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UNITE Gallery-主题食用文档

发布2023-05-26 14:50:34
发布2023-05-26 14:50:34
    <!-- UNITE Gallery核心文件 -->
    <script src='unitegallery/js/unitegallery.min.js' type='text/jаvascript'></script>
    <link href='unitegallery/css/unite-gallery.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
    <!-- UNITE Gallery主题文件 -->
    <script src='unitegallery/themes/compact/ug-theme-compact.js' type='text/jаvascript'></script>...</head>
    <div id="gallery">...</div>
    <script type="text/jаvascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function () {

            gallery_theme: "compact"

gallery_theme: "compact",

//theme options

theme_panel_position: "bottom",            //top, bottom, left, right - 拇指面板位置
theme_hide_panel_under_width: 480        //在特定浏览器宽度下隐藏面板,如果为空,则不隐藏

// gallery options

gallery_width:900,                            //gallery 宽度
gallery_height:500,                            //gallery 高度

gallery_min_width: 400,                        //调整大小时库的最小宽度
gallery_min_height: 300,                    //调整大小时库的最小高度

gallery_skin:"default",                        //default, alexis etc... - 画廊的全部皮肤。 默认情况下将更改所有画廊项目.

gallery_images_preload_type:"minimal",        //all , minimal , visible - 全部、最小、可见 - 预加载类型的图像。.
//minimal - only image nabours will be loaded each time.
//visible - 每次都会加载可见的拇指图像.
//all - load all the images first time.

gallery_autoplay:false,                        //true / false - 在开始时开始幻灯片自动播放
gallery_play_interval: 3000,                //幻灯片的播放间隔
gallery_pause_on_mouseover: true,            //true,false - 播放幻灯片时鼠标悬停

gallery_control_thumbs_mousewheel:false,    //true,false - 启用/禁用鼠标滚轮
gallery_control_keyboard: true,                //true,false - 启用/消除键盘控件
gallery_carousel:true,                        //true,false - 最后一个图像上的“下一步”按钮转到第一个图像.

gallery_preserve_ratio: true,                //true, false - 调整窗口大小时的保存比率
gallery_debug_errors:true,                    //当图库区域出现错误时显示错误消息.
gallery_background_color: "",                //设置自定义背景颜色。如果未设置,它将从 css 中获取.

//slider options:

slider_scale_mode: "fill",                    //适合:缩小和放大图像以始终适合滑块
//down: 仅缩小,显示较小的图像,不要放大图像(放大)
//fill: 通过缩放、裁剪和居中图像来填充整个滑块空间
slider_scale_mode_media: "fill",            //fit, down, 媒体项目的全比例模式
slider_scale_mode_fullscreen: "down",        //fit, down, 全屏全比例模式.
slider_item_padding_top: 0,                    //填充滑块项目的顶部
slider_item_padding_bottom: 0,                //填充滑块项的底部
slider_item_padding_left: 0,                //填充滑块项的左侧
slider_item_padding_right: 0,                //滑块项的右侧填充

slider_transition: "slide",                    //fade, slide - 幻灯片变化的过渡
slider_transition_speed:300,                //幻灯片切换的过渡持续时间
slider_transition_easing: "easeInOutQuad",    //幻灯片变化的过渡缓动功能

slider_control_swipe:true,                    //true,false - 启用滑动控制
slider_control_zoom:true,                    //true, false - 启用缩放控制
slider_zoom_max_ratio: 6,                    //最大缩放比
slider_loader_type: 1,                        //形状 (1-7)
slider_loader_color:"white",                //颜色: (black , white)

slider_enable_bullets: false,                //启用项目符号滑块元素
slider_bullets_skin: "",                    //皮肤如果为空,则从库皮肤继承
slider_bullets_space_between: -1,            //设置项目符号之间的空间。 如果 -1 则将设置为皮肤的默认空间
slider_bullets_align_hor:"center",            //left, center, right - 左、中、右 - 项目符号水平对齐
slider_bullets_align_vert:"bottom",            //top, middle, bottom - 项目符号垂直对齐
slider_bullets_offset_hor:0,                //项目符号水平偏移
slider_bullets_offset_vert:10,                //项目符号垂直偏移

slider_enable_arrows: true,                    //启用滑块元素上的箭头
slider_arrows_skin: "",                        //滑块箭头的外观,如果为空,则从库外观继承

