社区首页 >专栏 >微软开源的garnet的docker化实验


修改2024-03-25 21:40:51
修改2024-03-25 21:40:51

最近 微软开源了用c#编写的redis兼容缓存组件garnet。



mkdir /root/abc/
cd /root/abc/
wget https://github.com/microsoft/garnet/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.0.tar.gz
tar czf garnet-1.0.0.tar.gz -C ./
mv garnet-1.0.0/* ./

vim Dockerfile 内容如下:

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:8.0 AS build
WORKDIR /source

# Copy files
COPY . .
RUN dotnet restore
RUN dotnet build -c Release

# Copy and publish app and libraries
WORKDIR /source/main/GarnetServer
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o /app --self-contained false -f net8.0

# Final stage/image
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/runtime:8.0
COPY --from=build /app .

# Run GarnetServer with an index size of 128MB
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/GarnetServer", "-i", "128m"]


docker build .
docker tag 85aa314262b0 garnet:v1.0.0

编写 docker-compose.yaml 文件

version: '3'
        driver: bridge
        image: garnet:v1.0.0
        container_name: garnet
        hostname: garnet
        restart: always
        # 可以直接在启动的命令行里传参,也可基于配置文件传参,这里简单起见直接使用默认参数
        # command: --memory 8g --auth Password --password 123456  
            - "3278:3278"
            - monitor


docker-compose up -d


redis-cli -p 3278> info


garnet 官网上面也有一页讲garnet和其它几款redis like组件的比对。

本人之前也简单测过redis keydb dragonfly 这几款的get set等性能。这次又加上garnet的测试结果。



可以使用参考 杨一大佬的这篇文章 ,用的是compatibility-test-suite-for-redis 这个python包。在测试 garnet的兼容性时候,python脚本出现报错,这里没有进行深入探究,就此作罢。



root@garnet:/app# ./GarnetServer --help
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation

  --port                                   (Default: 3278) Port to run server on

  --bind                                   IP address to bind server to
                                           (default: any)

  -m, --memory                             (Default: "16g") Total log memory used in bytes
                                           (rounds down to power of 2)

  -p, --page                               (Default: "32m") Size of each page in bytes (rounds
                                           down to power of 2)

  -s, --segment                            (Default: "1g") Size of each log segment in bytes on
                                           disk (rounds down to power of 2)

  -i, --index                              (Default: "8g") Size of hash index in bytes (rounds
                                           down to power of 2)

  --index-max-size                         Max size of hash index in bytes
                                           (rounds down to power of 2)

  --mutable-percent                        (Default: 90) Percentage of log memory that is kept

  --obj-total-memory                       Total object store log memory used
                                           including heap memory in bytes

  --obj-memory                             (Default: "32m") Object store log memory used in bytes
                                           excluding heap memory

  --obj-page                               (Default: "1m") Size of each object store page in
                                           bytes (rounds down to power of 2)

  --obj-segment                            (Default: "32m") Size of each object store log segment
                                           in bytes on disk (rounds down to
                                           power of 2)

  --obj-index                              (Default: "1g") Size of object store hash index in
                                           bytes (rounds down to power of 2)

  --obj-index-max-size                     Max size of object store hash index
                                           in bytes (rounds down to power of 2)

  --obj-mutable-percent                    (Default: 90) Percentage of object store log memory
                                           that is kept mutable

  --storage-tier                           (Default: False) Enable tiering of records (hybrid
                                           log) to storage, to support a
                                           larger-than-memory store. Use
                                           --logdir to specify storage

  --copy-reads-to-tail                     (Default: False) When records are read from the main
                                           store's in-memory immutable region or
                                           storage device, copy them to the tail
                                           of the log.

  --obj-copy-reads-to-tail                 (Default: False) When records are read from the object
                                           store's in-memory immutable region or
                                           storage device, copy them to the tail
                                           of the log.

  -l, --logdir                             Storage directory for tiered records
                                           (hybrid log), if storage tiering
                                           (--storage) is enabled. Uses current
                                           directory if unspecified.

  -c, --checkpointdir                      Storage directory for checkpoints.
                                           Uses logdir if unspecified.

  -r, --recover                            (Default: False) Recover from latest checkpoint and
                                           log, if present.

  --no-pubsub                              (Default: False) Disable pub/sub feature on server.

  --incsnap                                (Default: False) Enable incremental snapshots.

  --pubsub-pagesize                        (Default: "4k") Page size of log used for pub/sub
                                           (rounds down to power of 2)

  --no-obj                                 (Default: False) Disable support for data structure

  --cluster                                (Default: False) Enable cluster.

  --clean-cluster-config                   (Default: False) Start with clean cluster config.

  --auth                                   (Default: NoAuth) Authentication mode of Garnet. This
                                           impacts how AUTH command is processed
                                           and how clients are authenticated
                                           against Garnet. Value options:
                                           NoAuth, Password, Aad, ACL

  --password                               Authentication string for password

  --cluster-username                       Username to authenticate
                                           intra-cluster communication with.

  --cluster-password                       Password to authenticate
                                           intra-cluster communication with.

