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论文周报[0617-0623] | 推荐系统领域最新研究进展(19篇)

发布2024-07-05 13:56:33
发布2024-07-05 13:56:33


1. Optimizing Novelty of Top-k Recommendations using Large Language Models and Reinforcement Learning

2. Personalized Music Recommendation with a Heterogeneity-aware Deep Bayesian Network

3. Taxonomy-Guided Zero-Shot Recommendations with LLMs

4. UpDLRM: Accelerating Personalized Recommendation using Real-World PIM Architecture

5. Enhancing Collaborative Semantics of Language Model-Driven Recommendations via Graph-Aware Learning

6. News Without Borders: Domain Adaptation of Multilingual Sentence Embeddings for Cross-lingual News Recommendation

7. Behavior-Dependent Linear Recurrent Units for Efficient Sequential Recommendation

8. LLM4MSR: An LLM-Enhanced Paradigm for Multi-Scenario Recommendation

9. "You Gotta be a Doctor, Lin": An Investigation of Name-Based Bias of Large Language Models in Employment Recommendations

10. Balancing Embedding Spectrum for Recommendation

11. When Box Meets Graph Neural Network in Tag-aware Recommendation

12. DiffMM: Multi-Modal Diffusion Model for Recommendation

13. Multi-Layer Ranking with Large Language Models for News Source Recommendation

14. DELRec: Distilling Sequential Pattern to Enhance LLM-based Recommendation

15. Unifying Graph Convolution and Contrastive Learning in Collaborative Filtering

16. EAGER: Two-Stream Generative Recommender with Behavior-Semantic Collaboration

17. Improving Multi-modal Recommender Systems by Denoising and Aligning Multi-modal Content and User Feedback

18. LLM-enhanced Reranking in Recommender Systems

19. Mutual Learning for Finetuning Click-Through Rate Prediction Models

1. Optimizing Novelty of Top-k Recommendations using Large Language Models and Reinforcement Learning

Amit Sharma, Hua Li, Xue Li, Jian Jiao


Given an input query, a recommendation model is trained using user feedback data (e.g., click data) to output a ranked list of items. In real-world systems, besides accuracy, an important consideration for a new model is novelty of its top-k recommendations w.r.t. an existing deployed model. However, novelty of top-k items is a difficult goal to optimize a model for, since it involves a non-differentiable sorting operation on the model's predictions. Moreover, novel items, by definition, do not have any user feedback data. Given the semantic capabilities of large language models, we address these problems using a reinforcement learning (RL) formulation where large language models provide feedback for the novel items. However, given millions of candidate items, the sample complexity of a standard RL algorithm can be prohibitively high. To reduce sample complexity, we reduce the top-k list reward to a set of item-wise rewards and reformulate the state space to consist of <query, item> tuples such that the action space is reduced to a binary decision; and show that this reformulation results in a significantly lower complexity when the number of items is large. We evaluate the proposed algorithm on improving novelty for a query-ad recommendation task on a large-scale search engine. Compared to supervised finetuning on recent <query, ad> pairs, the proposed RL-based algorithm leads to significant novelty gains with minimal loss in recall. We obtain similar results on the ORCAS query-webpage matching dataset and a product recommendation dataset based on Amazon reviews.

2. Personalized Music Recommendation with a Heterogeneity-aware Deep Bayesian Network

Erkang Jing, Yezheng Liu, Yidong Chai, Shuo Yu, Longshun Liu, Yuanchun Jiang, Yang Wang


