepted_client_cnxn_timeout ((Advanced) The amount of time in milliseconds an accepted connection will wait in the post-accept, pre-setup connection queue before it is timed out and the connection request is rejected. A value of 0 means there is no timeout.) type: int64 default: 300000

-admission_heartbeat_frequency_ms ((Advanced) The time in milliseconds to wait between sending heartbeats to the admission service, if enabled. Heartbeats are used to ensure resources are properly accounted for even if rpcs to the admission service occasionally fail.) type: int32 default: 1000

-audit_event_log_dir (The directory in which audit event log files are written. Setting this flag will enable audit event logging.) type: string default: ""

-beeswax_port (port on which Beeswax client requests are served.If 0 or less, the Beeswax server is not started. This interface is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.) type: int32 default: 21000

-cancellation_thread_pool_size ((Advanced) Size of the thread-pool processing cancellations due to node failure) type: int32 default: 5

-convert_legacy_hive_parquet_utc_timestamps (When true, TIMESTAMPs read from files written by Parquet-MR (used by Hive) will be converted from UTC to local time. Writes are unaffected. Can be overriden with the query option with the same name.) type: bool default: false

-default_query_options (key=value pair of default query options for impalad, separated by ',') type: string default: ""

-disconnected_session_timeout (The time, in seconds, that a hiveserver2 session will be maintained after the last connection that it has been used over is disconnected.) type: int32 default: 900

-dump_exec_request_path (If set, dump TExecRequest structures to {dump_exec_request_path}/TExecRequest-{internal|external}.{query_id.hi}-{query_id.lo}) type: string default: ""

-executor_groups (List of executor groups, separated by comma. Each executor group specification can optionally contain a minimum size, separated by a ':', e.g. --executor_groups default-pool-1:3. Default minimum size is 1. Only when the cluster membership contains at least that number of executors for the group will it be considered healthy for admission. Currently only a single group may be specified.) type: string default: ""

-external_fe_port (port on which External Frontend requests are served. If 0 or less, the External Frontend server is not started. Careful consideration must be taken when enabling due to the fact that this port is currently always unauthenticated.) type: int32 default: 0

-fe_service_threads (number of threads available to serve client requests) type: int32 default: 64

-hs2_http_port (port on which HiveServer2 HTTP(s) client requests are served. If 0 or less, the HiveServer2 http server is not started.) type: int32 default: 28000

-hs2_port (port on which HiveServer2 client requests are served.If 0 or less, the HiveServer2 server is not started.) type: int32 default: 21050

-idle_client_poll_period_s (The poll period, in seconds, after no activity from an Impala client which an Impala service thread (beeswax and HS2) wakes up to check if the connection should be closed. If --idle_session_timeout is also set, a client connection will be closed if all the sessions associated with it have become idle. Set this to 0 to disable the polling behavior and clients' connection will remain opened until they are explicitly closed.) type: int32 default: 30

-idle_query_timeout (The time, in seconds, that a query may be idle for (i.e. no processing work is done and no updates are received from the client) before it is cancelled. If 0, idle queries are never expired. The query option QUERY_TIMEOUT_S overrides this setting, but, if set, --idle_query_timeout represents the maximum allowable timeout.) type: int32 default: 0

-idle_session_timeout (The time, in seconds, that a session may be idle for before it is closed (and all running queries cancelled) by Impala. If 0, idle sessions are never expired. It can be overridden by the query option 'idle_session_timeout' for specific sessions) type: int32 default: 0

-is_coordinator (If true, this Impala daemon can accept and coordinate queries from clients. If false, it will refuse client connections.) type: bool default: true

-is_executor (If true, this Impala daemon will execute query fragments.) type: bool default: true

-lineage_event_log_dir (The directory in which lineage event log files are written. Setting this flag with enable lineage logging.) type: string default: ""

-log_query_to_file (if true, logs completed query profiles to file.) type: bool default: true

-max_audit_event_log_file_size (The maximum size (in queries) of the audit event log file before a new one is created (if event logging is enabled)) type: int32 default: 5000

-max_audit_event_log_files (Maximum number of audit event log files to retain. The most recent audit event log files are retained. If set to 0, all audit event log files are retained.) type: int32 default: 0

