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免费领取 | 11篇 3DV2022论文

发布2022-12-27 10:27:33
发布2022-12-27 10:27:33

01 The 8-Point Algorithm as an Inductive Bias for Relative Pose Prediction by ViTs

Authors: Chris Rockwell, Justin Johnson, David F. Fouhey

Project Page: https://crockwell.github.io/rel_pose/

Abstract: We present a simple baseline for directly estimating the relative pose (rotation and translation, including scale) between two images. Deep methods have recently shown strong progress but often require complex or multi-stage architectures. We show that a handful of modifications can be applied to a Vision Transformer (ViT) to bring its computations close to the Eight-Point Algorithm. This inductive bias enables a simple method to be competitive in multiple settings, often substantially improving over the state of the art with strong performance gains in limited data regimes.

02 SDA-SNE: Spatial Discontinuity-Aware Surface Normal Estimation via Multi-Directional Dynamic Programming

Authors: Nan Ming, Yi Feng, Rui Fan

Project Page: http://mias.group/SDA-SNE/

Abstract: The state-of-the-art (SoTA) surface normal estimators (SNEs) generally translate depth images into surface normal maps in an end-to-end fashion. Although such SNEs have greatly minimized the trade-off between efficiency and accuracy, their performance on spatial discontinuities, e.g., edges and ridges, is still unsatisfactory. To address this issue, this paper first introduces a novel multi-directional dynamic programming strategy to adaptively determine inliers (co-planar 3D points) by minimizing a (path) smoothness energy. The depth gradients can then be refined iteratively using a novel recursive polynomial interpolation algorithm, which helps yield more reasonable surface normals. Our introduced spatial discontinuity-aware (SDA) depth gradient refinement strategy is compatible with any depth-to-normal SNEs. Our proposed SDA-SNE achieves much greater performance than all other SoTA approaches, especially near/on spatial discontinuities. We further evaluate the performance of SDA-SNE with respect to different iterations, and the results suggest that it converges fast after only a few iterations. This ensures its high efficiency in various robotics and computer vision applications requiring real-time performance. Additional experiments on the datasets with different extents of random noise further validate our SDA-SNE's robustness and environmental adaptability. Our source code, demo video, and supplementary material are publicly available at mias.group/SDA-SNE.

03 HoW-3D: Holistic 3D Wireframe Perception from a Single Image

Authors: Wenchao Ma, Bin Tan, Nan Xue, Tianfu Wu, Xianwei Zheng, Gui-Song Xia

Project Page: https://github.com/Wenchao-M/HoW-3D

Abstract: This paper studies the problem of holistic 3D wireframe perception (HoW-3D), a new task of perceiving both the visible 3D wireframes and the invisible ones from single-view 2D images. As the non-front surfaces of an object cannot be directly observed in a single view, estimating the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) geometries in HoW-3D is a fundamentally challenging problem and remains open in computer vision. We study the problem of HoW-3D by proposing an ABC-HoW benchmark, which is created on top of CAD models sourced from the ABC-dataset with 12k single-view images and the corresponding holistic 3D wireframe models. With our large-scale ABC-HoW benchmark available, we present a novel Deep Spatial Gestalt (DSG) model to learn the visible junctions and line segments as the basis and then infer the NLOS 3D structures from the visible cues by following the Gestalt principles of human vision systems. In our experiments, we demonstrate that our DSG model performs very well in inferring the holistic 3D wireframes from single-view images. Compared with the strong baseline methods, our DSG model outperforms the previous wireframe detectors in detecting the invisible line geometry in single-view images and is even very competitive with prior arts that take high-fidelity PointCloud as inputs on reconstructing 3D wireframes.