Music recommender systems are crucial in music streaming platforms, providing users with music they would enjoy. Recent studies have shown that user emotions can affect users' music mood preferences. However, existing emotion-aware music recommender systems (EMRSs) explicitly or implicitly assume that users' actual emotional states expressed by an identical emotion word are homogeneous. They also assume that users' music mood preferences are homogeneous under an identical emotional state. In this article, we propose four types of heterogeneity that an EMRS should consider: emotion heterogeneity across users, emotion heterogeneity within a user, music mood preference heterogeneity across users, and music mood preference heterogeneity within a user. We further propose a Heterogeneity-aware Deep Bayesian Network (HDBN) to model these assumptions. The HDBN mimics a user's decision process to choose music with four components: personalized prior user emotion distribution modeling, posterior user emotion distribution modeling, user grouping, and Bayesian neural network-based music mood preference prediction. We constructed a large-scale dataset called EmoMusicLJ to validate our method. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms baseline approaches on widely used HR and NDCG recommendation metrics. Ablation experiments and case studies further validate the effectiveness of our HDBN. The source code is available at https://github.com/jingrk/HDBN

3. Taxonomy-Guided Zero-Shot Recommendations with LLMs

Yueqing Liang, Liangwei Yang, Chen Wang, Xiongxiao Xu, Philip S. Yu, Kai Shu


With the emergence of large language models (LLMs) and their ability to perform a variety of tasks, their application in recommender systems (RecSys) has shown promise. However, we are facing significant challenges when deploying LLMs into RecSys, such as limited prompt length, unstructured item information, and un-constrained generation of recommendations, leading to sub-optimal performance. To address these issues, we propose a novel method using a taxonomy dictionary. This method provides a systematic framework for categorizing and organizing items, improving the clarity and structure of item information. By incorporating the taxonomy dictionary into LLM prompts, we achieve efficient token utilization and controlled feature generation, leading to more accurate and contextually relevant recommendations. Our Taxonomy-guided Recommendation (TaxRec) approach features a two-step process: one-time taxonomy categorization and LLM-based recommendation, enabling zero-shot recommendations without the need for domain-specific fine-tuning. Experimental results demonstrate TaxRec significantly enhances recommendation quality compared to traditional zero-shot approaches, showcasing its efficacy as personal recommender with LLMs. Code is available at https://github.com/yueqingliang1/TaxRec

4. UpDLRM: Accelerating Personalized Recommendation using Real-World PIM Architecture

Sitian Chen, Haobin Tan, Amelie Chi Zhou, Yusen Li, Pavan Balaji


Deep Learning Recommendation Models (DLRMs) have gained popularity in recommendation systems due to their effectiveness in handling large-scale recommendation tasks. The embedding layers of DLRMs have become the performance bottleneck due to their intensive needs on memory capacity and memory bandwidth. In this paper, we propose UpDLRM, which utilizes real-world processingin-memory (PIM) hardware, UPMEM DPU, to boost the memory bandwidth and reduce recommendation latency. The parallel nature of the DPU memory can provide high aggregated bandwidth for the large number of irregular memory accesses in embedding lookups, thus offering great potential to reduce the inference latency. To fully utilize the DPU memory bandwidth, we further studied the embedding table partitioning problem to achieve good workload-balance and efficient data caching. Evaluations using real-world datasets show that, UpDLRM achieves much lower inference time for DLRM compared to both CPU-only and CPU-GPU hybrid counterparts.

5. Enhancing Collaborative Semantics of Language Model-Driven Recommendations via Graph-Aware Learning

Zhong Guan, Likang Wu, Hongke Zhao, Ming He, Jianpin Fan


Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly prominent in the recommendation systems domain. Existing studies usually utilize in-context learning or supervised fine-tuning on task-specific data to align LLMs into recommendations. However, the substantial bias in semantic spaces between language processing tasks and recommendation tasks poses a nonnegligible challenge. Specifically, without the adequate capturing ability of collaborative information, existing modeling paradigms struggle to capture behavior patterns within community groups, leading to LLMs' ineffectiveness in discerning implicit interaction semantic in recommendation scenarios. To address this, we consider enhancing the learning capability of language model-driven recommendation models for structured data, specifically by utilizing interaction graphs rich in collaborative semantics. We propose a Graph-Aware Learning for Language Model-Driven Recommendations (GAL-Rec). GAL-Rec enhances the understanding of user-item collaborative semantics by imitating the intent of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to aggregate multi-hop information, thereby fully exploiting the substantial learning capacity of LLMs to independently address the complex graphs in the recommendation system. Sufficient experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate that GAL-Rec significantly enhances the comprehension of collaborative semantics, and improves recommendation performance.

