

今天继续分享经济学人文章“A different dystopia: July 2030”精读笔记。一起读外刊,学英语,看世界。




But these dire forecasts did not come to pass, for two reasons. First, AI failed to advance as quickly as some people thought it would. In 2018 Rodney Brooks, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), forecast that driverless-car services comparable to conventional taxis were unlikely before 2032 and that a robot which could navigate its way around the steps and clutter of an ordinary home would not become widespread until 2035. With just a few years to go, he seems likely to be proved right on both counts. During the 2020s robots powered by AI became more widespread, changing many industries and taking over repetitive jobs. But they were not cheap and still cannot handle many tasks requiring human discretion or empathy. In nursing and social care, in particular, robots are not up to the job.

(1) But these dire forecasts did not come to pass, for two reasons. First, AI failed to advance as quickly as some people thought it would.

dire:extremely serious or terrible极其严重的,极可怕的

come to pass 实现,发生

fail to do sth. 未能…… 未做到……

(2)In 2018 Rodney Brooks, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), forecast that driverless-car services comparable to conventional taxis were unlikely before 2032 and that a robot which could navigate its way around the steps and clutter of an ordinary home would not become widespread until 2035.

长句分析:是状语,是主语,是的同位语,是介词短语作professor的定语,是主句谓语,是that引导的宾语从句,作forecast的宾语,forecast与第二段的predict是同义替换,是形容词词组作driverless-car services的后置定语,是宾语从句的谓语部分,that引导的另一个宾语从句,同样作forecast的宾语,是which引导的定语从句,修饰限定robot,是宾语从句的谓语部分。

driverless-car 无人驾驶汽车

例句1:Driverless carsare proving harder to develop than most people expected. 无人驾驶汽车的开发比大多数人预期的更难。

例句2:Today the country is at the global frontier of new technology in everything from mobile payments todriverless cars. 如今,从移动支付到无人驾驶汽车,中国在方方面面都处于全球新技术的前沿。

comparable:being equally important, good, bad etc〔重要性、好坏等〕同等的,可相提并论的

例句:唐弢《故乡的雨》中,“可是跑到外面,没有山,没有湖,也没有经雨的嫩绿的叶子,一切都不及晴天好”:While in the open, seeing no mountains, nor lakes, nor rain-drenched soft green leaves, you'll find nothingcomparableto a fine day.

(3)With just a few years to go, he seems likely to be proved right on both counts. During the 2020s robots powered by AI became more widespread, changing many industries and taking over repetitive jobs. But they were not cheap and still cannot handle many tasks requiring human discretion or empathy. In nursing and social care, in particular, robots are not up to the job.

on all/several/both counts各个/几个/双方面

例句1:We might objecton both counts我们可能对这两点都不赞成

例句2:It was important that they secured a large and widespread audience. They failedon both counts. 赢得数量多、分布面广的观众对他们来说很重要,但他们这两点都没能做到。

take over接管;接收

discretion:the ability and right to decide exactly what should be done in a particular situation决断能力;处理权;酌情决定权

常用的搭配为:at somebody’s discretion (=according to someone’s decision,根据某人的决定、意愿,由某人斟酌决定),use/exercise your discretion(使用决定权)。

例句:The awards are madeat the discretion ofthe committee. 获奖者由委员会决定。

empathy:the ability to understand other people’s feelings and problems同情;同感,共鸣

up to:clever, good, or well enough to do something 胜任;有资格做;适于〔做某事〕

例句:I’m afraid Tim just isn’tup tothe job. 蒂姆怕是干不了这份工作。



Second, the 2020s showed that the level of employment depends on more than just automation: it also depends on ageing and immigration. As their populations aged, rich countries saw their workforces shrink. Many invested more in robots as they aged, and some let in more migrants, plugging some of the skills gaps and boosting productivity. Countries with relatively slow ageing and lots of robots did best. But those that underinvested in automation, or shut themselves off from the world, were hard hit.

plug the gap:to provide something that is needed, because there is not enough填补空缺

例句:With so few trained doctors, paramedics were brought in toplug the gap. 训练有素的医生很少,所以引进了医务辅助人员来填补空缺。

shut themselves off from the world 闭关锁国

shut yourself off:to avoid meeting and talking to other people把自己封闭起来





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