04 Visual Localization via Few-Shot Scene Region Classification

Authors: Siyan Dong, Shuzhe Wang, Yixin Zhuang, Juho Kannala, Marc Pollefeys, Baoquan Chen

Project Page: https://github.com/siyandong/SRC

Abstract: Visual (re)localization addresses the problem of estimating the 6-DoF (Degree of Freedom) camera pose of a query image captured in a known scene, which is a key building block of many computer vision and robotics applications. Recent advances in structure-based localization solve this problem by memorizing the mapping from image pixels to scene coordinates with neural networks to build 2D-3D correspondences for camera pose optimization. However, such memorization requires training by amounts of posed images in each scene, which is heavy and inefficient. On the contrary, few-shot images are usually sufficient to cover the main regions of a scene for a human operator to perform visual localization. In this paper, we propose a scene region classification approach to achieve fast and effective scene memorization with few-shot images. Our insight is leveraging a) pre-learned feature extractor, b) scene region classifier, and c) meta-learning strategy to accelerate training while mitigating overfitting. We evaluate our method on both indoor and outdoor benchmarks. The experiments validate the effectiveness of our method in the few-shot setting, and the training time is significantly reduced to only a few minutes.

05 Progressive Multi-scale Light Field Networks

Authors: David Li, Amitabh Varshney

Project Page: https://augmentariumlab.github.io/multiscale-lfn/

Abstract: Neural representations have shown great promise in their ability to represent radiance and light fields while being very compact compared to the image set representation. However, current representations are not well suited for streaming as decoding can only be done at a single level of detail and requires downloading the entire neural network model. Furthermore, high-resolution light field networks can exhibit flickering and aliasing as neural networks are sampled without appropriate filtering. To resolve these issues, we present a progressive multi-scale light field network that encodes a light field with multiple levels of detail. Lower levels of detail are encoded using fewer neural network weights enabling progressive streaming and reducing rendering time. Our progressive multi-scale light field network addresses aliasing by encoding smaller anti-aliased representations at its lower levels of detail. Additionally, per-pixel level of detail enables our representation to support dithered transitions and foveated rendering.

06 Arbitrary Point Cloud Upsampling with Spherical Mixture of Gaussians - (Oral)

Authors: Anthony Dell'Eva, Marco Orsingher, Massimo Bertozzi

Abstract: Generating dense point clouds from sparse raw data benefits downstream 3D understanding tasks, but existing models are limited to a fixed upsampling ratio or to a short range of integer values. In this paper, we present APU-SMOG, a Transformer-based model for Arbitrary Point cloud Upsampling (APU). The sparse input is firstly mapped to a Spherical Mixture of Gaussians (SMOG) distribution, from which an arbitrary number of points can be sampled. Then, these samples are fed as queries to the Transformer decoder, which maps them back to the target surface. Extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluations show that APU-SMOG outperforms state-of-the-art fixed-ratio methods, while effectively enabling upsampling with any scaling factor, including non-integer values, with a single trained model.

07 MonoViT: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with a Vision Transformer

Authors: Chaoqiang Zhao, Youmin Zhang, Matteo Poggi, Fabio Tosi, Xianda Guo, Zheng Zhu, Guan Huang, Yang Tang, Stefano Mattoccia

Project Page: https://github.com/zxcqlf/monovit

Abstract: Self-supervised monocular depth estimation is an attractive solution that does not require hard-to-source depth labels for training. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently achieved great success in this task. However, their limited receptive field constrains existing network architectures to reason only locally, dampening the effectiveness of the self-supervised paradigm. In the light of the recent successes achieved by Vision Transformers (ViTs), we propose MonoViT, a brand-new framework combining the global reasoning enabled by ViT models with the flexibility of self-supervised monocular depth estimation. By combining plain convolutions with Transformer blocks, our model can reason locally and globally, yielding depth prediction at a higher level of detail and accuracy, allowing MonoViT to achieve state-of-the-art performance on the established KITTI dataset. Moreover, MonoViT proves its superior generalization capacities on other datasets such as Make3D and DrivingStereo.