slider_arrow_left_align_hor:"left",              //left, center, right - left arrow horizonal align - 左、中、右 - 左箭头水平对齐
slider_arrow_left_align_vert:"middle",         //top, middle, bottom - left arrow vertical align - 顶部、中间、底部 - 左箭头垂直对齐
slider_arrow_left_offset_hor:20,              //左箭头水平偏移
slider_arrow_left_offset_vert:0,              //左箭头垂直偏移

slider_arrow_right_align_hor:"right",       //left, center, right - right arrow horizontal algin - 左、中、右箭头水平对齐
slider_arrow_right_align_vert:"middle",     //top, middle, bottom - right arrow vertical align - 顶部、中间、底部 - 向右箭头垂直对齐
slider_arrow_right_offset_hor:20,               //向右箭头水平偏移
slider_arrow_right_offset_vert:0,               //向右箭头垂直偏移

slider_enable_progress_indicator: true,         //启用进度指示器元素
slider_progress_indicator_type: "pie",         //pie, pie2, bar (不支持 pie, 会自动切换到 bar)
slider_progress_indicator_align_hor:"left",  //left, center, right - progress indicator horizontal align - 左、中、右 - 进度指示器水平对齐
slider_progress_indicator_align_vert:"top",  //top, middle, bottom - progress indicator vertical align - 顶部、中间、底部 - 进度指示器垂直对齐
slider_progress_indicator_offset_hor:16,     //进度指示器水平偏移
slider_progress_indicator_offset_vert:36,     //进度指示器垂直偏移

slider_progressbar_color:"#ffffff",             //进度条颜色
slider_progressbar_opacity: 0.6,             //进度条不透明度
slider_progressbar_line_width: 5,             //进度条线宽

slider_progresspie_type_fill: false,         //false is stroke, true is fill - the progress pie type, stroke of fill - false 是描边,true 是填充 - 进度条类型,填充描边
slider_progresspie_color1: "#B5B5B5",          //进度条的第一种颜色
slider_progresspie_color2: "#E5E5E5",         //进度条的第二种颜色
slider_progresspie_stroke_width: 6,             //进度条描边宽度
slider_progresspie_width: 30,                 //进度条宽度
slider_progresspie_height:30,                 //进度条高度

slider_enable_play_button: true,             //true,false - 启用滑块元素上的播放/暂停按钮
slider_play_button_skin: "",                 //滑块播放按钮的外观,如果为空,则从库外观继承
slider_play_button_align_hor:"left",         //left, center, right - play button horizontal align - 左、中、右 - 播放按钮水平对齐
slider_play_button_align_vert:"top",         //top, middle, bottom - play button vertical align - 顶部、中间、底部 - 播放按钮垂直对齐
slider_play_button_offset_hor:40,                //播放按钮水平偏移
slider_play_button_offset_vert:8,                //播放按钮垂直偏移

slider_enable_fullscreen_button: true,         //true,false - 启用全屏按钮滑块元素
slider_fullscreen_button_skin: "",             //滑块全屏按钮的外观,如果为空,则继承自库外观
slider_fullscreen_button_align_hor:"left",   //left, center, right    - 全屏按钮水平对齐
slider_fullscreen_button_align_vert:"top",   //top, middle, bottom - 全屏按钮垂直对齐
slider_fullscreen_button_offset_hor:11,         //全屏按钮水平偏移
slider_fullscreen_button_offset_vert:9,            //全屏按钮垂直偏移

slider_enable_zoom_panel: true,                 //true,false - 启用缩放按钮,与缩放控件配合使用.
slider_zoompanel_skin: "",                     //滑块缩放面板的外观(如果为空,则从库外观继承
slider_zoompanel_align_hor:"right",             //left, center, right - 缩放面板水平对齐
slider_zoompanel_align_vert:"top",               //top, middle, bottom - 缩放面板垂直对齐
slider_zoompanel_offset_hor:12,                    //缩放面板水平偏移
slider_zoompanel_offset_vert:10,                //缩放面板垂直偏移

slider_controls_always_on: true,             //true,false - 控件始终打开,false - 仅在鼠标悬停时显示
slider_controls_appear_ontap: true,             //true,false - 在触摸设备上的点击事件上显示控件
slider_controls_appear_duration: 300,         //显示控件的持续时间
slider_videoplay_button_type: "square",          //square, round - 视频播放按钮类型,方形或圆形

slider_enable_text_panel: false,             //true,false - 启用“文本”面板
slider_textpanel_always_on: true,             //true,false - 文本面板始终打开,false - 仅在鼠标悬停时显示

