
China's first smart hospital launched in Guangzhou看医生,做公证等一键智能搞定


Image: Google

Believe it or not? Artificial intelligence (AI) really has quietly taken part in our life and work. No matter you go to see a doctor or open a company, it simplifies many steps in these process and helps human beings improve work efficiency.

1. China's First Smart Hospital Launched in Guangzhou

China's first smart hospital featuring artificial intelligence has opened in Guangzhou. Before patients arrive at the hospital, AI can help patients with recommendations, make appointment and payments through the WeChat account of the Guangdong Second Provincial General Hospital(广东省第二人民医院).

Image: WeChat screenshot

A smart diagnosis system also helps doctors prescribe medications.In addition to paying for bills online, patients can also establish their medical profile through facial recognition on WeChat.

AI reduces the time of patient inquiries by as much as 50%, and can diagnose around 90% of illnesses that are treated at community clinics, according to the hospital's deputy chief Li Guanming. Li says they are drafting a guideline on AI application for all major hospitals in Guangdong Province.

2. Guangzhou launched China's first smart notarization platform

March 28th, Guangzhou Justice Bureau launched its smart online notarization mini-program (广州智慧公证) on WeChat.

Image: WeChat screenshot

With AI technology, the platform supports users to finish the whole notarization procedure online, including inquiries, application, identity verification, review, document verification, online payment, etc. The graphic below is how these procedures work with AI assistance.

3. New requirement: finishing facial recognition before opening a company

According to a document released by State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the PRC in 2017, a new digital system for company registration to be launched nationwide.

Image: State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the PRC

In short half a year, Guangzhou local government requires all the domestic-funded and unlimited companies to meet this requirement, before opening a company, shareholders must download a special App on their phone to finish facial recognition and real name verification.

With the wide use of its digital system, officers can easier identify whether a company's registered address meet the requirement, the virtual address is no longer easy to pass the AI analysis.

Source: Chinaplus, CNN, HiTouch

Editor: Kinny

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