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Generative AI: A Creative New World

发布2023-03-03 09:19:23
发布2023-03-03 09:19:23

- Generative AI -

A powerful new class of large language models is making it possible for machines to write, code, draw and create with credible and sometimes superhuman results.

Generative AI is well on the way to becoming not just faster and cheaper, but better in some cases than what humans create by hand.

Every industry that requires humans to create original work—from social media to gaming, advertising to architecture, coding to graphic design, product design to law, marketing to sales—is up for reinvention.

Certain functions may be completely replaced by generative AI, while others are more likely to thrive from a tight iterative creative cycle between human and machine—but generative AI should unlock better, faster and cheaper creation across a wide range of end markets.

The dream is that generative AI brings the marginal cost of creation and knowledge work down towards zero, generating vast labor productivity and economic value—and commensurate market cap.

The fields that generative AI addresses—knowledge work and creative work—comprise billions of workers.

Generative AI can make these workers at least 10% more efficient and/or creative: they become not only faster and more efficient, but more capable than before. Therefore, Generative AI has the potential to generate trillions of dollars of economic value.

Why Now?

Generative AI has the same “why now” as AI more broadly: better models, more data, more compute. The category is changing faster than we can capture, but it’s worth recounting recent history in broad strokes to put the current moment in context.

Wave 1: Small models reign supreme (Pre-2015)

5+ years ago, small models are considered “state of the art” for understanding language. These small models excel at analytical tasks and become deployed for jobs from delivery time prediction to fraud classification. However, they are not expressive enough for general-purpose generative tasks. Generating human-level writing or code remains a pipe dream.

Wave 2: The race to scale (2015-Today)

A landmark paper by Google Research (Attention is All You Need) describes a new neural network architecture for natural language understanding called transformers that can generate superior quality language models while being more parallelizable and requiring significantly less time to train.

These models are few-shot learners and can be customized to specific domains relatively easily.

Sure enough, as the models get bigger and bigger, they begin to deliver human-level, and then superhuman results. Between 2015 and 2020, the compute used to train these models increases by 6 orders of magnitude and their results surpass human performance benchmarks in handwriting, speech and image recognition, reading comprehension and language understanding.

OpenAI’s GPT-3 stands out: the model’s performance is a giant leap over GPT-2 and delivers tantalizing Twitter demos on tasks from code generation to snarky joke writing.

Despite all the fundamental research progress, these models are not widespread. They are large and difficult to run (requiring GPU orchestration), not broadly accessible (unavailable or closed beta only), and expensive to use as a cloud service. Despite these limitations, the earliest Generative AI applications begin to enter the fray.

Wave 3: Better, faster, cheaper (2022+)

Compute gets cheaper. New techniques, like diffusion models, shrink down the costs required to train and run inference. The research community continues to develop better algorithms and larger models. Developer access expands from closed beta to open beta, or in some cases, open source.

For developers who had been starved of access to LLMs, the floodgates are now open for exploration and application development. Applications begin to bloom.

Wave 4: Killer apps emerge (Now)

With the platform layer solidifying, models continuing to get better/faster/cheaper, and model access trending to free and open source, the application layer is ripe for an explosion of creativity.

Just as mobile unleashed new types of applications through new capabilities like GPS, cameras and on-the-go connectivity, we expect these large models to motivate a new wave of generative AI applications. And just as the inflection point of mobile created a market opening for a handful of killer apps a decade ago, we expect killer apps to emerge for Generative AI. The race is on.

Market Landscape

Below is a schematic that describes the platform layer that will power each category and the potential types of applications that will be built on top.

The below chart illustrates a timeline for how we might expect to see fundamental models progress and the associated applications that become possible. 2025 and beyond is just a guess.

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原始发表:2022-12-15,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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