
The dawn of artificial intelligence


ISurveillanceanddislocationsare not, though, what worries Messrs Hawking, Musk and Gates, or what inspires aphalanxof futuristic AI films that Hollywood has recently unleashed onto cinema screens. Their concern is altogether more distant and moreapocalyptic: the threat of autonomous machines with superhumancognitivecapacity and interests that conflict with those ofHomo sapiens.

IISuch artificially intelligent beings are still a very long way off; indeed, it may never be possible to create them. Despite a century of poking and prodding at the brain, psychologists,neurologists, sociologists and philosophers are still a long way from an understanding of how a mind might be made—or what one is.And the business case for even limited intelligence of the general sort—the sort that has interests and autonomy—is far from clear. A car that drives itself better than its owner sounds like a boon; a car with its own ideas about where to go, less so.

IIIBut even if the prospect of what Mr Hawking calls “full” AI is still distant, it is prudent for societies to plan for how to cope. That is easier than it seems, not least because humans have been creating autonomous entities with superhuman capacities andunalignedinterests for some time. Governmentbureaucracies, markets and armies: all can do things which unaided, unorganized humans cannot. All need autonomy to function, all can take on life of their own and all can do great harm if not set up in a just manner and governed by laws and regulations.

IVThese parallels should comfort the fearful; they also suggest concrete ways for societies to develop AI safely. Just as armies need civilian oversight, markets are regulated and bureaucracies must be transparent and accountable, so AI systems must be open toscrutiny. Because systems designers cannot foresee every set of circumstances, there must also be anoff-switch. These constraints can be put in place withoutcompromisingprogress. From the nuclear bomb to traffic rules, mankind has used technicalingenuityand legalstricturesto constrain other powerful innovations.

VThespectreof eventually creating an autonomous non-human intelligence is so extraordinary that it risks overshadowing the debate. Yes, there areperils. But they should not obscure the huge benefits from the dawn of AI.


1*. surveillance[sə'veɪl(ə)ns] n. 监督;监视

2*. dislocation [,dɪslə(ʊ)'keɪʃ(ə)n] n. 转位;混乱;[医] 脱臼

3*. phalanx ['fælæŋks] n. 方阵;密集阵

4*. Apocalyptic [ə'pɑkə'lɪptɪk] adj. 启示录的;天启的

5. cognitive ['kɒɡnɪtɪv]adj. 认知的,认识的

6. Homo sapiens 智人(现代人的学名)

7. neurologist [,njʊə'rɒlədʒɪst] n.神经学家

8. unaligned [,ʌnə'laɪnd] adj. 不结盟的,不一致的

9. bureaucracy [,bjʊ(ə)'rɒkrəsɪ] n. 官僚机构

10. scrutiny ['skruːtɪnɪ] n. 详细审查

11. off-switch 关闭

12. compromising ['kɒmprəmaɪzɪŋ] adj. 妥协的

13. ingenuity [,ɪndʒɪ'njuːɪtɪ] n. 独创性;精巧

14*.stricture ['strɪktʃə] n. 限制,约束

15*.spectre ['spektə] n. 幽灵;妖怪;恐惧

16*.peril['perɪl] n. 危险;冒险


ISurveillanceanddislocationsare not, though, what worries Messrs Hawking, Musk and Gates, or what inspires aphalanxof futuristic AI films that Hollywood has recently unleashed onto cinema screens. Their concern is altogether more distant and moreapocalyptic: the threat of autonomous machines with superhuman cognitive capacity and interests that conflict with those ofHomo sapiens.


IISuch artificially intelligent beings are still a very long way off; indeed, it may never be possible to create them. Despite a century of poking and prodding at the brain,psychologists, neurologists,sociologists and philosophers are still a long way from an understanding of how a mind might be made—or what one is. And the business case for even limited intelligence of the general sort—the sort that has interests and autonomy—is far from clear. A car that drives itself better than its owner sounds like a boon; a car with its own ideas about where to go, less so.


IIIBut even if the prospect of what Mr Hawking calls “full” AI is still distant, it is prudent for societies to plan for how to cope. That is easier than it seems, not least because humans have been creating autonomous entities with superhuman capacities andunalignedinterests for some time. Governmentbureaucracies, markets and armies: all can do things which unaided, unorganized humans cannot. All need autonomy to function, all can take on life of their own and all can do great harm if not set up in a just manner and governed by laws and regulations.


IVThese parallels should comfort the fearful; they also suggest concrete ways for societies to develop AI safely. Just as armies need civilian oversight, markets are regulated and bureaucracies must be transparent and accountable, so AI systems must be open toscrutiny. Because systems designers cannot foresee every set of circumstances, there must also be anoff-switch. These constraints can be put in place withoutcompromisingprogress. From the nuclear bomb to traffic rules, mankind has used technicalingenuityand legalstricturesto constrain other powerful innovations.


VThespectreof eventually creating an autonomous non-human intelligence is so extraordinary that it risks overshadowing the debate. Yes, there areperils. But they should not obscure the huge benefits from the dawn of AI.


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