项目上引用nuget包 Wesky.Net.OpenTools(包同时兼容.net standard2.0和2.1,可以被.net framework4.6.1+环境引用和所有.net core和.net 5以上版本引用)
Gitee:https://gitee.com/dreamer_j/open-tools.git Github:https://github.com/LittleLittleRobot/OpenTools.git 个人公众号:Dotnet Dancer 工具更新说明: 1.0.1 提供AES加密解密功能 1.0.2 提供本地Ping远程主机功能,包括支持IP地址、域名
1 /// <summary>
2 /// 对指定主机执行 ping 操作并返回结果
3 /// Ping the specified host and return the result
4 /// </summary>
5 /// <param name="host">需要被 ping 的主机或 IP 地址 The hostname or IP address to ping</param>
6 /// <param name="timeout">ping 超时时间,以毫秒为单位 Timeout duration in milliseconds for ping</param>
7 /// <returns>包含 ping 操作结果的 PingResultInfo 对象 A PingResultInfo object containing the result of the ping operation</returns>
8 public static PingResultInfo PingHost(string host, int timeout)
9 {
10 try
11 {
12 // 解析域名获取 IP 地址
13 // Resolve the domain name to get IP address
14 IPAddress[] addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(host);
15 if (addresses.Length == 0)
16 {
17 return new PingResultInfo
18 {
19 Host = null,
20 Result = false,
21 Message = "No IP addresses resolved"
22 };
23 }
24 using (Ping pingSender = new Ping())
25 {
26 PingOptions options = new PingOptions
27 {
28 // 设置防止数据包被分片
29 DontFragment = true // Prevent packet fragmentation
30 };
32 // 数据缓冲区,包含要发送的字符串数据
33 // Data buffer containing the string data to send
34 string data = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345";
35 byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
37 // 使用第一个解析的 IP 地址进行 ping 操作
38 // Use the first resolved IP address to perform the ping
39 IPAddress targetIP = addresses[0];
41 // 发送 ping 请求并获取回复
42 // Send the ping request and obtain the reply
43 PingReply reply = pingSender.Send(targetIP, timeout, buffer, options);
45 // 创建并返回包含 ping 操作结果的 PingResultInfo 对象
46 // Create and return a PingResultInfo object containing the ping result
47 return new PingResultInfo
48 {
49 Host = targetIP,
50 Result = reply.Status == IPStatus.Success,
51 Message = reply.Status == IPStatus.Success
52 ? $"Success: RoundTrip time={reply.RoundtripTime}ms; TTL={reply.Options.Ttl}; Data size={buffer.Length} bytes"
53 : $"Failed: Status={reply.Status}",
54 RoundTripTime = reply.Status == IPStatus.Success ? reply.RoundtripTime : -1,
55 Ttl = reply.Status == IPStatus.Success ? reply.Options.Ttl : -1,
56 DataSize = buffer.Length
57 };
58 }
59 }
60 catch (Exception e)
61 {
62 // 捕获异常并返回错误信息
63 // Catch any exceptions and return error information
64 return new PingResultInfo
65 {
66 Host = null,
67 Result = false,
68 Message = $"错误: {e.Message} Error: {e.Message}"
69 };
70 }
71 }
我们也可以直接PING域名,例如 www.baidu.com
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