社区首页 >问答首页 >如何在Java越狱游戏中画砖块?


Stack Overflow用户
提问于 2018-10-16 05:54:55
回答 1查看 0关注 0票数 0

有一个突破性的游戏,部分为我创造; 目前它只有弹跳球和蝙蝠; 球没有砖块可以击中。

我需要添加代码来生成砖块,但我正在努力; 我不知道如何解决这个问题,因为我对Java GUI不是很了解。

我已经包含了需要添加代码的类; 需要代码的区域写在注释中


package breakout;

import java.util.Observable;
import static breakout.Global.*;
 * Model of the game of breakout
 *  The active object ActiveModel does the work of moving the ball
 * @author Mike Smith University of Brighton

public class ModelBreakout extends Observable
  private GameObject ball;      // The ball
  private GameObject bricks[];  // The bricks
  private GameObject bat;       // The bat

  private ModelActivePart am  = new ModelActivePart( this );
  private Thread activeModel  = new Thread( am );

  private int score = 0;

  public void createGameObjects()
    ball   = new GameObject(W/2, H/2, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE, Colour.RED );
    bat    = new GameObject(W/2, H - BRICK_HEIGHT*4, BRICK_WIDTH*3, 
                            BRICK_HEIGHT, Colour.GRAY);
    bricks = new GameObject[BRICKS];

    // *[1]**********************************************************
    // * Fill in code to place the bricks on the board              *
    // **************************************************************


  public void startGame()             { activeModel.start(); }

  public GameObject getBall()         { return ball; }

  public GameObject[] getBricks()     { return bricks; }

  public GameObject getBat()          { return bat; }

  public void addToScore( int n )     { score += n; }

  public int getScore()               { return score; }

  public void stopGame()              { }

   * Move the bat dist pixels. (-dist) is left or (+dist) is right
   * @param dist - Distance to move
  public void moveBat( float dist )
    // *[2]**********************************************************
    // * Fill in code to prevent the bat being moved off the screen *
    // **************************************************************
    Debug.trace( "Model: Move bat = %6.2f", dist );

   * Model has changed so notify observers so that they
   *  can redraw the current state of the game
  public void modelChanged()
    setChanged(); notifyObservers();



package breakout;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import static breakout.Global.*;

 * Displays a graphical view of the game of breakout
 *  Uses Garphics2D would need to be re-implemented for Android
 * @author Mike Smith University of Brighton
public class ViewBreakout extends JFrame implements Observer
    private ControllerBreakout controller;
    private GameObject   ball;             // The ball
    private GameObject[] bricks;           // The bricks
    private GameObject   bat;              // The bat
    private int          score =  0;       // The score
    private long         timeTaken = 0;    // How long
    private int          frames = 0;       // Frames output
    private final static int  RESET_AFTER = 200;

     * Construct the view of the game

    public ViewBreakout()
        setSize( W, H );                        // Size of window
        addKeyListener( new Transaction() );    // Called when key press

     *  Code called to draw the current state of the game
     *   Uses draw:       Draw a shape
     *        fill:       Fill the shape
     *        setPaint:   Colour used
     *        drawString: Write string on display
     *  @param g Graphics context to use
    public void drawActualPicture( Graphics2D g )

        // White background

        g.setPaint( Color.white );
        g.fill( new Rectangle2D.Float( 0, 0, W, H ) );

        Font font = new Font("Monospaced",Font.BOLD,24); 
        g.setFont( font ); 

        // Blue playing border

        g.setPaint( Color.blue );              // Paint Colour
        g.draw( new Rectangle2D.Float( B, M, W-B*2, H-M-B ) );

        // Display the ball
        display( g, ball );

        // Display the bricks that make up the game
        // *[3]**********************************************************
        // * Fill in code to display bricks (A brick may not exist)     *
        // **************************************************************

        // Display the bat
        display( g, bat );

        // Display state of game
        g.setPaint( Color.black );
        FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics( font );
        String fmt = "BreakOut: Score = [%6d] fps=%5.1f";
        String text = String.format(fmt, score, 
        if ( frames > RESET_AFTER ) 
        { frames = 0; Timer.startTimer(); }
        g.drawString( text, W/2-fm.stringWidth(text)/2, (int)M*2 );

    private void display( Graphics2D g, GameObject go )
        switch( go.getColour() )
            case GRAY: g.setColor( Color.gray );
            case BLUE: g.setColor( Color.blue );
            case RED:  g.setColor( Color.red );
        g.fill( new Rectangle2D.Float( go.getX(),     go.getY(), 
                go.getWidth(), go.getHeight() ) );