slider_textpanel_text_valign:"middle",            //middle, top, bottom - 文本垂直对齐
slider_textpanel_padding_top:10,                //文本面板填充顶部
slider_textpanel_padding_bottom:10,                //文本面板底部填充
slider_textpanel_height: null,                    //文本面板高度。如果为 null,则将动态设置
slider_textpanel_padding_title_description: 5,    //标题和说明之间的空格
slider_textpanel_padding_right: 11,                //从右边为文本剪下一些空间
slider_textpanel_padding_left: 11,                //从左边为文本剪下一些空间
slider_textpanel_fade_duration: 200,            //文本面板的淡入淡出持续时间出现
slider_textpanel_enable_title: true,            //启用标题文本
slider_textpanel_enable_description: true,        //启用说明文本
slider_textpanel_enable_bg: true,                //启用文本面板背景
slider_textpanel_bg_color:"#000000",            //文本面板背景色
slider_textpanel_bg_opacity: 0.4,                //文本面板背景不透明度

slider_textpanel_title_color:null,                //文本面板标题颜色。如果为空 - 从 CSS 中获取
slider_textpanel_title_font_family:null,        //文本面板标题字体系列。如果为空 - 从 CSS 中获取
slider_textpanel_title_text_align:null,            //文本面板标题文本对齐。如果为空 - 从 CSS 中获取
slider_textpanel_title_font_size:null,            //文本面板标题字体大小。如果为空 - 从 CSS 中获取
slider_textpanel_title_bold:null,                //文本面板标题加粗。如果为空 - 从 CSS 中获取
slider_textpanel_css_title:{},                    //文本面板标题的附加 CSS

slider_textpanel_desc_color:null,                //文本面板说明字体系列。如果为空 - 从 CSS 中获取
slider_textpanel_desc_font_family:null,            //文本面板说明字体系列。如果为空 - 从 CSS 中获取
slider_textpanel_desc_text_align:null,            //文本面板说明文本对齐。如果为空 - 从 CSS 中获取
slider_textpanel_desc_font_size:null,            //文本面板说明字体大小。如果为空 - 从 CSS 中获取
slider_textpanel_desc_bold:null,                //文本面板说明粗体。如果为空 - 从 CSS 中获取
slider_textpanel_css_description:{},            //文本面板 描述的附加 CSS

slider_textpanel_bg_css:{},                        //文本面板背景 CSS

//thumbs options

thumb_width:88,                                //拇指宽度
thumb_height:50,                            //拇指高度
thumb_fixed_size:true,                        //true,false - 固定/动态缩略图宽度

thumb_border_effect:true,                    //true, false - 指定拇指是否有边框
thumb_border_width: 0,                        //拇指边框宽度
thumb_border_color: "#000000",                //拇指边框颜色
thumb_over_border_width: 0,                    //鼠标悬停状态下的拇指边框宽度
thumb_over_border_color: "#d9d9d9",            //鼠标悬停状态下的拇指边框颜色
thumb_selected_border_width: 1,                //选定状态下的拇指宽度
thumb_selected_border_color: "#d9d9d9",        //选定状态下的拇指边框颜色

thumb_round_corners_radius:0,                //拇指边框半径

thumb_color_overlay_effect: true,            //true,false - 拇指颜色叠加效果,在鼠标悬停和选定状态时释放叠加
thumb_overlay_color: "#000000",                //拇指叠加颜色
thumb_overlay_opacity: 0.4,                    //拇指叠加颜色不透明度
thumb_overlay_reverse:false,                //true,false - 反转覆盖,将仅在选定状态下显示

thumb_image_overlay_effect: false,            //true,false - 图像叠加效果仅对正常状态
thumb_image_overlay_type: "bw",                //bw , blur, sepia - 图像效果叠加的类型,黑白,棕褐色和模糊.

thumb_transition_duration: 200,                //拇指效果过渡持续时间
thumb_transition_easing: "easeOutQuad",        //拇指效果过渡缓动

thumb_show_loader:true,                        //加载拇指时显示拇指加载器
thumb_loader_type:"dark",                    //dark, light - 拇指装载机类型

