

AI 艺术家:周乐

AI Artist:Aven Le Zhou

上海纽约大学交互媒体艺术系,前驻留研究员、现任顾问兼任教。AI赋能创意设计组织-ART MACHINES 创始人。


He was a resident search fellow at Interactive Media Arts, New York University, Shanghai and now teaches in said program. Founder of AI augmented creativity and art studio-ART MACHINES.

His artworks and research interests spreads in interactive media, generative art, and machine vision for arts applications. He recently focuses on utilizing artificial intelligence/machine learning to create art and design.


“乐山爱水”语出《洛阳伽蓝记》,原指一个人热爱自然,寄情山水。本次个展以之为题,“山水”指中国山水画,“爱”谐音AI(Artificial Intelligence),展览中涉及到艺术家周乐的独立研究项目和系列装置计划“达达”(DaDA:Design and Draw with AI),其意在探索人工智能在传统语境中由人类主导的创造进程一如绘画、设计中的可能性。达达山水以山水这一独特的东方传统艺术形式训练的人工智能,致力于再次赋能现代人使用山水这一艺术媒介进行表达的能力。





TheLoveof Shanshui

AI(Artificial Intelligence) in Chinese Pinyin means Love. Shanshui has dual meanings, the nature(mountain and water) or the Chinese ink wash painting. As to his independent research project and series installations DaDA, short for Design and Draw with AI, is a series of explorations that seek to find AI's role in traditionally human creativity centered areas such as design and draw.

Dada Shanshui are dedicated to enabling modern people to express using the artistic media Shanshui, a unique eastern traditional art form based in AI "Shanshui DaDA" will be presented in four different forms and mediums. An interview video, a hand-crafted collection book, two interactive installations based on touch screen and tablet. The other three is also very related.

"The Spirit of Shanshui", as a prequel or a supplementary piece to "Shanshui-DaDA", it utilizes visual simulation to express the artist's opinion- the spirit of Shanshui has always been there and the missing part is just the technique to draw Shanshui, and Shanshui-DaDA will help us to express and continue this eastern tradition.

"Walking though Shanshui" as an extension and explanation of "Shanshui-DaDA', attempts to connect the experience of walk and travel with the creation of Shanshui. Shanshui represents the nature in a semi-abstract way, a long scroll of Shanshui will even has multiple perspectives and consequently change based on the content. It's more a collage of journeys or even imaginations. This installation will record the walking experience and preset with Shanshui painting.

The last piece, "Chasing you!" originates from the artist's most recent critical thinking: Should the machines gain their own identity and authority?



01 山水精神


Artist:周乐 | AVEN LE ZHOU

Year: 2019


智能粒子系统, 深度追踪系统,定制代码和软件,Kinect和显示屏 |Smart Particle System, Depth Capturing System, Custom Code&Software, Kinect and Screen



“The Spirit of Shanshui” is an interactive installation. When participants get into the interacting area, abstract geometry symbolized for mountain and water will generate real-time from/upon their head and jump, bounce and fall. This installation works as a prequel or a supplementary piece to “Shanshui-DaDA”, it utilizes visual simulation to express the artist’s opinion- the spirit of Shanshui has always been there and the missing part is just the technique to draw Shanshui, and Shanshui-DaDA will help us to express and continue this eastern tradition.




Title:《达达山水》| SHANSHUI-DADA

Artist:周乐 | AVEN LE ZHOU

Year: 2018


人工智能,CycleGAN,定制山水画数据集,定制代码和软件,无线投射屏幕和触控平板电脑 | Artificial Intelligence, CycleGAN, Custom Shanshui Dataset, Customized Code and Software, Wireless Projection Screen and Tablet


《达达山水》是一个交互式人工智能。在这件装置里,参与者信手几笔勾勒出胸中山水意境,达达山水将辅助创造一幅中国水墨山水。“达达”(DaDA:Design and Draw with AI)是作者的独立研究项目和系列装置计划,意在探索人工智能在传统语境中由人类绝对主导的创造进程--如绘画、设计中的可能性。透过辨析创作者和人工智能的角色关系,这件作品希望探讨并回答“AI能否创造甚至和我们合作创造,乃至辅助、增强我们的创造力?” 而选择山水这一独特的东方传统艺术形式训练的人工智能,达达山水致力于再次赋能现代人使用山水这一艺术媒介进行表达的能力。

Shanshui -DaDA is an interactive artificial intelligence. This installation utilizes AI technology in helping amateur participants realize traditional style Chinese landscape paintings. The audience is invited to sketch the a simple line drawing representation of their ideal landscape painting in the software interface, through calculation, DaDA will generate a Chinese Shanshui painting based on the structures drawn by the user. Shanshui -DaDA is the first of a series of explorations that seek to find AI’s role in traditionally human creativity centered areas. By way of challenging the creator’s conventional position, the artist poses the questions: Can we design AI to better collaborate with and facilitate, even enhance human creativity?

03 行走的山水


Artist:周乐 | AVEN LE ZHOU

Year: 2019


人工智能,达达山水,颜色追踪系统,定制代码和软件,Webcam和显示屏| Smart Particle System, Color Tracking System, CustomCode& Software, Webcam and Screen



“Walking through Shanshui” as an interactive installation is an extension and explanation of “Shanshui-DaDA”. Participants will put on the hat artist prepared and walk in the interacting zone. The system will track and record the path on a canvas, send the sketch to Shanshui-DaDA and create a Chinese Shanshui accordingly. Shanshui represents the nature in a semi-abstract way, a long scroll of Shanshui will even has multiple perspectives and consequently change based on the content. It’s more a collage of journeys or even imaginations.To connect the experience and the creation of Shanshui becomes the initial goal.



04 追逐

Title:《追逐》| CHASING YOU!

Artist:周乐 | AVEN LE ZHOU

Year: 2019

Medium:智能粒子系统,面部追踪系统,定制代码和软件,摄像头和显示屏| Smart Particle System, Face Tracking System, CustomCode& Software, Webcam and Screen


《追逐》是一个智能粒子系统和交互装置。观众者步入空间,系统会“看到”并且“跟随”他们的面部并将以特定的动态绘画的方式呈现。相较于让参与者主导(和机器)的交互或者去控制系统,艺术家在这里反转机器和人的权利、由机器去“追逐”人类参与者,并借此提出问题:在和人类的共处中,机器能否以及是否应当拥有自治、自主权?这件装置由三个分系统构成,每部分都包含独立的智能粒子系统和面部追踪系统去“追逐”并呈现观众的面部。其呈现的方式各异并分别使用计算机图形中的三个原始元素— 点、线和面。

“Chasing You!” is a smart particle system and interactive installation. When audiences walk in the space, the system “sees” and “follows” their faces then present them as a dynamic painting. Rather than participants conduct the interaction or control the system, the artist tries to grant the smart agent right to “chase” human player and poses the question: Should and could machines own authority in the relationship with human? The installation consists of 3 sub-systems. Each is a smart particle system collaborate with a face tracking unit to chase human faces, the drawing styles varies and utilize the primary computer graphic elements dot, line and surface accordingly.



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  • 原文链接https://kuaibao.qq.com/s/20190209G0DDXT00?refer=cp_1026
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