6. News Without Borders: Domain Adaptation of Multilingual Sentence Embeddings for Cross-lingual News Recommendation

Andreea Iana, Fabian David Schmidt, Goran Glavaš, Heiko Paulheim


Rapidly growing numbers of multilingual news consumers pose an increasing challenge to news recommender systems in terms of providing customized recommendations. First, existing neural news recommenders, even when powered by multilingual language models (LMs), suffer substantial performance losses in zero-shot cross-lingual transfer (ZS-XLT). Second, the current paradigm of fine-tuning the backbone LM of a neural recommender on task-specific data is computationally expensive and infeasible in few-shot recommendation and cold-start setups, where data is scarce or completely unavailable. In this work, we propose a news-adapted sentence encoder (NaSE), domain-specialized from a pretrained massively multilingual sentence encoder (SE). To this end, we construct and leverage PolyNews and PolyNewsParallel, two multilingual news-specific corpora. With the news-adapted multilingual SE in place, we test the effectiveness of (i.e., question the need for) supervised fine-tuning for news recommendation, and propose a simple and strong baseline based on (i) frozen NaSE embeddings and (ii) late click-behavior fusion. We show that NaSE achieves state-of-the-art performance in ZS-XLT in true cold-start and few-shot news recommendation.

7. Behavior-Dependent Linear Recurrent Units for Efficient Sequential Recommendation

Chengkai Liu, Jianghao Lin, Hanzhou Liu, Jianling Wang, James Caverlee


Sequential recommender systems aims to predict the users' next interaction through user behavior modeling with various operators like RNNs and attentions. However, existing models generally fail to achieve the three golden principles for sequential recommendation simultaneously, i.e., training efficiency, low-cost inference, and strong performance. To this end, we propose RecBLR, an Efficient Sequential Recommendation Model based on Behavior-Dependent Linear Recurrent Units to accomplish the impossible triangle of the three principles. By incorporating gating mechanisms and behavior-dependent designs into linear recurrent units, our model significantly enhances user behavior modeling and recommendation performance. Furthermore, we unlock the parallelizable training as well as inference efficiency for our model by designing a hardware-aware scanning acceleration algorithm with a customized CUDA kernel. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets with varying lengths of user behavior sequences demonstrate RecBLR's remarkable effectiveness in simultaneously achieving all three golden principles - strong recommendation performance, training efficiency, and low-cost inference, while exhibiting excellent scalability to datasets with long user interaction histories.

8. LLM4MSR: An LLM-Enhanced Paradigm for Multi-Scenario Recommendation

Yuhao Wang, Yichao Wang, Zichuan Fu, Xiangyang Li, Xiangyu Zhao, Huifeng Guo, Ruiming Tang


As the demand for more personalized recommendation grows and a dramatic boom in commercial scenarios arises, the study on multi-scenario recommendation (MSR) has attracted much attention, which uses the data from all scenarios to simultaneously improve their recommendation performance. However, existing methods tend to integrate insufficient scenario knowledge and neglect learning personalized cross-scenario preferences, thus leading to suboptimal performance and inadequate interpretability. Meanwhile, though large language model (LLM) has shown great capability of reasoning and capturing semantic information, the high inference latency and high computation cost of tuning hinder its implementation in industrial recommender systems. To fill these gaps, we propose an effective efficient interpretable LLM-enhanced paradigm LLM4MSR in this work. Specifically, we first leverage LLM to uncover multi-level knowledge including scenario correlations and users' cross-scenario interests from the designed scenario- and user-level prompt without fine-tuning the LLM, then adopt hierarchical meta networks to generate multi-level meta layers to explicitly improves the scenario-aware and personalized recommendation capability. Our experiments on KuaiSAR-small, KuaiSAR, and Amazon datasets validate two significant advantages of LLM4MSR: (i) the effectiveness and compatibility with different multi-scenario backbone models (achieving 1.5%, 1%, and 40% AUC improvement on three datasets), (ii) high efficiency and deployability on industrial recommender systems, and (iii) improved interpretability. The implemented code and data is available to ease reproduction. https://anonymous.4open.science/r/LLM4MSR/