//stript thumbs panel options

strippanel_padding_top:8,                    //面板顶部的空间
strippanel_padding_bottom:8,                //面板底部的空间

strippanel_padding_left:  0,                //面板左侧间距
strippanel_padding_right: 0,                //面板右侧的空间

strippanel_enable_buttons: false,            //从面板两侧启用按钮
strippanel_buttons_skin: "",                //按钮的皮肤,如果为空,则从库外观继承
strippanel_padding_buttons: 2,                //按钮和面板之间的填充

strippanel_buttons_role : "scroll_strip",   // scroll_strip, advance_item - 侧面按钮的作用

strippanel_enable_handle: true,                //启用网格句柄
strippanel_handle_align: "top",                //top, middle, bottom , left, right, center - 关闭手柄尖端根据面板方向对齐手柄杆
strippanel_handle_offset: 0,                //根据 valign 的车把偏移
strippanel_handle_skin: "",                    //手柄的皮肤,如果为空,则从图库皮肤继承

strippanel_background_color:"",                //条带包装器的背景颜色,如果未设置,它将取自 CSS

strip_thumbs_align: "left",                    //left, center, right, top, middle, bottom - 当拇指小于条带尺寸时对齐.
strip_space_between_thumbs:6,                //拇指之间的空间
strip_thumb_touch_sensetivity:15,              //从 1-100,1 - 最有意义,100 - 最无意义
strip_scroll_to_thumb_duration:500,            //滚动到拇指的持续时间
strip_scroll_to_thumb_easing:"easeOutCubic", //简化滚动到拇指动画
strip_control_avia:true,                    //Avia 控制 - 根据条带位置移动条带
strip_control_touch:true,                    //触摸控制 - 通过拖动条带移动条




gallery_theme: "compact",

//theme options

theme_panel_position: "bottom",            //top, bottom, left, right - thumbs panel position
theme_hide_panel_under_width: 480        //hide panel under certain browser width, if null, don't hide

// gallery options

gallery_width:900,                            //gallery width
gallery_height:500,                            //gallery height

gallery_min_width: 400,                        //gallery minimal width when resizing
gallery_min_height: 300,                    //gallery minimal height when resizing

gallery_skin:"default",                        //default, alexis etc... - the global skin of the gallery. Will change all gallery items by default.

gallery_images_preload_type:"minimal",        //all , minimal , visible - preload type of the images.
//minimal - only image nabours will be loaded each time.
//visible - visible thumbs images will be loaded each time.
//all - load all the images first time.

gallery_autoplay:false,                        //true / false - begin slideshow autoplay on start
gallery_play_interval: 3000,                //play interval of the slideshow
gallery_pause_on_mouseover: true,            //true,false - pause on mouseover when playing slideshow true/false

gallery_control_thumbs_mousewheel:false,    //true,false - enable / disable the mousewheel
gallery_control_keyboard: true,                //true,false - enable / disble keyboard controls
gallery_carousel:true,                        //true,false - next button on last image goes to first image.

gallery_preserve_ratio: true,                //true, false - preserver ratio when on window resize
gallery_debug_errors:true,                    //show error message when there is some error on the gallery area.
gallery_background_color: "",                //set custom background color. If not set it will be taken from css.

//slider options:

slider_scale_mode: "fill",                    //fit: scale down and up the image to always fit the slider
//down: scale down only, smaller images will be shown, don't enlarge images (scale up)
//fill: fill the entire slider space by scaling, cropping and centering the image
slider_scale_mode_media: "fill",            //fit, down, full scale mode on media items
slider_scale_mode_fullscreen: "down",        //fit, down, full scale mode on fullscreen.
slider_item_padding_top: 0,                    //padding top of the slider item
slider_item_padding_bottom: 0,                //padding bottom of the slider item
slider_item_padding_left: 0,                //padding left of the slider item
slider_item_padding_right: 0,                //padding right of the slider item

slider_transition: "slide",                    //fade, slide - the transition of the slide change
slider_transition_speed:300,                //transition duration of slide change
slider_transition_easing: "easeInOutQuad",    //transition easing function of slide change

slider_control_swipe:true,                    //true,false - enable swiping control
slider_control_zoom:true,                    //true, false - enable zooming control
slider_zoom_max_ratio: 6,                    //max zoom ratio
slider_loader_type: 1,                        //shape of the loader (1-7)
slider_loader_color:"white",                //color of the loader: (black , white)

slider_enable_bullets: false,                //enable the bullets onslider element
slider_bullets_skin: "",                    //skin of the bullets, if empty inherit from gallery skin
slider_bullets_space_between: -1,            //set the space between bullets. If -1 then will be set default space from the skins
slider_bullets_align_hor:"center",            //left, center, right - bullets horizontal align
slider_bullets_align_vert:"bottom",            //top, middle, bottom - bullets vertical algin
slider_bullets_offset_hor:0,                //bullets horizontal offset
slider_bullets_offset_vert:10,                //bullets vertical offset