-max_lineage_log_file_size (The maximum size (in queries) of the lineage event log file before a new one is created (if lineage logging is enabled)) type: int32 default: 5000

-max_profile_log_file_size (The maximum size (in queries) of the profile log file before a new one is created) type: int32 default: 5000

-max_profile_log_files (Maximum number of profile log files to retain. The most recent log files are retained. If set to 0, all log files are retained.) type: int32 default: 10

-max_result_cache_size (Maximum number of query results a client may request to be cached on a per-query basis to support restarting fetches. This option guards against unreasonably large result caches requested by clients. Requests exceeding this maximum will be rejected.) type: int64 default: 100000

-num_expected_executors (The number of executors that are expected to be available for the execution of a single query. This value is used during planning if no executors have started yet. Once a healthy executor group has started, its size is used instead.) type: int32 default: 20

-profile_log_dir (The directory in which profile log files are written. If blank, defaults to <log_file_dir>/profiles) type: string default: ""

-query_event_hook_classes (Comma-separated list of java QueryEventHook implementation classes to load and register at Impala startup. Class names should be fully-qualified and on the classpath. Whitespace acceptable around delimiters.) type: string default: ""

-query_event_hook_nthreads (Number of threads to use for QueryEventHook execution. If this number is >1 then hooks will execute concurrently.) type: int32 default: 1

-query_log_size (Number of queries to retain in the query log. If -1, the query log has unbounded size.) type: int32 default: 100

-query_stmt_size (length of the statements in the query log. If <=0, the full statement is displayed in the query log without trimming.) type: int32 default: 250

-shutdown_deadline_s (Default time limit in seconds for the shut down process. If this duration elapses after the shut down process is started, the daemon shuts down regardless of any running queries.) type: int64 default: 3600

-shutdown_grace_period_s (Shutdown startup grace period in seconds. When the shutdown process is started for this daemon, it will wait for at least the startup grace period before shutting down. This gives time for updated cluster membership information to propagate to all coordinators and for fragment instances that were scheduled based on old cluster membership to start executing (and therefore be reflected in the metrics used to detect quiescence).) type: int64 default: 120

-ssl_cipher_list (The cipher suite preferences to use for TLS-secured Thrift RPC connections. Uses the OpenSSL cipher preference list format. See man (1) ciphers for more information. If empty, the default cipher list for your platform is used) type: string default: ""

-ssl_client_ca_certificate ((Advanced) The full path to a certificate used by Thrift clients to check the validity of a server certificate. May either be a certificate for a third-party Certificate Authority, or a copy of the certificate the client expects to receive from the server.) type: string default: ""

-ssl_minimum_version (The minimum SSL/TLS version that Thrift services should use for both client and server connections. Supported versions are TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 (as long as the system OpenSSL library supports them)) type: string default: "tlsv1.2"

-ssl_private_key (The full path to the private key used as a counterpart to the public key contained in --ssl_server_certificate. If --ssl_server_certificate is set, this option must be set as well.) type: string default: ""

-ssl_private_key_password_cmd (A Unix command whose output returns the password used to decrypt the certificate private key file specified in --ssl_private_key. If the .PEM key file is not password-protected, this command will not be invoked. The output of the command will be truncated to 1024 bytes, and then all trailing whitespace will be trimmed before it is used to decrypt the private key) type: string default: ""

-ssl_server_certificate (The full path to the SSL certificate file used to authenticate Impala to clients. If set, both Beeswax and HiveServer2 ports will only accept SSL connections) type: string default: ""

-status_report_cancellation_padding ((Advanced) The coordinator will wait --status_report_max_retry_s * (1 + --status_report_cancellation_padding / 100) without receiving a status report before deciding that a backend is unresponsive and the query should be cancelled. This must be > 0.) type: int32 default: 20

-status_report_interval_ms ((Advanced) Interval between profile reports in milliseconds. If set to <= 0, periodic reporting is disabled and only the final report is sent.) type: int32 default: 5000

-status_report_max_retry_s ((Advanced) Max amount of time in seconds for a backend to attempt to send a status report before cancelling. This must be > --status_report_interval_ms. Effective only if --status_report_interval_ms > 0.) type: int32 default: 600

