社区首页 >专栏 >什么是CSV文件以及如何打开CSV文件格式


发布2022-09-16 12:41:45
发布2022-09-16 12:41:45


What is a .csv file? CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. A CSV file is a plain text file that stores tables and spreadsheet information. The contents are often a table of text, numbers, or dates. CSV files can be easily imported and exported using programs that store data in tables.

什么是.csv文件? CSV代表逗号分隔值。 CSV文件是存储表和电子表格信息的纯文本文件。 内容通常是文本,数字或日期的表。 可以使用将数据存储在表中的程序轻松导入和导出CSV文件。

CSV文件格式 (CSV File Format)

Usually the first line in a CSV file contains the table column labels. Each of the subsequent lines represent a row of the table. Commas separate each cell in the row, which is where the name comes from.

通常,CSV文件的第一行包含表列标签。 随后的每一行代表该表的一行。 逗号分隔行中每个单元格的位置,这是名称的来源。

Here is an example of a CSV file. The example has three columns, labeled ‘name’, ‘id’, and ‘food’. It has five rows including the header row.

这是CSV文件的示例。 该示例包含三列,分别标记为“名称”,“ id”和“食物”。 它有五行,包括标题行。

name, id, favorite food
quincy, 1, hot dogs
beau, 2, cereal
abbey, 3, pizza
mrugesh, 4, ice cream

Here is how that file looks in a spreadsheet.


Since a CSV file is just a text file, you can create one in almost any text editor. You can also export CSV files from almost any spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Calc, or Google Sheets.

由于CSV文件只是一个文本文件,因此几乎可以在任何文本编辑器中创建一个CSV文件。 您还可以从几乎任何电子表格程序(例如Microsoft WordOpenOffice CalcGoogle Sheets)导出CSV文件。

如何打开CSV文件 (How to open a CSV file)

Opening a CSV file is simpler than you may think. In almost any text editor or spreadsheet program, just choose File > Open and select the CSV file.

打开CSV文件比您想象的要简单。 在几乎所有文本编辑器或电子表格程序中,只需选择“ 文件”>“打开”,然后选择CSV文件。

For most people, it is best to use a spreadsheet program. Spreadsheet programs display the data in a way that is easier to read and work with than a text editor. We’ll go into more detail on opening a CSV file in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, and Google Sheets.

对于大多数人来说,最好使用电子表格程序。 电子表格程序以一种比文本编辑器更易于阅读和使用的方式显示数据。 我们将更详细地介绍如何在Microsoft ExcelOpenOffice CalcGoogle表格中打开CSV文件。

打开CSV文件Microsoft Excel (Open a CSV file Microsoft Excel)

If you already have Microsoft Excel installed, just double-click a CSV file to open it in Excel. After double-clicking the file, you may see a prompt asking which program you want to open it with. Select Microsoft Excel.

如果您已经安装了Microsoft Excel,只需双击一个CSV文件即可在Excel中打开它。 双击文件后,您可能会看到一个提示,询问您要使用哪个程序打开它。 选择Microsoft Excel。

If you are already in Microsoft Excel, you can choose File > Open and select the CSV file. If you don’t see the file you want to open, you may need to change the file type to be opened to “Text Files (*.prn, *.txt, *.csv)”. Excel will display the data in a new workbook.

如果您已经在Microsoft Excel中,则可以选择“ 文件”>“打开”,然后选择CSV文件。 如果看不到要打开的文件,则可能需要将要打开的文件类型更改为“文本文件(* .prn,*。txt,*。csv)”。 Excel将在新工作簿中显示数据。

You can also import data from a CSV file into an existing worksheet.


  1. On the Data tab, in the Get & Transform Data group, click From Text/CSV. 在“ 数据”选项卡上的“ 获取和转换数据”组中,单击“ 来自文本/ CSV”
  2. In the Import Data dialog box, double-click the CSV file you want to import, and click Import. 在“ 导入数据”对话框中,双击要导入的CSV文件,然后单击“ 导入”

In the preview dialog box, you have a few options:


  • Select Load if you want to load the data directly to a new worksheet. 如果要将数据直接加载到新工作表中,请选择“ 加载”
  • Select Load to if you want to load the data to a table or existing worksheet. 如果要将数据加载到表或现有工作表中,请选择“ 加载到”
  • Select Transform Data if you want to load the data to Power Query, and edit it before bringing it to Excel. 如果要将数据加载到Power Query中,请选择“ 转换数据” ,然后在将数据导入Excel之前对其进行编辑。

打开CSV文件OpenOffice Calc (Open a CSV file OpenOffice Calc)

If you already have OpenOffice Calc installed, just double-click a CSV file to open it. After double-clicking the file, you may see a prompt asking which program you want to open it with. Select OpenOffice Calc.

如果您已经安装了OpenOffice Calc,则只需双击一个CSV文件即可将其打开。 双击文件后,您可能会看到一个提示,询问您要使用哪个程序打开它。 选择OpenOffice Calc。

If you are already in OpenOffice Calc, you can choose File > Open and select the CSV file.

如果您已经在OpenOffice Calc中,则可以选择“ 文件”>“打开”,然后选择CSV文件。

打开CSV文件Google表格 (Open a CSV file Google Sheets)

First, open a new spreadsheet file in Google Sheets. The fastest way is to go to https://sheets.new.

首先,在Google表格中打开一个新的电子表格文件。 最快的方法是转到https://sheets.new

Next, select File > Import.

接下来,选择“ 文件”>“导入”

Select the Upload tab, then either drag the CSV file onto the window or select the CSV from your computer.


You can probably keep the default values on the Import file window, but look over them just to make sure. Then select Import data.

您可能可以将默认值保留在“ 导入文件”窗口中,但是请仔细检查以确保确定。 然后选择导入数据

You’re done!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-a-csv-file-and-how-to-open-the-csv-file-format/


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0 条评论
  • CSV文件格式 (CSV File Format)
  • 如何打开CSV文件 (How to open a CSV file)
    • 打开CSV文件Microsoft Excel (Open a CSV file Microsoft Excel)
      • 打开CSV文件OpenOffice Calc (Open a CSV file OpenOffice Calc)
        • 打开CSV文件Google表格 (Open a CSV file Google Sheets)
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