slider_enable_arrows: true,                    //enable arrows onslider element
slider_arrows_skin: "",                        //skin of the slider arrows, if empty inherit from gallery skin

slider_arrow_left_align_hor:"left",              //left, center, right - left arrow horizonal align
slider_arrow_left_align_vert:"middle",         //top, middle, bottom - left arrow vertical align
slider_arrow_left_offset_hor:20,              //left arrow horizontal offset
slider_arrow_left_offset_vert:0,              //left arrow vertical offset

slider_arrow_right_align_hor:"right",       //left, center, right - right arrow horizontal algin
slider_arrow_right_align_vert:"middle",     //top, middle, bottom - right arrow vertical align
slider_arrow_right_offset_hor:20,               //right arrow horizontal offset
slider_arrow_right_offset_vert:0,               //right arrow vertical offset

slider_enable_progress_indicator: true,         //enable progress indicator element
slider_progress_indicator_type: "pie",         //pie, pie2, bar (if pie not supported, it will switch to bar automatically)
slider_progress_indicator_align_hor:"left",  //left, center, right - progress indicator horizontal align
slider_progress_indicator_align_vert:"top",  //top, middle, bottom - progress indicator vertical align
slider_progress_indicator_offset_hor:16,     //progress indicator horizontal offset
slider_progress_indicator_offset_vert:36,     //progress indicator vertical offset

slider_progressbar_color:"#ffffff",             //progress bar color
slider_progressbar_opacity: 0.6,             //progress bar opacity
slider_progressbar_line_width: 5,             //progress bar line width

slider_progresspie_type_fill: false,         //false is stroke, true is fill - the progress pie type, stroke of fill
slider_progresspie_color1: "#B5B5B5",          //the first color of the progress pie
slider_progresspie_color2: "#E5E5E5",         //progress pie second color
slider_progresspie_stroke_width: 6,             //progress pie stroke width
slider_progresspie_width: 30,                 //progess pie width
slider_progresspie_height:30,                 //progress pie height

slider_enable_play_button: true,             //true,false - enable play / pause button onslider element
slider_play_button_skin: "",                 //skin of the slider play button, if empty inherit from gallery skin
slider_play_button_align_hor:"left",         //left, center, right - play button horizontal align
slider_play_button_align_vert:"top",         //top, middle, bottom - play button vertical align
slider_play_button_offset_hor:40,                //play button horizontal offset
slider_play_button_offset_vert:8,                //play button vertical offset

slider_enable_fullscreen_button: true,         //true,false - enable fullscreen button onslider element
slider_fullscreen_button_skin: "",             //skin of the slider fullscreen button, if empty inherit from gallery skin
slider_fullscreen_button_align_hor:"left",   //left, center, right    - fullscreen button horizonatal align
slider_fullscreen_button_align_vert:"top",   //top, middle, bottom - fullscreen button vertical align
slider_fullscreen_button_offset_hor:11,         //fullscreen button horizontal offset
slider_fullscreen_button_offset_vert:9,            //fullscreen button vertical offset

slider_enable_zoom_panel: true,                 //true,false - enable the zoom buttons, works together with zoom control.
slider_zoompanel_skin: "",                     //skin of the slider zoom panel, if empty inherit from gallery skin
slider_zoompanel_align_hor:"right",             //left, center, right - zoom panel horizontal align
slider_zoompanel_align_vert:"top",               //top, middle, bottom - zoom panel vertical align
slider_zoompanel_offset_hor:12,                    //zoom panel horizontal offset
slider_zoompanel_offset_vert:10,                //zoom panel vertical offset

slider_controls_always_on: true,             //true,false - controls are always on, false - show only on mouseover
slider_controls_appear_ontap: true,             //true,false - appear controls on tap event on touch devices
slider_controls_appear_duration: 300,         //the duration of appearing controls
slider_videoplay_button_type: "square",          //square, round - the videoplay button type, square or round

slider_enable_text_panel: false,             //true,false - enable the text panel
slider_textpanel_always_on: true,             //true,false - text panel are always on, false - show only on mouseover