-unregistration_thread_pool_queue_depth ((Advanced) Max number of queries that can be queued for unregistration.) type: int32 default: 16

-unregistration_thread_pool_size ((Advanced) Size of the thread-pool for unregistering queries, including finalizing runtime profiles) type: int32 default: 4

-use_local_tz_for_unix_timestamp_conversions (When true, TIMESTAMPs are interpreted in the local time zone when converting to and from Unix times. When false, TIMESTAMPs are interpreted in the UTC time zone. Set to true for Hive compatibility. Can be overriden with the query option with the same name.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/statestore/statestore-subscriber.cc:

-statestore_client_rpc_timeout_ms ((Advanced) The underlying TSocket send/recv timeout in milliseconds for a catalog client RPC.) type: int32 default: 300000

-statestore_subscriber_cnxn_attempts (The number of times to retry an RPC connection to the statestore. A setting of 0 means retry indefinitely) type: int32 default: 10

-statestore_subscriber_cnxn_retry_interval_ms (The interval, in ms, to wait between attempts to make an RPC connection to the statestore.) type: int32 default: 3000

-statestore_subscriber_timeout_seconds (The amount of time (in seconds) that may elapse before the connection with the statestore is considered lost.) type: int32 default: 30

-statestore_subscriber_use_resolved_address (If set to true, the subscriber will register with statestore using its resolved IP address. Note that using resolved IP address may cause mismatch with the TLS certificate.) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/statestore/statestore.cc:

-state_store_port (port where StatestoreService is running) type: int32 default: 24000

-statestore_heartbeat_frequency_ms ((Advanced) Frequency (in ms) with which the statestore sends heartbeat heartbeats to subscribers.) type: int32 default: 1000

-statestore_heartbeat_tcp_timeout_seconds ((Advanced) The time after which a heartbeat RPC to a subscriber will timeout. This setting protects against badly hung machines that are not able to respond to the heartbeat RPC in short order) type: int32 default: 3

-statestore_max_missed_heartbeats (Maximum number of consecutive heartbeat messages an impalad can miss before being declared failed by the statestore.) type: int32 default: 10

-statestore_max_subscribers (Used to control the maximum size of the pending topic-update queue. There is at most one entry per subscriber.) type: int32 default: 10000

-statestore_num_heartbeat_threads ((Advanced) Number of threads used to send heartbeats in parallel to all registered subscribers.) type: int32 default: 10

-statestore_num_priority_update_threads ((Advanced) Number of threads used to send prioritized topic updates in parallel to all registered subscribers.) type: int32 default: 10

-statestore_num_update_threads ((Advanced) Number of threads used to send topic updates in parallel to all registered subscribers.) type: int32 default: 10

-statestore_priority_update_frequency_ms ((Advanced) Frequency (in ms) with which the statestore sends prioritized topic updates to subscribers.) type: int32 default: 100

-statestore_update_frequency_ms ((Advanced) Frequency (in ms) with which the statestore sends topic updates to subscribers.) type: int32 default: 2000

-statestore_update_tcp_timeout_seconds ((Advanced) The time after which an update RPC to a subscriber will timeout. This setting protects against badly hung machines that are not able to respond to the update RPC in short order.) type: int32 default: 300

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/transport/TSasl.cpp:

-force_lowercase_usernames (If true, all principals and usernames are mapped to lowercase shortnames before being passed to any components (Ranger, admission control) for authorization) type: bool default: false

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/transport/TSaslServerTransport.cpp:

-sasl_connect_tcp_timeout_ms ((Advanced) The underlying TSocket send/recv timeout in milliseconds for the initial SASL handeshake.) type: int32 default: 300000

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/util/backend-gflag-util.cc:

-allow_ordinals_in_having (If true, allow using ordinals in HAVING clause. This non-standard feature is supported in Impala 3.x and earlier. We intend to disable it since 4.0. So it defaults to be false. See IMPALA-7844.) type: bool default: false

-enable_column_masking (If false, disable the column masking feature. Defaults to be true.) type: bool default: true

-enable_row_filtering (If false, disable the row filtering feature. Defaults to be true. Enabling this flag requires enable_column_masking to be true.) type: bool default: true

