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压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

发布2022-08-31 10:56:23
发布2022-08-31 10:56:23



题目:压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

本篇来介绍IHT重构算法。一般在压缩感知参考文献中,提到IHT时一般引用的都是文献【1】,但IHT实际上是在文献【2】中提出的。IHT并不是一种凸优化算法,它类似于OMP,是一种迭代算法,但它是由一个优化问题推导得到的。文献【1】和文献【2】的作者相同,署名单位为英国爱丁堡大学(University ofEdinburgh),第一作者的个人主页见参考文献【3】,从个人主页来看,作者现在已到英国南安普敦大学(University of Southampton),作者发表的论文均可以从其个人主页中下载。


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


值得一提的是,IHT在文献【2】中提出时并不叫Iterative Hard Thresholding,而是M-Sparse Algorithm,如下图所示:

压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

该算法是为了求解M-稀疏问题(M-sparse problem)式(3.1)而提出的,经过一番推导得到了迭代公式式(3.2),其中HM(·)的含义参见式(3.3)。



首先,将式(3.1)的目标函数用替代目标函数(surrogate objective fucntion)式(3.5)替换:

压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

为什么式目标函数式(3.1)可以用式(3.5) 替代呢?这得往回看一下了……


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

这里注意波浪下划线中提到的“[29]”(参见文献【4】),surrogate objective function的思想来自这篇文件。然后注意对Φ的约束(第一个红框),之后以会有这个约束,个人认为是为了使式(2.5)后半部分大于等于零,即为了使

压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)




压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)



压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)



压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)




压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)



压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

那么怎么使这个最小值在向量y的稀疏度不大于M的约束下最小呢,显然是保留最大的M项(因为是平方,所以要取绝对值absolute value),剩余的置零(注意这里有个负号,所以要保留最大的M项)。






[plain] view plain copy

  1. function [ y ] = IHT_Basic( x,Phi,M,mu,epsilon,loopmax )
  2. %IHT_Basic Summary of this function goes here
  3. %Version: 1.0 written by jbb0523 @2016-07-30
  4. %Reference:Blumensath T, Davies M E. Iterative Thresholding for Sparse Approximations[J].
  5. %Journal of Fourier Analysis & Applications, 2008, 14(5):629-654.
  6. %(Available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00041-008-9035-z)
  7. % Detailed explanation goes here
  8. if nargin < 6
  9. loopmax = 3000;
  10. end
  11. if nargin < 5
  12. epsilon = 1e-3;
  13. end
  14. if nargin < 4
  15. mu = 1;
  16. end
  17. [x_rows,x_columns] = size(x);
  18. if x_rows<x_columns
  19. x = x’;%x should be a column vector
  20. end
  21. n = size(Phi,2);
  22. y = zeros(n,1);%Initialize y=0
  23. loop = 0;
  24. while(norm(x-Phi*y)>epsilon && loop < loopmax)
  25. y = y + Phi’*(x-Phi*y)*mu;%update y
  26. %the following two lines of code realize functionality of H_M(.)
  27. %1st: permute absolute value of y in descending order
  28. [ysorted inds] = sort(abs(y), ‘descend’);
  29. %2nd: set all but M largest coordinates to zeros
  30. y(inds(M+1:n)) = 0;
  31. loop = loop + 1;
  32. end
  33. end




