





主持人:Is there a “report to Super partner” button on the network? Also does a super partner have to pay ONOT to collapse content?

Xu Ke:Yes. There will be a button that report to Super Partners. Super partners will not pay anything to collapse contents. But their works will be transparent so that everyone can check



主持人:So for now the ONO tokens are ER20 tokens. Does that mean that ONO runs on ethereum?

Xu Ke:Only ONO tokens run on Ethereum. And ONO users’ data are not running on the blockchain right now. Why not move to EOS? Since EOS is not stable right now( both RAM price and capability).



主持人:How is the ONO dApp running now? Is it on a server only or is part of it running on an EOS Testnet?

Xu Ke:Before, we planned to launch everything on EOS. But because of these factors (the official website is not launch main network, the TPS performance, the cost of RAM) and so on, we have to replan. So the current ONO is still on the centralized but open source server. But in July 26th, we will launch our own ONO testnet at the ONO conference. We will migrate the ONO to the ONO testnet. The mainnet of ONO modified the consensus mechanism and the smart contract. This ensures that we can put ONO user activities on the main chain and put all users data on the side chain.

主持人:ONO dApp现在运行得怎么样?它是仅在服务器上还是EOS测试网中运行的一部分?


主持人:Why ONO team is thinking ram is expensive and at the same time why dan is considering ram is still cheap ?

Xu Ke:Because there is a paradox. A DAPP with a huge user volume is very reasonable to launch its own main network, so why spend money on ram? If a DAPP with very little users, it’s hardly have the money to pay ram.



主持人:Will you be able to build Apps on top of the ONO blockchain like there are already on top of steemit(busy, steepshot and etc.). I have heard of “Mybox”, when will it be possible to use it?

Xu Ke:Yes. You can. Third party developers can develop their own applications on ONO blockchain or move the applications to ONO chain. ‘My box’ is an application distribution center, just like Appstore. This requires our joint efforts to bring ONO to 10 million users, inviting other developers (ONO will open a developer’s open center, including API and SDK). We need to build ONO together.


徐可:是的。您可以。第三方开发人员可以在ONO区块链上开发自己的应用程序或将应用程序迁移到ONO区块链上。 “我的盒子”是一个应用程序分发中心,就像Appstore一样。这需要我们共同努力给ONO带来1000万用户,邀请其他开发人员(ONO将开放一个开发人员的开放中心,包括API和SDK)。我们一起来建立ONO。

主持人:So, it will be a test public chain, right? So sidechain we build will be dedicated to ONO only ?

Xu Ke:Yes. No. Maybe ONO is confusing people. Because both our chain’s name and the SNS’s name are the same. The mainnet of ONOchain modified the consensus mechanism and the smart contract. This ensures that we can put ONO SNS user activities on the mainchain and put all users data on the sidechain. Sidechain is not only for ONO SNS. Matias and Mini who are from EOS Argentina is helping us on the ONO mainnet. Dafeng from EOS Asia will help with the sidechain.


徐可:是一条公共测试链。并不是。也许ONO令人困惑。因为我们区块链的名字和社交网络的名字是一样的。ONO主网修改了共识机制和智能合约,这确保了我们可以将ONO社交网络用户活动放在主链上,并将所有用户数据放在侧链上,侧链不仅适用于ONO SNS,来自EOS Argentina的Matias和Mini正在ONO主网上帮助我们建设ONO主网,来自EOS Asia的郭达峰将帮助推动侧链建设。

主持人:How long can the videos be? How can we prevent abusers like users who will share a post only and earn from it?

Xu Ke:ASAP. I can’t promise. There are huge work on the ‘to do list’. And we have small team ♀️ but we will do quicker. Reputation mechanism will continue develop. And according to the referendum result. If Reputation mechanism become stable, it will solve the problems. Reputation mechanism is OP+KYC+ users activity scores.


徐可:尽快。我不能保证。 “待办事项清单”上有大量工作。我们只有一个小团队♀️但我们会做得更快。声誉机制将继续发展,并根据公投结果。如果声誉机制变得稳定,它将解决问题。声誉机制是OP + KYC +用户活动分数。

主持人:Will the tokens in the test net remain and will be transferred to the main net? Will there be a public data source for data analysts to look at?

Xu Ke:Yes. They will. Definitely!There will be.



主持人:Will we earn on it for playing games on the platform? Why is EOSONOEOSONO a BP Candidate, if there is no plan to use the EOS mainnet?

Xu Ke:Actually there will not have games in ONO SNS. Only if the ‘my box’ is ready. But we will have games in the ONO ecosystem which built on ONOchain. But it will be another story.The question is very controversial and sharp. But in fact, firstly, EOSONO and ONO SNS are different teams, ONO SNS and ONOchain are also different teams. EOSONO will continue to contribute to the EOS ecosystem. Secondly, ONO also contributed to EOS with its community and influence. Thirdly, ONO will airdrop for the EOS holder.


徐可:实际上ONO社交网络中不会有游戏,只有’我的盒子’中才有,但我们将在ONO生态系统中建立基于ONO主网的游戏,但这将是另一个故事。这个问题很有争议而且尖锐,事实上,首先,eosono和ONO社交网络是不同的团队,ONO 社交网络和ONO主网也是不同的团队,eosono将继续为EOS生态系统做出贡献;其次,ONO也以其社区和影响力为EOS做出了贡献;第三,ONO将会对EOS持有人空投。

主持人:What are the other uses of ONOT?

Xu Ke:First of all, we know that people in the community are very confused recently because we have released the latest ONO ecosystem. I don’t think it has been well translated. I will double check the English version.

If answer what other uses of ONOT, I have to explain the ecosystem.

1.ONO mainnet is the most powerful decentralized application infrastructure, improved from EOS.

2.ONO SNS is not only be a social network, but also a highway of ecosystem,user Flow center. It will cover ONO citizen KYC, voting, multi currency wallet, community, instant messaging, my box (diversity Applications).

Developers can not only launch their tokens on the ONOchain, ONOT will also be used for fundraising and investment. But also, developers can Launch their own DAPPs, ONOSNS will give them the users growth support.

All members of the ONO ecosystem need to give dividends to ONOT holders once they are profitable.

The holders of ONOT will not only use ONOt to trade, use (for example, buy apps, reward contents) in the ONO ecosystem , but also will have share out bonus like shareholder. It will help people get more holding motivation.




1. ONO主网是最强大的分散式应用基础设施,从EOS改进而来

2. ONO社交网络不仅是一个社交网络,是这个生态系统的高速公路,用户中心。它将涵盖ONO公民KYC,投票,多币种钱包,社区,即时通讯,我的盒子(多种应用程序)。







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