-saml2_callback_token_ttl (Time (in milliseconds) for which the token issued by service provider is valid.) type: int32 default: 30000

-saml2_group_attribute_name (The attribute name in the SAML assertion which would be used to compare for the group name matching. By default it is empty which would allow any authenticated user. If this value is set then saml2_group_filter must be set to a non-empty value.) type: string default: ""

-saml2_group_filter (Comma separated list of group names which will be allowed when SAML authentication is enabled.) type: string default: ""

-saml2_idp_metadata (IDP metadata file for the SAML configuration. This metadata file must be exported from the external identity provider. This is used to validate the SAML assertions received. Setting this is required for SAML authentication) type: string default: ""

-saml2_keystore_password_cmd (Command that outputs the password to the keystore used to sign the authentication requests. Setting this is required for SAML authentication.) type: string default: ""

-saml2_keystore_path (Keystore path to the saml2 client. This keystore is used to store the key pair used to sign the authentication requests when saml2_sign_requests is set to true. If the path doesn't exist, HiveServer2 will attempt to create a keystore using the default configurations otherwise it will use the one provided. Setting this is required for SAML authentication.) type: string default: ""

-saml2_private_key_password_cmd (Command that outputs the password for the private key which is stored in the keystore pointed by saml2_keystore_path. This key is used to sign the authentication request if saml2_sign_requests is set to true.) type: string default: ""

-saml2_sign_requests (When this configuration is set to true, Impala will sign the SAML requests which can be validated by the IDP provider.) type: bool default: false

-saml2_sp_callback_url (Callback URL where SAML responses should be posted. Currently this must be configured at the same port number as the --hs2_http_port flag.) type: string default: ""

-saml2_sp_entity_id (Service provider entity id for this impalad. This must match with the SP id on the external identity provider. If this is not set, saml2_sp_callback_url will be used as the SP id.) type: string default: ""

-saml2_want_assertations_signed (When this configuration is set to true, Impala will validate the signature of the assertions received at the callback url. 'False' should be only used for testing as it makes the protocol unsecure.) type: bool default: true

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/util/cpu-info.cc:

-num_cores ((Advanced) If > 0, it sets the number of cores available to Impala. Setting it to 0 means Impala will use all available cores on the machine according to /proc/cpuinfo.) type: int32 default: 0

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/util/default-path-handlers.cc:

-web_log_bytes (The maximum number of bytes to display on the debug webserver's log page) type: int64 default: 1048576

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/util/jni-util.cc:

-jvm_deadlock_detector_interval_s ((Advanced) Interval between JVM deadlock checks. If set to 0 or a negative value, deadlock checks are disabled.) type: int64 default: 60

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/util/ldap-search-bind.cc:

-ldap_group_search_basedn (The 'distinguished name' DN that will be used to search for the authenticating group. If left empty, group checks will not be performed.) type: string default: ""

-ldap_user_search_basedn (The 'distinguished name' DN that will be used to search for the authenticating user, this field is required for search bind authentication.) type: string default: ""

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/util/ldap-simple-bind.cc:

-ldap_baseDN (If set, Impala will try to bind to LDAP with a name of the form uid=<userid>,<ldap_baseDN>) type: string default: ""

-ldap_bind_pattern (If set, Impala will try to bind to LDAP with a name of <ldap_bind_pattern>, but where the string #UID is replaced by the user ID. Use to control the bind name precisely; do not set --ldap_domain or --ldap_baseDN with this option) type: string default: ""

-ldap_domain (If set, Impala will try to bind to LDAP with a name of the form <userid>@<ldap_domain>) type: string default: ""

-ldap_group_class_key (The LDAP objectClass each of the groups in --ldap_group_filter implements in LDAP.) type: string default: "groupOfNames"

-ldap_group_dn_pattern (Colon separated list of patterns for the 'distinguished name' used to search for groups in the directory. Each pattern may contain a '%s' which will be substituted with each group name from --ldap_group_filter when doing group searches.) type: string default: ""

-ldap_group_membership_key (The LDAP attribute on group entries that indicates its members.) type: string default: "member"

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/util/ldap-util.cc:

