
Canton Tower S&T Conference to be Held in October 快来小蛮腰参加AI盛会!


Co-hosted by the International Data Group and the Guangzhou Science Technology and Innovation Commission, the 2018 Canton Tower Science & Technology Conference, a summit for mobile developers and AI specialists, will be held in Guangzhou on Oct 11 and 12. According to STC official website, this year's theme is World Construction. The conference will gather hundreds of experts from home and abroad in one theme forum and 11parallel forums to give presentations on how AI can accelerate industrial reform.

The conference, an extension of Android World, has been successfully held six times in the past, and has now developed into a well-known global event. Based on AI, information technology and mobile internet platforms, it allows domestic manufacturers to explore frontier technologies and new business models, to upgrade intelligent terminals and mobile apps, and to gain more opportunities of win-win cooperation. Moreover, it promotes the extensive application of mobile app software and intelligent hardware in all economic fields to greet the era of AI.

The founder and CEO of Aibee, Lin Yuanqing, also the head of Baidu Research Institute, will deliver a keynote speech about AI technical perfection and traditional industrial upgrading. The head of 360 AI Research Institute, chief scientist, Yan Shuicheng will share the current status and application situation of AI in China, followed by a question and answer session on the subject of collaborative intelligence.

Conference Information


Location:Intercontinental Hotel, Guangzhou, China

Host:International Data Group (IDG)

Exhibition Sections:

1. Main Theme Exhibition Area

2. Intelligent Terminal Exhibition Area

3. Mobile App Interconnection Area

4. Exhibition Area for Developers

5. Commercial Area for Investment and Finance

  • 发表于:
  • 原文链接https://kuaibao.qq.com/s/20181009A1LNLW00?refer=cp_1026
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