社区首页 >专栏 >用python画模拟时钟表盘


修改2024-03-15 20:04:51
修改2024-03-15 20:04:51

一、 终端模拟时钟





完整代码如下,或者可以在这里下到lumanyu/ascii_clock: Python script that prints out a clock in ASCII art style to the console (github.com)

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

class AsciiCanvas(object):
    ASCII canvas for drawing in console using ASCII chars

    def __init__(self, cols, lines, fill_char=' '):
        Initialize ASCII canvas
        if cols < 1 or cols > 1000 or lines < 1 or lines > 1000:
            raise Exception('Canvas cols/lines must be in range [1..1000]')
        self.cols = cols
        self.lines = lines
        if not fill_char:
            fill_char = ' '
        elif len(fill_char) > 1:
            fill_char = fill_char[0]
        self.fill_char = fill_char
        self.canvas = [[fill_char] * (cols) for _ in range(lines)]  # 得到一个cols列的一维数组,然后lines个数组组成二维数组

    def clear(self):
        Fill canvas with empty chars
        self.canvas = [[self.fill_char] * (self.cols) for _ in range(self.lines)]  # 清空,用fill_char清空

    def print_out(self):
        Print out canvas to console
        print(self.get_canvas_as_str())  # 打印到荧幕

    def add_line(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, fill_char='o'):
        Add ASCII line (x0, y0 -> x1, y1) to the canvas, fill line with `fill_char`
        if not fill_char:
            fill_char = 'o'
        elif len(fill_char) > 1:
            fill_char = fill_char[0]
        if x0 > x1: # 从左边画到右边 
            # swap A and B
            x1, x0 = x0, x1
            y1, y0 = y0, y1
        # get delta x, y
        dx = x1 - x0
        dy = y1 - y0
        # if a length of line is zero just add point
        if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
            if self.check_coord_in_range(x0, y0): # 这个点在画布内
                self.canvas[y0][x0] = fill_char
        # when dx >= dy use fill by x-axis, and use fill by y-axis otherwise
        # 哪条边长度长,就填哪边
        if abs(dx) >= abs(dy):
            for x in range(x0, x1 + 1):  # 闭区间[x0,x1+1)
                # 如果是竖线,y就是y0,如果是一条斜线,y的坐标按照比例重新计算绘图点y坐标
                y = y0 if dx == 0 else y0 + int(round((x - x0) * dy / float((dx)))) #
                if self.check_coord_in_range(x, y):
                    self.canvas[y][x] = fill_char  # 填充点
            if y0 < y1: # 从下往上画
                for y in range(y0, y1 + 1):
                    x = x0 if dy == 0 else x0 + int(round((y - y0) * dx / float((dy))))
                    if self.check_coord_in_range(x, y):
                        self.canvas[y][x] = fill_char
            else:  # 从上往下画
                for y in range(y1, y0 + 1):
                    x = x0 if dy == 0 else x1 + int(round((y - y1) * dx / float((dy))))
                    if self.check_coord_in_range(x, y):
                        self.canvas[y][x] = fill_char

    def add_text(self, x, y, text):
        Add text to canvas at position (x, y)
        for i, c in enumerate(text): # i为字的个数
            if self.check_coord_in_range(x + i, y):
                self.canvas[y][x + i] = c  # 在[x,x+i]位置添加char

    def add_rect(self, x, y, w, h, fill_char=' ', outline_char='o'):
        Add rectangle filled with `fill_char` and outline with `outline_char`
        if not fill_char:
            fill_char = ' '
        elif len(fill_char) > 1:
            fill_char = fill_char[0]
        if not outline_char:
            outline_char = 'o'
        elif len(outline_char) > 1:
            outline_char = outline_char[0]
        for px in range(x, x + w):
            for py in range(y, y + h):
                if self.check_coord_in_range(px, py):
                    if px == x or px == x + w - 1 or py == y or py == y + h - 1: #如果坐标位于画板四周
                        self.canvas[py][px] = outline_char
                        self.canvas[py][px] = fill_char

    def add_nine_patch_rect(self, x, y, w, h, outline_3x3_chars=None):  #画方框格
        Add nine-patch rectangle
        default_outline_3x3_chars = (
            '.', '-', '.', 
            '|', ' ', '|', 
            '`', '-', "'"
        if not outline_3x3_chars:
            outline_3x3_chars = default_outline_3x3_chars
        # filter chars
        filtered_outline_3x3_chars = []
        for index, char in enumerate(outline_3x3_chars[0:9]):
            if not char:
                char = default_outline_3x3_chars[index]
            elif len(char) > 1:
                char = char[0]
        for px in range(x, x + w):  #在方格绘图区域
            for py in range(y, y + h): #在方格绘图区域
                if self.check_coord_in_range(px, py):  #在绘图区域把9个元素放上去
                    if px == x and py == y:
                        self.canvas[py][px] = filtered_outline_3x3_chars[0]
                    elif px == x and y < py < y + h - 1:
                        self.canvas[py][px] = filtered_outline_3x3_chars[3]
                    elif px == x and py == y + h - 1:
                        self.canvas[py][px] = filtered_outline_3x3_chars[6]
                    elif x < px < x + w - 1 and py == y:
                        self.canvas[py][px] = filtered_outline_3x3_chars[1]
                    elif x < px < x + w - 1 and py == y + h - 1:
                        self.canvas[py][px] = filtered_outline_3x3_chars[7]
                    elif px == x + w - 1 and py == y:
                        self.canvas[py][px] = filtered_outline_3x3_chars[2]
                    elif px == x + w - 1 and y < py < y + h - 1:
                        self.canvas[py][px] = filtered_outline_3x3_chars[5]
                    elif px == x + w - 1 and py == y + h - 1:
                        self.canvas[py][px] = filtered_outline_3x3_chars[8]
                        self.canvas[py][px] = filtered_outline_3x3_chars[4]