-ldap_allow_anonymous_binds ((Advanced) If true, LDAP authentication with a blank password (an 'anonymous bind') is allowed by Impala.) type: bool default: false

-ldap_bind_dn (Distinguished name of the user to bind as when doing user or group searches. Only required if user or group filters are being used and the LDAP server is not configured to allow anonymous searches.) type: string default: ""

-ldap_bind_password_cmd (A Unix command whose output returns the password to use with --ldap_bind_dn. The output of the command will be truncated to 1024 bytes and trimmed of trailing whitespace.) type: string default: ""

-ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok (If set, will allow LDAP passwords to be sent in the clear (without TLS/SSL) over the network. This option should not be used in production environments) type: bool default: false

-ldap_search_bind_authentication (If set to true, LDAP search bind authentication will be used instead of the default simple bind.) type: bool default: false

-ldap_tls (If true, use the secure TLS protocol to connect to the LDAP server) type: bool default: false

-ldap_uri (The URI of the LDAP server to authenticate users against) type: string default: ""

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/util/logging-support.cc:

-non_impala_java_vlog ((Advanced) The log level (equivalent to --v) for non-Impala Java classes (0: INFO, 1 and 2: DEBUG, 3: TRACE)) type: int32 default: 0

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/util/periodic-counter-updater.cc:

-periodic_counter_update_period_ms (Period to update rate counters and sampling counters in ms) type: int32 default: 500

Flags from /data/impala/be/src/util/webserver.cc:

-enable_webserver_doc_root (If true, webserver may serve static files from the webserver_doc_root) type: bool default: true

-webserver_authentication_domain (Domain used for debug webserver authentication) type: string default: ""

-webserver_certificate_file (The location of the debug webserver's SSL certificate file, in .pem format. If empty, webserver SSL support is not enabled) type: string default: ""

-webserver_doc_root (Files under <webserver_doc_root>/www are accessible via the debug webserver. Defaults to $IMPALA_HOME, or if $IMPALA_HOME is not set, disables the document root) type: string default: "/data/Impala"

-webserver_interface (Interface to start debug webserver on. If blank, webserver binds to type: string default: ""

-webserver_ldap_group_filter (Used as filter for both simple and search bind mechanisms for the webserver authentication. For simple bind it is a comma separated list of groups. If specified, users must belong to one of these groups for authentication to succeed. For search bind it is an LDAP filter that will be used during LDAP group search, it can contain '{0}' pattern which will be replaced with the user name and/or '{1}' which will be replace with the user dn.) type: string default: ""

-webserver_ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok ((Advanced) If true, allows the webserver to start with LDAP authentication even if SSL is not enabled, a potentially insecure configuration.) type: bool default: false

-webserver_ldap_user_filter (Used as filter for both simple and search bind mechanisms for the webserver authentication. For simple bind it is a comma separated list of user names. If specified, users must be on this list for authentication to succeed. For search bind it is an LDAP filter that will be used during LDAP search, it can contain '{0}' pattern which will be replaced with the user name.) type: string default: ""

-webserver_max_post_length_bytes (The maximum length of a POST request that will be accepted by the embedded web server.) type: int32 default: 1048576

-webserver_password_file ((Optional) Location of .htpasswd file containing user names and hashed passwords for debug webserver authentication. Cannot be used with --webserver_require_ldap or --webserver_require_spnego.) type: string default: ""

-webserver_port (Port to start debug webserver on) type: int32 default: 25000

-webserver_private_key_file (The full path to the private key used as a counterpart to the public key contained in --webserver_certificate_file. If --webserver_certificate_file is set, this option must be set as well.) type: string default: ""

-webserver_private_key_password_cmd (A Unix command whose output returns the password used to decrypt the Webserver's certificate private key file specified in --webserver_private_key_file. If the .PEM key file is not password-protected, this command will not be invoked. The output of the command will be truncated to 1024 bytes, and then all trailing whitespace will be trimmed before it is used to decrypt the private key) type: string default: ""

-webserver_require_ldap (Require connections to the web server to authenticate via LDAP using HTTP Basic authentication. Cannot be used with --webserver_require_spnego or --webserver_password_file.) type: bool default: false

