社区首页 >专栏 >中国人学习英语的特点,痛点


发布2023-08-21 12:56:02
发布2023-08-21 12:56:02


Learning English is an important and challenging task for many Chinese people. Below are the characteristics, pain points, and common difficulties experienced by Chinese learners of English:


  1. 重视语法和词汇:中国人学英语时,通常会花费大量时间在语法和词汇学习上,以追求精确度和准确性。
  2. 书面英语为主:学习过程中往往更注重书面英语,比如阅读、写作和翻译,相对忽略了口语和听力。
  3. 应试导向:中国英语教育很大程度上以考试为导向,如CET、雅思、托福等,这导致学生更关注考试技巧而非实际应用能力。
  4. 传统教育方法:课堂教学以老师讲授为主,学生学习英语的机会主要来自教材和作业,较少与母语为英语的外国人进行实际交流。


  1. Emphasis on grammar and vocabulary: Chinese learners often spend a significant amount of time on grammar and vocabulary to achieve precision and accuracy.
  2. Focus on written English: Learning tends to prioritize written English, such as reading, writing, and translation, while neglecting speaking and listening.
  3. Exam-oriented: English education in China is largely oriented towards exams, such as CET, IELTS, TOEFL, etc., leading students to focus more on test-taking skills rather than practical application.
  4. Traditional teaching methods: Classroom teaching is predominantly lecture-based, with students' opportunities to learn English primarily coming from textbooks and assignments, and less from actual interaction with native English speakers.


  1. 发音问题:由于普通话和英语的语音系统存在很大差异,中国学生在学习英语发音时会遇到许多困难,比如拼音、音节和重音等方面。
  2. 思维方式和文化差异:英语与汉语在表达和逻辑结构上有很大差别,这使得学生在理解和表达英语时容易受到母语习惯的影响。
  3. 没有足够的实践机会:在中国,英语使用场景相对有限,学生很难找到合适的环境进行实际应用和沟通练习。
  4. 缺乏自信:许多中国学生在英语口语表达时缺乏自信,担心犯错或者被人评价,从而导致交流能力受限。

Pain points:

  1. Pronunciation issues: Due to the significant differences between the phonetic systems of Mandarin and English, Chinese students encounter many difficulties in learning English pronunciation, such as spelling, syllables, and stress.
  2. Thought patterns and cultural differences: English and Chinese differ greatly in terms of expression and logical structure, making it easy for students to be influenced by their native language habits when understanding and expressing English.
  3. Insufficient practice opportunities: In China, there are limited scenarios for using English, making it difficult for students to find suitable environments for practical application and communication practice.
  4. Lack of confidence: Many Chinese students lack confidence in speaking English, fearing mistakes or being judged, which can limit their communication skills.


  1. 压力大:学习英语的压力主要来源于学业、职业和社会期望,很多人觉得英语水平关系到个人的前途和发展。
  2. 学习过程枯燥:传统教育方法和应试导向的英语学习过程往往枯燥乏味,缺乏趣味性和实际应用。
  3. 学习成果不明显:由于缺乏有效的实践机会和教学方法,许多学生在投入大量时间和精力后,英语水平依然不尽人意。
  4. 与母语者交流困难:很多中国学生在与英语母语者交流时,由于发音、语速、词汇量和文化差异等因素,可能会遇到沟通障碍,进而影响到对英语的学习积极性和自信心。

Common difficulties:

  1. High pressure: The pressure to learn English comes mainly from academic, professional, and societal expectations, leading many to believe that their English proficiency is crucial to their personal prospects and development.
  2. Monotonous learning process: Traditional teaching methods and exam-oriented learning often make the English learning process dull and uninteresting, lacking in fun and practical application.
  3. Unsatisfactory learning outcomes: Due to a lack of effective practice opportunities and teaching methods, many students still struggle with English proficiency despite investing considerable time and effort.
  4. Difficulty communicating with native speakers: When communicating with native English speakers, many Chinese students may face communication barriers due to pronunciation, speaking speed, vocabulary, and cultural differences, which can affect their enthusiasm and confidence in learning English.


  1. 增加实际应用和沟通机会:鼓励学生参加语言角、交流活动和国际项目,多与母语为英语的人交流,提高英语实际应用能力。
  2. 采用多元化的教学方法:结合线上和线下资源,引入有趣的内容和活动,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。
  3. 关注听力和口语训练:在课程设置和教学过程中,加强听力和口语的训练,提高学生的综合交际能力。
  4. 培养跨文化意识:教育学生了解英语国家的文化,提高跨文化交际的能力和敏感性,降低语言和文化差异带来的障碍。
  5. 鼓励自主学习:培养学生的自主学习能力和兴趣,鼓励他们通过不同渠道探索英语学习方法,形成个性化的学习路径。

To address these issues, here are some suggestions:

  1. Increase practical application and communication opportunities: Encourage students to participate in language corners, exchange activities, and international programs to interact more with native English speakers and improve their practical English skills.
  2. Adopt diversified teaching methods: Integrate online and offline resources, introduce interesting content and activities, and create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for learning English.
  3. Focus on listening and speaking training: Strengthen listening and speaking training in course design and teaching processes to enhance students' comprehensive communication skills.
  4. Cultivate cross-cultural awareness: Educate students about the culture of English-speaking countries to improve cross-cultural communication skills and sensitivity, reducing the barriers posed by language and cultural differences.
  5. Encourage self-directed learning: Develop students' self-learning abilities and interests, encouraging them to explore English learning methods through different channels and form personalized learning paths.
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原始发表:2023-04-01,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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