社区首页 >专栏 >GEE错误:Image.select: Band pattern ‘BQA‘ did not match any bands. Available bands:

GEE错误:Image.select: Band pattern ‘BQA‘ did not match any bands. Available bands:

发布2024-09-13 11:20:56
发布2024-09-13 11:20:56


Error in map(ID=LC08_044034_20130603): Image.select: Band pattern 'BQA' did not match any bands. Available bands: [B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, QA_PIXEL, QA_RADSAT, SAA, SZA, VAA, VZA]


var roi = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Point([-121.9353461265564, 37.56180984982223]),
    l8toa = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA");
Map.centerObject(roi, 10);

// This field contains UNIX time in milliseconds.
var timeField = 'system:time_start';

// Use this function to mask clouds in Landsat 8 imagery.
var maskClouds = function(image) {
  var quality = image.select('BQA');
  var cloud01 = quality.eq(61440);
  var cloud02 = quality.eq(53248);
  var cloud03 = quality.eq(28672);
  var mask = cloud01.or(cloud02).or(cloud03).not();
  return image.updateMask(mask);

// Use this function to add variables for NDVI, time and a constant
// to Landsat 8 imagery.
var addVariables = function(image) {
  // Compute time in fractional years since the epoch.
  var date = ee.Date(image.get(timeField));
  var years = date.difference(ee.Date('1970-01-01'), 'year');
  // Return the image with the added bands.
  return image
    // Add an NDVI band.
    .addBands(image.normalizedDifference(['B5', 'B4']).rename('NDVI')).float()
    // Add a time band.
    // Add a constant band.

// Remove clouds, add variables and filter to the area of interest.
var filteredLandsat = l8toa

// Plot a time series of NDVI at a single location.
var l8Chart = ui.Chart.image.series(filteredLandsat.select('NDVI'), roi)
      title: 'Landsat 8 NDVI time series at ROI',
      trendlines: {0: {
        color: 'CC0000'
      lineWidth: 1,
      pointSize: 3,

Landsat 8 TOA数据介绍


Coastal aerosol

30 meters0.43 - 0.45 μmB2


30 meters0.45 - 0.51 μmB3


30 meters0.53 - 0.59 μmB4


30 meters0.64 - 0.67 μmB5

Near infrared

30 meters0.85 - 0.88 μmB6

Shortwave infrared 1

30 meters1.57 - 1.65 μmB7

Shortwave infrared 2

30 meters2.11 - 2.29 μmB8

Band 8 Panchromatic

15 meters0.52 - 0.90 μmB9


30 meters1.36 - 1.38 μmB10

Thermal infrared 1, resampled from 100m to 30m

30 meters10.60 - 11.19 μmB11

Thermal infrared 2, resampled from 100m to 30m

30 meters11.50 - 12.51 μmQA_PIXEL

Landsat Collection 2 OLI/TIRS QA Bitmask

30 metersQA_PIXEL Bitmask

  • Bit 0: Fill
    • 0: Image data
    • 1: Fill data
  • Bit 1: Dilated Cloud
    • 0: Cloud is not dilated or no cloud
    • 1: Cloud dilation
  • Bit 2: Cirrus
    • 0: Cirrus Confidence: no confidence level set or Low Confidence
    • 1: High confidence cirrus
  • Bit 3: Cloud
    • 0: Cloud confidence is not high
    • 1: High confidence cloud
  • Bit 4: Cloud Shadow
    • 0: Cloud Shadow Confidence is not high
    • 1: High confidence cloud shadow
  • Bit 5: Snow
    • 0: Snow/Ice Confidence is not high
    • 1: High confidence snow cover
  • Bit 6: Clear
    • 0: Cloud or Dilated Cloud bits are set
    • 1: Cloud and Dilated Cloud bits are not set
  • Bit 7: Water
    • 0: Land or cloud
    • 1: Water
  • Bits 8-9: Cloud Confidence
    • 0: No confidence level set
    • 1: Low confidence
    • 2: Medium confidence
    • 3: High confidence
  • Bits 10-11: Cloud Shadow Confidence
    • 0: No confidence level set
    • 1: Low confidence
    • 2: Reserved
    • 3: High confidence
  • Bits 12-13: Snow / Ice Confidence
    • 0: No confidence level set
    • 1: Low confidence
    • 2: Reserved
    • 3: High confidence
  • Bits 14-15: Cirrus Confidence
    • 0: No confidence level set
    • 1: Low confidence
    • 2: Reserved
    • 3: High confidence


Radiometric saturation QA

30 metersQA_RADSAT Bitmask

  • Bit 0: Band 1 data saturated
  • Bit 1: Band 2 data saturated
  • Bit 2: Band 3 data saturated
  • Bit 3: Band 4 data saturated
  • Bit 4: Band 5 data saturated
  • Bit 5: Band 6 data saturated
  • Bit 6: Band 7 data saturated
  • Bit 7: Unused
  • Bit 8: Band 9 data saturated
  • Bits 9-10: Unused
  • Bit 11: Terrian occlusion
    • 0: No terrain occlusion
    • 1: Terrain occlusion


Solar Azimuth Angle

30 metersSZA

Solar Zenith Angle

30 metersVAA

View Azimuth Angle

30 metersVZA

View Zenith Angle

30 meters


这里我们可以看到很明显的提示,这里的波段中是没有BQA这个波段的,所以这里我们需要进行检查,或者是不是错用了landsat C01之前的数据。这里我们应该使用正常的去云的函数。


var roi = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Point([-121.9353461265564, 37.56180984982223]),
    l8toa = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_TOA");
Map.centerObject(roi, 10);

// Use this function to mask clouds in Landsat 8 imagery.
var maskClouds = function(image) {
  var qa = image.select('QA_PIXEL');
  /// Check that the cloud bit is off.
  // See https://www.usgs.gov/media/files/landsat-8-9-olitirs-collection-2-level-1-data-format-control-book
  var mask = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 3).eq(0);
  return image.updateMask(mask);

// This field contains UNIX time in milliseconds.
var timeField = 'system:time_start';

// Use this function to add variables for NDVI, time and a constant
// to Landsat 8 imagery.
var addVariables = function(image) {
  // Compute time in fractional years since the epoch.
  var date = ee.Date(image.get(timeField));
  var years = date.difference(ee.Date('1970-01-01'), 'year');
  // Return the image with the added bands.
  return image
    // Add an NDVI band.
    .addBands(image.normalizedDifference(['B5', 'B4']).rename('NDVI')).float()
    // Add a time band.
    // Add a constant band.

// Remove clouds, add variables and filter to the area of interest.
var filteredLandsat = l8toa

// Plot a time series of NDVI at a single location.
var l8Chart = ui.Chart.image.series(filteredLandsat.select('NDVI'), roi)
      title: 'Landsat 8 NDVI time series at ROI',
      trendlines: {0: {
        color: 'CC0000'
      lineWidth: 1,
      pointSize: 3,


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原始发表:2024-09-13,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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  • Landsat 8 TOA数据介绍
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