  --acl-file                               External ACL user file.

  --aad-authority                          (Default: "https://login.microsoftonline.com") The authority of AAD 

  --aad-audiences                          The audiences of AAD token for AAD
                                           authentication. Should be a comma
                                           separated string.

  --aad-issuers                            The issuers of AAD token for AAD
                                           authentication. Should be a comma
                                           separated string.

  --aad-authorized-app-ids                 The authorized client app Ids for AAD
                                           authentication. Should be a comma
                                           separated string.

  --aof                                    (Default: False) Enable write ahead logging
                                           (append-only file).

  --aof-memory                             (Default: "64m") Total AOF memory buffer used in bytes
                                           (rounds down to power of 2) - spills
                                           to disk after this limit

  --aof-page-size                          (Default: "4m") Size of each AOF page in bytes(rounds
                                           down to power of 2)

  --aof-commit-freq                        (Default: 0) Write ahead logging (append-only
                                           file) commit issue frequency in
                                           milliseconds. 0 = issue an immediate
                                           commit per operation, -1 = manually
                                           issue commits using COMMITAOF command

  --aof-commit-wait                        (Default: False) Wait for AOF to flush the commit
                                           before returning results to client.
                                           Warning: will greatly increase
                                           operation latency.

  --aof-size-limit                         Maximum size of AOF (rounds down to
                                           power of 2) after which unsafe
                                           truncation will be applied. Left
                                           empty AOF will grow without bound
                                           unless a checkpoint is taken

  --compaction-freq                        (Default: 0) Background hybrid log compaction
                                           frequency in seconds. 0 = disabled
                                           (compaction performed before
                                           checkpointing instead)

  --compaction-type                        (Default: None) Hybrid log compaction type. Value
                                           options: None - No compaction, Shift
                                           - shift begin address without
                                           compaction (data loss), ShiftForced -
                                           shift begin address without
                                           compaction (data loss). Immediately
                                           deletes files - do not use if you
                                           plan to recover after failure, Scan -
                                           scan old pages and move live records
                                           to tail (no data loss - take a
                                           checkpoint to actually delete the
                                           older data files from disk), Lookup -
                                           Lookup each record in compaction
                                           range, for record liveness checking
                                           using hash chain (no data loss - take
                                           a checkpoint to actually delete the
                                           older data files from disk)

  --compaction-max-segments                (Default: 32) Number of log segments created on
                                           disk before compaction triggers.

  --obj-compaction-max-segments            (Default: 32) Number of object store log segments
                                           created on disk before compaction

  --gossip-sp                              (Default: 100) Percent of cluster nodes to gossip
                                           with at each gossip iteration.

  --gossip-delay                           (Default: 5) Cluster mode gossip protocol per node
                                           sleep (in seconds) delay to send
                                           updated config.

  --cluster-timeout                        (Default: 60) Cluster node timeout is the amount of
                                           seconds a node must be unreachable.

  --cluster-tls-client-target-host         (Default: "GarnetTest") Name for the client target host when
                                           using TLS connections in cluster

  --tls                                    (Default: False) Enable TLS.

  --cert-file-name                         TLS certificate file name (example:

  --cert-password                          TLS certificate password (example:

  --cert-subject-name                      TLS certificate subject name.

  --cert-refresh-freq                      (Default: 0) TLS certificate refresh frequency in
                                           seconds (0 to disable).

  --client-certificate-required            (Default: True) Whether TLS client certificate

  --certificate-revocation-check-mode      (Default: NoCheck) Certificate revocation check mode for
                                           certificate validation (NoCheck,
                                           Online, Offline).

  --issuer-certificate-path                Full path of file with issuer
                                           certificate for validation. If empty
                                           or null, validation against issuer
                                           will not be performed.

  --latency-monitor                        (Default: False) Track latency of various events.

  --metrics-sampling-freq                  (Default: 0) Metrics sampling frequency in
                                           seconds. Value of 0 disables metrics
                                           monitor task.

  -q                                       Enabling quiet mode does not print
                                           server version and text art.

  --logger-level                           (Default: Warning) Logging level. Value options: Trace,
                                           Debug, Information, Warning, Error,
                                           Critical, None

  --disable-console-logger                 (Default: False) Disable console logger.

  --file-logger                            Enable file logger and write to the
                                           specified path.

  --minthreads                             (Default: 0) Minimum worker and completion threads
                                           in thread pool, 0 uses the system

  --maxthreads                             (Default: 0) Maximum worker and completion threads
                                           in thread pool, 0 uses the system

  --use-azure-storage                      (Default: False) Use Azure Page Blobs for storage
                                           instead of local storage.

  --storage-string                         The connection string to use when
                                           establishing connection to Azure
                                           Blobs Storage.

  --checkpoint-throttle-delay              (Default: 0) Whether and by how much should we
                                           throttle the disk IO for checkpoints:
                                           -1 - disable throttling; >= 0 - run
                                           checkpoint flush in separate task,
                                           sleep for specified time after each

  --fast-commit                            (Default: False) Use FastCommit when writing AOF.