[plain] view plain copy

  1. function [s, err_mse, iter_time]=hard_l0_Mterm(x,A,m,M,varargin)
  2. % hard_l0_Mterm: Hard thresholding algorithm that keeps exactly M elements
  3. % in each iteration.
  4. %
  5. % This algorithm has certain performance guarantees as described in [1],
  6. % [2] and [3].
  7. %
  8. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  9. % Usage
  10. %
  11. % [s, err_mse, iter_time]=hard_l0_Mterm(x,P,m,M,’option_name’,’option_value’)
  12. %
  13. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  14. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  15. %
  16. % Input
  17. %
  18. % Mandatory:
  19. % x Observation vector to be decomposed
  20. % P Either:
  21. % 1) An nxm matrix (n must be dimension of x)
  22. % 2) A function handle (type “help function_format”
  23. % for more information)
  24. % Also requires specification of P_trans option.
  25. % 3) An object handle (type “help object_format” for
  26. % more information)
  27. % m length of s
  28. % M non-zero elements to keep in each iteration
  29. %
  30. % Possible additional options:
  31. % (specify as many as you want using ‘option_name’,’option_value’ pairs)
  32. % See below for explanation of options:
  33. %__________________________________________________________________________
  34. % option_name | available option_values | default
  35. %————————————————————————–
  36. % stopTol | number (see below) | 1e-16
  37. % P_trans | function_handle (see below) |
  38. % maxIter | positive integer (see below) | n^2
  39. % verbose | true, false | false
  40. % start_val | vector of length m | zeros
  41. % step_size | number | 0 (auto)
  42. %
  43. % stopping criteria used : (OldRMS-NewRMS)/RMS(x) < stopTol
  44. %
  45. % stopTol: Value for stopping criterion.
  46. %
  47. % P_trans: If P is a function handle, then P_trans has to be specified and
  48. % must be a function handle.
  49. %
  50. % maxIter: Maximum number of allowed iterations.
  51. %
  52. % verbose: Logical value to allow algorithm progress to be displayed.
  53. %
  54. % start_val: Allows algorithms to start from partial solution.
  55. %
  56. %
  57. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  58. %
  59. % Outputs
  60. %
  61. % s Solution vector
  62. % err_mse Vector containing mse of approximation error for each
  63. % iteration
  64. % iter_time Vector containing computation times for each iteration
  65. %
  66. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  67. %
  68. % Description
  69. %
  70. % Implements the M-sparse algorithm described in [1], [2] and [3].
  71. % This algorithm takes a gradient step and then thresholds to only retain
  72. % M non-zero elements. It allows the step-size to be calculated
  73. % automatically as described in [3] and is therefore now independent from
  74. % a rescaling of P.
  75. %
  76. %
  77. % References
  78. % [1] T. Blumensath and M.E. Davies, “Iterative Thresholding for Sparse
  79. % Approximations”, submitted, 2007
  80. % [2] T. Blumensath and M. Davies; “Iterative Hard Thresholding for
  81. % Compressed Sensing” to appear Applied and Computational Harmonic
  82. % Analysis
  83. % [3] T. Blumensath and M. Davies; “A modified Iterative Hard
  84. % Thresholding algorithm with guaranteed performance and stability”
  85. % in preparation (title may change)
  86. % See Also
  87. % hard_l0_reg
  88. %
  89. % Copyright (c) 2007 Thomas Blumensath
  90. %
  91. % The University of Edinburgh
  92. % Email: thomas.blumensath@ed.ac.uk
  93. % Comments and bug reports welcome
  94. %
  95. % This file is part of sparsity Version 0.4
  96. % Created: April 2007
  97. % Modified January 2009
  98. %
  99. % Part of this toolbox was developed with the support of EPSRC Grant
  100. % D000246/1
  101. %
  102. % Please read COPYRIGHT.m for terms and conditions.
  103. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  104. % Default values and initialisation
  105. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  106. [n1 n2]=size(x);
  107. if n2 == 1
  108. n=n1;
  109. elseif n1 == 1