    def check_coord_in_range(self, x, y):
        Check that coordinate (x, y) is in range, to prevent out of range error
        return 0 <= x < self.cols and 0 <= y < self.lines

    def get_canvas_as_str(self):
        Return canvas as a string
        return '\n'.join([''.join(col) for col in self.canvas])

    def __str__(self):
        Return canvas as a string
        return self.get_canvas_as_str()
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import time
import math
import datetime

x_scale_ratio = 1.75 #x轴调整系数,以y为基础长度,x=y乘以这个系数

def draw_second_hand(ascii_canvas, seconds, length, fill_char):
    Draw second hand
    x0 = int(math.ceil(ascii_canvas.cols / 2.0))
    y0 = int(math.ceil(ascii_canvas.lines / 2.0))
    x1 = x0 + int(math.cos((seconds + 45) * 6 * math.pi / 180) * length * x_scale_ratio)
    y1 = y0 + int(math.sin((seconds + 45) * 6 * math.pi / 180) * length)
    ascii_canvas.add_line(int(x0), int(y0), int(x1), int(y1), fill_char=fill_char)

def draw_minute_hand(ascii_canvas, minutes, length, fill_char):
    Draw minute hand
    x0 = int(math.ceil(ascii_canvas.cols / 2.0))
    y0 = int(math.ceil(ascii_canvas.lines / 2.0))
    x1 = x0 + int(math.cos((minutes + 45) * 6 * math.pi / 180) * length * x_scale_ratio)
    y1 = y0 + int(math.sin((minutes + 45) * 6 * math.pi / 180) * length)
    ascii_canvas.add_line(int(x0), int(y0), int(x1), int(y1), fill_char=fill_char)

def draw_hour_hand(ascii_canvas, hours, minutes, length, fill_char):
    Draw hour hand
    x0 = int(math.ceil(ascii_canvas.cols / 2.0))
    y0 = int(math.ceil(ascii_canvas.lines / 2.0))
    total_hours = hours + minutes / 60.0
    x1 = x0 + int(math.cos((total_hours + 45) * 30 * math.pi / 180) * length * x_scale_ratio)
    y1 = y0 + int(math.sin((total_hours + 45) * 30 * math.pi / 180) * length)
    ascii_canvas.add_line(int(x0), int(y0), int(x1), int(y1), fill_char=fill_char)

def draw_clock_face(ascii_canvas, radius, mark_char):
    Draw clock face with hour and minute marks
    画表盘,表盘上添加小时和分钟 数字形式
    x0 = ascii_canvas.cols // 2  #带四舍五入的除法,比如说10//3在python3中等于3,相当于int
    y0 = ascii_canvas.lines // 2
    # draw marks first
    for mark in range(1, 12 * 5 + 1): #总共有60分钟,就是外面60个、刻度
        x1 = x0 + int(math.cos((mark + 45) * 6 * math.pi / 180) * radius * x_scale_ratio)
        y1 = y0 + int(math.sin((mark + 45) * 6 * math.pi / 180) * radius)
        if mark % 5 != 0: #画刻度、
            ascii_canvas.add_text(x1, y1, mark_char)
    # start from 1 because at 0 index - 12 hour
    for mark in range(1, 12 + 1): # 画小时数,圆周围的12个小时数
        x1 = x0 + int(math.cos((mark + 45) * 30 * math.pi / 180) * radius * x_scale_ratio)
        y1 = y0 + int(math.sin((mark + 45) * 30 * math.pi / 180) * radius)
        ascii_canvas.add_text(x1, y1, '%s' % mark) #画小时数