  --fast-commit-throttle                   (Default: 1000) Throttle FastCommit to write metadata
                                           once every K commits.

  --network-send-throttle                  (Default: 8) Throttle the maximum outstanding
                                           network sends per session.

  --sg-get                                 (Default: False) Whether we use scatter gather IO for
                                           MGET or a batch of contiguous GET
                                           operations - useful to saturate disk
                                           random read IO.

  --replica-sync-delay                     (Default: 5) Whether and by how much
                                           (milliseconds) should we throttle the
                                           replica sync: 0 - disable throttling

  --main-memory-replication                (Default: False) Use main-memory replication model.

  --on-demand-checkpoint                   (Default: False) Used with main-memory replication
                                           model. Take on demand checkpoint to
                                           avoid missing data when attaching

  --aof-null-device                        (Default: False) With main-memory replication, use
                                           null device for AOF. Ensures no disk
                                           IO, but can cause data loss during

  --config-import-path                     Import (load) configuration options
                                           from the provided path

  --config-import-format                   (Default: GarnetConf) Format of configuration options in
                                           path specified by config-import-path

  --config-export-format                   (Default: GarnetConf) Format to export configuration
                                           options to path specified by

  --use-azure-storage-for-config-import    (Default: false) Use Azure storage to
                                           import config file

  --config-export-path                     Export (save) current configuration
                                           options to the provided path

  --use-azure-storage-for-config-export    (Default: false) Use Azure storage to
                                           export config file

  --use-native-device-linux                (Default: False) Use native device on Linux for local

  --reviv-bin-record-sizes                 #,#,...,#: For the main store, the
                                           sizes of records in each
                                           revivification bin, in order of
                                           increasing size.           Supersedes
                                           the default --reviv; cannot be used
                                           with --reviv-in-chain-only

  --reviv-bin-record-counts                #,#,...,#: For the main store, the
                                           number of records in each bin:
                                           Default (not specified): If
                                           reviv-bin-record-sizes is specified,
                                           each bin is 256 records    # (one
                                           value): If reviv-bin-record-sizes is
                                           specified, then all bins have this
                                           number of records, else error
                                           #,#,...,# (multiple values): If
                                           reviv-bin-record-sizes is specified,
                                           then it must be the same size as that
                                           array, else error
                                           Supersedes the default --reviv;
                                           cannot be used with

  --reviv-fraction                         (Default: 1) #: Fraction of mutable in-memory log
                                           space, from the highest log address
                                           down to the read-only region, that is
                                           eligible for revivification.
                                           Applies to both main and object

  --reviv                                  (Default: False) A shortcut to specify revivification
                                           with default power-of-2-sized bins.
                                           This default can be overridden by
                                           --reviv-in-chain-only (Default: False) or by the
                                           combination of reviv-bin-record-sizes
                                           and reviv-bin-record-counts.

  --reviv-search-next-higher-bins          (Default: 0) Search this number of next-higher
                                           bins if the search cannot be
                                           satisfied in the best-fitting bin.
                                           Requires --reviv or the combination
                                           of rconeviv-bin-record-sizes and

  --reviv-bin-best-fit-scan-limit          (Default: 0) Number of records to scan for best
                                           fit after finding first fit.
                                           Requires --reviv or the combination
                                           of reviv-bin-record-sizes and
                                           reviv-bin-record-counts    0: Use
                                           first fit    #: Limit scan to this
                                           many records after first fit, up to
                                           the record count of the bin

  --reviv-in-chain-only                    (Default: False) Revivify tombstoned records in tag
                                           chains only (do not use free list).
                                           Cannot be used with
                                           reviv-bin-record-sizes or
                                           reviv-bin-record-counts. Propagates
                                           to object store by default.

  --reviv-obj-bin-record-count             (Default: 256) Number of records in the single free
                                           record bin for the object store. The
                                           Object store has only a single bin,
                                           unlike the main store.        Ignored
                                           unless the main store is using the
                                           free record list.

  --object-scan-count-limit                (Default: 1000) Limit of items to return in one
                                           iteration of *SCAN command

  --extension-bin-paths                    List of directories on server from
                                           which custom command binaries can be
                                           loaded by admin users

  --extension-allow-unsigned               (Default: False) Allow loading custom commands from
                                           digitally unsigned assemblies (not

  --index-resize-freq                      (Default: 60) Index resize check frequency in

  --index-resize-threshold                 (Default: 50) Overflow bucket count over total
                                           index size in percentage to trigger
                                           index resize

  --help                                   Display this help screen.

  --version                                Display version information.

  value pos. 0                             

参考 https://microsoft.github.io/garnet/docs/getting-started


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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

0 条评论
云数据库 Redis
腾讯云数据库 Redis(TencentDB for Redis)是腾讯云打造的兼容 Redis 协议的缓存和存储服务。丰富的数据结构能帮助您完成不同类型的业务场景开发。支持主从热备,提供自动容灾切换、数据备份、故障迁移、实例监控、在线扩容、数据回档等全套的数据库服务。
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