-webserver_require_spnego (Require connections to the web server to authenticate via Kerberos using SPNEGO. Cannot be used with --webserver_require_ldap or --webserver_password_file.) type: bool default: false

-webserver_x_frame_options (webserver will add X-Frame-Options HTTP header with this value) type: string default: "DENY"

Flags from /mnt/source/gflags/gflags-2.2.0-p2/src/gflags.cc:

-flagfile (load flags from file) type: string default: ""

-fromenv (set flags from the environment [use 'export FLAGS_flag1=value']) type: string default: ""

-tryfromenv (set flags from the environment if present) type: string default: ""

-undefok (comma-separated list of flag names that it is okay to specify on the command line even if the program does not define a flag with that name. IMPORTANT: flags in this list that have arguments MUST use the flag=value format) type: string default: ""

Flags from /mnt/source/gflags/gflags-2.2.0-p2/src/gflags_completions.cc:

-tab_completion_columns (Number of columns to use in output for tab completion) type: int32 default: 80

-tab_completion_word (If non-empty, HandleCommandLineCompletions() will hijack the process and attempt to do bash-style command line flag completion on this value.) type: string default: ""

Flags from /mnt/source/gflags/gflags-2.2.0-p2/src/gflags_reporting.cc:

-help (show help on all flags [tip: all flags can have two dashes]) type: bool default: false currently: true

-helpfull (show help on all flags -- same as -help) type: bool default: false

-helpmatch (show help on modules whose name contains the specified substr) type: string default: ""

-helpon (show help on the modules named by this flag value) type: string default: ""

-helppackage (show help on all modules in the main package) type: bool default: false

-helpshort (show help on only the main module for this program) type: bool default: false

-helpxml (produce an xml version of help) type: bool default: false

-version (show version and build info and exit) type: bool default: false

Flags from src/logging.cc:

-alsologtoemail (log messages go to these email addresses in addition to logfiles) type: string default: ""

-alsologtostderr (log messages go to stderr in addition to logfiles) type: bool default: false

-colorlogtostderr (color messages logged to stderr (if supported by terminal)) type: bool default: false

-drop_log_memory (Drop in-memory buffers of log contents. Logs can grow very quickly and they are rarely read before they need to be evicted from memory. Instead, drop them from memory as soon as they are flushed to disk.) type: bool default: true

-log_backtrace_at (Emit a backtrace when logging at file:linenum.) type: string default: ""

-log_dir (If specified, logfiles are written into this directory instead of the default logging directory.) type: string default: ""

-log_link (Put additional links to the log files in this directory) type: string default: ""

-log_prefix (Prepend the log prefix to the start of each log line) type: bool default: true

-logbuflevel (Buffer log messages logged at this level or lower (-1 means don't buffer; 0 means buffer INFO only; ...)) type: int32 default: 0

-logbufsecs (Buffer log messages for at most this many seconds) type: int32 default: 30

-logemaillevel (Email log messages logged at this level or higher (0 means email all; 3 means email FATAL only; ...)) type: int32 default: 999

-logmailer (Mailer used to send logging email) type: string default: "/bin/mail"

-logtostderr (log messages go to stderr instead of logfiles) type: bool default: false

-max_log_size (approx. maximum log file size (in MB). A value of 0 will be silently overridden to 1.) type: int32 default: 1800

-minloglevel (Messages logged at a lower level than this don't actually get logged anywhere) type: int32 default: 0

-stderrthreshold (log messages at or above this level are copied to stderr in addition to logfiles. This flag obsoletes --alsologtostderr.) type: int32 default: 2

-stop_logging_if_full_disk (Stop attempting to log to disk if the disk is full.) type: bool default: false

Flags from src/utilities.cc:

-symbolize_stacktrace (Symbolize the stack trace in the tombstone) type: bool default: true currently: false

Flags from src/vlog_is_on.cc:

-v (Show all VLOG(m) messages for m <= this. Overridable by --vmodule.) type: int32 default: 0

-vmodule (per-module verbose level. Argument is a comma-separated list of <module name>=<log level>. <module name> is a glob pattern, matched against the filename base (that is, name ignoring .cc/.h./-inl.h). <log level> overrides any value given by --v.) type: string default: ""


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