9. "You Gotta be a Doctor, Lin": An Investigation of Name-Based Bias of Large Language Models in Employment Recommendations

Huy Nghiem, John Prindle, Jieyu Zhao, Hal Daumé III


Social science research has shown that candidates with names indicative of certain races or genders often face discrimination in employment practices. Similarly, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated racial and gender biases in various applications. In this study, we utilize GPT-3.5-Turbo and Llama 3-70B-Instruct to simulate hiring decisions and salary recommendations for candidates with 320 first names that strongly signal their race and gender, across over 750,000 prompts. Our empirical results indicate a preference among these models for hiring candidates with White female-sounding names over other demographic groups across 40 occupations. Additionally, even among candidates with identical qualifications, salary recommendations vary by as much as 5% between different subgroups. A comparison with real-world labor data reveals inconsistent alignment with U.S. labor market characteristics, underscoring the necessity of risk investigation of LLM-powered systems.

10. Balancing Embedding Spectrum for Recommendation

Shaowen Peng, Kazunari Sugiyama, Xin Liu, Tsunenori Mine


Modern recommender systems heavily rely on high-quality representations learned from high-dimensional sparse data. While significant efforts have been invested in designing powerful algorithms for extracting user preferences, the factors contributing to good representations have remained relatively unexplored. In this work, we shed light on an issue in the existing pair-wise learning paradigm (i.e., the embedding collapse problem), that the representations tend to span a subspace of the whole embedding space, leading to a suboptimal solution and reducing the model capacity. Specifically, optimization on observed interactions is equivalent to a low pass filter causing users/items to have the same representations and resulting in a complete collapse. While negative sampling acts as a high pass filter to alleviate the collapse by balancing the embedding spectrum, its effectiveness is only limited to certain losses, which still leads to an incomplete collapse. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel method called DirectSpec, acting as a reliable all pass filter to balance the spectrum distribution of the embeddings during training, ensuring that users/items effectively span the entire embedding space. Additionally, we provide a thorough analysis of DirectSpec from a decorrelation perspective and propose an enhanced variant, DirectSpec+, which employs self-paced gradients to optimize irrelevant samples more effectively. Moreover, we establish a close connection between DirectSpec+ and uniformity, demonstrating that contrastive learning (CL) can alleviate the collapse issue by indirectly balancing the spectrum. Finally, we implement DirectSpec and DirectSpec+ on two popular recommender models: MF and LightGCN. Our experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness and efficiency over competitive baselines.

11. When Box Meets Graph Neural Network in Tag-aware Recommendation

Fake Lin, Ziwei Zhao, Xi Zhu, Da Zhang, Shitian Shen, Xueying Li, Tong Xu, Suojuan Zhang, Enhong Chen


Last year has witnessed the re-flourishment of tag-aware recommender systems supported by the LLM-enriched tags. Unfortunately, though large efforts have been made, current solutions may fail to describe the diversity and uncertainty inherent in user preferences with only tag-driven profiles. Recently, with the development of geometry-based techniques, e.g., box embedding, diversity of user preferences now could be fully modeled as the range within a box in high dimension space. However, defect still exists as these approaches are incapable of capturing high-order neighbor signals, i.e., semantic-rich multi-hop relations within the user-tag-item tripartite graph, which severely limits the effectiveness of user modeling. To deal with this challenge, in this paper, we propose a novel algorithm, called BoxGNN, to perform the message aggregation via combination of logical operations, thereby incorporating high-order signals. Specifically, we first embed users, items, and tags as hyper-boxes rather than simple points in the representation space, and define two logical operations to facilitate the subsequent process. Next, we perform the message aggregation mechanism via the combination of logical operations, to obtain the corresponding high-order box representations. Finally, we adopt a volume-based learning objective with Gumbel smoothing techniques to refine the representation of boxes. Extensive experiments on two publicly available datasets and one LLM-enhanced e-commerce dataset have validated the superiority of BoxGNN compared with various state-of-the-art baselines. The code is released online https://github.com/critical88/BoxGNN