  110. x=x’;
  111. n=n2;
  112. else
  113. error(‘x must be a vector.’);
  114. end
  115. sigsize = x’*x/n;
  116. oldERR = sigsize;
  117. err_mse = [];
  118. iter_time = [];
  119. STOPTOL = 1e-16;
  120. MAXITER = n^2;
  121. verbose = false;
  122. initial_given=0;
  123. s_initial = zeros(m,1);
  124. MU = 0;
  125. if verbose
  126. display(‘Initialising…’)
  127. end
  128. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  129. % Output variables
  130. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  131. switch nargout
  132. case 3
  133. comp_err=true;
  134. comp_time=true;
  135. case 2
  136. comp_err=true;
  137. comp_time=false;
  138. case 1
  139. comp_err=false;
  140. comp_time=false;
  141. case 0
  142. error(‘Please assign output variable.’)
  143. otherwise
  144. error(‘Too many output arguments specified’)
  145. end
  146. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  147. % Look through options
  148. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  149. % Put option into nice format
  150. Options={};
  151. OS=nargin-4;
  152. c=1;
  153. for i=1:OS
  154. if isa(varargin{i},’cell’)
  155. CellSize=length(varargin{i});
  156. ThisCell=varargin{i};
  157. for j=1:CellSize
  158. Options{c}=ThisCell{j};
  159. c=c+1;
  160. end
  161. else
  162. Options{c}=varargin{i};
  163. c=c+1;
  164. end
  165. end
  166. OS=length(Options);
  167. if rem(OS,2)
  168. error(‘Something is wrong with argument name and argument value pairs.’)
  169. end
  170. for i=1:2:OS
  171. switch Options{i}
  172. case {‘stopTol’}
  173. if isa(Options{i+1},’numeric’) ; STOPTOL = Options{i+1};
  174. else error(‘stopTol must be number. Exiting.’); end
  175. case {‘P_trans’}
  176. if isa(Options{i+1},’function_handle’); Pt = Options{i+1};
  177. else error(‘P_trans must be function _handle. Exiting.’); end
  178. case {‘maxIter’}
  179. if isa(Options{i+1},’numeric’); MAXITER = Options{i+1};
  180. else error(‘maxIter must be a number. Exiting.’); end
  181. case {‘verbose’}
  182. if isa(Options{i+1},’logical’); verbose = Options{i+1};
  183. else error(‘verbose must be a logical. Exiting.’); end
  184. case {‘start_val’}
  185. if isa(Options{i+1},’numeric’) && length(Options{i+1}) == m ;
  186. s_initial = Options{i+1};
  187. initial_given=1;
  188. else error(‘start_val must be a vector of length m. Exiting.’); end
  189. case {‘step_size’}
  190. if isa(Options{i+1},’numeric’) && (Options{i+1}) > 0 ;
  191. MU = Options{i+1};
  192. else error(‘Stepsize must be between a positive number. Exiting.’); end
  193. otherwise
  194. error(‘Unrecognised option. Exiting.’)
  195. end
  196. end
  197. if nargout >=2
  198. err_mse = zeros(MAXITER,1);
  199. end
  200. if nargout ==3
  201. iter_time = zeros(MAXITER,1);
  202. end
  203. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  204. % Make P and Pt functions
  205. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  206. if isa(A,’float’) P =@(z) A*z; Pt =@(z) A’*z;
  207. elseif isobject(A) P =@(z) A*z; Pt =@(z) A’*z;
  208. elseif isa(A,’function_handle’)
  209. try
  210. if isa(Pt,’function_handle’); P=A;
  211. else error(‘If P is a function handle, Pt also needs to be a function handle. Exiting.’); end
  212. catch error(‘If P is a function handle, Pt needs to be specified. Exiting.’); end
  213. else error(‘P is of unsupported type. Use matrix, function_handle or object. Exiting.’); end
  214. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  215. % Do we start from zero or not?
  216. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  217. if initial_given ==1;
  218. if length(find(s_initial)) > M
  219. display(‘Initial vector has more than M non-zero elements. Keeping only M largest.’)
  220. end
  221. s = s_initial;
  222. [ssort sortind] = sort(abs(s),’descend’);
  223. s(sortind(M+1:end)) = 0;
  224. Ps = P(s);
  225. Residual = x-Ps;
  226. oldERR = Residual’*Residual/n;
  227. else
  228. s_initial = zeros(m,1);
  229. Residual = x;
  230. s = s_initial;
  231. Ps = zeros(n,1);
  232. oldERR = sigsize;
  233. end
