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cmd - RTP

发布2023-02-26 15:57:28
发布2023-02-26 15:57:28


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-> cmd

[vxWorks *]# rtp

  • Display process list

[vxWorks *]# rtp [rtpId or Name]

  • Display summary information about processes in memory

[vxWorks *]# rtp exec <filename>

  • Execute a RTP file named <filename>

[vxWorks *]# rtp exec [-s | -c] [-i] [-g | -a | -z] [-x | -X] [-p <priority>] [-u <stacksize>] [-o <rtpOptions>] [-t <taskOptions>] [-v <level>] [-e name=value] <filename> [--] [args] [&]

  • The ampersand character & is added at the end of the arguments to launch the process in the background. Otherwise, the process is launched on the foreground and blocks the shell, until the user hits the unblocking key (CTRL-W by default), the interruption key (CTRL-C by default) or the process is ended
  • -c : do not stop the process initial task at creation time
  • -e : specify an environment string of the form "name1=value1,name2=value2,..."
  • rtp exec -e "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/romfs/lib" a.vxe
  • -p : specify the initial task priority
  • -i : redirect process input

The [-i] option may have to be specified if the process reads data from its standard input

  • -s : stop the process initial task at creation time
  • -o : rtp creation options
  • -t : task options for the RTPs initial task
  • -u : specify the size of the process task stack
  • -g : register application global symbols
  • -a : register application local and global symbols
  • -z : register no application symbols
  • -v : (Vx7) verbosity level

The [-v <level>] option sets the verbosity level. 2 levels are available. 0 turns the verbosity off, 1 displays messages on stdout during the RTP launch phase. The default value of the verbosity level is 0

  • -x : (Vx7) imitate a POSIX shell and return exit code of foreground RTP
  • -X : (Vx7) do not return the exit code of foreground RTP, just return 0
  • -- : mark the end of "rtp exec" options

[vxWorks *]# rtp attach

  • Display the attachment list

[vxWorks *]# rtp attach [rtpId or Name]

  • Attache the current shell session to a process

[vxWorks *]# rtp background [rtpId or Name]

  • Run the specified process in the background. The output of the process is still displayed in the terminal of the shell that launched it, but the process will be pending on input

[vxWorks *]# rtp background

  • Run the current process in the shell background

[vxWorks *]# rtp continue [rtpId or Name]

  • Continue all the stopped tasks of a process

[vxWorks *]# rtp continue

  • The tasks of the current process are continued

[vxWorks *]# rtp delete [-f] <rtpId or Name>

  • Delete a process in memory
  • -f : force process deletion

[vxWorks *]# rtp detach [rtpId or Name]

  • Detache the current shell session from a process

[vxWorks *]# rtp detach

  • Detache the shell session from the current memory context

[vxWorks *]# rtp foreground [rtpId or Name]

  • Bring the specified process into the foreground. The process gets the control of the shell terminal I/O

[vxWorks *]# rtp foreground

  • Bring the current process into the shell foreground

[vxWorks *]# rtp hooks

  • Display the list of RTP hooks in the system

[vxWorks *]# rtp info

  • Display process information

[vxWorks *]# rtp info [rtpId or Name]

  • Display detailed information about a process

[vxWorks *]# rtp list

  • Display the list of RTPs in the system

[vxWorks *]# rtp list [-w][-l] [rtpId or Name]

  • -w : wide output (not restricted to 80 characters)
  • -l : long listing (all information fields are shown)

[vxWorks *]# rtp meminfo [-l][-m] [rtpId or Name]

  • Display memory information for a process
  • -l : detailed context information
  • -m : mapped objects information

[vxWorks *]# rtp meminfo

  • Display memory information for the current process

[vxWorks *]# rtp shl [rtpId or Name]

  • Display the list of shared libraries in a process
  • For detail information on specific shared library use the 'shl' command

[vxWorks *]# rtp shl

  • Display the list of shared libraries in the current process

[vxWorks *]# rtp stop [rtpId or Name]

  • Stop a process

[vxWorks *]# rtp stop

  • Stop the current process

[vxWorks *]# rtp task [rtpId or Name]

  • Display a process task list
  • For detailed information onspecific tasks, use the 'task' command

[vxWorks *]# rtp task

  • Display task list in the current process
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原始发表:2023-02-13,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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