12. DiffMM: Multi-Modal Diffusion Model for Recommendation

Yangqin Jiang, Lianghao Xia, Wei Wei, Da Luo, Kangyi Lin, Chao Huang


The rise of online multi-modal sharing platforms like TikTok and YouTube has enabled personalized recommender systems to incorporate multiple modalities (such as visual, textual, and acoustic) into user representations. However, addressing the challenge of data sparsity in these systems remains a key issue. To address this limitation, recent research has introduced self-supervised learning techniques to enhance recommender systems. However, these methods often rely on simplistic random augmentation or intuitive cross-view information, which can introduce irrelevant noise and fail to accurately align the multi-modal context with user-item interaction modeling. To fill this research gap, we propose a novel multi-modal graph diffusion model for recommendation called DiffMM. Our framework integrates a modality-aware graph diffusion model with a cross-modal contrastive learning paradigm to improve modality-aware user representation learning. This integration facilitates better alignment between multi-modal feature information and collaborative relation modeling. Our approach leverages diffusion models' generative capabilities to automatically generate a user-item graph that is aware of different modalities, facilitating the incorporation of useful multi-modal knowledge in modeling user-item interactions. We conduct extensive experiments on three public datasets, consistently demonstrating the superiority of our DiffMM over various competitive baselines. For open-sourced model implementation details, you can access the source codes of our proposed framework at: https://github.com/HKUDS/DiffMM

13. Multi-Layer Ranking with Large Language Models for News Source Recommendation

Wenjia Zhang, Lin Gui, Rob Procter, Yulan He


To seek reliable information sources for news events, we introduce a novel task of expert recommendation, which aims to identify trustworthy sources based on their previously quoted statements. To achieve this, we built a novel dataset, called NewsQuote, consisting of 23,571 quote-speaker pairs sourced from a collection of news articles. We formulate the recommendation task as the retrieval of experts based on their likelihood of being associated with a given query. We also propose a multi-layer ranking framework employing Large Language Models to improve the recommendation performance. Our results show that employing an in-context learning based LLM ranker and a multi-layer ranking-based filter significantly improve both the predictive quality and behavioural quality of the recommender system.

14. DELRec: Distilling Sequential Pattern to Enhance LLM-based Recommendation

Guohao Sun, Haoyi Zhang


Sequential recommendation (SR) tasks enhance recommendation accuracy by capturing the connection between users' past interactions and their changing preferences. Conventional models often focus solely on capturing sequential patterns within the training data, neglecting the broader context and semantic information embedded in item titles from external sources. This limits their predictive power and adaptability. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have shown promise in SR tasks due to their advanced understanding capabilities and strong generalization abilities. Researchers have attempted to enhance LLMs' recommendation performance by incorporating information from SR models. However, previous approaches have encountered problems such as 1) only influencing LLMs at the result level; 2) increased complexity of LLMs recommendation methods leading to reduced interpretability; 3) incomplete understanding and utilization of SR models information by LLMs.

To address these problems, we proposes a novel framework, DELRec, which aims to extract knowledge from SR models and enable LLMs to easily comprehend and utilize this supplementary information for more effective sequential recommendations. DELRec consists of two main stages: 1) SR Models Pattern Distilling, focusing on extracting behavioral patterns exhibited by SR models using soft prompts through two well-designed strategies; 2) LLMs-based Sequential Recommendation, aiming to fine-tune LLMs to effectively use the distilled auxiliary information to perform SR tasks. Extensive experimental results conducted on three real datasets validate the effectiveness of the DELRec framework.

