







使用教材:最全最棒的帮助文件。由于帮助文件全部为英文,为了增加学员对ABAQUS帮助文件的使用技能,提高英语水平,因此学习采用帮助文件中的《GETTING STARTED WITH ABAQUS: INTERACTIVE EDITION》。总共十四个案例,两天学习一个,一个月时间学完。如果觉得英文为难的同学,可在网上搜索下载庄茁老师的相关ABAQUS书籍电子版配合使用,有该部分内容的中文翻译,但因为软件版本的更迭而略有差异。







1. Introduction

The Abaqus products 1.1

Getting started with Abaqus 1.2

Abaqus documentation 1.3

Getting help 1.4

Support 1.5

A quick review of the finite element method 1.6

Getting Started 1.7

2. Abaqus Basics

Components of an Abaqus analysis model 2.1

Introduction to Abaqus/CAE 2.2

Example: creating a model of an overhead hoist 2.3

Comparison of implicit and explicit procedures 2.4

Summary 2.5

3. Finite Elements and Rigid Bodies

Finite elements 3.1

Rigid bodies 3.2

Summary 3.3

4. Using Continuum Elements

Element formulation and integration 4.1

Selecting continuum elements 4.2

Example: connecting lug 4.3

Mesh convergence 4.4

Related Abaqus examples 4.5

Suggested reading 4.6

Summary 4.7

5. Using Shell Elements

Element geometry 5.1

Shell formulation – thick or thin 5.2

Shell material directions 5.3

Selecting shell elements 5.4

Example: skew plate 5.5

Related Abaqus examples 5.6

Suggested reading 5.7

Summary 5.8

6. Using Beam Elements

Beam cross-section geometry 6.1

Formulation and integration 6.2

Selecting beam elements 6.3

Example: cargo crane 6.4

Related Abaqus examples 6.5

Suggested reading 6.6

Summary 6.7

7. Linear Dynamics

Introduction 7.1

Damping 7.2

Element selection 7.3

Mesh design for dynamics 7.4

Example: cargo crane under dynamic loading 7.5

Effect of the number of modes 7.6

Effect of damping 7.7

Comparison with direct time integration 7.8

Other dynamic procedures 7.9

Related Abaqus examples 7.10

Suggested reading 7.11

Summary 7.12

8. Nonlinearity

Sources of nonlinearity 8.1

The solution of nonlinear problems 8.2

Including nonlinearity in an Abaqus analysis 8.3

Example: nonlinear skew plate 8.4

Related Abaqus examples 8.5

Suggested reading 8.6

Summary 8.7

9. Nonlinear Explicit Dynamics

Types of problems suited for Abaqus/Explicit 9.1

Explicit dynamic finite element methods 9.2

Automatic time incrementation and stability 9.3

Example: stress wave propagation in a bar 9.4

Damping of dynamic oscillations 9.5

Energy balance 9.6

Summary 9.7

10. Materials

Defining materials in Abaqus 10.1

Plasticity in ductile metals 10.2

Selecting elements for elastic-plastic problems 10.3

Example: connecting lug with plasticity 10.4

Example: blast loading on a stiffened plate 10.5

Hyperelasticity 10.6

Example: axisymmetric mount 10.7

Mesh design for large distortions 10.8

Techniques for reducing volumetric locking 10.9

Related Abaqus examples 10.10

Suggested reading 10.11

Summary 10.12

11. Multiple Step Analysis

General analysis procedures 11.1

Linear perturbation analysis 11.2

Example: vibration of a piping system 11.3

Restart analysis 11.4

Example: restarting the pipe vibration analysis 11.5

Related Abaqus examples 11.6

Summary 11.7

12. Contact

Overview of contact capabilities in Abaqus 12.1

Defining surfaces 12.2

Interaction between surfaces 12.3

Defining contact in Abaqus/Standard 12.4

Modeling issues for rigid surfaces in Abaqus/Standard 12.5

Abaqus/Standard 2D example: forming a channel 12.6

General contact in Abaqus/Standard 12.7

Abaqus/Standard 3D example: shearing of a lap joint 12.8

Defining contact in Abaqus/Explicit 12.9

Modeling considerations in Abaqus/Explicit 12.10

Abaqus/Explicit example: circuit board drop test 12.11

Compatibility between Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit 12.12

Related Abaqus examples 12.13

Suggested reading 12.14

Summary 12.15

13. Quasi-Static Analysis with Abaqus/Explicit

Analogy for explicit dynamics 13.1

Loading rates 13.2

Mass scaling 13.3

Energy balance 13.4

Example: forming a channel in Abaqus/Explicit 13.5

Summary 13.6

A. Example Files

Overhead hoist frame A.1

Connecting lug A.2

Skew plate A.3

Cargo crane A.4

Cargo crane – dynamic loading A.5

Nonlinear skew plate A.6

Stress wave propagation in a bar A.7

Connecting lug with plasticity A.8

Blast loading on a stiffened plate A.9

Axisymmetric mount A.10

Vibration of a piping system A.11

Forming a channel A.12

Shearing of a lap joint A.13

Circuit board drop test A.14

B. Creating and Analyzing a Simple Model in Abaqus/CAE

Understanding Abaqus/CAE modules B.1

Understanding the Model Tree B.2

Creating a part B.3

Creating a material B.4

Defining and assigning section properties B.5

Assembling the model B.6

Defining your analysis steps B.7

Applying a boundary condition and a load to the model B.8

Meshing the model B.9

Creating and submitting an analysis job B.10

Viewing the results of your analysis B.11

Summary B.12

C. Using Additional Techniques to Create and Analyze a Model in Abaqus/CAE

Overview C.1

Creating the first hinge piece C.2

Assigning section properties to the hinge part C.3

Creating and modifying a second hinge piece C.4

Creating the pin C.5

Assembling the model C.6

Defining analysis steps C.7

Creating surfaces to use in contact interactions C.8

Defining contact between regions of the model C.9

Applying boundary conditions and loads to the assembly C.10

Meshing the assembly C.11

Creating and submitting a job C.12

Viewing the results of your analysis C.13

Summary C.14

D. Viewing the Output from Your Analysis

Overview D.1

Which variables are in the output database? D.2

Reading the output database D.3

Customizing a model plot D.4

Displaying the deformed model shape D.5

Displaying and customizing a contour plot D.6

Animating a contour plot D.7

Displaying and customizing a symbol plot D.8

Displaying and customizing a material orientation plot D.9

Displaying and customizing an X–Y plot D.10

Operating on X–Y data D.11

Probing an X–Y plot D.12

Displaying results along a path D.13

Summary D.14

E. Flow through a bent tube

Overview E.1

Creating the model for the fluid flow analysis E.2

Creating a CFD analysis job for the fluid flow analysis E.3

Running and monitoring the CFD analysis E.4

Viewing the CFD analysis results E.5

Creating the fluid model for the fluid-structure interaction analysis E.6

Creating the structural model for the fluid-structure interaction analysis E.7

Creating a co-simulation job for the fluid-structure interaction analysis E.8

Running and monitoring the fluid-structure co-simulation analysis E.9

Viewing the fluid-structure co-simulation analysis results E.10

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