
Call For Papers of IGA&Mesh 2018

The International Symposium on Isogeometric Analysis and Mesh Generation will take place in Dalian, China, August 3-5, 2018. The symposium will offer a valuable opportunity for researchers to present their latest research findings, ideas, developments and applications in isogeometric analysis and meshing. It consists of invited and contributed presentations dealing with all aspects of IGA and Meshing. In addition, it includes keynote presentations given byThomas J.R. Hughes,Thomas W. Sederberg,Herbert Edelsbrunner,Konrad Polthier,Michael A. Scott,Suzanne M. Shontzand other world renowned researchers in the field. For more information, please visithttp://igam2018.dlut.edu.cn

The symposium covers a range of topics on the fundamental theories, numerical schemes, algorithmic design and practical applications of Isogeometric Analysis, advanced Mesh Generation in the context of Computer-Aided Geometric Design, Digital Geometric Processing, Computational Geometry, Computer Aided Engineering, Computational Mechanics and related research fields. The topics range from discrete geometric theories, mesh generation algorithms, to real applications in manufacture industry. The list of suggested topics includes but is not limited to:

Isogeometric Analysis

Volumetric Spline Fitting

Surface Spline Fitting

Extraordinary Point Analysis

Quad-Mesh Generation

Hex-Mesh Generation

Unstructured Mesh Generation

Topological Optimization

Geometry processing applications

Surface parameterization

Shape matching and comparison

Dynamic Surface Tracking

Shape analysis and retrieval

Applications to Computer Graphics

Applications to Computational Geometry

Application to Computer Vision

Applications to Medicine (e.g., brain and neuro-imageanalysis)

Extended Abstracts should be submitted electronically through the EasyChair system https://easychair.org/cfp/igam2018. Both original research papers and excellent works published in top journals are welcomed. For each accepted extended abstract, at least one author is required to register and attend the symposium. Among all the papers presented in the symposium, some will be selected and invited for submission to special issues of some prestigious journal (Graphical Models https://www.journals.elsevier.com/graphical-models). These papers must contain novel results that have been neither reported before nor concurrently submitted to other journal or conference with proceedings.

Important dates:

Extended Abstract Submission:

June 10, 2018


July 1, 2018


August 3-5, 2018

Selected Full Paper Submission:

August 21, 2018

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