  234. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  235. % Random Check to see if dictionary norm is below 1
  236. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  237. x_test=randn(m,1);
  238. x_test=x_test/norm(x_test);
  239. nP=norm(P(x_test));
  240. if abs(MU*nP)>1;
  241. display(‘WARNING! Algorithm likely to become unstable.’)
  242. display(‘Use smaller step-size or || P ||_2 < 1.’)
  243. end
  244. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  245. % Main algorithm
  246. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  247. if verbose
  248. display(‘Main iterations…’)
  249. end
  250. tic
  251. t=0;
  252. done = 0;
  253. iter=1;
  254. while ~done
  255. if MU == 0
  256. %Calculate optimal step size and do line search
  257. olds = s;
  258. oldPs = Ps;
  259. IND = s~=0;
  260. d = Pt(Residual);
  261. % If the current vector is zero, we take the largest elements in d
  262. if sum(IND)==0
  263. [dsort sortdind] = sort(abs(d),’descend’);
  264. IND(sortdind(1:M)) = 1;
  265. end
  266. id = (IND.*d);
  267. Pd = P(id);
  268. mu = id’*id/(Pd’*Pd);
  269. s = olds + mu * d;
  270. [ssort sortind] = sort(abs(s),’descend’);
  271. s(sortind(M+1:end)) = 0;
  272. Ps = P(s);
  273. % Calculate step-size requirement
  274. omega = (norm(s-olds)/norm(Ps-oldPs))^2;
  275. % As long as the support changes and mu > omega, we decrease mu
  276. while mu > (0.99)*omega && sum(xor(IND,s~=0))~=0 && sum(IND)~=0
  277. % display([‘decreasing mu’])
  278. % We use a simple line search, halving mu in each step
  279. mu = mu/2;
  280. s = olds + mu * d;
  281. [ssort sortind] = sort(abs(s),’descend’);
  282. s(sortind(M+1:end)) = 0;
  283. Ps = P(s);
  284. % Calculate step-size requirement
  285. omega = (norm(s-olds)/norm(Ps-oldPs))^2;
  286. end
  287. else
  288. % Use fixed step size
  289. s = s + MU * Pt(Residual);
  290. [ssort sortind] = sort(abs(s),’descend’);
  291. s(sortind(M+1:end)) = 0;
  292. Ps = P(s);
  293. end
  294. Residual = x-Ps;
  295. ERR=Residual’*Residual/n;
  296. if comp_err
  297. err_mse(iter)=ERR;
  298. end
  299. if comp_time
  300. iter_time(iter)=toc;
  301. end
  302. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  303. % Are we done yet?
  304. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  305. if comp_err && iter >=2
  306. if ((err_mse(iter-1)-err_mse(iter))/sigsize<STOPTOL);
  307. if verbose
  308. display([‘Stopping. Approximation error changed less than ‘ num2str(STOPTOL)])
  309. end
  310. done = 1;
  311. elseif verbose && toc-t>10
  312. display(sprintf(‘Iteration %i. — %i mse change’,iter ,(err_mse(iter-1)-err_mse(iter))/sigsize))
  313. t=toc;
  314. end
  315. else
  316. if ((oldERR – ERR)/sigsize < STOPTOL) && iter >=2;
  317. if verbose
  318. display([‘Stopping. Approximation error changed less than ‘ num2str(STOPTOL)])
  319. end
  320. done = 1;
  321. elseif verbose && toc-t>10
  322. display(sprintf(‘Iteration %i. — %i mse change’,iter ,(oldERR – ERR)/sigsize))
  323. t=toc;
  324. end
  325. end
  326. % Also stop if residual gets too small or maxIter reached
  327. if comp_err
  328. if err_mse(iter)<1e-16
  329. display(‘Stopping. Exact signal representation found!’)
  330. done=1;
  331. end
  332. elseif iter>1
  333. if ERR<1e-16
  334. display(‘Stopping. Exact signal representation found!’)
  335. done=1;
  336. end
  337. end
  338. if iter >= MAXITER
  339. display(‘Stopping. Maximum number of iterations reached!’)
  340. done = 1;
  341. end
  342. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  343. % If not done, take another round
  344. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  345. if ~done
  346. iter=iter+1;
  347. oldERR=ERR;
  348. end
  349. end
  350. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  351. % Only return as many elements as iterations
  352. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  353. if nargout >=2
  354. err_mse = err_mse(1:iter);
  355. end
  356. if nargout ==3
  357. iter_time = iter_time(1:iter);
  358. end
  359. if verbose
  360. display(‘Done’)
  361. end




