
VPN Connection Failed……!What is Next?

Source: Jobtube

Since last Friday, users in different regions reported VPN connectioin slow down or failure. Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Beijing are among the most affected regions. Nevertheless, there are few reports from these cities that VPN is still accessible.

There's no official announcement regarding this recent development. On average, more than two thirds of VPN users have reported connection problems.

What's going on?

We can only guess: It might be related to the 1) Ongoing trade war and the upcoming visit from the US negotiating team to China or 2) The world cup, as broadcasting rights and VPN access might hurt some businesses or 3) The upcoming SCO summit in Qingdao or an 4) upcoming remembrance day. After a certain date, we expect the VPN connection problem to disappear, but that might last weeks .

We use the VPN to connect with friends and family members and for academic research or googling and other stuff. It's vital part of our daily life. So here are 6 tips to help you out:

1) Browse without a VPN

Not kidding, except for Google, FB and other major blocked websites, while the VPN cannot connect, some blocked websites get unblocked and can be browsed without a VPN, so try it out, if it didn't work, go to the next tip.

2) Try PC & Mobile versions

Let's go back to the VPN. If the VPN PC version cannot connect, try the mobile version, and vice versa. Several users mentioned that while the PC version failed to connect, the mobile version could connect; or vice versa.

3) Change the VPN location

HK and USA are among the most popular locations for VPN users in China, and both locations are among the worst affected by the recent development. Try other locations to connect, this method worked for some users. Try 'Japan' location for example.

4) Upgrade your VPN

This is tricky, if your VPN cannot connect, then obviously you cannot update because the VPN website where you can get the update is not accessible. If you needed express VPN latest PC version, write down your email to our official account, we will email you the update within 48hrs.

ExpressVPN PC version latest updates

5) Web browser 'Extension'

Some VPNs like ExpressVPN have 'extension' version that works inside Google Chrome and Firefox web browsers. So if the PC and mobile versions cannot connect, try the browser 'extension' version.

6) Try another VPN

If all the above didn't work. Try other VPNs. Some of the popular VPNs are: PureVPN, NordVPN, PandaPOW, Buffered, Yoga VPN..

Follow our official account for latest updates over this VPN blockage. Please add a comment or a like to let us know the VPN status in your region.



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