slider_textpanel_text_valign:"middle",            //middle, top, bottom - text vertical align
slider_textpanel_padding_top:10,                //textpanel padding top
slider_textpanel_padding_bottom:10,                //textpanel padding bottom
slider_textpanel_height: null,                    //textpanel height. if null it will be set dynamically
slider_textpanel_padding_title_description: 5,    //the space between the title and the description
slider_textpanel_padding_right: 11,                //cut some space for text from right
slider_textpanel_padding_left: 11,                //cut some space for text from left
slider_textpanel_fade_duration: 200,            //the fade duration of textpanel appear
slider_textpanel_enable_title: true,            //enable the title text
slider_textpanel_enable_description: true,        //enable the description text
slider_textpanel_enable_bg: true,                //enable the textpanel background
slider_textpanel_bg_color:"#000000",            //textpanel background color
slider_textpanel_bg_opacity: 0.4,                //textpanel background opacity

slider_textpanel_title_color:null,                //textpanel title color. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_title_font_family:null,        //textpanel title font family. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_title_text_align:null,            //textpanel title text align. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_title_font_size:null,            //textpanel title font size. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_title_bold:null,                //textpanel title bold. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_css_title:{},                    //textpanel additional css of the title

slider_textpanel_desc_color:null,                //textpanel description font family. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_desc_font_family:null,            //textpanel description font family. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_desc_text_align:null,            //textpanel description text align. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_desc_font_size:null,            //textpanel description font size. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_desc_bold:null,                //textpanel description bold. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_css_description:{},            //textpanel additional css of the description

slider_textpanel_bg_css:{},                        //textpanel background css

//thumbs options

thumb_width:88,                                //thumb width
thumb_height:50,                            //thumb height
thumb_fixed_size:true,                        //true,false - fixed/dynamic thumbnail width

thumb_border_effect:true,                    //true, false - specify if the thumb has border
thumb_border_width: 0,                        //thumb border width
thumb_border_color: "#000000",                //thumb border color
thumb_over_border_width: 0,                    //thumb border width in mouseover state
thumb_over_border_color: "#d9d9d9",            //thumb border color in mouseover state
thumb_selected_border_width: 1,                //thumb width in selected state
thumb_selected_border_color: "#d9d9d9",        //thumb border color in selected state

thumb_round_corners_radius:0,                //thumb border radius

thumb_color_overlay_effect: true,            //true,false - thumb color overlay effect, release the overlay on mouseover and selected states
thumb_overlay_color: "#000000",                //thumb overlay color
thumb_overlay_opacity: 0.4,                    //thumb overlay color opacity
thumb_overlay_reverse:false,                //true,false - reverse the overlay, will be shown on selected state only

thumb_image_overlay_effect: false,            //true,false - images overlay effect on normal state only
thumb_image_overlay_type: "bw",                //bw , blur, sepia - the type of image effect overlay, black and white, sepia and blur.

thumb_transition_duration: 200,                //thumb effect transition duration
thumb_transition_easing: "easeOutQuad",        //thumb effect transition easing

thumb_show_loader:true,                        //show thumb loader while loading the thumb
thumb_loader_type:"dark",                    //dark, light - thumb loader type

//stript thumbs panel options

strippanel_padding_top:8,                    //space from top of the panel
strippanel_padding_bottom:8,                //space from bottom of the panel

strippanel_padding_left:  0,                //space from left of the panel
strippanel_padding_right: 0,                //space from right of the panel

strippanel_enable_buttons: false,            //enable buttons from the sides of the panel
strippanel_buttons_skin: "",                //skin of the buttons, if empty inherit from gallery skin
strippanel_padding_buttons: 2,                //padding between the buttons and the panel

strippanel_buttons_role : "scroll_strip",   // scroll_strip, advance_item - the role of the side buttons

strippanel_enable_handle: true,                //enable grid handle
strippanel_handle_align: "top",                //top, middle, bottom , left, right, center - close handle tip align on the handle bar according panel orientation
strippanel_handle_offset: 0,                //offset of handle bar according the valign
strippanel_handle_skin: "",                    //skin of the handle, if empty inherit from gallery skin

strippanel_background_color:"",                //background color of the strip wrapper, if not set, it will be taken from the css

strip_thumbs_align: "left",                    //left, center, right, top, middle, bottom - the align of the thumbs when they smaller then the strip size.
strip_space_between_thumbs:6,                //space between thumbs
strip_thumb_touch_sensetivity:15,              //from 1-100, 1 - most sensetive, 100 - most unsensetive
strip_scroll_to_thumb_duration:500,            //duration of scrolling to thumb
strip_scroll_to_thumb_easing:"easeOutCubic", //easing of scrolling to thumb animation
strip_control_avia:true,                    //avia control - move the strip according strip moseover position
strip_control_touch:true,                    //touch control - move the strip by dragging it

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2022-11-09,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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