15. Unifying Graph Convolution and Contrastive Learning in Collaborative Filtering

Yihong Wu, Le Zhang, Fengran Mo, Tianyu Zhu, Weizhi Ma, Jian-Yun Nie


Graph-based models and contrastive learning have emerged as prominent methods in Collaborative Filtering (CF). While many existing models in CF incorporate these methods in their design, there seems to be a limited depth of analysis regarding the foundational principles behind them. This paper bridges graph convolution, a pivotal element of graph-based models, with contrastive learning through a theoretical framework. By examining the learning dynamics and equilibrium of the contrastive loss, we offer a fresh lens to understand contrastive learning via graph theory, emphasizing its capability to capture high-order connectivity. Building on this analysis, we further show that the graph convolutional layers often used in graph-based models are not essential for high-order connectivity modeling and might contribute to the risk of oversmoothing. Stemming from our findings, we introduce Simple Contrastive Collaborative Filtering (SCCF), a simple and effective algorithm based on a naive embedding model and a modified contrastive loss. The efficacy of the algorithm is demonstrated through extensive experiments across four public datasets. The experiment code is available at https://github.com/wu1hong/SCCF

16. EAGER: Two-Stream Generative Recommender with Behavior-Semantic Collaboration

Ye Wang, Jiahao Xun, Mingjie Hong, Jieming Zhu, Tao Jin, Wang Lin, Haoyuan Li, Linjun Li, Yan Xia, Zhou Zhao, Zhenhua Dong


Generative retrieval has recently emerged as a promising approach to sequential recommendation, framing candidate item retrieval as an autoregressive sequence generation problem. However, existing generative methods typically focus solely on either behavioral or semantic aspects of item information, neglecting their complementary nature and thus resulting in limited effectiveness. To address this limitation, we introduce EAGER, a novel generative recommendation framework that seamlessly integrates both behavioral and semantic information. Specifically, we identify three key challenges in combining these two types of information: a unified generative architecture capable of handling two feature types, ensuring sufficient and independent learning for each type, and fostering subtle interactions that enhance collaborative information utilization. To achieve these goals, we propose (1) a two-stream generation architecture leveraging a shared encoder and two separate decoders to decode behavior tokens and semantic tokens with a confidence-based ranking strategy; (2) a global contrastive task with summary tokens to achieve discriminative decoding for each type of information; and (3) a semantic-guided transfer task designed to implicitly promote cross-interactions through reconstruction and estimation objectives. We validate the effectiveness of EAGER on four public benchmarks, demonstrating its superior performance compared to existing methods. https://reczoo.github.io/EAGER

17. Improving Multi-modal Recommender Systems by Denoising and Aligning Multi-modal Content and User Feedback

Guipeng Xv, Xinyu Li, Ruobing Xie, Chen Lin, Chong Liu, Feng Xia, Zhanhui Kang, Leyu Lin


Multi-modal recommender systems (MRSs) are pivotal in diverse online web platforms and have garnered considerable attention in recent years. However, previous studies overlook the challenges of (1) noisy multi-modal content, (2) noisy user feedback, and (3) aligning multi-modal content with user feedback. In order to tackle these challenges, we propose Denoising and Aligning Multi-modal Recommender System (DA-MRS). To mitigate multi-modal noise, DA-MRS first constructs item-item graphs determined by consistent content similarity across modalities. To denoise user feedback, DA-MRS associates the probability of observed feedback with multi-modal content and devises a denoised BPR loss. Furthermore, DA-MRS implements Alignment guided by User preference to enhance task-specific item representation and Alignment guided by graded Item relations to provide finer-grained alignment. Extensive experiments verify that DA-MRS is a plug-and-play framework and achieves significant and consistent improvements across various datasets, backbone models, and noisy scenarios.

