Diesel 是一个安全且高性能的查询构建器和用 Rust 编写的 ORM。此版本包含多项新功能并改进了现有功能。Diesel 现在提供了一个过程宏属性,用于推断查询的正确返回类型。现在可以检测Diesel提供的连接实现,以执行记录和性能测量。我们添加了对 PostgreSQL COPY FROM
语法的支持,可用于有效地发送和接收大量数据。我们的依赖项包装了本机数据库驱动程序,现在支持所有构建数据库驱动程序作为 . cargo build
这使我们能够轻松地分发 diesel-cli 的静态预编译版本。最后,我们与 Rust 团队合作,稳定属性,以自定义编译器发出的错误消息。现在,Diesel使用它来提高某些难以理解的错误消息的质量。
更多信息查看 GitHub,https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel
它支持带有 AES-GCM 和 ChaCha20Poly1305 的 AEAD。它使用ring crate来处理加密。
使用内存中的缓冲区进行加密和解密 这是使用它的最高性能方式,因为它不会将字节复制到缓冲区,也不会为明文和密文分配新内存。
from rencrypt import REncrypt, Cipher
import os
from zeroize import zeroize1
# You can use also other ciphers like `cipher = Cipher.ChaCha20Poly1305`.
cipher = Cipher.AES256GCM
key = cipher.generate_key()
# The key is copied and the input key is zeroized for security reasons.
# The copied key will also be zeroized when the object is dropped.
enc = REncrypt(cipher, key)
# we get a buffer based on block len 4096 plaintext
# the actual buffer will be 28 bytes larger as in ciphertext we also include the tag and nonce
plaintext_len, ciphertext_len, buf = enc.create_buf(4096)
aad = b"AAD"
# put some plaintext in the buffer, it would be ideal if you can directly collect the data into the buffer without allocating new memory
# but for the sake of example we will allocate and copy the data
plaintext = bytearray(os.urandom(plaintext_len))
# enc.copy_slice is slighlty faster than buf[:plaintext_len] = plaintext, especially for large plaintext, because it copies the data in parallel
# enc.copy_slice takes bytes as input, enc.copy_slice1 takes bytearray
enc.copy_slice1(plaintext, buf)
# encrypt it, this will encrypt in-place the data in the buffer
ciphertext_len = enc.encrypt(buf, plaintext_len, 42, aad)
cipertext = buf[:ciphertext_len]
# you can do something with the ciphertext
# decrypt it
# if you need to copy ciphertext to buffer, we don't need to do it now as it's already in the buffer
# enc.copy_slice(ciphertext, buf[:len(ciphertext)])
plaintext_len = enc.decrypt(buf, ciphertext_len, 42, aad)
plaintext2 = buf[:plaintext_len]
assert plaintext == plaintext2
# best practice, you should always zeroize the plaintext and keys after you are done with it (key will be zeroized when the enc object is dropped)
更多信息请查看github, https://github.com/radumarias/rencrypt-python
gpm init
gpm type add <NAME> <EXT> <SHELL>
Change your shell config at ~/.gpm/types.toml
在 ~/.gpm/types.toml
中更改 shell 配置。
更多信息查看 GitHub,https://github.com/8LWXpg/gpm
From 日报小组 [倪步烤Neo]