08 SC6D: Symmetry-agnostic and Correspondence-free 6D Object Pose Estimation

Authors: Dingding Cai, Janne Heikkilä, Esa Rahtu

Project Page: https://github.com/dingdingcai/SC6D-pose

Abstract: This paper presents an efficient symmetry-agnostic and correspondence-free framework, referred to as SC6D, for 6D object pose estimation from a single monocular RGB image. SC6D requires neither the 3D CAD model of the object nor any prior knowledge of the symmetries. The pose estimation is decomposed into three sub-tasks: a) object 3D rotation representation learning and matching; b) estimation of the 2D location of the object center; and c) scale-invariant distance estimation (the translation along the z-axis) via classification. SC6D is evaluated on three benchmark datasets, T-LESS, YCB-V, and ITODD, and results in state-of-the-art performance on the T-LESS dataset. Moreover, SC6D is computationally much more efficient than the previous state-of-the-art method SurfEmb.

09 Robust RGB-D Fusion for Saliency Detection

Authors: Zongwei Wu, Shriarulmozhivarman Gobichettipalayam, Brahim Tamadazte, Guillaume Allibert, Danda Pani Paudel, Cédric Demonceaux

Abstract: Efficiently exploiting multi-modal inputs for accurate RGB-D saliency detection is a topic of high interest. Most existing works leverage cross-modal interactions to fuse the two streams of RGB-D for intermediate features' enhancement. In this process, a practical aspect of the low quality of the available depths has not been fully considered yet. In this work, we aim for RGB-D saliency detection that is robust to the low-quality depths which primarily appear in two forms: inaccuracy due to noise and the misalignment to RGB. To this end, we propose a robust RGB-D fusion method that benefits from (1) layer-wise, and (2) trident spatial, attention mechanisms. On the one hand, layer-wise attention (LWA) learns the trade-off between early and late fusion of RGB and depth features, depending upon the depth accuracy. On the other hand, trident spatial attention (TSA) aggregates the features from a wider spatial context to address the depth misalignment problem. The proposed LWA and TSA mechanisms allow us to efficiently exploit the multi-modal inputs for saliency detection while being robust against low-quality depths. Our experiments on five benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed fusion method performs consistently better than the state-of-the-art fusion alternatives.

10 GAN2X: Non-Lambertian Inverse Rendering of Image GANs

Authors: Xingang Pan, Ayush Tewari, Lingjie Liu, Christian Theobalt

project page: https://people.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~xpan/GAN2X/

Abstract: 2D images are observations of the 3D physical world depicted with the geometry, material, and illumination components. Recovering these underlying intrinsic components from 2D images, also known as inverse rendering, usually requires a supervised setting with paired images collected from multiple viewpoints and lighting conditions, which is resource-demanding. In this work, we present GAN2X, a new method for unsupervised inverse rendering that only uses unpaired images for training. Unlike previous Shape-from-GAN approaches that mainly focus on 3D shapes, we take the first attempt to also recover non-Lambertian material properties by exploiting the pseudo paired data generated by a GAN. To achieve precise inverse rendering, we devise a specularity-aware neural surface representation that continuously models the geometry and material properties. A shading-based refinement technique is adopted to further distill information in the target image and recover more fine details. Experiments demonstrate that GAN2X can accurately decompose 2D images to 3D shape, albedo, and specular properties for different object categories, and achieves the state-of-the-art performance for unsupervised single-view 3D face reconstruction. We also show its applications in downstream tasks including real image editing and lifting 2D GANs to decomposed 3D GANs.

11 HybridSDF: Combining Deep Implicit Shapes and Geometric Primitives for 3D Shape Representation and Manipulation

Authors: Subeesh Vasu, Nicolas Talabot, Artem Lukoianov, Pierre Baqué, Jonathan Donier, Pascal Fua

Abstract: Deep implicit surfaces excel at modeling generic shapes but do not always capture the regularities present in manufactured objects, which is something simple geometric primitives are particularly good at. In this paper, we propose a representation combining latent and explicit parameters that can be decoded into a set of deep implicit and geometric shapes that are consistent with each other. As a result, we can effectively model both complex and highly regular shapes that coexist in manufactured objects. This enables our approach to manipulate 3D shapes in an efficient and precise manner.

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原始发表:2022-08-29,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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