  1. function hat_x=cs_iht(y,T_Mat,m)
  2. % y=T_Mat*x, T_Mat is n-by-m
  3. % y – measurements
  4. % T_Mat – combination of random matrix and sparse representation basis
  5. % m – size of the original signal
  6. % the sparsity is length(y)/4
  7. hat_x_tp=zeros(m,1); % initialization with the size of original
  8. s=floor(length(y)/4); % sparsity
  9. u=0.5; % impact factor
  10. % T_Mat=T_Mat/sqrt(sum(sum(T_Mat.^2))); % normalizae the whole matrix
  11. for times=1:s
  12. x_increase=T_Mat’*(y-T_Mat*hat_x_tp);
  13. hat_x=hat_x_tp+u*x_increase;
  14. [val,pos]=sort((hat_x),’descend’); % why? worse performance with abs()
  15. hat_x(pos(s+1:end))=0; % thresholding, keeping the larges s elements
  16. hat_x_tp=hat_x; % update
  17. end



[plain] view plain cop

  1. clear all;close all;clc;
  2. M = 64;%观测值个数
  3. N = 256;%信号x的长度
  4. K = 10;%信号x的稀疏度
  5. Index_K = randperm(N);
  6. x = zeros(N,1);
  7. x(Index_K(1:K)) = 5*randn(K,1);%x为K稀疏的,且位置是随机的
  8. Psi = eye(N);%x本身是稀疏的,定义稀疏矩阵为单位阵x=Psi*theta
  9. Phi = randn(M,N);%测量矩阵为高斯矩阵
  10. Phi = orth(Phi’)’;
  11. A = Phi * Psi;%传感矩阵
  12. % sigma = 0.005;
  13. % e = sigma*randn(M,1);
  14. % y = Phi * x + e;%得到观测向量y
  15. y = Phi * x;%得到观测向量y
  16. %% 恢复重构信号x
  17. tic
  18. theta = IHT_Basic(y,A,K);
  19. % theta = cs_iht(y,A,size(A,2));
  20. % theta = hard_l0_Mterm(y,A,size(A,2),round(1.5*K),’verbose’,true);
  21. x_r = Psi * theta;% x=Psi * theta
  22. toc
  23. %% 绘图
  24. figure;
  25. plot(x_r,’k.-‘);%绘出x的恢复信号
  26. hold on;
  27. plot(x,’r’);%绘出原信号x
  28. hold off;
  29. legend(‘Recovery’,’Original’)
  30. fprintf(‘\n恢复残差:’);
  31. norm(x_r-x)%恢复残差

这里就不给出重构结果了,给出仿真结论:本人编的IHT基本版能够正常工作,但偶尔会重构失败;第二个版本hard_l0_Mterm.m重构效果很好;第三个版本Demo_CS_IHT.m重构效果很差,估计是作者疑问(why? worse performance with abs()),没有加abs取绝对值的原因吧……



