社区首页 >专栏 >UNIX环境高级编程(APUE)之单实例守护进程


发布2024-03-29 14:38:05
发布2024-03-29 14:38:05


1 完整程序:单实例守护进程


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/** * @FileName daemon_process.c * @Describe A simple example for creating a single object of daemon process in linux. * @Author vfhky 2016-03-14 17:52 https://typecodes.com/cseries/apuesingledaemonprocess.html * @Compile gcc daemon_process.c -o daemon_process * @Reference program list 13-1 in APUE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <errno.h> #define PRINT_PID() printf( "Row%d: getpid=%d.\n", __LINE__, getpid() ) //守护进程对应的用户必须对该文件具有访问权限 #define LOCK_FILE "/home/vfhky/daemon_process.pid" #define MAXLINE 1024 /** * Print a message and return to caller. * Caller specifies "errnoflag". */ static void err_doit(int errnoflag, int error, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char bufMAXLINE; vsnprintf(buf, MAXLINE, fmt, ap); if (errnoflag) snprintf(buf+strlen(buf), MAXLINE-strlen(buf), ": %s", strerror(error)); strcat(buf, "\n"); fflush(stdout); /* in case stdout and stderr are the same */ fputs(buf, stderr); fflush(NULL); /* flushes all stdio output streams */ } /** * Fatal error unrelated to a system call. * Print a message and terminate. */ void err_quit(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); err_doit(0, 0, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); exit(1); } void daemonize(const char *cmd) { int i, fd0, fd1, fd2; pid_t pid; struct rlimit rl; struct sigaction sa; /** * 第一步:设置文件模式屏蔽字为0 * Clear file creation mask. */ umask(0); /** * 获取最大的文件描述符数目 * Get maximum number of file descriptors. */ if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) < 0) err_quit("%s: can't get file limit", cmd); /** * 第二步:创建一个子进程,使父进程退出 * Become a session leader to lose controlling TTY. */ if ((pid = fork()) < 0) err_quit("%s: can't fork", cmd); else if (pid != 0) /* parent */ exit(0); PRINT_PID(); /** * 第三步:创建一个新的会话ID */ setsid(); /** * Ensure future opens won't allocate controlling TTYs. */ sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; if ( sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL) < 0 ) err_quit( "%s: can't ignore SIGHUP" ); if( ( pid = fork() ) < 0 ) //再次创建一个子进程,同样使父进程退出 err_quit("%s: can't fork", cmd); else if( pid != 0 ) /* parent */ exit(0); PRINT_PID(); /** * 第四步:切换当前工作目录到根目录 * Change the current working directory to the root so * we won't prevent file systems from being unmounted. */ if (chdir("/") < 0) err_quit("%s: can't change directory to /"); /** * 第五步:关闭所有打开的文件描述符 * Close all open file descriptors. */ if (rl.rlim_max == RLIM_INFINITY) rl.rlim_max = 1024; for (i = 0; i < rl.rlim_max; i++) close(i); /** * 第六步:使/dev/null具有文件描述符0,1,2. * Attach file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 to /dev/null. */ fd0 = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); fd1 = dup(0); fd2 = dup(0); /** * Initialize the log file. * @para-in: cmd: the identifier in the log. */ openlog( cmd, LOG_CONS, LOG_DAEMON ); if( fd0 != 0 || fd1 != 1 || fd2 != 2 ) { syslog( LOG_ERR, "unexpected file descriptors %d %d %d", fd0, fd1, fd2 ); exit(1); } /** * 第七步:通过文件锁避免重复运行多个守护进程 */ int lockfd = open( LOCK_FILE, O_RDWR ); if( lockfd < 0 ) { syslog( LOG_ERR, "Cannot lock file%s, aborting%s.\n", LOCK_FILE, strerror(errno) ); //下面这一行无法打印到控制台,项目上应该打印到日志文件中 printf( "Cannot lock file%s, aborting%s.\n", LOCK_FILE, strerror(errno) ); exit(-1); } if( lockf(lockfd,F_TLOCK,0) < 0 ) { syslog( LOG_ERR, "Daemon process is already running%s.\n", strerror(errno) ); //下面这一行无法打印到控制台,项目上应该打印到日志文件中 printf( "Daemon process is already running%s.\n", strerror(errno) ); exit(-2); } } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { PRINT_PID(); daemonize( "Daemon test." ); //由于父进程退出,所有只有最后一个子进程执行下面的语句(休眠) printf( "This line will not be print for the daemon process has no terminate.\n" ); while(1) sleep(120); return 0; }

2 程序编译

使用《Linux C/C++工程中可生成ELF、动/静态库文件的通用Makefile》一文中的Makefile文件进行程序编译,当然也可以使用命令进行编译gcc daemon_process.c -o daemon_process

3 创建第一个守护进程



其中使用ps -axj|head -n 1; ps -axj|grep daemon_process命令发现子进程(PID:25874)的父进程为1进程(init进程),终端TTY为空。

接着使用命令pstree -pul查看当前用户的所有进程情况,如下图所示,再次说明守护进程(PID:25874)创建成功了。

使用命令pstree -pul查看用户进程
使用命令pstree -pul查看用户进程
4 创建第二个守护进程

如果尝试再次创建一个同样的守护进程,如下图所示。执行命令ps -axj|head -n 1; ps -axj|grep daemon_process,发现仍然只有一个守护进程(PID:25874),也就是创建第二个守护进程失败。


这时使用cat /var/log/message命令查看进程在Linux系统日志文件中打印的内容,如下图所示:



5 附录

关于openlogsyslog函数的使用方法,可以通过命令man 3 syslog查看,大概就是根据日志标识符(ident)和日志level(LOG_EMERG、LOG_ERR、LOG_WARNING等)和日志文件类型facility(LOG_CRON、LOG_MAIL、LOG_SYSLOG和默认的LOG_USER等)把进程的内容输出到Linux系统某一类型的日志文件中。

    #include <syslog.h>

    void openlog(const char *ident, int option, int facility);
    void syslog(int priority, const char *format, ...);
    void closelog(void);

    closelog()  closes  the descriptor being used to write to the system logger.
    The use of closelog() is optional.

    openlog() opens a connection to the system logger for a program.  The string
    pointed  to  by ident is prepended to every message, and is typically set to
    the  program  name.   If  ident  is  NULL,  the  program   name   is   used.
    (POSIX.1-2008 does not specify the behavior when ident is NULL.)

    The option argument specifies flags which control the operation of openlog()
    and subsequent calls to  syslog().   The  facility  argument  establishes  a
    default  to  be  used  if none is specified in subsequent calls to syslog().
    Values for option and facility are given below.  The  use  of  openlog()  is
    optional; it will automatically be called by syslog() if necessary, in which
    case ident will default to NULL.

    syslog() generates a log message, which will be distributed  by  syslogd(8).
    The  priority  argument is formed by ORing the facility and the level values
    (explained below).  The remaining arguments are a format,  as  in  printf(3)
    and  any  arguments  required  by  the format, except that the two character
    sequence %m will be replaced by the error message string strerror(errno).  A
    trailing newline may be added if needed.
本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2016-03-14 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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0 条评论
  • 1 完整程序:单实例守护进程
  • 2 程序编译
  • 3 创建第一个守护进程
  • 4 创建第二个守护进程
  • 5 附录
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