     * Called from the model when its state has changed
     * @param aModel Model to be displayed
     * @param arg    Any arguments
    public void update( Observable aModel, Object arg )
        ModelBreakout model = (ModelBreakout) aModel;
        // Get from the model the ball, bat, bricks & score
        ball    = model.getBall();              // Ball
        bricks  = model.getBricks();            // Bricks
        bat     = model.getBat();               // Bat
        score   = model.getScore();             // Score
        repaint();                              // Re draw game

     * Called by repaint to redraw the Model
     * @param g    Graphics context
    public void update( Graphics g )          // Called by repaint
        drawPicture( (Graphics2D) g );          // Draw Picture

     * Called when window is first shown or damaged
     * @param g    Graphics context
    public void paint( Graphics g )           // When 'Window' is first
    {                                         //  shown or damaged
        drawPicture( (Graphics2D) g );          // Draw Picture

    private BufferedImage theAI;              // Alternate Image
    private Graphics2D    theAG;              // Alternate Graphics

    public void drawPicture( Graphics2D g )   // Double buffer
    {                                         //  to avoid flicker
        if (  theAG == null )
            Dimension d = getSize();              // Size of curr. image
            theAI = (BufferedImage) createImage( d.width, d.height );
            theAG = theAI.createGraphics();
        drawActualPicture( theAG );             // Draw Actual Picture
        g.drawImage( theAI, 0, 0, this );       //  Display on screen

     * Need to be told where the controller is
     * @param aPongController The controller used
    public void setController(ControllerBreakout aPongController)
        controller = aPongController;

     * Methods Called on a key press 
     *  calls the controller to process
    class Transaction implements KeyListener  // When character typed
        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)      // Obey this method
            // Make -ve so not confused with normal characters
            controller.userKeyInteraction( -e.getKeyCode() );

        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
            // Called on key release including specials

        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
            // Send internal code for key
            controller.userKeyInteraction( e.getKeyChar() );


package breakout;

import static breakout.Global.*;

 * A class used by the model to give it an active part.
 *  Which moves the ball every n millesconds and implements
 *  an appropirate action on a collision involving the ball.
 * @author Mike Smith University of Brighton
public class ModelActivePart implements Runnable
  private ModelBreakout model;
  private boolean runGame = true;           // Assume write to is atomic

  public ModelActivePart(ModelBreakout aBreakOutModel)
    model = aBreakOutModel;

   * Stop game, thread will finish
  public void stopGame() { runGame = false; }

   * Code to position the ball after time interval
   *  and work out what happens next

  public void run()
    final float S = 6; // Units to move the ball
      GameObject ball     = model.getBall();     // Ball in game
      GameObject bricks[] = model.getBricks();   // Bricks
      GameObject bat      = model.getBat();      // Bat

      while (runGame)
        double x = ball.getX();
        double y = ball.getY();
        // Deal with possible edge of board hit
        if (x >= W - B - BALL_SIZE)  ball.changeDirectionX();
        if (x <= 0 + B            )  ball.changeDirectionX();
        if (y >= H - B - BALL_SIZE) 
          ball.changeDirectionY(); model.addToScore( HIT_BOTTOM ); 
        if (y <= 0 + M            )  ball.changeDirectionY();

        ball.moveX(S);  ball.moveY(S);

        // As only a hit on the bat/ball is detected it is assumed to be
        // on the top or bottom of the object
        // A hit on the left or right of the object
        //  has an interesting affect

        boolean hit = false;
        // *[4]**********************************************************
        // * Fill in code to check if a brick has been hit              *
        // *  Remember to remove a brick in the array  (if hit)         *
        // *    [remove] - set the array element to null                *
        // **************************************************************
        if (hit)

        if (bat.hitBy(ball) == GameObject.Collision.HIT)

        model.modelChanged(); // Model changed refresh screen

        Thread.sleep(20);     // About 50 Hz
    } catch (Exception e) 
      Debug.error("ModelActivePart - stopped\n%s", e.getMessage() );


现在我不希望你为我做任何事情,我只想知道如何在屏幕上画一块砖; 从那以后我可能会自己休息。


回答 1

Stack Overflow用户

发布于 2018-10-16 15:37:50


public void createGameObjects() 
    ball = new GameObject(W / 2, H / 2, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE, Colour.RED);
    bat = new GameObject(W / 2, H - BRICK_HEIGHT * 4, BRICK_WIDTH * 3,
            BRICK_HEIGHT, Colour.GRAY);
    bricks = new GameObject[BRICKS];

    // *[1]**********************************************************
    // * Fill in code to place the bricks on the board *
    // **************************************************************

    bricks[0] = new GameObject(0, 0, BRICK_HEIGHT, BRICK_WIDTH, Colour.BLUE);


// Display the bricks that make up the game
// *[3]**********************************************************
// * Fill in code to display bricks (A brick may not exist)     *
// **************************************************************

for (GameObject brick : bricks) 
    if (null != brick)
        display ( g, brick );
票数 0
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