值得注意的是,在文献【2】中将式(2.2)称为iterative hard-thresholding algorithm,而将式(3.2)称为M-sparse algorithm,在文献【1】中又将式(3.2)称为Iterative Hard Thresholding algorithm (IHTs),一般简称IHT的较多,多余的s指的是s稀疏。可见算法的名称是也是一不断完善的过程啊……

压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)







压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

也就是说,IHT作者也意识到了该种算法的问题,并提出了两种应用策略(two strategies for asuccessful application of the methods)。



[plain] view plain copy

  1. function [x,k]=Landweber(A,b,x0)
  2. alfa=1/sum(diag(A*A’));
  3. k=1;
  4. L=200;
  5. x=x0;
  6. while k<L
  7. x1=x;
  8. x=x+alfa*A’*(b-A*x);
  9. if norm(b-A*x)/norm(b)<0.005
  10. break;
  11. elseif norm(x1-x)/norm(x)<0.001
  12. break;
  13. end
  14. k=k+1;
  15. end


有关LandWeber迭代可参见文献:“Landweber L. An iteration formula for Fredholm integral equations of the first kind[J]. American journal of mathematics, 1951, 73(3): 615-624.”,此处不再多述。


作者后来又提出了两个关于IHT的改进算法,分别是RIHT(Normalized IHT)[7]和AIHT(Accelerated IHT)[8]。


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

之所以作者提供的软件包(第二个版本IHT)重构效果更好是由于最新版的hard_l0_Mterm.m (\sparsify_0_5\HardLab)程序中已经更新成了RIHT。

压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)


压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)




细心的人会发现,文献【8】的暑名单位为剑桥大学(University of Oxford),并不是作者主页所在的南安普敦大学(University of Southampton),在文献【8】的最后南提到:

压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)
压缩感知重构算法之迭代硬阈值(Iterative Hard Thresholding,IHT)

Previous position?难道作者跳到Oxford了?


【1】Blumensath T, Davies M E.Iterative hard thresholding for compressed sensing[J]. Applied & Computational HarmonicAnalysis, 2008, 27(3):265-274. (Available at:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1063520309000384)

【2】Blumensath T, Davies M E.Iterative Thresholding for Sparse Approximations[J]. Journal of Fourier Analysis & Applications,2008, 14(5):629-654. (Available at:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00041-008-9035-z)

【3】Homepageof Blumensath T :http://www.personal.soton.ac.uk/tb1m08/index.html

【4】Lange, K., Hunter, D.R., Yang, I.. OptimizationTransfer Using Surrogate Objective Functions[J]. Journal of Computational &Graphical Statistics, 2000, 9(1):1-20. (Available at: http://sites.stat.psu.edu/~dhunter/papers/ot.pdf)

【5】GargR, Khandekar R. Gradient descent with sparsification: an iterative algorithmfor sparse recovery with restricted isometry property[C]//Proceedings of the26th Annual InternationalConference on Machine Learning. ACM, 2009: 337-344

【6】shasying2. landweber迭代方法.http://download.csdn.net/detail/shasying2/5092828

【7】Blumensath T, Davies M E.Normalized Iterative Hard Thresholding: Guaranteed Stability and Performance[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2010,4(2):298-309.

【8】Blumensath T. Accelerated iterative hard thresholding[J]. Signal Processing, 2012, 92(3):752-756.


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原始发表:2022年5月2,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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0 条评论
  • 1、迭代硬阈值(IHT)的提出
  • 2、Step1:替代目标函数
  • 3、Step2:替代目标函数变形
  • 4、Step3:极值点的获得
  • 5、Step4:迭代公式的获得
  • 6、IHT算法的MATLAB代码
  • 7、单次重构代码
  • 8、结束语
    • 8.1有关算法的名字
      • 8.2与GraDeS算法的关系
        • 8.3重构效果问题
          • 8.4Landweber迭代
            • 8.5改进算法
              • 8.6稀疏度对IHT的影响
                • 8.7作者去向?
                • 9、参考文献
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