18. LLM-enhanced Reranking in Recommender Systems

Jingtong Gao, Bo Chen, Xiangyu Zhao, Weiwen Liu, Xiangyang Li, Yichao Wang, Zijian Zhang, Wanyu Wang, Yuyang Ye, Shanru Lin, Huifeng Guo, Ruiming Tang


Reranking is a critical component in recommender systems, playing an essential role in refining the output of recommendation algorithms. Traditional reranking models have focused predominantly on accuracy, but modern applications demand consideration of additional criteria such as diversity and fairness. Existing reranking approaches often fail to harmonize these diverse criteria effectively at the model level. Moreover, these models frequently encounter challenges with scalability and personalization due to their complexity and the varying significance of different reranking criteria in diverse scenarios. In response, we introduce a comprehensive reranking framework enhanced by LLM, designed to seamlessly integrate various reranking criteria while maintaining scalability and facilitating personalized recommendations. This framework employs a fully connected graph structure, allowing the LLM to simultaneously consider multiple aspects such as accuracy, diversity, and fairness through a coherent Chain-of-Thought (CoT) process. A customizable input mechanism is also integrated, enabling the tuning of the language model's focus to meet specific reranking needs. We validate our approach using three popular public datasets, where our framework demonstrates superior performance over existing state-of-the-art reranking models in balancing multiple criteria.

19. Mutual Learning for Finetuning Click-Through Rate Prediction Models

Ibrahim Can Yilmaz, Said Aldemir


Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction has become an essential task in digital industries, such as digital advertising or online shopping. Many deep learning-based methods have been implemented and have become state-of-the-art models in the domain. To further improve the performance of CTR models, Knowledge Distillation based approaches have been widely used. However, most of the current CTR prediction models do not have much complex architectures, so it's hard to call one of them 'cumbersome' and the other one 'tiny'. On the other hand, the performance gap is also not very large between complex and simple models. So, distilling knowledge from one model to the other could not be worth the effort. Under these considerations, Mutual Learning could be a better approach, since all the models could be improved mutually. In this paper, we showed how useful the mutual learning algorithm could be when it is between equals. In our experiments on the Criteo and Avazu datasets, the mutual learning algorithm improved the performance of the model by up to 0.66% relative improvement.

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0 条评论
  • 1. Optimizing Novelty of Top-k Recommendations using Large Language Models and Reinforcement Learning
  • 2. Personalized Music Recommendation with a Heterogeneity-aware Deep Bayesian Network
  • 3. Taxonomy-Guided Zero-Shot Recommendations with LLMs
  • 4. UpDLRM: Accelerating Personalized Recommendation using Real-World PIM Architecture
  • 5. Enhancing Collaborative Semantics of Language Model-Driven Recommendations via Graph-Aware Learning
  • 6. News Without Borders: Domain Adaptation of Multilingual Sentence Embeddings for Cross-lingual News Recommendation
  • 7. Behavior-Dependent Linear Recurrent Units for Efficient Sequential Recommendation
  • 8. LLM4MSR: An LLM-Enhanced Paradigm for Multi-Scenario Recommendation
  • 9. "You Gotta be a Doctor, Lin": An Investigation of Name-Based Bias of Large Language Models in Employment Recommendations
  • 10. Balancing Embedding Spectrum for Recommendation
  • 11. When Box Meets Graph Neural Network in Tag-aware Recommendation
  • 12. DiffMM: Multi-Modal Diffusion Model for Recommendation
  • 13. Multi-Layer Ranking with Large Language Models for News Source Recommendation
  • 14. DELRec: Distilling Sequential Pattern to Enhance LLM-based Recommendation
  • 15. Unifying Graph Convolution and Contrastive Learning in Collaborative Filtering
  • 16. EAGER: Two-Stream Generative Recommender with Behavior-Semantic Collaboration
  • 17. Improving Multi-modal Recommender Systems by Denoising and Aligning Multi-modal Content and User Feedback
  • 18. LLM-enhanced Reranking in Recommender Systems
  • 19. Mutual Learning for Finetuning Click-Through Rate Prediction Models
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