def draw_clock(cols, lines):
    Draw clock
    if cols < 25 or lines < 25:
        print('Too little columns/lines for print out the clock!')
    # prepare chars
    single_line_border_chars = ('.', '-', '.', '|', ' ', '|', '`', '-', "'")
    second_hand_char = '.' #秒针像素点
    minute_hand_char = 'o' #分针像素点
    hour_hand_char = 'O' #小时针像素点
    mark_char = '`'
    if os.name == 'nt':
        single_line_border_chars = ('.', '-', '.', '|', ' ', '|', '`', '-', "'")  # ('\xDA', '\xC4', '\xBF', '\xB3', '\x20', '\xB3', '\xC0', '\xC4', '\xD9')
        second_hand_char = '.'  # '\xFA'
        minute_hand_char = 'o'  # '\xF9'
        hour_hand_char = 'O'  # 'o'
        mark_char = '`'  # '\xF9'
    # create ascii canvas for clock and eval vars
    ascii_canvas = AsciiCanvas(cols, lines)  #创建大表盘
    center_x = int(math.ceil(cols / 2.0))
    center_y = int(math.ceil(lines / 2.0))
    radius = center_y - 5 #表盘半径
    second_hand_length = int(radius / 1.17) #秒针长度
    minute_hand_length = int(radius / 1.25) #分针长度
    hour_hand_length = int(radius / 1.95) #小时针长度
    # add clock region and clock face
    ascii_canvas.add_rect(5, 3, int(math.floor(cols / 2.0)) * 2 - 9, int(math.floor(lines / 2.0)) * 2 - 5) #添加外围方框
    draw_clock_face(ascii_canvas, radius, mark_char) #画表盘
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    # add regions with weekday and day if possible
    if center_x > 25: #如果有绘图空间,添加周数和天数
        left_pos = int(radius * x_scale_ratio) / 2 - 4
        ascii_canvas.add_nine_patch_rect(int(center_x + left_pos), int(center_y - 1), 5, 3, single_line_border_chars) #添加小方框
        ascii_canvas.add_text(int(center_x + left_pos + 1), int(center_y), now.strftime('%a'))  #添加周数
        ascii_canvas.add_nine_patch_rect(int(center_x + left_pos + 5), int(center_y - 1), 4, 3, single_line_border_chars)
        ascii_canvas.add_text(int(center_x + left_pos + 1 + 5), int(center_y), now.strftime('%d')) #添加天数
    # add clock hands
    draw_second_hand(ascii_canvas, now.second, second_hand_length, fill_char=second_hand_char) #添加秒针
    draw_minute_hand(ascii_canvas, now.minute, minute_hand_length, fill_char=minute_hand_char) #添加分针
    draw_hour_hand(ascii_canvas, now.hour, now.minute, hour_hand_length, fill_char=hour_hand_char) #添加小时针
    # print out canvas
    ascii_canvas.print_out() #打印到荧幕

def main():
    lines = 30
    cols = int(lines * x_scale_ratio)
    # set console window size and screen buffer size
    if os.name == 'nt':
        os.system('mode con: cols=%s lines=%s' % (cols + 1, lines + 1))
    while True:
       os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear') #清屏
       draw_clock(cols, lines) #画时钟
       time.sleep(0.2) #每0.2秒进行刷新,如果觉得屏幕太闪,把这个数调大点

if __name__ == '__main__':

这份代码里,我们声明了一个class AsciiCanvas类来模拟画布,并提供了以下方法

  • clear(self):清除画布
  • print_out(self): 打印到屏幕
  • add_line(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, fill_char='o'): 用fill_char画线
  • add_text(self, x, y, text):在指定位置写ascii char
  • add_rect(self, x, y, w, h, fill_char=' ', outline_char='o'):在画板外围添加方框,增加画面感
  • add_nine_patch_rect(self, x, y, w, h, outline_3x3_chars=None):画方框格
  • check_coord_in_range(self, x, y):检查绘图点在有效区域画布内
  • get_canvas_as_str(self):序列化成可打印字符串


  • # create ascii canvas for clock and eval vars
  • ascii_canvas = AsciiCanvas(cols, lines)#创建大表盘
  • ascii_canvas.add_rect(5,3,int(math.floor(cols /2.0))*2-9,int(math.floor(lines /2.0))*2-5)#添加外围方框 draw_clock_face(ascii_canvas, radius, mark_char)#画表盘
  • ascii_canvas.add_nine_patch_rect(int(center_x + left_pos),int(center_y -1),5,3, single_line_border_chars)#添加小方框
  • ascii_canvas.add_text(int(center_x + left_pos +1),int(center_y), now.strftime('%a'))#添加周数
  • ascii_canvas.add_nine_patch_rect(int(center_x + left_pos +5),int(center_y -1),4,3, single_line_border_chars)
  • ascii_canvas.add_text(int(center_x + left_pos +1+5),int(center_y), now.strftime('%d'))#添加天数# add clock hands
  • draw_second_hand(ascii_canvas, now.second, second_hand_length, fill_char=second_hand_char)#添加秒针
  • draw_minute_hand(ascii_canvas, now.minute, minute_hand_length, fill_char=minute_hand_char)#添加分针
  • draw_hour_hand(ascii_canvas, now.hour, now.minute, hour_hand_length, fill_char=hour_hand_char)#添加小时针
  • ascii_canvas.print_out()#打印到荧幕



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0 条评论
  • 一、 终端模拟时钟
  • 二、代码及流程
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